Research Article
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Year 2018, Issue: 14, 107 - 117, 25.07.2018



  • Ajadi, T., Salawu, O., & Adeoye, F. (2008). E-learning and distance Education in Nigeria. The Turkish online journal of educational technology, 7(4), 61-70. Anderson, J. (2005). IT, e-Learning and Teacher Development. International EducationJournal, 5(5), 1-14. Angelini, A., Gentile, E., Plantamura, P., & Plantamura, V. L. (2005). Web Information Systemfor e- Learning. International Academy of Sciences: Enformatika, 8, 209-212. Aşkar, P. (2003). Uzaktan eğitimde temel yaklaşımlar ve uzaktan eğitimde öğrenci (katılımcı) olmak. Uzaktan Eğitim Teknolojileri ve TCMB’de Teknoloji Destekli Bilgisayar Eğitimi Konferansı, 31 Ekim 2001. Ankara: TCMB. 3-40. Aydede, M. N. ve Kesercioğlu, T. (2009). Fen ve teknoloji dersine yönelik kendi kendine öğrenme becerileri ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(36), 53-61. Aydede, M. N. ve Kesercioğlu, T. (2012). Aktif öğrenme uygulamalarının öğrencilerin kendi kendine öğrenme becerilerine etkisi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi (H. U. Journal of Education), 43, 37-49. Bedard, R. (1997). Self-directedlearning in thenextcentury: Whatshouldtheorientation be? In H. Long (Ed.), Expandinghorizons in self-directed learning (pp. 281-291). Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma College of Education Public Managers Center. Bertea, P. (2009). Measurıng students’ attitude towards e-learning. A case study. The 5th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for Education. Bucharest, April 09-10, 2009. Brockett, R. G. & Hiemstra, R. (1991). Self-direction in adultlearning: Perspective on theory, research, and practice. New York, NY: Routledge. Butzin, S. M. (2000). Using instructional technology in transformed learning environments: An evaluation of projectchild. Journal of Research in Educational Computing Education, 33(4), 367-384. Büyükkaragöz, S. S. ve Çivi, C. (1999). Genel öğretim metotları, özel eğitim yayınları, İstanbul. Candy, P. (1991). Self-directionforlifelonglearning: a comprehensiveguidetotheoryandpractice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Chang, T. Y. & Chen, Y. T. (2009). Cooperative learning in E-learning: A peer assessment of student-centered using consistent fuzzy reference. Expert Systems with Applications, 36, 8342-8349. Eisenman, G. (1990). Self-directedlearning-A growthprocess? In H. Long (Ed.), Advances in researchandpractice in self-directedlearning(pp. 93-122). Norman, OK: Oklahoma Research Center forContinuing Professional and Higher Education. EL-Deghaidy, H. & Nouby, A. (2008). Effectiveness of a blended e-learning cooperative approach in an Egyptian teacher education programme, Computers & Education, 51, 988-1006. Erdemir, N., Bakırcı, H. ve Eyduran, E. (2009). Öğretmen adaylarinin eğitimde teknolojiyi kullanabilme özgüvenlerinin tespiti. Türk Fen Eğitimi Dergisi (TÜFED-TUSED), 6(3), 99-108. Francis, A. & Flanigan, A. (2012). Self-directed learning and higher education practices: implications for student performance and engagement. The International Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 7(3), 1-18. Freishtat, L. R. & Sandlin, A .J. (2010). Shaping youth discourse about technology: Technological colonization, manifest destiny, and the frontier myth in facebook's public pedagogy. Educational Studies, 46(5),503-523. Ghani, N. A., Hamim, N., & Ishak N. (2007). Web-based learning in science education: overview and implementation for primary school in Malaysia. International Conference on Education 2007 Universiti Brunei Darussalam. Goetsch, D. L. (1984). “Impact of technology on curriculum and delivery strategies in vocational education” in Shulman, Carol Herrnstadt. (Ed.) Adultsand the Changing Work place. American Vocational Association, Inc., 191-200. Grow, G. O. (1991). Teaching learners to be self-directed. Adult Education Quarterly, 41, 125-149. Halis, İ. (2001). Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Materyal Geliştirme.Konya: Mikro Yayınları. Hızal, A. (1977). Programlı Öğretim, A.Ü., Basımevi, Ankara. Hiemstra, R. (2004). Self-directed learning lexicon. International Journal of Self-Directed Learning, 1, 1-6. Hopson, M. H., Simms, R. L., & Knezek, G. A. (2002). Using a technologically enriched environment to impro ve higher-order thinking skills. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 34(2), 109-119. Kar, D., Saha, B., & Mondal, B. C. (2014). Attitude of university students towards e-learning in West Bengal. AmericanJournal of Educational Research, 2(8), 669-673. Karasar, N. (2006). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi (16. Baskı). Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım. Kasworm, C. E. (1992). Adult learners in academic settings: Self-directed learning within the formal learning context. In H. Long (Ed.), Self-directed learning: Application and reseach (pp. 223-244) Norman, OK: Oklahoma Research Center for Continuing Professional and Higher Education. Keller, C. & Cernerud, L. (2002). Students’ perceptions of e-learning in university education. Journal of Educational Media, 27. Knowles, M. (1975). Self-directed learning: A guide for learners and teachers. New York: Association Press. Kurbanoğlu, N. İ.,Takunyaci, M., Kocaman, O. ve Çetinkaya, G. (2010). TheTurkish Adaptation of E-learningAttitude Scale: Reliability and Validity Studies, 10th International EducationalTechnology Conference (IETC - April 26-28), Istanbul, TURKEY. Lertlum, W. & Papasratorn, B. (2004). Trust framework for web-based learning system. Proceeding of The International Conference on PISTA’ 04 and CITSA’04. Orlando, USA, July 21-25. Lertlum, W. & Papasratorn, B. (2006) Factors influencing rote learner's intention to use WBL: developing country study. International Journal of ComputerScience,1(1). Long, H. B. (1989). Self-directed learning: Emerging theory and practice. In H. Long (Ed.), Emerging theory and practice (pp. 1-11). Normal, OK: Oklahoma Research Center for Continuing Professional and Higher Education. Long, H. B. (1990). Changing concepts of self-direction in learning. In H. Long (Ed.), Advances in research and practice in self-directed learning (pp. 1-7). Norman, OK: Oklahoma Research Center for Continuing Professional and Higher Education. Long, H. B. (1991). College students' self-directed learning readiness and educational achievement. In H. Long (Ed.), Self-directed learning: Consensus & conflict (pp. 107-122). Norman, OK: Oklahoma Research Center for Continuing Professional and Higher Education. Long, H. B., Redding, T. R., & Eisenman, G. (1994). A longitudunal study: Socialbehavior and sdlrs scores. In H. Long (Ed.), New ideasabout self-directedlearning (pp. 39-57). Norman, OK: Oklahoma Research Center for Continuing Professional and Higher Education. Mandl, H. & Krause, U.-M. (2003). Learning competence for the knowledge society. In N. Nistor, S. English, S. Wheeler & M. Jalobeanu (Eds.), toward the virtual university International online perspectives (pp. 65-86). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. Middlehurst, R. (1999). New realities for leadership and governance in higher education? Tertiary Educationand Management, 5, 307-329. Nichols, M. (2003). A theory for e-learning. Retrieved March 8, 2016, from http://www.ifets.inf/journals/6_2/1.pdf. Pao-Nan, C. & Wei-Fan, C. (2008). Exploratory study of the relationship between self-directed learning and academic performance in a web-based learning environment. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 11. Retrieved from Pilling-Cormick, J., & Garrison, D. R. (2007). Self-directedand self-regulatedlearning: Conceptuallinks. Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education, 33, 13-33. Piskurich, G. M. (1992). Preparing the learner for self-directed learning. In H. Long (Ed.), Self-directedlearning: Application and reseach (pp. 309-321). Norman, OK: Oklahoma Research Center for Continuing Professional and Higher Education. Reio, T. G. & Davis, W. (2005). Age and gender differences in self-directed learning readiness: a developmental perspective. International Journal of Self-directed Learning, 2(1), 40-49. Reiser, R. A. (2001). A history of instructional design and technology: Part 1: A history of instructionalmedia. Educational Technology Researchand Development, 49 (1), 53-64. Rhema, A & Miliszewska, I. (2010). Towards e-learning in higher education in Libya. Issues in InformingScienceand Information Technology, 7, 423-437. Ruiz, J. G., Mintzer, M. J., & Leipzig, R. M. (2006). The Impact of e-learning in medical education. Academic Medicine, 81(3), 207-212. Russell, A. T., comello, R. J. & Wright, D. E. (2007). Teaching strategies promoting active learning in healthcare education. Education and Homan development, 1(1), 1-8. Sam, H. K., Othman, A. E. A., & Nordin, Z. S. (2005). Computer self-efficacy, computer anxiety, and attitudes toward the internet: A study among undergraduates in unimas. Educational Technology & Society, 8(4), 205-219. Shinkareva, O. N. & Benson, A. D. (2007). Therelationship between adult students' instructional technology competency and self-directed learning ability in an online course. Human Resource Development International, 10, 417-435. Stark, R. & Mandl, H. (2000). Training in empirical research methods: Analysis of problems and intervention from a motivational perspective. In J. Heckhausen (Ed.), Motivational psychology of human development (pp. 165-183). Elsevier: Amsterdam. Sutton, R. (1991). Equity and computers in the schools: A decade of research. Review of Educational Research, 61(4), 475–503. Tuparov, G., Tuparova, D., Ivanov, S., Karashtranova, E., & Peneva J. (2006).Teachers’ attitude towards e-learning courses in Bulgarian universities. Current Developments in Technology-Assisted Education”, pp. 1755-1759, IV International Conference on Multimedia and Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Seville, Spain. Waller, V. E-learning Network & J. Wilson, The Forum forTechnology in Training, (October 2001). Open and Distance Learning Quality Council (ODLQC). Newsletter. A definition for e-learning. Williams, H. S. & Kingham, M. (2003). Infusion of technology into the curriculum. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 30(3), 178-184.

Investigation of the Relationship between E-Learning and Cooperative Learning Attitudes of High School Students

Year 2018, Issue: 14, 107 - 117, 25.07.2018


The aim
of this research is to investigate the relationships between e-learning and
cooperative learning attitudes of the high school students. Attitude scales of
e-learning and cooperative learning were utilized as
a data collection tools in the research. The sample of
the investigation comprises of 415 high school students from three schools in
the province of Sakarya whom are 215 female and 200 male. The problem of the
investigation was analysed by the use of "Pearson Moment Correlation"
and "
Structural Equation Model". Results show that
there is a positive and significant relationship between the scores of
students' e-learning attitude and the scores of students' cooperative learning
attitude. Moreover, the findings gathered from
Structural Equation Model demonstrate that
coopeartive learning predicts positively the sub-dimensions of e-learning.
These results were discussed in frame of the related literature. 


  • Ajadi, T., Salawu, O., & Adeoye, F. (2008). E-learning and distance Education in Nigeria. The Turkish online journal of educational technology, 7(4), 61-70. Anderson, J. (2005). IT, e-Learning and Teacher Development. International EducationJournal, 5(5), 1-14. Angelini, A., Gentile, E., Plantamura, P., & Plantamura, V. L. (2005). Web Information Systemfor e- Learning. International Academy of Sciences: Enformatika, 8, 209-212. Aşkar, P. (2003). Uzaktan eğitimde temel yaklaşımlar ve uzaktan eğitimde öğrenci (katılımcı) olmak. Uzaktan Eğitim Teknolojileri ve TCMB’de Teknoloji Destekli Bilgisayar Eğitimi Konferansı, 31 Ekim 2001. Ankara: TCMB. 3-40. Aydede, M. N. ve Kesercioğlu, T. (2009). Fen ve teknoloji dersine yönelik kendi kendine öğrenme becerileri ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(36), 53-61. Aydede, M. N. ve Kesercioğlu, T. (2012). Aktif öğrenme uygulamalarının öğrencilerin kendi kendine öğrenme becerilerine etkisi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi (H. U. Journal of Education), 43, 37-49. Bedard, R. (1997). Self-directedlearning in thenextcentury: Whatshouldtheorientation be? In H. Long (Ed.), Expandinghorizons in self-directed learning (pp. 281-291). Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma College of Education Public Managers Center. Bertea, P. (2009). Measurıng students’ attitude towards e-learning. A case study. The 5th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for Education. Bucharest, April 09-10, 2009. Brockett, R. G. & Hiemstra, R. (1991). Self-direction in adultlearning: Perspective on theory, research, and practice. New York, NY: Routledge. Butzin, S. M. (2000). Using instructional technology in transformed learning environments: An evaluation of projectchild. Journal of Research in Educational Computing Education, 33(4), 367-384. Büyükkaragöz, S. S. ve Çivi, C. (1999). Genel öğretim metotları, özel eğitim yayınları, İstanbul. Candy, P. (1991). Self-directionforlifelonglearning: a comprehensiveguidetotheoryandpractice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Chang, T. Y. & Chen, Y. T. (2009). Cooperative learning in E-learning: A peer assessment of student-centered using consistent fuzzy reference. Expert Systems with Applications, 36, 8342-8349. Eisenman, G. (1990). Self-directedlearning-A growthprocess? In H. Long (Ed.), Advances in researchandpractice in self-directedlearning(pp. 93-122). Norman, OK: Oklahoma Research Center forContinuing Professional and Higher Education. EL-Deghaidy, H. & Nouby, A. (2008). Effectiveness of a blended e-learning cooperative approach in an Egyptian teacher education programme, Computers & Education, 51, 988-1006. Erdemir, N., Bakırcı, H. ve Eyduran, E. (2009). Öğretmen adaylarinin eğitimde teknolojiyi kullanabilme özgüvenlerinin tespiti. Türk Fen Eğitimi Dergisi (TÜFED-TUSED), 6(3), 99-108. Francis, A. & Flanigan, A. (2012). Self-directed learning and higher education practices: implications for student performance and engagement. The International Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 7(3), 1-18. Freishtat, L. R. & Sandlin, A .J. (2010). Shaping youth discourse about technology: Technological colonization, manifest destiny, and the frontier myth in facebook's public pedagogy. Educational Studies, 46(5),503-523. Ghani, N. A., Hamim, N., & Ishak N. (2007). Web-based learning in science education: overview and implementation for primary school in Malaysia. International Conference on Education 2007 Universiti Brunei Darussalam. Goetsch, D. L. (1984). “Impact of technology on curriculum and delivery strategies in vocational education” in Shulman, Carol Herrnstadt. (Ed.) Adultsand the Changing Work place. American Vocational Association, Inc., 191-200. Grow, G. O. (1991). Teaching learners to be self-directed. Adult Education Quarterly, 41, 125-149. Halis, İ. (2001). Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Materyal Geliştirme.Konya: Mikro Yayınları. Hızal, A. (1977). Programlı Öğretim, A.Ü., Basımevi, Ankara. Hiemstra, R. (2004). Self-directed learning lexicon. International Journal of Self-Directed Learning, 1, 1-6. Hopson, M. H., Simms, R. L., & Knezek, G. A. (2002). Using a technologically enriched environment to impro ve higher-order thinking skills. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 34(2), 109-119. Kar, D., Saha, B., & Mondal, B. C. (2014). Attitude of university students towards e-learning in West Bengal. AmericanJournal of Educational Research, 2(8), 669-673. Karasar, N. (2006). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi (16. Baskı). Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım. Kasworm, C. E. (1992). Adult learners in academic settings: Self-directed learning within the formal learning context. In H. Long (Ed.), Self-directed learning: Application and reseach (pp. 223-244) Norman, OK: Oklahoma Research Center for Continuing Professional and Higher Education. Keller, C. & Cernerud, L. (2002). Students’ perceptions of e-learning in university education. Journal of Educational Media, 27. Knowles, M. (1975). Self-directed learning: A guide for learners and teachers. New York: Association Press. Kurbanoğlu, N. İ.,Takunyaci, M., Kocaman, O. ve Çetinkaya, G. (2010). TheTurkish Adaptation of E-learningAttitude Scale: Reliability and Validity Studies, 10th International EducationalTechnology Conference (IETC - April 26-28), Istanbul, TURKEY. Lertlum, W. & Papasratorn, B. (2004). Trust framework for web-based learning system. Proceeding of The International Conference on PISTA’ 04 and CITSA’04. Orlando, USA, July 21-25. Lertlum, W. & Papasratorn, B. (2006) Factors influencing rote learner's intention to use WBL: developing country study. International Journal of ComputerScience,1(1). Long, H. B. (1989). Self-directed learning: Emerging theory and practice. In H. Long (Ed.), Emerging theory and practice (pp. 1-11). Normal, OK: Oklahoma Research Center for Continuing Professional and Higher Education. Long, H. B. (1990). Changing concepts of self-direction in learning. In H. Long (Ed.), Advances in research and practice in self-directed learning (pp. 1-7). Norman, OK: Oklahoma Research Center for Continuing Professional and Higher Education. Long, H. B. (1991). College students' self-directed learning readiness and educational achievement. In H. Long (Ed.), Self-directed learning: Consensus & conflict (pp. 107-122). Norman, OK: Oklahoma Research Center for Continuing Professional and Higher Education. Long, H. B., Redding, T. R., & Eisenman, G. (1994). A longitudunal study: Socialbehavior and sdlrs scores. In H. Long (Ed.), New ideasabout self-directedlearning (pp. 39-57). Norman, OK: Oklahoma Research Center for Continuing Professional and Higher Education. Mandl, H. & Krause, U.-M. (2003). Learning competence for the knowledge society. In N. Nistor, S. English, S. Wheeler & M. Jalobeanu (Eds.), toward the virtual university International online perspectives (pp. 65-86). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. Middlehurst, R. (1999). New realities for leadership and governance in higher education? Tertiary Educationand Management, 5, 307-329. Nichols, M. (2003). A theory for e-learning. Retrieved March 8, 2016, from http://www.ifets.inf/journals/6_2/1.pdf. Pao-Nan, C. & Wei-Fan, C. (2008). Exploratory study of the relationship between self-directed learning and academic performance in a web-based learning environment. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 11. Retrieved from Pilling-Cormick, J., & Garrison, D. R. (2007). Self-directedand self-regulatedlearning: Conceptuallinks. Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education, 33, 13-33. Piskurich, G. M. (1992). Preparing the learner for self-directed learning. In H. Long (Ed.), Self-directedlearning: Application and reseach (pp. 309-321). Norman, OK: Oklahoma Research Center for Continuing Professional and Higher Education. Reio, T. G. & Davis, W. (2005). Age and gender differences in self-directed learning readiness: a developmental perspective. International Journal of Self-directed Learning, 2(1), 40-49. Reiser, R. A. (2001). A history of instructional design and technology: Part 1: A history of instructionalmedia. Educational Technology Researchand Development, 49 (1), 53-64. Rhema, A & Miliszewska, I. (2010). Towards e-learning in higher education in Libya. Issues in InformingScienceand Information Technology, 7, 423-437. Ruiz, J. G., Mintzer, M. J., & Leipzig, R. M. (2006). The Impact of e-learning in medical education. Academic Medicine, 81(3), 207-212. Russell, A. T., comello, R. J. & Wright, D. E. (2007). Teaching strategies promoting active learning in healthcare education. Education and Homan development, 1(1), 1-8. Sam, H. K., Othman, A. E. A., & Nordin, Z. S. (2005). Computer self-efficacy, computer anxiety, and attitudes toward the internet: A study among undergraduates in unimas. Educational Technology & Society, 8(4), 205-219. Shinkareva, O. N. & Benson, A. D. (2007). Therelationship between adult students' instructional technology competency and self-directed learning ability in an online course. Human Resource Development International, 10, 417-435. Stark, R. & Mandl, H. (2000). Training in empirical research methods: Analysis of problems and intervention from a motivational perspective. In J. Heckhausen (Ed.), Motivational psychology of human development (pp. 165-183). Elsevier: Amsterdam. Sutton, R. (1991). Equity and computers in the schools: A decade of research. Review of Educational Research, 61(4), 475–503. Tuparov, G., Tuparova, D., Ivanov, S., Karashtranova, E., & Peneva J. (2006).Teachers’ attitude towards e-learning courses in Bulgarian universities. Current Developments in Technology-Assisted Education”, pp. 1755-1759, IV International Conference on Multimedia and Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Seville, Spain. Waller, V. E-learning Network & J. Wilson, The Forum forTechnology in Training, (October 2001). Open and Distance Learning Quality Council (ODLQC). Newsletter. A definition for e-learning. Williams, H. S. & Kingham, M. (2003). Infusion of technology into the curriculum. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 30(3), 178-184.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Serhat Arslan

İzzet Kurbanoglu

Publication Date July 25, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Issue: 14


APA Arslan, S., & Kurbanoglu, İ. (2018). Investigation of the Relationship between E-Learning and Cooperative Learning Attitudes of High School Students. Journal of Education and Future(14), 107-117.
AMA Arslan S, Kurbanoglu İ. Investigation of the Relationship between E-Learning and Cooperative Learning Attitudes of High School Students. JEF. July 2018;(14):107-117. doi:10.30786/jef.379588
Chicago Arslan, Serhat, and İzzet Kurbanoglu. “Investigation of the Relationship Between E-Learning and Cooperative Learning Attitudes of High School Students”. Journal of Education and Future, no. 14 (July 2018): 107-17.
EndNote Arslan S, Kurbanoglu İ (July 1, 2018) Investigation of the Relationship between E-Learning and Cooperative Learning Attitudes of High School Students. Journal of Education and Future 14 107–117.
IEEE S. Arslan and İ. Kurbanoglu, “Investigation of the Relationship between E-Learning and Cooperative Learning Attitudes of High School Students”, JEF, no. 14, pp. 107–117, July 2018, doi: 10.30786/jef.379588.
ISNAD Arslan, Serhat - Kurbanoglu, İzzet. “Investigation of the Relationship Between E-Learning and Cooperative Learning Attitudes of High School Students”. Journal of Education and Future 14 (July 2018), 107-117.
JAMA Arslan S, Kurbanoglu İ. Investigation of the Relationship between E-Learning and Cooperative Learning Attitudes of High School Students. JEF. 2018;:107–117.
MLA Arslan, Serhat and İzzet Kurbanoglu. “Investigation of the Relationship Between E-Learning and Cooperative Learning Attitudes of High School Students”. Journal of Education and Future, no. 14, 2018, pp. 107-1, doi:10.30786/jef.379588.
Vancouver Arslan S, Kurbanoglu İ. Investigation of the Relationship between E-Learning and Cooperative Learning Attitudes of High School Students. JEF. 2018(14):107-1.

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