Research Article
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Year 2021, , 17 - 37, 30.06.2021



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  • Bilousov, Y. (2018). Innovations and Economic Security of Ukraine (Experience of the Theory and Practice of Legal Securement). Mind the Gaps. Economical Aspects in the Legal Thinking, 11, 65—86. google scholar
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  • Cohen, W., Levinthal D., (1989) Innovation and Learning: Two Faces of R&D. Economic Journal. 99(397), 569-596. google scholar
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  • Freeman, C. (1995). The National System of Innovation in Historical Perspective. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 19(1), 5—24. google scholar
  • Guliaieva, N., Vavdiichyk, I. and Matusova, O. (2018). Investment projection of economic security. Herald of Kyiv national university of trade and economics. 6, 15—27. google scholar
  • Haber, J. A., Bukhtiarova, A., Chorna, S., Iastremska, O. and Bolgar, T. (2018). Forecasting the level of financial security of the country (on the example of Ukraine). Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 15(3), 304—317. google scholar
  • Havlovska, N., Pokotylova, V., Korpan, O., Rudnichenko, Ye., Sokyrnyk, I. (2019). Modeling of the process of functioning of the mechanism of economic security of foreign economic activity of enterprise taking into account weak signals and identification of risks and threats. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 8(12), 2216—2522. google scholar
  • Hellwig, Z. (1968). Zastosowanie metody taksonomicznej do typologicznego podzialu krajow ze wzglçdu na poziom ich rozwoju oraz zasoby i strukturç wykwalifikowanych kadr. Przeglqd Statystyczny, 4, 307—326. google scholar
  • Ilyash, O. (2015) Strategic priorities of Ukraine’s social security concept development and implementation. Economic Annals XXI, (07-08( 1)), 20—23. google scholar
  • Ilyash, O., Dzhadan, I. and Ostasz, G. (2018). The influence of the industry’s innovation activities indices on the industrial products’ revenue of Ukraine. Economics and Sociology, 11(4), 317—331. google scholar
  • Ilyash, O., Yildirim, O., Doroshkevych, D., Smoliar, L., Vasyltsiv, T. and Lupak, R. (2020). Evaluation of enterprise investment attractiveness under circumstances of economic development. Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, 47, 95—113. google scholar
  • Frolova, L., Zhadko, K., Ilyash, O., Yermak, S., & Nosova, T. (2021). Model for opportunities assessment to increase the enterprise innovation activity. Business: Theory and Practice, 22(1), 1-11. btp.2021.13273 google scholar
  • Kobielieva, T. and Ponomarenko, T. (2019). Development of the innovative environmental and economic system in Ukraine. Prague : OKTAN PRINT s.r.o., 410. google scholar
  • Komelina, O., Zaiats, T., Rakhmetulina, Z. and Komelina, A. (2018). Innovational and investment security of modern development and assessment of the result of the mechanism of its supply on the state and regional levels. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.8), 242—248. google scholar
  • Korol, I. and Poltorak, A. (2018). Financial Risk Management As A Strategic Direction For Improving The Level Of Economic Security Of The State. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(1), 235-241. https://doi. org/10.30525/2256-0742/2018-4-1-235-241 google scholar
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  • Mazzucato, M. (2013). Financing Innovation: Creative Destruction Vs. Destructive Creation. Industrial and Corporate Change, 22(4), 851-867. google scholar
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  • Mowery, D. C. (2009). National security and national innovation systems. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 34(455). google scholar
  • Nicolai J.Foss (1998) The resource-based perspective: An assessment and diagnosis of problems. Scandinavian Journal of Management. 14(3), 133-149 google scholar
  • Paranchuk, S. and Korbutyak, A. (2013). Problems investment support innovative development of the national economy and solutions. Econtechmod: an international quarterly journal on economics in technology, new technologies and modelling processes, 2(4), 53-60. google scholar
  • Perez, C. (2002). Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital. Cheltenham: Edgar, 224. https://doi. org/10.4337/9781781005323 google scholar
  • Sablina, N. (2009) Using the taxonomy method to analyze the enterpise’ internal resources. Biznes Inform, (3), 78-82. google scholar
  • State Statistics Service of Ukraine (2019). Offial web-site. Retrieved from google scholar
  • Steblianko, I., and Doroshkevych, V. (2017). Innovation-investment mechanisms of regulation of economic security of the state. European Journal of Management Issues, 25(3-4), 154-161. https://doi:10.15421/191719 google scholar
  • Tidd, J., Thuriaux-Aleman, B. (2016). Innovation management practices: cross-sectorial adoption, variation, and effectiveness. R and & Management, 46(S3), 1024-1043. google scholar
  • Varnaliy, Z., Onishchenko, S. and Masliy, A. (2016). Threat prevention mechanisms of Ukraine’s economic security. google scholar Economic Annals-XXI. 159(5-6), 20-24. google scholar
  • Vasyltsiv, T. and Lupak, R. (2016). Strategic priorities of state structural policy of import substitution in Ukraine. Actual Problems of Economics, (175), 52-60. google scholar
  • Vasyltsiv, T. G., Klipkova, O. I., Lupak, R. L., Mitsenko, N. G. and Mishchuk, I. P. (2019). Monetary and financial policy of Ukraine: theoretical-empirical connections and priorities of state regulation. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice, 4 (31), 320-330. google scholar
  • Vlasiuk, O., Ilyash, O., Olszewski, W., Osinska, M. and Voloshyn V. (2016). System transformations of the national economy: challenges and expectations. Collective monograph, University of Economy Publishing, Bydgoszcz, Poland, 242. google scholar
  • Zhang, J., Tan, J., Wong, P. K. (2015). When does investment in political ties improve firm performance? The contingent effect of innovation activities. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 32(2), 363-387. google scholar

Assessing Structural Components of Investment and Innovation Provision of Economic Security in the Basic Types of Economic Activity

Year 2021, , 17 - 37, 30.06.2021


The article shows the progressive and practical value of a structural approach to the evaluation of investment and innovation provision of economic security, including the basic types of economic activity. The arguments have been distributed in relation to systemic, resource and functional approaches. Taking into account the multidimensionality of economic security of the basic types of economic activity, a methodological approach has been proposed in order to evaluate its investment and innovation provision, which incorporates Hellwig's scientific developments in calculating the taxonomic index of the level of economic development. The results of a systemic and structural analysis of investment and innovation provision of economic security of the basic types of Ukraine’s economic activity have been grouped by quantitative and qualitative parameters. The retrospective and predictive dynamics of the main macroeconomic and technological measurement of the functioning of Ukrainian industry have been determined. The predictive evaluation of the structure of forming gross value added by basic types of economic activity of Ukraine has been carried out. A set of methods and instruments of investment and innovation provision of economic security of the basic types of economic activity has been offered.


  • Beshelev, S. (1994) Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Experimental Estimates. Statistics, Moscow, 256. google scholar
  • Bilousov, Y. (2018). Innovations and Economic Security of Ukraine (Experience of the Theory and Practice of Legal Securement). Mind the Gaps. Economical Aspects in the Legal Thinking, 11, 65—86. google scholar
  • Cherevko, O., Nazarenko, S., Zachosova, N. and Nosan, N. (2019). Financial and economic security system strategic management as an independent direction of management. SHS Web of Conferences, 65(03001). https://doi. org/10.1051/shsconf/20196503001 google scholar
  • Cohen, W., Levinthal D., (1989) Innovation and Learning: Two Faces of R&D. Economic Journal. 99(397), 569-596. google scholar
  • Doing Business. Measuring Business Regulations (2020). Offial web-site. Retrieved from https://www. google scholar
  • Eurostat (2020). Official web-site. Retrieved from google scholar
  • Fedorenko, V., Gryshchenko, I. and Voronkova, T. (2018). Economic processes in the safety measurement. Kyiv: «DKS Tsentr» Ltd, 264. google scholar
  • Freeman, C. (1995). The National System of Innovation in Historical Perspective. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 19(1), 5—24. google scholar
  • Guliaieva, N., Vavdiichyk, I. and Matusova, O. (2018). Investment projection of economic security. Herald of Kyiv national university of trade and economics. 6, 15—27. google scholar
  • Haber, J. A., Bukhtiarova, A., Chorna, S., Iastremska, O. and Bolgar, T. (2018). Forecasting the level of financial security of the country (on the example of Ukraine). Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 15(3), 304—317. google scholar
  • Havlovska, N., Pokotylova, V., Korpan, O., Rudnichenko, Ye., Sokyrnyk, I. (2019). Modeling of the process of functioning of the mechanism of economic security of foreign economic activity of enterprise taking into account weak signals and identification of risks and threats. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 8(12), 2216—2522. google scholar
  • Hellwig, Z. (1968). Zastosowanie metody taksonomicznej do typologicznego podzialu krajow ze wzglçdu na poziom ich rozwoju oraz zasoby i strukturç wykwalifikowanych kadr. Przeglqd Statystyczny, 4, 307—326. google scholar
  • Ilyash, O. (2015) Strategic priorities of Ukraine’s social security concept development and implementation. Economic Annals XXI, (07-08( 1)), 20—23. google scholar
  • Ilyash, O., Dzhadan, I. and Ostasz, G. (2018). The influence of the industry’s innovation activities indices on the industrial products’ revenue of Ukraine. Economics and Sociology, 11(4), 317—331. google scholar
  • Ilyash, O., Yildirim, O., Doroshkevych, D., Smoliar, L., Vasyltsiv, T. and Lupak, R. (2020). Evaluation of enterprise investment attractiveness under circumstances of economic development. Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, 47, 95—113. google scholar
  • Frolova, L., Zhadko, K., Ilyash, O., Yermak, S., & Nosova, T. (2021). Model for opportunities assessment to increase the enterprise innovation activity. Business: Theory and Practice, 22(1), 1-11. btp.2021.13273 google scholar
  • Kobielieva, T. and Ponomarenko, T. (2019). Development of the innovative environmental and economic system in Ukraine. Prague : OKTAN PRINT s.r.o., 410. google scholar
  • Komelina, O., Zaiats, T., Rakhmetulina, Z. and Komelina, A. (2018). Innovational and investment security of modern development and assessment of the result of the mechanism of its supply on the state and regional levels. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.8), 242—248. google scholar
  • Korol, I. and Poltorak, A. (2018). Financial Risk Management As A Strategic Direction For Improving The Level Of Economic Security Of The State. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(1), 235-241. https://doi. org/10.30525/2256-0742/2018-4-1-235-241 google scholar
  • Kugler M., (2006) Spillovers from foreign direct investment: Within or between industries?. Journal of Development Economics. 80, 444-77. google scholar
  • Lundvall, B. A. (1992). National Innovation System: Towards a Theory of Innovation and Interactive Learning. 291. London: Pinter. google scholar
  • Mazzucato, M. (2013). Financing Innovation: Creative Destruction Vs. Destructive Creation. Industrial and Corporate Change, 22(4), 851-867. google scholar
  • Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine (2013). About approval Methodical recommendations for calculating the level of economic security of Ukraine: order Ns 1277. URL : List?lang=uk-UA&tag=Metodichni Rekomendatsii google scholar
  • Mowery, D. C. (2009). National security and national innovation systems. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 34(455). google scholar
  • Nicolai J.Foss (1998) The resource-based perspective: An assessment and diagnosis of problems. Scandinavian Journal of Management. 14(3), 133-149 google scholar
  • Paranchuk, S. and Korbutyak, A. (2013). Problems investment support innovative development of the national economy and solutions. Econtechmod: an international quarterly journal on economics in technology, new technologies and modelling processes, 2(4), 53-60. google scholar
  • Perez, C. (2002). Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital. Cheltenham: Edgar, 224. https://doi. org/10.4337/9781781005323 google scholar
  • Sablina, N. (2009) Using the taxonomy method to analyze the enterpise’ internal resources. Biznes Inform, (3), 78-82. google scholar
  • State Statistics Service of Ukraine (2019). Offial web-site. Retrieved from google scholar
  • Steblianko, I., and Doroshkevych, V. (2017). Innovation-investment mechanisms of regulation of economic security of the state. European Journal of Management Issues, 25(3-4), 154-161. https://doi:10.15421/191719 google scholar
  • Tidd, J., Thuriaux-Aleman, B. (2016). Innovation management practices: cross-sectorial adoption, variation, and effectiveness. R and & Management, 46(S3), 1024-1043. google scholar
  • Varnaliy, Z., Onishchenko, S. and Masliy, A. (2016). Threat prevention mechanisms of Ukraine’s economic security. google scholar Economic Annals-XXI. 159(5-6), 20-24. google scholar
  • Vasyltsiv, T. and Lupak, R. (2016). Strategic priorities of state structural policy of import substitution in Ukraine. Actual Problems of Economics, (175), 52-60. google scholar
  • Vasyltsiv, T. G., Klipkova, O. I., Lupak, R. L., Mitsenko, N. G. and Mishchuk, I. P. (2019). Monetary and financial policy of Ukraine: theoretical-empirical connections and priorities of state regulation. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice, 4 (31), 320-330. google scholar
  • Vlasiuk, O., Ilyash, O., Olszewski, W., Osinska, M. and Voloshyn V. (2016). System transformations of the national economy: challenges and expectations. Collective monograph, University of Economy Publishing, Bydgoszcz, Poland, 242. google scholar
  • Zhang, J., Tan, J., Wong, P. K. (2015). When does investment in political ties improve firm performance? The contingent effect of innovation activities. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 32(2), 363-387. google scholar
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sociology
Journal Section Research Articles

Olya Ilyash This is me 0000-0002-7882-3942

Ruslan Lupak This is me 0000-0002-1830-1800

Iryna Dzhadan This is me 0000-0003-3887-4312

Ruslan Kolishenko This is me 0000-0002-1506-7502

Publication Date June 30, 2021
Submission Date March 30, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Ilyash, O., Lupak, R., Dzhadan, I., Kolishenko, R. (2021). Assessing Structural Components of Investment and Innovation Provision of Economic Security in the Basic Types of Economic Activity. Journal of Economy Culture and Society(63), 17-37.
AMA Ilyash O, Lupak R, Dzhadan I, Kolishenko R. Assessing Structural Components of Investment and Innovation Provision of Economic Security in the Basic Types of Economic Activity. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. June 2021;(63):17-37. doi:10.26650/JECS2020-0038
Chicago Ilyash, Olya, Ruslan Lupak, Iryna Dzhadan, and Ruslan Kolishenko. “Assessing Structural Components of Investment and Innovation Provision of Economic Security in the Basic Types of Economic Activity”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 63 (June 2021): 17-37.
EndNote Ilyash O, Lupak R, Dzhadan I, Kolishenko R (June 1, 2021) Assessing Structural Components of Investment and Innovation Provision of Economic Security in the Basic Types of Economic Activity. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 63 17–37.
IEEE O. Ilyash, R. Lupak, I. Dzhadan, and R. Kolishenko, “Assessing Structural Components of Investment and Innovation Provision of Economic Security in the Basic Types of Economic Activity”, Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 63, pp. 17–37, June 2021, doi: 10.26650/JECS2020-0038.
ISNAD Ilyash, Olya et al. “Assessing Structural Components of Investment and Innovation Provision of Economic Security in the Basic Types of Economic Activity”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 63 (June 2021), 17-37.
JAMA Ilyash O, Lupak R, Dzhadan I, Kolishenko R. Assessing Structural Components of Investment and Innovation Provision of Economic Security in the Basic Types of Economic Activity. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2021;:17–37.
MLA Ilyash, Olya et al. “Assessing Structural Components of Investment and Innovation Provision of Economic Security in the Basic Types of Economic Activity”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 63, 2021, pp. 17-37, doi:10.26650/JECS2020-0038.
Vancouver Ilyash O, Lupak R, Dzhadan I, Kolishenko R. Assessing Structural Components of Investment and Innovation Provision of Economic Security in the Basic Types of Economic Activity. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2021(63):17-3.