Research Article
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Year 2022, , 105 - 127, 15.06.2022



  • Adekoya, O. B., & Oliyide, J. A. (2020). How COVID-19 drives connectedness among commodity and financial markets: Evidence from TVP-VAR and causality-in-quantiles techniques. Resources Policy. doi: 10.1016/j. resourpol.2020.101898. google scholar
  • Adekoya, O. B., Oliyide, J. A., & Oduyemi, G. O. (2020). How COVID-19 upturns the hedging potentials of gold against oil and stock markets risks: Nonlinear evidences through threshold regression and markov-regime switching models. Resources Policy. doi: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2020.101926. google scholar
  • Al-Awadhi, A. M., Al-Saifi, K., Al-Awadhi, A., & Alhamadi, S. (2020). Death and contagious infectious diseases: Impact of the COVID-19 virus on stock market returns. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 27. doi: 10.1016/j.jbef.2020.100326. google scholar
  • Albulescu, C. (2020). Coronavirus and oil price crash. Retrieved from cfm?abstract_id=3553452. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3553452. google scholar
  • Alsaifi, K., Elnahass, M., & Salama, A. (2020). Market responses to firms’ voluntary carbon disclosure: Empirical evidence from the United Kingdom. Journal of Cleaner Production, 262. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.121377. google scholar
  • Ashraf, B. N. (2020). Stock markets’ reaction to COVID-19: Cases or fatalities? Research in International Business and Finance, 54(2020). doi: 10.1016/j.ribaf.2020.101249. google scholar
  • Baker, S. R., Bloom, N., Davis, S. J., Kost, K. J., Sammon, M. C., & Viratyosin, T. (2020). The unprecedented stock market impact of COVID-19. [Working Paper]. Retrieved from doi: 10.3386/w26945. google scholar
  • Bala, D. A., & Takimoto, T. (2017). Stock markets volatility spillovers during financial crises: A DCC-MGARCH with skewed-t density approach. Borsa İstanbul Review, 17(1), 25-48. doi: 10.1016/j.bir.2017.02.002. google scholar
  • Baltagi, B. (2005). Econometric analysis of panel data. London: John Wiley and Sons. google scholar
  • Bash, A., & Alsaifi, K. (2019). Fear from uncertainty: An event study of Khashoggi and stock market returns. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 23, 54-58. doi: 10.1016/j.jbef.2019.05.004. google scholar
  • BBC. (2020). US oil prices turn negative as demand dries up. BBC News. Retrieved from news/business-52350082 google scholar
  • Beutels, P., Jia, N., Zhou, Q. Y., Smith, R., Cao, W. C., & De Vlas, S. J. (2009). The economic impact of SARS in Beijing, China. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 14(1), 85-91. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3156.2008.02210.x. google scholar
  • Cakan, E., Doytch, N., & Upadhyaya, K. P. (2015). Does US macroeconomic news make emerging financial markets riskier? Borsa Istanbul Review, 15(1), 37-43. doi: google scholar
  • Chen, C. D., Chen, C. C., Tang, W. W., & Huang, B. Y. (2009). The positive and negative impacts of the SARS outbreak: A case of the Taiwan industries. The Journal of Developing Areas, 43(1), 281-293. doi: 10.1353/jda.0.0041. google scholar
  • Chen, M. P., Lee, C. C., Lin, Y. H., & Chen, W. Y. (2018). Did the SARS epidemic weaken the integration of Asian stock markets? Evidence from smooth time-varying cointegration analysis. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 31(1), 908-926. doi: 10.1080/1331677X.2018.1456354. google scholar
  • Chen, M.H., Jang, S. S., & Kim, W. G. (2007). The impact of the SARS outbreak on Taiwanese hotel stock performance: an event-study approach. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 26(1), 200-212. doi: google scholar
  • Devpura, N., & Narayan, P. K. (2020). Hourly oil price volatility: The role of COVID-19. Energy Research Letters, 1(2), doi: 10.46557/001c.13683. google scholar
  • Duncan, G. (2020). Coronavirus in the UAE: A Timeline of New Cases and Recoveries. The National. Retrieved from -1.985824. google scholar
  • Fu, M., & Shen, H. (2020). COVID-19 and corporate performance in the energy industry. Energy Research Letters, 1(1), doi: 10.46557/001c.12967. google scholar
  • Gharib, C., Mefteh-Wali, S., & Jabeur, S. B. (2020). The bubble contagion effect of COVID-19 outbreak: Evidence from crude oil and gold markets. Finance Research Letters. doi: 10.1016/ google scholar
  • Greene, W. H. (2012). Econometric analysis. London: Pearson. google scholar
  • Guo, M., Kuai, Y., & Liu, X. (2020). Stock market response to environmental policies: Evidence from heavily polluting firms in China. Economic Modelling, 86, 306-316. doi: 10.1016/j.econmod.2019.09.028. google scholar
  • Hsiao, C. (2007). Panel data analysis—Advantages and challenges. Test, 16(1), 1-22. doi: 10.1007/s11749-007-0046-x. google scholar
  • Huang, W., & Zheng, Y. (2020). COVID-19: Structural changes in the relationship between investor sentiment and crude oil futures price. Energy Research Letters, 1(2). doi: 10.46557/001c.13685. google scholar
  • Hung, N. T. (2020). Dynamic spillover effects between oil prices and stock markets: New evidence from pre and during COVID-19 outbreak. AIMS Energy, 8(5), 819-834. doi: 10.3934/energy.2020.5.819. google scholar
  • Ichev, R., & Marino, M. (2018). Stock prices and geographic proximity of information: Evidence from the Ebola outbreak. International Review of Financial Analysis, 56, 153-166. doi: 10.1016/j.irfa.2017.12.004. google scholar
  • Iyke, B. N. (2020). COVID-19: The reaction of US oil and gas producers to the pandemic. Energy Research Letters, 1(2). doi: 10.46557/001c.13912. google scholar
  • KPMG. (2020). Government and institution measures in response to COVID-19: Bahrain. Retrieved from https://home. kpmg/xx/en/home/insights/2020/04/bahrain-government-and-institution-measures-in-response-to-covid.html. google scholar
  • Liu, H., Manzoor, A., Wang, C., Zhang, L., & Manzoor, Z. (2020). The COVID-19 outbreak and affected countries stock markets response. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(8). doi: 10.3390/ijerph17082800. google scholar
  • Liu, L., Wang, E. Z., & Lee, C. C. (2020a). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the crude oil and stock markets in the US: A time-varying analysis. Energy Research Letters, 1(1). doi: 10.46557/001c.13154. google scholar
  • Mazur, M., Dang, M., & Vega, M. (2020). COVID-19 and the march 2020 stock market crash. Evidence from S&P1500. Finance Research Letters. doi: 10.1016/ google scholar
  • Mensi, W., Sensoy, A., Vo, X. V., & Kang, S. H. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on asymmetric multifractality of gold and oil prices. Resources Policy, 69. doi: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2020.101829. google scholar
  • Mhalla, M. (2020). The impact of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on the global oil and aviation markets. Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 10(2), 96-104. doi: 10.18488/journal.2.2020.102.96.104. google scholar
  • Mukherjee, P., & Bardhan, S. (2020). Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Interactions among Stock, Gold and Oil Prices in India. Trade and Development Review, 13(1), 33-56. Retrieved from article/view/127. google scholar
  • Narayan, P. K. (2020). Oil price news and COVID-19—Is there any connection?. Energy Research Letters, 1(1). doi: 10.46557/001c.13176. google scholar
  • OECD. (2020). COVID-19 Crisis Response in MENA Countries. Retrieved from policy-responses/covid-19-crisis-response-in-mena-countries-4b366396/. google scholar
  • Ozili, P. K., & Arun, T. (2020). Spillover of COVID-19: impact on the Global Economy. Retrieved from https:// doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3562570. google scholar
  • Prabheesh, K. P., Garg, B., & Padhan, R. (2020). Time-varying dependence between stock markets and oil prices during COVID-19: The case of net oil-exporting countries. Economics Bulletin, 40(3), 2408-2418. Retrieved from google scholar
  • Prabheesh, K. P., Padhan, R., & Garg, B. (2020). COVID-19 and the oil price-stock market nexus: Evidence from net oil-importing countries. Energy Research Letters, 1(2). doi: 10.46557/001c.13745. google scholar
  • Sakurai, Y., & Kurosaki, T. (2020). How has the relationship between oil and the US stock market changed after the Covid-19 crisis?. Finance Research Letters, 37. doi: 10.1016/ google scholar
  • Salisu, A. A., Ebuh, G. U., & Usman, N. (2020). Revisiting oil-stock nexus during COVID-19 pandemic: Some preliminary results. International Review of Economics & Finance, 69, 280-294. doi: 10.1016/j.iref.2020.06.023. google scholar
  • Shanaev, S., & Ghimire, B. (2019). Is all politics local? Regional political risk in Russia and the panel of stock returns. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 21, 70-82. doi: 10.1016/j.jbef.2018.11.002. google scholar
  • Sharif, A., Aloui, C., & Yarovaya, L. (2020). COVID-19 pandemic, oil prices, stock market, geopolitical risk and policy uncertainty nexus in the US economy: Fresh evidence from the wavelet-based approach. International Review of Financial Analysis, 70. doi: 10.1016/j.irfa.2020.101496. google scholar
  • Zhang, D., Hu, M., & Ji, Q. (2020). Financial markets under the global pandemic of COVID-19. Finance Research Letters, 36. doi: 10.1016/ google scholar

How Do the Crises of Falling Oil Prices and COVID-19 Affect Economic Sectors in the Rentier Economies? Evidence from the GCC Countries

Year 2022, , 105 - 127, 15.06.2022


This study analyses the impacts of unprecedented falling oil prices and the COVID-19 outbreak in early 2020 on the stock markets of GCC countries – countries considered as natural resources-based rentier economies. To this end, the research uses daily data for 295 companies under the categories of services, industrial, and financial sectors in GCC countries from January 1, 2020, to February 23, 2021. The analysis was conducted over two phases. The first phase extended from January 1, 2020, to July 30, 2020, while the second phase extended from August 01, 2020, to February 23, 2021. The research utilised 18 random effect models in each phase to capture the impact of the oil price crisis and COVID-19 outbreak on each economic sector in each of the GCC countries. This study’s findings reveal that the decline in oil prices and the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic were strong in the first phase, while this impact diminished in most economic sectors in the Gulf countries in the second phase. However, the GCC countries have not been impacted equally by the crisis of falling oil prices and the COVID-19 outbreak. The results show that the hardest-hit countries are Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Qatar, respectively, while the least impacted countries are Oman, Bahrain, and Kuwait. Furthermore, the sector-wise analysis results reveal that the industrial sector in Saudi Arabia is the sector most affected by the oil price crisis, and the financial sector in Saudi Arabia is the sector most impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak in the GCC countries.


  • Adekoya, O. B., & Oliyide, J. A. (2020). How COVID-19 drives connectedness among commodity and financial markets: Evidence from TVP-VAR and causality-in-quantiles techniques. Resources Policy. doi: 10.1016/j. resourpol.2020.101898. google scholar
  • Adekoya, O. B., Oliyide, J. A., & Oduyemi, G. O. (2020). How COVID-19 upturns the hedging potentials of gold against oil and stock markets risks: Nonlinear evidences through threshold regression and markov-regime switching models. Resources Policy. doi: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2020.101926. google scholar
  • Al-Awadhi, A. M., Al-Saifi, K., Al-Awadhi, A., & Alhamadi, S. (2020). Death and contagious infectious diseases: Impact of the COVID-19 virus on stock market returns. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 27. doi: 10.1016/j.jbef.2020.100326. google scholar
  • Albulescu, C. (2020). Coronavirus and oil price crash. Retrieved from cfm?abstract_id=3553452. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3553452. google scholar
  • Alsaifi, K., Elnahass, M., & Salama, A. (2020). Market responses to firms’ voluntary carbon disclosure: Empirical evidence from the United Kingdom. Journal of Cleaner Production, 262. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.121377. google scholar
  • Ashraf, B. N. (2020). Stock markets’ reaction to COVID-19: Cases or fatalities? Research in International Business and Finance, 54(2020). doi: 10.1016/j.ribaf.2020.101249. google scholar
  • Baker, S. R., Bloom, N., Davis, S. J., Kost, K. J., Sammon, M. C., & Viratyosin, T. (2020). The unprecedented stock market impact of COVID-19. [Working Paper]. Retrieved from doi: 10.3386/w26945. google scholar
  • Bala, D. A., & Takimoto, T. (2017). Stock markets volatility spillovers during financial crises: A DCC-MGARCH with skewed-t density approach. Borsa İstanbul Review, 17(1), 25-48. doi: 10.1016/j.bir.2017.02.002. google scholar
  • Baltagi, B. (2005). Econometric analysis of panel data. London: John Wiley and Sons. google scholar
  • Bash, A., & Alsaifi, K. (2019). Fear from uncertainty: An event study of Khashoggi and stock market returns. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 23, 54-58. doi: 10.1016/j.jbef.2019.05.004. google scholar
  • BBC. (2020). US oil prices turn negative as demand dries up. BBC News. Retrieved from news/business-52350082 google scholar
  • Beutels, P., Jia, N., Zhou, Q. Y., Smith, R., Cao, W. C., & De Vlas, S. J. (2009). The economic impact of SARS in Beijing, China. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 14(1), 85-91. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3156.2008.02210.x. google scholar
  • Cakan, E., Doytch, N., & Upadhyaya, K. P. (2015). Does US macroeconomic news make emerging financial markets riskier? Borsa Istanbul Review, 15(1), 37-43. doi: google scholar
  • Chen, C. D., Chen, C. C., Tang, W. W., & Huang, B. Y. (2009). The positive and negative impacts of the SARS outbreak: A case of the Taiwan industries. The Journal of Developing Areas, 43(1), 281-293. doi: 10.1353/jda.0.0041. google scholar
  • Chen, M. P., Lee, C. C., Lin, Y. H., & Chen, W. Y. (2018). Did the SARS epidemic weaken the integration of Asian stock markets? Evidence from smooth time-varying cointegration analysis. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 31(1), 908-926. doi: 10.1080/1331677X.2018.1456354. google scholar
  • Chen, M.H., Jang, S. S., & Kim, W. G. (2007). The impact of the SARS outbreak on Taiwanese hotel stock performance: an event-study approach. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 26(1), 200-212. doi: google scholar
  • Devpura, N., & Narayan, P. K. (2020). Hourly oil price volatility: The role of COVID-19. Energy Research Letters, 1(2), doi: 10.46557/001c.13683. google scholar
  • Duncan, G. (2020). Coronavirus in the UAE: A Timeline of New Cases and Recoveries. The National. Retrieved from -1.985824. google scholar
  • Fu, M., & Shen, H. (2020). COVID-19 and corporate performance in the energy industry. Energy Research Letters, 1(1), doi: 10.46557/001c.12967. google scholar
  • Gharib, C., Mefteh-Wali, S., & Jabeur, S. B. (2020). The bubble contagion effect of COVID-19 outbreak: Evidence from crude oil and gold markets. Finance Research Letters. doi: 10.1016/ google scholar
  • Greene, W. H. (2012). Econometric analysis. London: Pearson. google scholar
  • Guo, M., Kuai, Y., & Liu, X. (2020). Stock market response to environmental policies: Evidence from heavily polluting firms in China. Economic Modelling, 86, 306-316. doi: 10.1016/j.econmod.2019.09.028. google scholar
  • Hsiao, C. (2007). Panel data analysis—Advantages and challenges. Test, 16(1), 1-22. doi: 10.1007/s11749-007-0046-x. google scholar
  • Huang, W., & Zheng, Y. (2020). COVID-19: Structural changes in the relationship between investor sentiment and crude oil futures price. Energy Research Letters, 1(2). doi: 10.46557/001c.13685. google scholar
  • Hung, N. T. (2020). Dynamic spillover effects between oil prices and stock markets: New evidence from pre and during COVID-19 outbreak. AIMS Energy, 8(5), 819-834. doi: 10.3934/energy.2020.5.819. google scholar
  • Ichev, R., & Marino, M. (2018). Stock prices and geographic proximity of information: Evidence from the Ebola outbreak. International Review of Financial Analysis, 56, 153-166. doi: 10.1016/j.irfa.2017.12.004. google scholar
  • Iyke, B. N. (2020). COVID-19: The reaction of US oil and gas producers to the pandemic. Energy Research Letters, 1(2). doi: 10.46557/001c.13912. google scholar
  • KPMG. (2020). Government and institution measures in response to COVID-19: Bahrain. Retrieved from https://home. kpmg/xx/en/home/insights/2020/04/bahrain-government-and-institution-measures-in-response-to-covid.html. google scholar
  • Liu, H., Manzoor, A., Wang, C., Zhang, L., & Manzoor, Z. (2020). The COVID-19 outbreak and affected countries stock markets response. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(8). doi: 10.3390/ijerph17082800. google scholar
  • Liu, L., Wang, E. Z., & Lee, C. C. (2020a). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the crude oil and stock markets in the US: A time-varying analysis. Energy Research Letters, 1(1). doi: 10.46557/001c.13154. google scholar
  • Mazur, M., Dang, M., & Vega, M. (2020). COVID-19 and the march 2020 stock market crash. Evidence from S&P1500. Finance Research Letters. doi: 10.1016/ google scholar
  • Mensi, W., Sensoy, A., Vo, X. V., & Kang, S. H. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on asymmetric multifractality of gold and oil prices. Resources Policy, 69. doi: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2020.101829. google scholar
  • Mhalla, M. (2020). The impact of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on the global oil and aviation markets. Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 10(2), 96-104. doi: 10.18488/journal.2.2020.102.96.104. google scholar
  • Mukherjee, P., & Bardhan, S. (2020). Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Interactions among Stock, Gold and Oil Prices in India. Trade and Development Review, 13(1), 33-56. Retrieved from article/view/127. google scholar
  • Narayan, P. K. (2020). Oil price news and COVID-19—Is there any connection?. Energy Research Letters, 1(1). doi: 10.46557/001c.13176. google scholar
  • OECD. (2020). COVID-19 Crisis Response in MENA Countries. Retrieved from policy-responses/covid-19-crisis-response-in-mena-countries-4b366396/. google scholar
  • Ozili, P. K., & Arun, T. (2020). Spillover of COVID-19: impact on the Global Economy. Retrieved from https:// doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3562570. google scholar
  • Prabheesh, K. P., Garg, B., & Padhan, R. (2020). Time-varying dependence between stock markets and oil prices during COVID-19: The case of net oil-exporting countries. Economics Bulletin, 40(3), 2408-2418. Retrieved from google scholar
  • Prabheesh, K. P., Padhan, R., & Garg, B. (2020). COVID-19 and the oil price-stock market nexus: Evidence from net oil-importing countries. Energy Research Letters, 1(2). doi: 10.46557/001c.13745. google scholar
  • Sakurai, Y., & Kurosaki, T. (2020). How has the relationship between oil and the US stock market changed after the Covid-19 crisis?. Finance Research Letters, 37. doi: 10.1016/ google scholar
  • Salisu, A. A., Ebuh, G. U., & Usman, N. (2020). Revisiting oil-stock nexus during COVID-19 pandemic: Some preliminary results. International Review of Economics & Finance, 69, 280-294. doi: 10.1016/j.iref.2020.06.023. google scholar
  • Shanaev, S., & Ghimire, B. (2019). Is all politics local? Regional political risk in Russia and the panel of stock returns. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 21, 70-82. doi: 10.1016/j.jbef.2018.11.002. google scholar
  • Sharif, A., Aloui, C., & Yarovaya, L. (2020). COVID-19 pandemic, oil prices, stock market, geopolitical risk and policy uncertainty nexus in the US economy: Fresh evidence from the wavelet-based approach. International Review of Financial Analysis, 70. doi: 10.1016/j.irfa.2020.101496. google scholar
  • Zhang, D., Hu, M., & Ji, Q. (2020). Financial markets under the global pandemic of COVID-19. Finance Research Letters, 36. doi: 10.1016/ google scholar
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Research Articles

Hazem Al Samman This is me 0000-0001-9377-1004

Erhan Akkaş 0000-0002-7370-6050

Publication Date June 15, 2022
Submission Date December 28, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Al Samman, H., & Akkaş, E. (2022). How Do the Crises of Falling Oil Prices and COVID-19 Affect Economic Sectors in the Rentier Economies? Evidence from the GCC Countries. Journal of Economy Culture and Society(65), 105-127.
AMA Al Samman H, Akkaş E. How Do the Crises of Falling Oil Prices and COVID-19 Affect Economic Sectors in the Rentier Economies? Evidence from the GCC Countries. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. June 2022;(65):105-127. doi:10.26650/JECS2021-848096
Chicago Al Samman, Hazem, and Erhan Akkaş. “How Do the Crises of Falling Oil Prices and COVID-19 Affect Economic Sectors in the Rentier Economies? Evidence from the GCC Countries”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 65 (June 2022): 105-27.
EndNote Al Samman H, Akkaş E (June 1, 2022) How Do the Crises of Falling Oil Prices and COVID-19 Affect Economic Sectors in the Rentier Economies? Evidence from the GCC Countries. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 65 105–127.
IEEE H. Al Samman and E. Akkaş, “How Do the Crises of Falling Oil Prices and COVID-19 Affect Economic Sectors in the Rentier Economies? Evidence from the GCC Countries”, Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 65, pp. 105–127, June 2022, doi: 10.26650/JECS2021-848096.
ISNAD Al Samman, Hazem - Akkaş, Erhan. “How Do the Crises of Falling Oil Prices and COVID-19 Affect Economic Sectors in the Rentier Economies? Evidence from the GCC Countries”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 65 (June 2022), 105-127.
JAMA Al Samman H, Akkaş E. How Do the Crises of Falling Oil Prices and COVID-19 Affect Economic Sectors in the Rentier Economies? Evidence from the GCC Countries. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2022;:105–127.
MLA Al Samman, Hazem and Erhan Akkaş. “How Do the Crises of Falling Oil Prices and COVID-19 Affect Economic Sectors in the Rentier Economies? Evidence from the GCC Countries”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 65, 2022, pp. 105-27, doi:10.26650/JECS2021-848096.
Vancouver Al Samman H, Akkaş E. How Do the Crises of Falling Oil Prices and COVID-19 Affect Economic Sectors in the Rentier Economies? Evidence from the GCC Countries. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2022(65):105-27.