Theoretical Article
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Ethics of Commodified (Golden) Citizenship

Year 2020, Issue: 62, 365 - 380, 25.12.2020


The concept of citizenship has changed dramatically since the term was first used in ancient Greece. Recent citizenship debates have focused on the implications of commodified citizenship and growth of the “golden visa” market as these new schemes raise ethical and constitutional concerns. Paid-for citizenship schemes undermine the traditional notion of citizenship often marked by solidarity, rights and duties. Paid-for citizenship contradicts contemporary citizenship’s essential principle of equality. Therefore, the core challenge for Turkey and other countries offering paid-for citizenship is the unethical implications of distinguishing refugee/immigrant populations by financial capability in acquiring citizenship. While Turkey does not grant full-fledged refugee status to non-European people and limit duration of their stay in Turkey, Citizenship by Investment programmes offer the rich people –including non-Europeans- an opportunity to acquire Turkish citizenship. So, the new citizenship programme in Turkey is paving the way for discrimination based on the socioeconomic status of individuals. What’s more, this actually tends to push the citizenship concept into a narrow understanding despite the expansion of the modern citizenship concept towards more inclusive rights reaching beyond the boundaries of nation states. Taking this into account, this paper aims to illustrate the discrepancies between paid- for citizenship and refugee policies by highlighting the ethical questions arising from citizenship by investment programmes in Turkey.


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  • Becker, G. S. (1987). Why not let immigrants pay for speedy entry? In Gary. S. Becker and G. Nashat (Ed.), The economics of life (pp. 58–60). New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Bellamy, R., & Warleigh, A. (2001). Introduction: The puzzle of EU citizenship. In R. Bellamy & A. Warleigh (Eds.), Citizenship and governance in the European Union (pp. 3–18). London: Psychology Press.
  • Bendix, R. (1964). Nation-building and citizenship: Studies of our changing social order. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
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  • Brodie, J. (2002). Citizenship and solidarity: Reflections on the Canadian way. Citizenship Studies, 6(4), 377–394.
  • Cohen, J. H., & Sirkeci, I. (2011). Cultures of migration: The global nature of contemporary mobility. University of Texas Press.
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Metalaşan (Altın) Vatandaşlığın Etik Boyutu

Year 2020, Issue: 62, 365 - 380, 25.12.2020


Vatandaşlık kavramı ilk kez Antik Yunan’da kullanılmasından bu yana oldukça değişmiştir. Bugün gelinen noktada vatandaşlık tartışmalarına satılık vatandaşlık ya da altın vatandaşlık olarak tanımlanabilecek yeni tartışmalar eklenmiş, böylece kavramla ilgili etik kaygılar da ortaya çıkmıştır. Satılık vatandaşlık, dayanışma, haklar ve ödevler gibi vatandaşlık kavramının işaret ettiği geleneksel değerleri zedelemektedir. Dahası , vatandaşlığın özünde yer alan eşitlik ilkesi ile de çelişmektedir. Türkiye ve diğer ülkelerinde konu ile ilgili önlerine çıkan başlıca çatışma unsuru göçmen/mülteci gruplarını, vatandaşlık elde etme konusunda finansal yeterlilikleri doğrultusunda değerlendirmenin yol açtığı etik olmayan durumdur. Türkiye Avrupa dışından gelenlere tam bir mülteci statüsü vermemekte, ülkede kalışlarını sınırlamaktadır. Öte yandan, yatırım yolu ile vatandaşlık yolu - Avrupa dışından gelenler dahil- herkese açıktır. Bu durum, vatandaşlık politiklarında sosyoekonomik bir ayrımcılığa yol açmaktadır. Ayrıca, ulus devlet sınırları ötesinde, daha kapsayıcı hakları dahil eden modern vatandaşlık kavramına karşın, daha dar bir vatandaşlık anlayışını da ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Çalışmamız, yatırım yoluyla vatandaşlık ile beraber, satılık vatandaşlık ve mülteci politikaları arasındaki uyuşmazlığı ele almakta ve bu uyuşmazlığın yol açtığı etik olmayan durumu ortaya koymaktadır.


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  • Cummings, C., Pacitto, J., Lauro, D., & Foresti, M. (2015). Why people move: understanding the drivers and trends of migration to Europe. London: Overseas Development Institute.
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  • Dönmez, R. Ö. (2011). Beyond state-led nationalism: ideal citizenship for Turkey. In R. Ö. Dönmez & P. Enneli (Eds.), Societal peace and ideal citizenship for Turkey. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books (pp.1–26). New York: Lexington Books
  • Džankić, J. (2012). The pros and cons of ius pecuniae: Investor citizenship in comparative perspective. Robert Schuman Centre for Advances Studies. Retrieved from
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  • Džankić, J. (2018). The Maltese Falcon, or: my Porsche for a passport! In R. Bauböck (Ed.), Debating transformations of national citizenship (pp. 33–36), Springer. Retrieved from
  • Ergocun, G. (2019). 250+ apply for Turkish citizenship through investment. Retrieved from
  • Espejo, O. P. (2018). What money can’t buy: Face-to-face cooperation and local democratic life. In R. Bauböck (Ed.),Debating transformations of national citizenship (pp. 43–46). Retrieved from
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  • Fortier, A. M. (2013). What’s the big deal? Naturalisation and the politics of desire. Citizenship Studies,17(6-7), 697–711. Retrieved from
  • Geçici Koruma Yönetmeliği. (No: 29153). The Official Gazette 22/10/2014. Retrieved from
  • Glenn, E. N. (2011). Constructing citizenship: Exclusion, subordination and resistance. American Sociological Review, 76(1), 1–24. Retrieved from (2019). UK tier 1 investor. Retrieved from https://
  • Gökgöz, G., Arena, A., & Aydın, C. (2017). Comparative analysis of public attitudes towards Syrian refugees in Turkish cities of Ankara and Hatay. In D. E. Utku, K. O. Unutulmaz & I. Sirkeci (Eds.), Turkey’s Syrians: Today and tomorrow. Transnational Press London.
  • Guiraudon, V. (1998). Citizenship rights for non-citizens: France, Germany, and the Netherlands. In C. Joppke (Ed.), Challenge to the nation-state: Immigration in Western Europe and the United States (pp. 272–318). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Heater, D. (2008). A brief history of citizenship. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hidalgo, J. (2016). Selling citizenship: A defence. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 33(3), Retrieved from 223–239.
  • Hindess, B. (2002). Neoliberal citizenship, Citizenship Studies, 6(2), pp. 127–143.
  • Hurmi, B. T., & Temel, B. l. (2011). The European Union and Turkey: Transformation of the state-society relationship. In P. Enneli & R. Ö. Dönmez (Eds.), Societal peace and ideal citizenship for Turkey, (pp. 207–225). Lexington Books.
  • Ince, B. (2012). Citizenship and identity in Turkey: From Atatürk’s Republic To The Present Day. London: IB Tauris.
  • Isin, E. F., & Nyers, P. (2014). Introduction: Globalizing citizenship studies. In E. F. Isin & P. Nyers (Eds.), Routledge handbook of global citizenship studies (pp. 1–11). New York: Routledge.
  • Isin, E. F., & Wood, P. (1999). Citizenship and identity (Vol. 448): Sage.
  • Isin E. F., & Bryan S. Turner. (2007). Investigating citizenship: An agenda for citizenship studies. Citizenship Studies,11(1), 5–17.
  • Jenson, J. (2009). Redesigning citizenship regimes after neoliberalism: Moving towards social investment. In N. Morel & B. Palier and J. Palme (Eds.), What future for social investment? (pp. 27–44), Institute for Future Studies Research Paper. Retrieved from
  • Kirişçi, K. (2000). Disaggregating Turkish citizenship and immigration practices. Middle Eastern Studies, 36(3), 1–22. Retrieved from
  • Kochenov, D. (2018). Citizenship for real: Its hypocrisy, its randomness, its price. In R. Baub öck (Ed.), Debating transformations of national citizenship (pp. 51–55): Springer.
  • Koopmans, R., Michalowski, I., & Waibel, S. (2012). Citizenship rights for immigrants: National political processes and cross-national convergence in Western Europe, 1980–2008. American Journal of Sociology, 117(4), 1202–1245.
  • Linklater, A. (1996). Citizenship and sovereignty in the post-Westphalian state. European Journal of International Relations, 2(1), 77–103.
  • Magni-Berton, R. (2014). Citizenship for those who invest into the future of the state is not wrong, the price is the problem. In A. Shachar & R. Bauböck (Eds.), Should citizenship be for sale? (pp. 11–12). EUI Working Paper RSCAS 2014/01: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.
  • Marshall, T. H. (1950). Citizenship and social class. Cambridge University Press.
  • Mavelli, L. (2018). Citizenship for sale and the neoliberal political economy of belonging. International Studies Quarterly,62(3), 482–493. Retrieved from
  • McCluskey, M. T. (2003). Efficiency and social citizenship: Challenging the neoliberal attack on the welfare state. Indiana Law Journal, 78(2), 783–876.
  • McNevin, A. (2011). Contesting citizenship: Irregular migrants and new frontiers of the political. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Oldfield, A. (1994). Citizenship: An unnatural practice. In P. H. Bryan S. Turner (Ed.), Citizenship: Critical concepts, Vol. 1, pp. 188–197. New York.Ong, A. (2005). (Re)Articulations of citizenship. PS: Political Science and Politics, 38(4), 697–699.
  • Öke, M. K. (2011). Social rights as ideal citizenship. In P. Enneli & R. Ö. Dönmez (Eds.), Societal peace and ideal citizenship for Turkey (pp. 227–255). UK: Lexington Books.
  • Pfetsch, F. R. (2013). European citizenship: A concept of interrelatedness and conditionality. In S. K. Mitra (Ed.), Citizenship as cultural flow structure, agency and power (pp.87–106). London: Springer.
  • Polat, F. Ç., & Eda, K. (2017). Bir ötekileştirme pratiği: Türkiye’de yaşayan Suriyelilere yönelik tutumlar. Mersin Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 1(1), 38–48.
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  • Schierup, C. U., & Ålund, A. (2011). The end of Swedish exceptionalism? Citizenship, neoliberalism and the politics of exclusion. Race & Class, 53(1), 45–64.
  • Shachar, A. (2011). Picking winners: Olympic citizenship and the global race for talent. Immigr. & Nat’lity L. Rev.,32, 523.
  • Shachar, A. (2017). Citizenship for sale? In A. Shachar, R.Buböck, I. Bloemraad & M. Wink (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Citizenship: Oxford University Press.
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There are 83 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sociology
Journal Section Theoretical Article

Deniz Eroğlu Utku This is me 0000-0002-2334-7424

İbrahim Sirkeci This is me 0000-0002-1823-699X

Publication Date December 25, 2020
Submission Date September 3, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Issue: 62


APA Eroğlu Utku, D., & Sirkeci, İ. (2020). Ethics of Commodified (Golden) Citizenship. Journal of Economy Culture and Society(62), 365-380.
AMA Eroğlu Utku D, Sirkeci İ. Ethics of Commodified (Golden) Citizenship. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. December 2020;(62):365-380. doi:10.26650/JECS2020-0065
Chicago Eroğlu Utku, Deniz, and İbrahim Sirkeci. “Ethics of Commodified (Golden) Citizenship”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 62 (December 2020): 365-80.
EndNote Eroğlu Utku D, Sirkeci İ (December 1, 2020) Ethics of Commodified (Golden) Citizenship. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 62 365–380.
IEEE D. Eroğlu Utku and İ. Sirkeci, “Ethics of Commodified (Golden) Citizenship”, Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 62, pp. 365–380, December 2020, doi: 10.26650/JECS2020-0065.
ISNAD Eroğlu Utku, Deniz - Sirkeci, İbrahim. “Ethics of Commodified (Golden) Citizenship”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 62 (December 2020), 365-380.
JAMA Eroğlu Utku D, Sirkeci İ. Ethics of Commodified (Golden) Citizenship. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2020;:365–380.
MLA Eroğlu Utku, Deniz and İbrahim Sirkeci. “Ethics of Commodified (Golden) Citizenship”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 62, 2020, pp. 365-80, doi:10.26650/JECS2020-0065.
Vancouver Eroğlu Utku D, Sirkeci İ. Ethics of Commodified (Golden) Citizenship. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2020(62):365-80.