Research Article
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Traditional Treatment of Tuju Disease (Rheumatism) in Lontar Usada Based on Bali Local Wisdom

Year 2022, Issue: 66, 365 - 377, 16.01.2023


Traditional medicine is a nation's culture that needs to be preserved. Globalization has caused some people to use traditional medicine as alternative medicine, especially in the province of Bali, Indonesia, which is familiar with the term usada. This study aims to identify the traditional treatment of tuju (Rheumatic) diseases in lontar usada based on the local Wisdom of Bali. Literature studies were used in the study. Identification was made by analyzing lontar, books, and journals discussing related diseases. The results obtained by traditional medicine have become a cultural heritage reflected in the existence of lontar (Hindu cultural records), which contain types of diseases, medicines from diseases, traditional materials, and procedures for making and presenting traditional medicine. There are thirteen types of diseases and characteristics of diseases in lontar usada. There are four ways traditional health workers acquire their expertise, including Balian Kapican, Balian Katakson, Balian Usada, and Balian Campuran. In traditional medicine practice, rheumatic diseases have three treatment techniques, namely massage (uut), inner energy, and the provision of medicinal herbs. The species of herbs used are Tangerine (Citrus nobilis), Awar-awar (Ficus septica), Jeruju or daruju (Acanthus icifolius L.), Buu Plant, Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roxb), Ki Encok (Plumbago zeylanica L.), Tri Ketuka (kesuna, Jangu, mesui), and Sindrong Jangkep (spices). Usada needs to be preserved as a local culture that can be utilized as a world cultural heritage.

Supporting Institution

Universitas Hindu Indonesia


This research was carried out because of the assistance of various parties. Therefore, on this occasion, the author would like to thank the Chairperson of the Widya Kerti Education Foundation through the UNHI Chancellor who has funded this research through the Superior Human Resources fund. Acknowledgments are also conveyed to the supervisors from UGM and LIPI, namely Mrs. Dr. Phil. Vissita Ita Yulianto, Mr. Dicky Sofjan MPP.,MA,Ph.D, Mrs. Prof. Dr. Yekti Maunati, MA and, Mrs. Dr. Sunarti Purwaningih, MA for the input and suggestions for the improvement of this research and all other parties who cannot be mentioned one by one.


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  • Haris Jauhari, A., Sofiati Utami, M., & Padmawati, R. S. (2008). Motivation and Trust of Patients in Seeking Medication to Sinshe. Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat, 24(1), 1. google scholar Japa, G. (2008). Terapi Laut. Surabaya: Paramita. google scholar
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  • Koentjaraningrat. (1997). Kebudayaan dan Mentalitas Pembangunan (1st ed.). Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. google scholar
  • Mahanta, K. C. (1995). A Study of Ethno-Medicines in Assam: A General Perspective. Journal ofHuman Ecology, 6(2), 105-117. google scholar
  • Mediastari, A. A. P. A. (2020). Potensi Kearifan Lokal Ramuan Usada Untuk Mengatasi Penyakit Rematik Di Desa Tengkudak Kecamatan Penebel Kabupaten Tabanan. Widya Kesehatan, 2(1), 30-35. widyakesehatan.v2i1.606 google scholar
  • Mertha Adnyana, I. M. D., Sudaryati, N. L. G., & Sitepu, I. (2021). Toxicity of Legiayu incense as Insecticide and Larvicide against Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes Mortality. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 32(4), 514-521. google scholar
  • Mertha Adnyana, I. M. D., Sudiartawan, I. P., & Sudaryati, N. L. G. (2022). Toxicity of Tangiayu Incense Smoke as an Insecticide Against Aedes aegypti Mosquito Mortality. Media Ilmu Kesehatan, 10(3), 280-289. https://doi. org/10.30989/mik.v10i3.637 google scholar
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  • Muderawan, I. M., Budiawan, I. M., Giri, M. K. W., & Atmaja, I. N. B. (2020). Usada: The Ethnomedicine of Balinese Society. International Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine, 10(6), 3893-3905. https://doi. org/10.31142/ijahm/v10i6.04 google scholar
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  • Rodrigues, E., Cassas, F., Conde, B. E., Da Cruz, C., Barretto, E. H. P., Dos Santos, G., ... Ticktin, T. (2020). Participatory ethnobotany and conservation: A methodological case study conducted with quilombola communities in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 16(1), 1-12. https://doi. org/10.1186/s13002-019-0352-x google scholar
  • Singh, R., Kaushik, S., Badal, R., & Sahoo, S. (2020). Ayurveda and its Medicinal Plants: Halting the Surge of Covid-19. Journal ofAyurvedic and Herbal Medicine, 6(2), 90-99. Retrieved from google scholar
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  • Sutomo, S., & Iryadi, R. (2019). Konservasi Tumbuhan Obat Tradisional “Usada Bali.” Buletin Udayana Mengabdi, 18(4), 58-63. google scholar
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  • Yazici, Y., & Simsek, I. (2010). Treatment options for rheumatoid arthritis beyond TNF-a inhibitors. Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology, 3(5), 663-666. google scholar
Year 2022, Issue: 66, 365 - 377, 16.01.2023



  • Adiputra, N. (2011). Medicinal Plants, Ceremonial Plants And Environmental Conservation. Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment, Vol. 11, pp. 346-354. google scholar
  • Adnyana, P. E. S. (2020). Lontar Usada Rare: Memahami Kearifan Lokal Tradisional Bali Dalam Mendiagnosa Gejala Penyakit Anak. Jurnal Yoga Dan Kesehatan, 3(2), 163-173. google scholar
  • Anderson, F. (1986). Antropologi kesehatan. In Jakarta: Penerbit Univerrsitas Indonesia. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia (UI). google scholar
  • Andrasevic, A. T., Baudoin, T., Vukelic, D., Matanovic, S. M., Bejuk, D., Puzevski, D., ... Pristas, I. (2009). Smjernice iskra za grlobolju: Dijagnosticki I terapijski pristup - Hrvatske nacionalne smjernice. Lijecnicki Vjesnik, 131(7-8), 181-191. google scholar
  • Ardiyasa, I. N. S. (n.d.). Ala Ayuning Dewasa dalam Usada Bali. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Jurusan Brahma Widya: Mistisisme Nusantara. Singaraja: STAH Mpu kuturan Singaraja. google scholar
  • Arsana, I. N. (2019). Keragaman Tanaman Obat dalam Lontar “Taru Pramana” dan Pemanfaatannya untuk Pengobatan Tradisional Bali. Jurnal Kajian Bali, 9(1), 241-262. google scholar
  • Arsana, I. N., Sudiartawan, I. P., Sudaryati, N. L. G., Wirasuta, I. M. A. G., Armita, P. M. N., Warditiani, N. K., . Suta, I. B. P. (2020). Pengobatan Tradisional Bali Usadha Tiwang. Jurnal Bali Membangun Bali, 1(2), 111-124. google scholar
  • Bhargwan, D. V., & Suhasini, R. (2006). Ayurveda Ilmu Pengobatan Tradisional India. Surabaya: Paramita. google scholar
  • Cahyaningrum, P. L., Yuliari, S. A. M., & Mediastari, A. P. A. (2020). Antibacterial Effectiveness of the Preparation of Gemitir Flower Soap (Tagetes erecta L.) Against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The Journal ofMuhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist, 3(2), 11-24. google scholar
  • Chabib, L., Ikawati, Z., Martien, R., Ismail, H., Farmasi, F., Gadjah, U., . Drugs, D. M. A. (2016). Rheumatoid Arthritis Review: Pharmacological Therapy, Potential of Curcumin and Its Analogues, and Development of Nanoparticle Systems. Jurnal Pharmascience, 3(1), 10-18. google scholar
  • Darwin, M., Mamondol, M. R., Sormin, S. A., Nurhayati, Y., Tambunan, H., Sylvia, D., . Gebang, A. A. (2021). Quantitative approach research method (1st ed.; T. S. Tambunan, Ed.). Bandung: CV Media Sains Indonesia. google scholar
  • Dewi, A. A. A. P. K., Warditiani, N. K., & Leliqia, N. P. . (2009). Inventarisasi Tanaman Obat Dalam Usada Upas Dalam Bentuk Buku Elektronik. Jurnal Farmasi Udayana, 86-92. google scholar
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  • Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata. (2020). Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali. Retrieved April 27, 2022, from https:// google scholar
  • Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Bali. (1982). Himpunan Usada IV Denpasar. Denpasar, Bali: Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Bali. google scholar
  • Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Bali. (2009). Himpunan Usada II. Denpasar, Bali: Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Bali. google scholar
  • Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Bali. (2019). Monografi Tanaman Obat Usadha. Denpasar, Bali: badan perencanaan pembangunan daerah dan Penelitian dan pengembangan. google scholar
  • Febryantono, H., Siswanto, Santosa, P. E., & Hartono, M. (2020). The Effects of Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L) Extract Dose on Antibody Titer of Newcastle Desease and Avian Influenza In Male Broiler. Journal ofAnimal Husbandry Research and Innovation, 4(1), 52-58. google scholar
  • Fraenkel, L., Bathon, J. M., England, B. R., St.Clair, E. W., Arayssi, T., Carandang, K., . Akl, E. A. (2021). 2021 American College of Rheumatology Guideline for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arthritis Care and Research, 73(7), 924-939. google scholar
  • Fransiska, N. N. (2020). Konsep “Mecaru” Dalam Budaya Bali Sebagai Jembatan Penginjilan Terhadap Orang Bali. OSF Preprints, 1-18. google scholar
  • Gabriel, J. (1955). Normal-Abnormal, Healthy-Sick. Australian Journal of Psychology, 7(2), 154-162. https://doi. org/10.1080/00049535508256109 google scholar
  • Haris Jauhari, A., Sofiati Utami, M., & Padmawati, R. S. (2008). Motivation and Trust of Patients in Seeking Medication to Sinshe. Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat, 24(1), 1. google scholar Japa, G. (2008). Terapi Laut. Surabaya: Paramita. google scholar
  • Karthikeyan, G., & Guilherme, L. (2018). Acute rheumatic fever. The Lancet, 392(10142), 161-174. https://doi. org/10.1016/S0140-6736(18)30999-1 google scholar
  • Koentjaraningrat. (1997). Kebudayaan dan Mentalitas Pembangunan (1st ed.). Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. google scholar
  • Mahanta, K. C. (1995). A Study of Ethno-Medicines in Assam: A General Perspective. Journal ofHuman Ecology, 6(2), 105-117. google scholar
  • Mediastari, A. A. P. A. (2020). Potensi Kearifan Lokal Ramuan Usada Untuk Mengatasi Penyakit Rematik Di Desa Tengkudak Kecamatan Penebel Kabupaten Tabanan. Widya Kesehatan, 2(1), 30-35. widyakesehatan.v2i1.606 google scholar
  • Mertha Adnyana, I. M. D., Sudaryati, N. L. G., & Sitepu, I. (2021). Toxicity of Legiayu incense as Insecticide and Larvicide against Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes Mortality. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 32(4), 514-521. google scholar
  • Mertha Adnyana, I. M. D., Sudiartawan, I. P., & Sudaryati, N. L. G. (2022). Toxicity of Tangiayu Incense Smoke as an Insecticide Against Aedes aegypti Mosquito Mortality. Media Ilmu Kesehatan, 10(3), 280-289. https://doi. org/10.30989/mik.v10i3.637 google scholar
  • Muchid, A. (2006). Pharmaceutical Care untuk Pasien Penyakit Arthiritis Rematik. Jakarta: Direkloral Bina Farmasi Komunitas dan Klinik, Ditjen Bina Kefarmasian dan Alat Kesehatan. google scholar
  • Muderawan, I. M., Budiawan, I. M., Giri, M. K. W., & Atmaja, I. N. B. (2020). Usada: The Ethnomedicine of Balinese Society. International Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine, 10(6), 3893-3905. https://doi. org/10.31142/ijahm/v10i6.04 google scholar
  • Nala, I. G. . (1992). Usada Bali. Denpasar, Bali: Upada Sastra. google scholar
  • Nala, I. G. . (1994). Usada Bali (3rd ed.). Denpasar, Bali: Upada Sastra. google scholar
  • Nala, I. G. . (2001). Ayurveda Ilmu Kedokteran Hindu I (1st ed.). Denpasar, Bali: Upada Sastra. google scholar
  • Notoadmojo, S. (2014). Ilmu Perilaku Kesehatan (1st ed.). Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. google scholar
  • Pranskuniene, Z., Dauliute, R., Pranskunas, A., & Bernatoniene, J. (2018). Ethnopharmaceutical knowledge in Samogitia region of Lithuania: Where old traditions overlap with modern medicine. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 14(1), 1-26. google scholar
  • Redi Aryanta, I. W. (2019). Manfaat Jahe Untuk Kesehatan. Widya Kesehatan, 1(2), 39-43. widyakesehatan.v1i2.463 google scholar
  • Rodrigues, E., Cassas, F., Conde, B. E., Da Cruz, C., Barretto, E. H. P., Dos Santos, G., ... Ticktin, T. (2020). Participatory ethnobotany and conservation: A methodological case study conducted with quilombola communities in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 16(1), 1-12. https://doi. org/10.1186/s13002-019-0352-x google scholar
  • Singh, R., Kaushik, S., Badal, R., & Sahoo, S. (2020). Ayurveda and its Medicinal Plants: Halting the Surge of Covid-19. Journal ofAyurvedic and Herbal Medicine, 6(2), 90-99. Retrieved from google scholar
  • Suatama, I. B. (2021). Usada bali Modern (1st ed.). Yogyakarta: AGLitera Publishing. google scholar
  • Suryadarma, I. G. P. (2005). Konsepsi Kosmologi dalam Pengobatan Usada Taru Pramana. Journal of Tropical Ethnobiology, 2(1), 65-87. google scholar
  • Sutomo, S., & Iryadi, R. (2019). Konservasi Tumbuhan Obat Tradisional “Usada Bali.” Buletin Udayana Mengabdi, 18(4), 58-63. google scholar
  • Wolfgang, W. (1937). Pengetahuan tentang Penyembuhan dan Pekerti Rakyat di Bali. Stuttgart: Ferdinand Daka. google scholar
  • Wyber, R., Noonan, K., Halkon, C., Enkel, S., Cannon, J., Haynes, E., . Carapetis, J. R. (2020). Ending rheumatic heart disease in Australia: the evidence for a new approach. Medical Journal ofAustralia, 213(S10), S3-S31. google scholar
  • Yazici, Y., & Simsek, I. (2010). Treatment options for rheumatoid arthritis beyond TNF-a inhibitors. Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology, 3(5), 663-666. google scholar
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Anthropology
Journal Section Research Articles

Putu Lakustini Cahyaningrum 0000-0002-9528-6931

İ Ketut Ardhana 0000-0002-9403-1785

Publication Date January 16, 2023
Submission Date November 22, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Issue: 66


APA Cahyaningrum, P. L., & Ardhana, İ. K. (2023). Traditional Treatment of Tuju Disease (Rheumatism) in Lontar Usada Based on Bali Local Wisdom. Journal of Economy Culture and Society(66), 365-377.
AMA Cahyaningrum PL, Ardhana İK. Traditional Treatment of Tuju Disease (Rheumatism) in Lontar Usada Based on Bali Local Wisdom. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. January 2023;(66):365-377. doi:10.26650/JECS2021-1026805
Chicago Cahyaningrum, Putu Lakustini, and İ Ketut Ardhana. “Traditional Treatment of Tuju Disease (Rheumatism) in Lontar Usada Based on Bali Local Wisdom”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 66 (January 2023): 365-77.
EndNote Cahyaningrum PL, Ardhana İK (January 1, 2023) Traditional Treatment of Tuju Disease (Rheumatism) in Lontar Usada Based on Bali Local Wisdom. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 66 365–377.
IEEE P. L. Cahyaningrum and İ. K. Ardhana, “Traditional Treatment of Tuju Disease (Rheumatism) in Lontar Usada Based on Bali Local Wisdom”, Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 66, pp. 365–377, January 2023, doi: 10.26650/JECS2021-1026805.
ISNAD Cahyaningrum, Putu Lakustini - Ardhana, İ Ketut. “Traditional Treatment of Tuju Disease (Rheumatism) in Lontar Usada Based on Bali Local Wisdom”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 66 (January 2023), 365-377.
JAMA Cahyaningrum PL, Ardhana İK. Traditional Treatment of Tuju Disease (Rheumatism) in Lontar Usada Based on Bali Local Wisdom. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2023;:365–377.
MLA Cahyaningrum, Putu Lakustini and İ Ketut Ardhana. “Traditional Treatment of Tuju Disease (Rheumatism) in Lontar Usada Based on Bali Local Wisdom”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 66, 2023, pp. 365-77, doi:10.26650/JECS2021-1026805.
Vancouver Cahyaningrum PL, Ardhana İK. Traditional Treatment of Tuju Disease (Rheumatism) in Lontar Usada Based on Bali Local Wisdom. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2023(66):365-77.