The Influence of a Tuition Fee Increase on the Drop-out Rate of the Nursing Program
Year 2021,
Issue: 63, 55 - 66, 30.06.2021
Rumyana Stoyanova
Slaveyah Goranova
The aim of the study is to further delve into the question of whether an increase in tuition fee could have a significant impact on the positive outcome of the sacrifice-for-gain assessment among Nursing students. We used an SPSS17.0 to analyze data from an anonymous survey of 160 Nursing students from March of 2016. The results show that the majority of students consider the current tuition fee to be “too high”. An increase in excess of 30% of the tuition fee would lead to a drop of 68.8% or more in the percentage of students willing to continue their education. In order to determine the impact of a tuition fee increase on the respondents’ decision to drop out, three models were tested: 1) the drop-out rate is linearly dependent only on the degree of the tuition fee increase; 2) the drop-out rate depends on multiple factors such as tuition fee increase, year of study, and intrinsic motivational factors; and 3) the drop-out rate depends on intrinsic motivational factors. The models without the variable tuition fee have more predictive power. The study found that only 4% of the drop-out decision is motivated by a potential increase in tuition fee.
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Year 2021,
Issue: 63, 55 - 66, 30.06.2021
Rumyana Stoyanova
Slaveyah Goranova
- Alstadsæter, A. (2011). Measuring the consumption value of higher education. CESifo Economic Studies, 57(3), 458- 479. google scholar
- Baxter, R., & Birks, S. (2004). The student debt debate: An economic investigation of the issues. Palmerston North, New Zealand: Centre for Public Policy Evaluation. google scholar
- Boroch, D., Hope, L., Smith, B., Gabriner, R., Mery, P., Johnstone, R., & Asera, R. (2010). Student success in community colleges: A practical guide to developmental education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. google scholar
- Boyadjieva, P. (2010). Social engineering: admission policies in higher education during the communist regime in Bulgaria. Sofia: CIELA (In Bulgarian). google scholar
- Buerhaus, P, Auerbach, D, & Staiger, D. (2009). The recent surge in nurse employment: causes and implications. Health Affairs, 28(Suppl3), w657-w668. google scholar
- Card, D. (1999). The causal effect of education on earnings. Handbook of labor economics, 3, 1801-1863. https://doi. org/10.1016/S1573-4463(99)03011-4 google scholar
- Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria. (2020). Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/Admin/AppData/Local/ Temp/rms275_taksi_VU_23042020.pdf (In Bulgarian). google scholar
- Deming, D., & Dynarski, S. (2009). Into college, out of poverty? Policies to increase the postsecondary attainment of the poor. No. w15387, National Bureau of Economic Research. google scholar
- Denny, K. (2014). The effect of abolishing university tuition costs: Evidence from Ireland. Labour Economics, 26, 26–33. google scholar
- Dwenger, N., Storck, J., & Wrohlich, K. (2012). Do tuition fees affect the mobility of university applicants? Evidence from a natural experiment. Economics of Education Review, 31(1), 155–167. econedurev.2011.10.004 google scholar
- Education Directions, (1997). Entitlements in education: empowering student demand. Wellington: Education Directions. google scholar
- Hair, J., Anderson, R., Tatham, & R. Black, W. (1998). Multivariate data analysis. 5th Edition, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. google scholar
- Heine, C., Krawietz, M., & Sommer, D. (2008). Studienanfдnger im Wintersemester 2006/07. Wege zum Studium, Studien- und Hochschulwahl und Situation zum Studienbeginn. HIS: Projektbericht. google scholar
- Higher Education Act. (2016). Retrieved from google scholar
- Hübner, M. (2009b). Do tuition fees affect enrollment behavior? Evidence from a natural experiment in Germany. CDSE Discussion Paper No. 69, University of Mannheim. google scholar
- Hübner, M. (2012). Do tuition fees affect enrollment behavior? Evidence from a natural experiment in Germany. Economics of Education Review, 31(6), 949–960. google scholar
- Ilieva-Trichkova, P. (2013). Higher education in Bulgaria in a historical perspective: Dynamics of expansion and inequalities. Człowiek i Społeczeństwo, 35, 237–253. google scholar
- Ke, X. (2012). The Willingness to pay tuition fee at KTH. Master of Science Thesis 2012/140. Stockholm: KTH Industrial Engineering and Management. google scholar
- Ketel, N., Linde, J., Oosterbeek, H., & Klaauw, B. (2016). Tuition fee and sunk‐cost effects. The Economic Journal, 126(598), 2342–2362. google scholar
- Li, W., & Min, W. (2001). Tuition fee, private demand and higher education in China. Retrieved from http://citeseerx. google scholar
- Marcucci, P., & Johnstone, D. (2007). Tuition fee policies in comparative perspective: theoretical and political rationales. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 29(1), 25–40. https://doi. org/10.1080/13600800600980015 google scholar
- Medical University Plovdiv, (2015). Retrieved from google scholar
- Mitchell, M., Leachman, M., & Masterson, K. (2016). Funding down, tuition up: State cuts to higher education threaten quality and affordability at public colleges. Retrieved from atoms/files/5-19-16sfp.pdf google scholar
- Mitchell, M., Leachman, M., & Saenz, M. (2019). State higher education funding cuts have pushed costs to students, worsened inequality. Retrieved from google scholar
- Neill, C. (2009). Tuition fees and the demand for university places. Economics of Education Review, 28(5), 561–570. google scholar
- New Zealand Union of Students’ Associations, (2010). Income and expenditure survey. Retrieved from http:// Expenditure_summary_of_Key_Findings_A.pdf?1397515058. google scholar
- Nunnally, J. (1978). Psychometric theory. 2nd ed., New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. google scholar
- Ordinance on the Unified State Requirements for Higher Education in the “Nursing” and “Midwifery” specialties for Bachelor’s degree, prom. SG. No. 95 from 21.11.2005, in force since 01.09.2006, SG. No. 88 of 09.11.2010. [Наредба за единните държавни изисквания за придобиване на висше образование по специалностите „Медицинска сестра” и „Акушерка” за образователно-квалификационна степен „бакалавър”, обн. ДВ. бр. 95 от 21.11.2005г., в сила от 01.09.2006г., посл. изм. ДВ. бр. 88 от 09.11.2010г.] google scholar
- Padlee, S.F., Kamaruddin, A.R., & Baharun, R. (2010). International students’ choice behavior for higher education at Malaysian private universities. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 2(2), 202-211. google scholar
- Palmer, P., & O’connell, D. (2009). Regression analysis for prediction: understanding the process. Cardiopulmonary physical therapy journal, 20(3), 23–26. google scholar
- Sá, F. (2014). The Effect of Tuition Fees on University Applications and Attendance:Evidence from the UK. Retrieved from google scholar
- Scheffler, R., Bruckner, T., & Spetz, J. (2012). The labour market for human resources for health in low- and middleincome countries. Retrieved from google scholar
- Schwarz, S., & Rehburg, M. (2004). Study costs and direct public student support in 16 European countries— Towards a European higher education area? European Journal of Education, 39(4), 521–532. https://doi. org/10.1111/j.1465-3435.2024.00202.x google scholar
- Sen, A. K., & Srivastava, M. (1990). Regression analysis: theory, methods and applications. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag. google scholar
- Stoilova, R. (2010). Социална селективност на образователните резултати в България. Роля на студентските такси и кредити за възпроизводството на социалния произход във висшите учебни заведия [Social Selectivity of Educational Attainment in Bulgaria. Role of Tuition Fees and Student Loans for the Reproduction of Social Origin in the Higher Education]. Sociological Problems, 1-2, 32–63. google scholar
- Stoilova, R. (2015). Social background and educational opportunities. In: Stoilova, R., Petkova, K. & Koleva, S. (ed.). Knowledge as a value. Knowledge as a vocation. Sofia: East-West, 123–145. google scholar
- Stoyanova, R., & Goranova, S. (2018). The influence of tuition increase on the desirability of the Nursing program at Medical University-Plovdiv. Trakia Journal of Sciences, 16(2), 103. doi:10.15547/tjs.2018.02.005 google scholar
- University and College Union, (2010). Tuition fee rise risks haemorrhaging of votes says poll. Retrieved from google scholar