Research Article
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A Case Study Investigating the Language Development Process, Early Literacy Experiences and Educational Problems of a Gifted Child

Year 2018, Volume: 6 Issue: 4, 36 - 71, 15.12.2018


The objective of the present study is to
identify the language development process, early literacy experiences and
educational problems of an early reader identified as gifted. The research
method was determined as a case study in line with this objective. The research
was structured on the experiences of a fourth-grade male student born in 2010
who attends the Science and Arts center and has been identified by RAM as
gifted. The student was coded under name Ahmet. Ahmet’s early literacy
characteristics, experiences and educational problems were examined through
interviews held with Ahmet, his mother and his preschool teacher. Unstructured
open-ended questions were used in the study. Categories were created on data
obtained to perform a content analysis. Deductive method was employed.
According to the results, Ahmet was 3.5 years old when his mother noticed that
he was able to read. However, his language development was slower compared to
his peers. He was around three when he moved to the two-word period.  Ahmet had learned all car models at age one.
He was able to find and call his father, grandmother and aunt from his mother's
phone book at age two. When he was six months old, he noticed that the
illustrated children's book handed to him was upside down and set it right and
focused on and examined the letters therein for a while. When he was one and a
half years old, he saw his father's name's initial letter Z on the wall and
began to bounce crying “here is dad, here is dad.” He had problems of
adaptation with his friends when he started kindergarten. Ahmet enjoys buying
books, spending time at bookstores, visiting libraries, but experiences
problems since he grows impatient about finishing a book he has started. He is
more attracted to the images than the letters in the books. Book covers help
him predict the book, and he sometimes designs his own covers for books he


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Year 2018, Volume: 6 Issue: 4, 36 - 71, 15.12.2018



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There are 113 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Gifted Education

Hatice Kadıoğlu Ateş

Nüket Afat

Publication Date December 15, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 6 Issue: 4


APA Kadıoğlu Ateş, H., & Afat, N. (2018). A Case Study Investigating the Language Development Process, Early Literacy Experiences and Educational Problems of a Gifted Child. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 6(4), 36-71.
AMA Kadıoğlu Ateş H, Afat N. A Case Study Investigating the Language Development Process, Early Literacy Experiences and Educational Problems of a Gifted Child. JEGYS. December 2018;6(4):36-71.
Chicago Kadıoğlu Ateş, Hatice, and Nüket Afat. “A Case Study Investigating the Language Development Process, Early Literacy Experiences and Educational Problems of a Gifted Child”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 6, no. 4 (December 2018): 36-71.
EndNote Kadıoğlu Ateş H, Afat N (December 1, 2018) A Case Study Investigating the Language Development Process, Early Literacy Experiences and Educational Problems of a Gifted Child. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 6 4 36–71.
IEEE H. Kadıoğlu Ateş and N. Afat, “A Case Study Investigating the Language Development Process, Early Literacy Experiences and Educational Problems of a Gifted Child”, JEGYS, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 36–71, 2018.
ISNAD Kadıoğlu Ateş, Hatice - Afat, Nüket. “A Case Study Investigating the Language Development Process, Early Literacy Experiences and Educational Problems of a Gifted Child”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 6/4 (December 2018), 36-71.
JAMA Kadıoğlu Ateş H, Afat N. A Case Study Investigating the Language Development Process, Early Literacy Experiences and Educational Problems of a Gifted Child. JEGYS. 2018;6:36–71.
MLA Kadıoğlu Ateş, Hatice and Nüket Afat. “A Case Study Investigating the Language Development Process, Early Literacy Experiences and Educational Problems of a Gifted Child”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, vol. 6, no. 4, 2018, pp. 36-71.
Vancouver Kadıoğlu Ateş H, Afat N. A Case Study Investigating the Language Development Process, Early Literacy Experiences and Educational Problems of a Gifted Child. JEGYS. 2018;6(4):36-71.