This research article revisits the ‘Sulukule’ through the lens of destigmatization, where territorial stigma intersects with Roman ethnicity.’ With reference to socio-spatial developments, this article unpacks the soft and hard components of destigmatization, from displacement to neighborhood renaming, and discusses its design and implementational shortcomings. Future socio-spatial change is the aim of municipalities’ planning anddesignpractices. Basedonourobservationsfromthe2018field survey in Sulukule, we argue that the neighborhood’s negative reputation persists, rendering it "ungentrifable." Consequently, the neighborhood developed its own spatial and social dynamics over time rather than producing the municipality’s planned outcomes. The return of displaced Romani, the uncontrolled influx of refugees, rising tensions between non-Romani and Romani residents in Sulukule, and the flight of local middle-class residents to other districts all affected the outcome. In this context, we identified several flaws, such as the removal of territorial stigma and subsequent neglect of its overlapping nature; policy conflicts at both the central and local scales; and the prevalence of centralist and top-down urban governance. Directly addressing territorial destigmatization as a goal in all official documents and making those documents tangible through negotiations among stakeholders should be integral to the destigmatization process.
Desteklerinden dolayı TÜBİTAK'a ve Proje Ekibine çok teşekkür ediyoruz.
August, M. (2014). Challenging the rhetoric of stigmatization: The benefits of concentrated poverty in Toronto’s Regent Park. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 46(6): 1317-33. google scholar
Aydın, S. (2015, February 8). Belediye Sulukule kültürüne göz dikti. Evrensel. Retrieved from belediye-sulukule-kulturune-goz-dikti google scholar
Balci, H. (2009). Kentsel dönüşüm bağlamında Sulukule’yi anlamak: Roman kimliğinin analizi. (Master Thesis). Yildiz Technical University. Turkey. google scholar
Clark, E. (2005). The order and simplicity of gentrification: A political challenge. InR. Atkinson and G. Bridge (Eds.). Gentrification in a Global Context: The New Urban Colonialism. (p. 256-264). London: Routledge., google scholar
Daglar, I. (2009, 19 March). New AKP gentry in Roma district. Hürriyet. Retrieved From new-akp-gentry-in-roma-district- 11239923. google scholar
Duman Bay, B., and Polat, İ. (2023). Yerel yönetimlerin yeti kaybı, Birikim, February-March 2024, (418-419): 13-23. google scholar
Ergun, N. (2004). Gentrification in Istanbul. Cities, 21(5): 391-405. google scholar
Fatih belediye başkanı Turan. (2021, September 30). Sputnik. Retrieved from fatih- belediye- baskani- turan- suriyeli- ya- da- baska- memleketli- fatihte- herhangi- bir- ev- kiralayamaz- 1049384150.html google scholar
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Hammel, D. J. (1999). Re-establishing the rent gap: An alternative view of capitalized land rent. Urban Studies, 36(8): 1283-1293. google scholar
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Hastings, A., and Dean, J. (2003). Challenging images: tackling stigma through estate regeneration. Policy Polit., 31(2): 171-184. google scholar
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Islam, T., and Enlil, Z. (2010). 5366 sayılı yasa merkezli dönüşüm ve Sulukule örneği: Belediye’nin hedefleri ve yaşanan gerçeklik. InD. Özdemir (Eds.). Kentsel Dönüşümde Politika, Mevzuat, Uygulama: Avrupa Deneyimi, Istanbul Uygulamaları, (p. 317-334). Ankara: Nobel. google scholar
Islam, T., and Sakizlioglu, B. (2015). The making of, and resistance to, state-led gentrification in Istanbul, Turkey. In L. Lees, H. B. Shin, and E. Lopez-Morales (Eds.). Global Gentrification: Uneven Developments and Displacements, (p.245-264). Bristol: Policy Press. google scholar
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Kailin, H. (2017). Opening the reputational gap. In P. Kirkness & A. Tije-Dra (Eds.), Negative Neghborhood Reputation and Place Attachment. The Production and Contestation of Territorial Stigma. (p.102-118). Abongdon: Routledge. google scholar
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Yilmaz, E. (2009). Türkiye’de kentsel dönüşüm uygulamalarında süreç ve aktörler: Sulukule örneği. (Master Thesis). Mimar Sinan Guzel Sanatlar University, Turkey. google scholar
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Fatih belediye başkanı Turan. (2021, September 30). Sputnik. Retrieved from fatih- belediye- baskani- turan- suriyeli- ya- da- baska- memleketli- fatihte- herhangi- bir- ev- kiralayamaz- 1049384150.html google scholar
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Hammel, D. J. (1999). Re-establishing the rent gap: An alternative view of capitalized land rent. Urban Studies, 36(8): 1283-1293. google scholar
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Hastings, A., and Dean, J. (2003). Challenging images: tackling stigma through estate regeneration. Policy Polit., 31(2): 171-184. google scholar
Horgan, M. (2018). Territorial stigmatization and territorial destigmatization: A cultural sociology of symbolic strategy in the gentrification of Parkdale (Toronto). International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 42(3): 500-516., google scholar
International Organization for Migration (IOM). (2019). Baseline assessment in Istanbul province, Annual Report. May-July 2019. Retrieved from google scholar
Islam, T. (2009). Devlet eksenli soylulaşma ve yerel halk: Neslişah ve Hatice Sultan mahalleleri (Sulukule) örneği. (Doctoral Dissertation). Yıldız Technical University, Turkey. google scholar
Islam, T., and Enlil, Z. (2010). 5366 sayılı yasa merkezli dönüşüm ve Sulukule örneği: Belediye’nin hedefleri ve yaşanan gerçeklik. InD. Özdemir (Eds.). Kentsel Dönüşümde Politika, Mevzuat, Uygulama: Avrupa Deneyimi, Istanbul Uygulamaları, (p. 317-334). Ankara: Nobel. google scholar
Islam, T., and Sakizlioglu, B. (2015). The making of, and resistance to, state-led gentrification in Istanbul, Turkey. In L. Lees, H. B. Shin, and E. Lopez-Morales (Eds.). Global Gentrification: Uneven Developments and Displacements, (p.245-264). Bristol: Policy Press. google scholar
Istanbul Buyuksehir Belediyesi (IBB) Stratejik Plan (2020-2024). Retrieved from January 10, 2020. Retrieved from google scholar
Kaban, E. (2011). Kentsel dönüşüm ve Istanbul’un ilk kentsel dönüşüm uygulama projesi: Sulukule örneği. (Master Thesis). Istanbul University, Turkey. google scholar
Kallin, H. and Slater, T. (2014). Activating territorial stigma: Gentrifying marginality on Edinburgh’s periphery. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 46(6): 1351-1368. google scholar
Kailin, H. (2017). Opening the reputational gap. In P. Kirkness & A. Tije-Dra (Eds.), Negative Neghborhood Reputation and Place Attachment. The Production and Contestation of Territorial Stigma. (p.102-118). Abongdon: Routledge. google scholar
Karaman, O., and Islam, T. (2012). On the dual nature of intra-urban borders: The case of a Romani neighborhood in Istanbul. Cities, 29(4): 234-243. google scholar
Kavas, A., Avşar, İ., Kadkoy, O. and Bilgiç, E.B. (2019). İstanbul’da Suriyeliler ve savaş sonrası gettoları. Haziran 2019. TEPAV Report. Retrieved from google scholar
Kocabas, A. and Gibson, M. (2011). Planned gentrification in Istanbul: The Sulukule renewal area (2005-2010). International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 6(4): 420-446. google scholar
Lees, L., Shin, H. B., and Lopez-Morales, E. (2015). Conclusion: Global gentrifications. In L. Lees, H. B. Shin, and E. Lopez-Morales (Eds). Global Gentrifications: Uneven Development and Displacement. (p.441-452). Bristol: Policy Press. google scholar
Letsch, C. (2023). Territorial stigmatization: Urban renewal and displacement in a central İstanbul neighborhood. Transcript Publishing. google scholar
Megakent’te suçun yüksek olduğu 6 ilçe! (2020, February 13). Haberturk. Retrieved from google scholar google scholar
Mösgen, A., Rosol, M., and Schipper, S. (2019). State-led gentrification in previously ‘un-gentrifiable’ areas: Examples from Vancouver, Canada and Frankfurt, Germany. European Urban and Regional Studies, 26(4), 419-433. google scholar
Mustafa Demir’den istifa açıklaması. (2009, March 19). Hürriyet. Retrieved from mustafa-demirden-sulukule-aciklamasi-11240332. google scholar
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Ozet, İ. (2020). Fatih Başakşehir: Muhafazakar mahallede iktidar ve dönüşen habitus. İstanbul: İletişim. google scholar
Paton, K., McCall, V., and Mooney, G. (2017). Place revisited: Class, stigma and urban restructuring in the case of Glasgow’s Commonwealth games. The Sociological Review, 65(4): 578-594. google scholar
Paton, K. (2018). Beyond legacy: Backstage stigmatization and ‘trickle-up’ politics of urban regeneration. The Sociological Review, 66(4): 919-934. google scholar
Pattison, J. (2023). “You don’t go there”: Spatial strategies of stigma negotiation in a post-industrial town. Antipode, 55(4): 1213-1233. google scholar
Penbecioglu, M. (2013). Urban Development Projects and the Construction of Neoliberal Urban Hegemony: The Case of Izmir. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 30(1): 165-189. google scholar
Sahinkaya, C., Duran-Diaz, P., and Bendzko, T. (2018). Urban regeneration in the context of two different planning approaches: A case study of Sulukule (Istanbul, Turkey) and Haidhausen (Munich, Germany). In: FIG Congress 2018, Istanbul, Turkey, 6-11 May 2018. google scholar
Sakizlioğlu, B. (2014). Living under the threat of displacement. Tijdschr Econ Soc Geogr, 105: 206-220. google scholar
Sakizlioglu, B. and Uitermark, J. (2014). The symbolic politics of gentrification: The restructuring of stigmatized neighbourhoods in Amsterdam and Istanbul. Environment and Planning A, 46(6): 1369-1385. google scholar
Saracoglu, C., and Belanger, D. (2019). Loss and xenophobia in the city: Contextualizing anti-Syrian sentiments in Izmir, Turkey. Patterns of Prejudice, 53 (4): 363-383 google scholar
Schultz Larsen, T., and Delica, K. (2019). The production of territorial stigmatisation, City, 23(4-5): 540-563. google scholar
Schultz Larsen, T., and Delica, K. (2021). Territorial destigmatisation in an era of policy schizophrenia. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 45(3), 423-441. google scholar
Simon, P. (2008). Gentrification of old neighborhoods and social integration in Europe. In Yuri Kazepov (Eds.). Cities of Europe: Changing Contexts, Local Arrangements and the Challenge to Urban Cohesion, (p. 210-232). New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell. google scholar
Slater, T. (2017). Territorial stigmatization: Symbolic defamation and the contemporary metropolis. In J. Hannigan and G. Richards (Eds.). The Handbook ofNew Urban Studies (p.110-125). London: SAGE. google scholar
Slater, T. (2018). The invention of the ‘sink estate’: Consequential categorization and the UK housing crisis. The Sociological Review, 66(4): 877-897. google scholar
Sisson, A. (2021). Territory and territorial stigmatization: on the production, consequences and contestation of spatial disrepute. Progress in Human Geography, 45(4): 659-681. google scholar
STOP girişimi: Kentsel toplumsal muhalefette farklı bir deneyim. (2009, June 2009). Mimarizm. Retrieved from makale/stop- girisimi- kentsel- toplumsal- muhalefette- farkli- bir- deneyim_114062 google scholar
Sulukule Gunlugu. (2013). Blog. Retrieved from google scholar
Tuna, K., Satıroglu, A., and Çaglayandereli, M. (2006). Neslişah mahallesi toplumsal yapı araştırması. In A. Kara, B. Kara, and H. Suver (Eds.). Bir Çingene Yolculuğu, (p.154-180). Istanbul: Fatih Municipality Publications. google scholar
Turkun, A. (2015). Kentsel dönüşümü yeniden düşünmek: Mevcut uygulamalar ve hâkim söylem üzerinden bir değerlendirme In B. Duman and İ. Coşkun (Eds.). Neden Nasıl ve Kim İçin Kentsel Dönüşüm, (p.285-332). Istanbul: Litera google scholar
Tyler, I. (2013) Revolting subjects: Social abjection and resistance in neoliberal Britain. London: Zed Books. google scholar
Uitermark, J. (2014). Integration and control: The governing of urban marginality in Western Europe, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 38(4), 1418-1436. google scholar
Uysal, U. E. (2012). An urban social movement challenging urban regeneration: The case of Sulukule, Istanbul. Cities, 29(1): 12-22. google scholar
Vural, G. (2016, January 25). Ranzalı kent: Sulukule [Bunkbed City: Sulukule]. Nokta. Retrieved from google scholar google scholar
Wacquant, L. (2007). Territorial stigmatization in the age of advanced marginality. Thesis Eleven, 91(1): 66-77. google scholar
Wacquant, L. (2008). Urban outcasts: A comparative sociology of advanced marginality. Cambridge: Polity Press. google scholar
Wacquant, L., Slater, T., and Pereria, V. B. (2014). Territorial stigmatization in action. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 46(6): 1270-1280. google scholar
Yardimci, Ö. (2020), State stigmatization in urban Turkey: Managing the “insurgent squatter dwellers in Dikmen Valley, Antipode, 52(5): 1519-1538. google scholar
Yilmaz, E. (2009). Türkiye’de kentsel dönüşüm uygulamalarında süreç ve aktörler: Sulukule örneği. (Master Thesis). Mimar Sinan Guzel Sanatlar University, Turkey. google scholar
Duman Bay, B., & Güler, Z. (2024). Sulukule Transition: Impact on Municipal Destigmatization and Stigma Stickiness. Journal of Economy Culture and Society(70), 213-226.
Duman Bay B, Güler Z. Sulukule Transition: Impact on Municipal Destigmatization and Stigma Stickiness. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. December 2024;(70):213-226. doi:10.26650/JECS2024-1499305
Duman Bay, Betül, and Zuhal Güler. “Sulukule Transition: Impact on Municipal Destigmatization and Stigma Stickiness”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 70 (December 2024): 213-26.
Duman Bay B, Güler Z (December 1, 2024) Sulukule Transition: Impact on Municipal Destigmatization and Stigma Stickiness. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 70 213–226.
B. Duman Bay and Z. Güler, “Sulukule Transition: Impact on Municipal Destigmatization and Stigma Stickiness”, Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 70, pp. 213–226, December 2024, doi: 10.26650/JECS2024-1499305.
Duman Bay, Betül - Güler, Zuhal. “Sulukule Transition: Impact on Municipal Destigmatization and Stigma Stickiness”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 70 (December 2024), 213-226.
Duman Bay B, Güler Z. Sulukule Transition: Impact on Municipal Destigmatization and Stigma Stickiness. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2024;:213–226.
Duman Bay, Betül and Zuhal Güler. “Sulukule Transition: Impact on Municipal Destigmatization and Stigma Stickiness”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 70, 2024, pp. 213-26, doi:10.26650/JECS2024-1499305.
Duman Bay B, Güler Z. Sulukule Transition: Impact on Municipal Destigmatization and Stigma Stickiness. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2024(70):213-26.