Research Article
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Year 2022, , 307 - 319, 16.01.2023



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  • Ching-Hui, Su, Su Chun-DaChen (2020). Does sustainability index matter to the hospitality industry?’. Tourism Management, 81, 104158 google scholar
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  • Kasbun, N. F., Teh, B. H. & Ong, T. S. (2016). Sustainability reporting and financial performance of Malaysian public listed companies”, institutions and economies. 8 (4), 78-93. google scholar
  • Lo, S. F. & Sheu, H. J. (2007). Is corporate sustainability a value-increasing strategy for business? “, corporate governance: an international review. 15 (2), 345-358. google scholar
  • Löfer K. U., Petreski, A. & Stephan,A. (2021). Drivers of green bond issuance and new evidence on the “greeniu’. Eurasian Economic Review, 11(1), google scholar
  • Maltais, A., & Nykvist, B. (2020). Understanding the role of green bonds in advancing sustainability. Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment,. google scholar
  • Maignan, I. and Ferrel, O.C. (2004). Corporate social responsibility and marketing: an integrative framework. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 32 (Winter), 3-19. google scholar
  • Mousa, G. A. (2004). The auditor’s role and responsibilities towards auditing environmental performance of companies (Doctoral dissertation), University of Durham, Business School, UK. google scholar
  • Önce, S. and Düzer, M. (2018). Sürdürülebilirlik performans göstergelerine ilişkin açıklamaların finansal performans üzerine etkisi: bist’te bir uygulama. Muhasebe ve Vergi Uygulamaları Dergisi, 11(1), 93-118. google scholar
  • Önder, Ş. (2017). İşletme karlılığına kurumsal sürdürülebilirliğin etkisi: bist’te bir uygulama. Muhasebe Bilim Dünyası Dergisi, 19 (4), 937-956. google scholar
  • Önder, Ş. (2018). Impact of sustainability performance of company on its financial performance: an empirical study on borsa Istanbul. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 56, 115-127. google scholar
  • Santis, P., Albuquerque, A. & Lizarelli, F. (2016). Do sustainable companies have a better financial performance? a study on brazilian public companies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 133, 735-745. google scholar
  • Schmutz, B., Tehrani, M.,Fulton, L. & Ratgeber, A.(2020). Dow jones sustainability indices, do they make a difference? the US and the European Union companies. Sustainability, 12(7) 10.3390/su12176785 google scholar
  • Sharma, S., & Vredenburg, H. (1998). Proactive corporate environmental strategy and the development of competitively valuable organizational capabilities. Strategic Management Journal, 19 (8), 729-752. google scholar
  • Soytaş, M., Denizel, M., Uşar, D. & Ersoy, İ. (2017). Sürdürülebilirlik Yatırımlarının Finansal Performansa Etkisi: Türkiye Örneği”, Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 15 (2), 140-162. google scholar
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Does Inclusion in the Sustainability Index Contribute to the Financial Performance of the Companies: Evidence from Developing Countries

Year 2022, , 307 - 319, 16.01.2023


This study investigates whether the performance of the companies is affected when they are included in the Sustainability Index. The study deals with companies operating in Brazil and Turkiye, in this respect, the panel data analysis technique is applied. ROA (Return On Assets) is used for the dependent variable, while independent variables are debt/equity ratio, company size, operational ratio and the Sustainability Index. The results of the study reveal that taking part in the Sustainability Index has a statistically significant positive effect on profitability for both Brazil and Turkiye. When the other results are analyzed, it is seen that there is a negative relationship between the debt / equity ratio and ROA for the case of Turkiye


  • Aggarwal, P. (2013). Impact of sustainability performance of company on its financial performance: a study of listed Indian companies. Global Journal of Management and Business Research Finance, 13 (11). 60-70. google scholar
  • Altınay, A., Kaki, B., Kestane, A., Soba, M., Dinçer, Ö. & Şık, E. (2017). Sürdürülebilirlik endeksinin bankacılık sektörü hisse senedi değerlerine etkileri, bist sürdürülebilirlik endeksi üzerine bir inceleme. Sosyal Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi (The Journal of Social Economic Research), 17 (34) google scholar
  • Aydın, O. (2017). Bist sürdürülebilirlik endeksine 2015 yılında dâhil olan üretim işletmelerinde, endeksin işletme finansal performanslarına etkisinin araştırılması. Ulakbilge, 5 (19), 2307-2319. google scholar
  • Baltacı, F. (2020). The relationship between the environmental attitude, behavioral role and support of the local resident ın sustainable development of tourism: the example of Alanya. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, 62 google scholar
  • Baltagi, B. H. (1995). Econometric analysis of panel data. Chichester: Wiley. google scholar
  • Bâckström, S. L. and Karlsson, J. (2015). Corporate sustainability and financial performance - the influence of board diversity in a Swedish context, Department Of Business Studies, Uppsala University Spring Semester of, Sweden. google scholar
  • Barney, J. B., and Hansen, M. H. (1994). Trustworthiness as a source of competitive advantage”, Strategic Management Journal, 15 (1), 175-190. google scholar
  • Barney, J. B. (1991). Company resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of Management, 17, pp. 99120. google scholar
  • Brander, J. A. (2007). “Viewpoint: Sustainability: Malthus Revisited” , Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 40 No.1, 1-38. google scholar
  • Charlo, M.J., Moya, I. and Munoz, A. M. (2015). Sustainable development and corporate financial performance: a study based on the ftse4good ibex index. Bus. Strategy Environ., 24, 277-288. google scholar
  • Chevalier J. (2001). Stakeholder analysis and natural resource management Carleton University, Ottawa. google scholar
  • Ching-Hui, Su, Su Chun-DaChen (2020). Does sustainability index matter to the hospitality industry?’. Tourism Management, 81, 104158 google scholar
  • Collison, D.J., Cobb, G., Power, D.M. & Stevenson, L.A., (2007). The financial performance of the ftse4good indexes”, corp. soc. responsible. Environ. Manag., 15 (1), 14-28. google scholar
  • Demirkol, İ (2020). Yalın üretim, sürdürülebilirlik ve firma performansı ilişkisi üzerine bir araştırma.Third Sector Social Economic Review, 55(1), 58-75 google scholar
  • Deegan, C. (2002). Introduction: the legitimizing effect of social and environmental disclosures - a theoretical foundation. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 15 (3), 282-311. google scholar
  • Dillard, J.F., Rigsby, J.T. & Goodman, C. (2004). The making and remaking of organization context duality and the institutionalization process. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 17 (4) , 506-542. google scholar
  • Fettahoğlu, S. (2013). İşletmelerde sosyal sorumluluk ile finansal performans arasındaki ilişki: imkb’ye yönelik bir uygulama. Sosyal Ve Beşeri Bilimler Dergisi, 5 (2). google scholar
  • Freeman, E.R. and Mcvea, J.F. (2001). A Stakeholder Approach To Strategic Management “, SSRN Electronic Journal. 1(2), 1-33. google scholar
  • Hausman, A. J. and Taylor, E. W. (1981). Panel data and unobservable individual effects. Econometrica, 49, 13771398. google scholar
  • Hoffman, A. (1999). Institutional evolution and change: environmentalism and the us chemical industry. Academy of Management Journal, 42 (4), 351-371. google scholar
  • Kasbun, N. F., Teh, B. H. & Ong, T. S. (2016). Sustainability reporting and financial performance of Malaysian public listed companies”, institutions and economies. 8 (4), 78-93. google scholar
  • Lo, S. F. & Sheu, H. J. (2007). Is corporate sustainability a value-increasing strategy for business? “, corporate governance: an international review. 15 (2), 345-358. google scholar
  • Löfer K. U., Petreski, A. & Stephan,A. (2021). Drivers of green bond issuance and new evidence on the “greeniu’. Eurasian Economic Review, 11(1), google scholar
  • Maltais, A., & Nykvist, B. (2020). Understanding the role of green bonds in advancing sustainability. Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment,. google scholar
  • Maignan, I. and Ferrel, O.C. (2004). Corporate social responsibility and marketing: an integrative framework. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 32 (Winter), 3-19. google scholar
  • Mousa, G. A. (2004). The auditor’s role and responsibilities towards auditing environmental performance of companies (Doctoral dissertation), University of Durham, Business School, UK. google scholar
  • Önce, S. and Düzer, M. (2018). Sürdürülebilirlik performans göstergelerine ilişkin açıklamaların finansal performans üzerine etkisi: bist’te bir uygulama. Muhasebe ve Vergi Uygulamaları Dergisi, 11(1), 93-118. google scholar
  • Önder, Ş. (2017). İşletme karlılığına kurumsal sürdürülebilirliğin etkisi: bist’te bir uygulama. Muhasebe Bilim Dünyası Dergisi, 19 (4), 937-956. google scholar
  • Önder, Ş. (2018). Impact of sustainability performance of company on its financial performance: an empirical study on borsa Istanbul. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 56, 115-127. google scholar
  • Santis, P., Albuquerque, A. & Lizarelli, F. (2016). Do sustainable companies have a better financial performance? a study on brazilian public companies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 133, 735-745. google scholar
  • Schmutz, B., Tehrani, M.,Fulton, L. & Ratgeber, A.(2020). Dow jones sustainability indices, do they make a difference? the US and the European Union companies. Sustainability, 12(7) 10.3390/su12176785 google scholar
  • Sharma, S., & Vredenburg, H. (1998). Proactive corporate environmental strategy and the development of competitively valuable organizational capabilities. Strategic Management Journal, 19 (8), 729-752. google scholar
  • Soytaş, M., Denizel, M., Uşar, D. & Ersoy, İ. (2017). Sürdürülebilirlik Yatırımlarının Finansal Performansa Etkisi: Türkiye Örneği”, Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 15 (2), 140-162. google scholar
  • Thai, H. M. & Kabir, R. (2017). Does corporate governance shape the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance? “. Pacific Accounting Review, 29 (2), 227-258. google scholar
  • Yu, M. and Zhao, R. (2015). Sustainability and company valuation: an international investigation”, international journal of accounting and information management. 23 (3), 289 - 307. google scholar
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Research Articles

Begüm Güler This is me 0000-0003-1502-8236

Füsun Küçükbay 0000-0001-6593-5884

Publication Date January 16, 2023
Submission Date April 24, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Güler, B., & Küçükbay, F. (2023). Does Inclusion in the Sustainability Index Contribute to the Financial Performance of the Companies: Evidence from Developing Countries. Journal of Economy Culture and Society(66), 307-319.
AMA Güler B, Küçükbay F. Does Inclusion in the Sustainability Index Contribute to the Financial Performance of the Companies: Evidence from Developing Countries. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. January 2023;(66):307-319. doi:10.26650/JECS2021-927156
Chicago Güler, Begüm, and Füsun Küçükbay. “Does Inclusion in the Sustainability Index Contribute to the Financial Performance of the Companies: Evidence from Developing Countries”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 66 (January 2023): 307-19.
EndNote Güler B, Küçükbay F (January 1, 2023) Does Inclusion in the Sustainability Index Contribute to the Financial Performance of the Companies: Evidence from Developing Countries. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 66 307–319.
IEEE B. Güler and F. Küçükbay, “Does Inclusion in the Sustainability Index Contribute to the Financial Performance of the Companies: Evidence from Developing Countries”, Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 66, pp. 307–319, January 2023, doi: 10.26650/JECS2021-927156.
ISNAD Güler, Begüm - Küçükbay, Füsun. “Does Inclusion in the Sustainability Index Contribute to the Financial Performance of the Companies: Evidence from Developing Countries”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 66 (January 2023), 307-319.
JAMA Güler B, Küçükbay F. Does Inclusion in the Sustainability Index Contribute to the Financial Performance of the Companies: Evidence from Developing Countries. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2023;:307–319.
MLA Güler, Begüm and Füsun Küçükbay. “Does Inclusion in the Sustainability Index Contribute to the Financial Performance of the Companies: Evidence from Developing Countries”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 66, 2023, pp. 307-19, doi:10.26650/JECS2021-927156.
Vancouver Güler B, Küçükbay F. Does Inclusion in the Sustainability Index Contribute to the Financial Performance of the Companies: Evidence from Developing Countries. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2023(66):307-19.