Research Article
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The Effect of Problem Based Learning and Tacit Knowledge on Problem-Solving Skills of Students in Computer Network Practice Course

Year 2020, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 691 - 700, 15.06.2020


This study aims to examine the effect of problem-based learning and tacit knowledge on problem-solving skills when students study in the laboratory. The method employed in this research was Quasi-Experimental Design. Data collection techniques were questionnaires and tests. Seventy-seven students were taken as the research participant and divide into two groups; 35 students in the experimental group with problem-based learning implementation and 42 students in the control group with procedural instruction. Questionnaires were used to measure tacit knowledge adopted from Insch, McIntyre, & Dawley (2008), Chilton & Bloodgood (2007), Somech & Bogler (1999). Data analysis techniques used two-way ANOVA test to determine learning outcomes. The research found that problem-based learning has a significant effect on problem-solving skills, and the use of tacit knowledge depends on the learning model. The results showed that problem-based learning could improve the ability of problem-solving while learning outcomes indicate that students use their tacit knowledge for problem-solving.  

Supporting Institution

Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) Republic of Indonesia


  • Abdullah, J., Mohd-Isa, W. N., & Samsudin, M. A. (2019). Virtual Reality to Improve Group Work Skill and Self-Directed Learning in Problem-Based Learning Narratives. Virtual Reality. DOI:
  • Alrahlah, A. (2016). How Effective the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Dental Education. A Critical Review. Saudi Dental Journal, 28 (4), 155–61. DOI:
  • Andersson, J., & Östman, L. (2015). A Transactional Way of Analyzing the Learning of Tacit Knowledge. Interchange, 46 (3), 271–287. DOI:
  • Arends, R. I. (2012). Learning to teach (9th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hil.
  • Arini, A., Hartono, H., & Khumaedi, K. (2019). Analysis of Problem Solving Skills and Students Scientific Attitudes through the Implementation of Problem Based Learning Module. Journal of Innovative Science Education, 8 (1), 68 - 75. DOI:
  • Brock, R. (2017). Tacit Knowledge in Science Education. In: Taber K.S., Akpan B. (eds) Science Education. New Directions in Mathematics and Science Education. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam. DOI:
  • Buteler, L., & Coleoni, E. (2016). Solving problems to learn concepts, how does it happen? A case for buoyancy. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 12 (2). DOI:
  • Çalişkan, S., Selçuk, G. S., & Erol, M. (2010). Effects of the problem solvingstrategies instruction on the students’ physics problem solving performancesand strategy usage. Procedia, Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2 (2), 2239–2243. DOI:
  • Chilton, M., & Bloodgood, J. 2007. The Dimensions of Tacit&Explicit Knowledge: A Description and Measure. 2007 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS’07, Waikoloa, HI, 2007, 188a-188a. DOI:
  • de Villiers Scheepers, M. J., Barnes, R., Clements, M., & Stubbs, A.J. (2018). Preparing future-ready graduates through experiential entrepreneurship. Education+ Training, 60 (4), 303-317. DOI:
  • Degeng, I. N. S. (2013). Ilmu Pembelajaran (Klasifikasi Variabel Untuk Pengembangan Teori dan Penelitian). Bandung. Kalam Hidup.
  • Docktor, J. L., Strand, N. E., Mestre, J. P., & Ross, B. H. (2015). Conceptual problem solving in high school physics. Physical Review Special Topics -Physics Education Research, 11 (2), 1–13. DOI:
  • Engel, P. J. H. (2008). Tacit knowledge and visual expertise in medical diagnostic reasoning: Implications for medical education. Medical Teacher, 30 (7), 184–188. DOI:
  • Federer, W. T. (1967). Experimental Design, Theory and Application. Oxford and IBH Publ. Co New Delhi.
  • Funke, J., Fischer, A., Holt, D.V. (2018). Competencies for Complexity: Problem Solving in the Twenty-First Century. In: Care E., Griffin P., Wilson, M. (eds) Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills. Educational Assessment in an Information Age. Springer, Cham. DOI:
  • Goffin, K., & Koners, U. (2011). Tacit Knowledge, Lessons Learn, and New Product Development. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28: 300-318. DOI:
  • Greenstein, L. (2012). Assessing 21st-century skills: a guide to evaluating mastery and authentic learning. Corwin.
  • Guan, C. (2017). Design of computer network experimental course in flipped laboratory mode. 12th International Conference on Computer Science and Education (ICCSE), Houston, TX, 2017, pp. 562-565. DOI:
  • Hendriana, H., Johanto, T., Sumarmo, U. (2018). The Role of Problem-Based Learning to Improve Students' Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability and Self Confidence. Journal on Mathematics Education, 9 (2), 291-300. DOI:
  • Hung, W. (2011). Theory to Reality: A Few Issues in Implementing Problem-Based Learning. Educational Technology Research and Development, 59 (4), 529–52. DOI:
  • Hursen, C. (2019). The Effect of Technology Supported Problem-Based Learning Approach on Adults’ Self-Efficacy Perception for Research-Inquiry. Education and Information Technologies, 24 (2), 1131–45. DOI:
  • Ibidunni, A. S., Ibidunni, O. M., Oke, A. O., Ayeni, A. W., Olokundun, A. M. (2018). Examining the Relationship Between Tacit Knowledge Of Individuals And Customer Satisfaction. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 24 (1).
  • Insch, G. S., McIntyre, N., & Dawley, D. (2008). Tacit Knowledge: A Refinement and Empirical Test of the Academic Tacit Knowledge Scale. Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 142 (6), 561–79. DOI:
  • Jabarullah, N., & Hussain, I. H. (2019). The effectiveness of problem-based learning in technical and vocational education in Malaysia. Education + Training, 61 (5), 552-567. DOI:
  • Juuso, E. (2018). An advanced teaching scheme for integrating problem-based learning in control education. Open Engineering, 8 (1), 41-49. DOI:
  • Kadir, Z. A., Abdullah, N. H., Anthony, E., Salleh, B. M., & Kamarulzaman, R. (2016). Does Problem-Based Learning Improve Problem Solving Skills?-A Study among Business Undergraduates at Malaysian Premier Technical University. International Education Studies, 9 (5), 166. DOI:
  • Kothari, A. R., Bickford, J. J., Edwards, N., Dobbins, M. J., & Meyer, M. (2011). Uncovering tacit knowledge: a pilot study to broaden the concept of knowledge in knowledge translation. BMC health services research, 11, 198. DOI:
  • Krátká, J. (2015). Tacit Knowledge in Stories of Expert Teachers, Procedia - Soc. Behav. Sci. 171, 837–846. DOI:
  • Lee, S. (2017). A Plan for Creation of Poetry Education Utilizing ‘PBL-Experience’. The Journal of Modern Literary Theory. DOI:
  • Ling, L., Jing, X., Shuxin, Y. (2017). Research on the reform of computer network course teaching based on practice and innovation. Contemporary Education Research and Teaching Practice, 5, 159.
  • Liu, L., Fu, G., Li, G., Yang, Z. (2015). Research and Practice on the teaching method of computer network course. Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Education, Management and Computing Technology. DOI:
  • Lou, S. -J., Shih, R. -C., Tseng, K. -H., Diez, C. R., & Tsai, H. -Y. (2010). How to promote knowledge transfer through a problem-based learning Internet platform for vocational high school students. European Journal of Engineering Education, 35 (5), 539-551. DOI: 10.1080/03043797.2010.489938
  • Ma, Y., & Lu, X. (2019). The effectiveness of problem-based learning in pediatric medical education in China: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Medicine. 98 (2): e14052. DOI:
  • Matošková, J. (2019). Tacit knowledge as an indicator of academic performance. Journal of Further and Higher Education. DOI:
  • Mushlihuddin, R., Nurafifah, N., & Irvan, I. (2018). The Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning on Students’ Problem Solving Ability in Vector Analysis Course. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 948 (1), 0–6. DOI:
  • Ozturk, T., & Guven, B. (2016). Evaluating Students’ Beliefs in Problem Solving Process: A Case Study. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 12 (2), 411-429. DOI:
  • Pardimin, Arcana, N., & Supriadi, D. (2019). Developing media based on the information and communications technology to improve the effectiveness of the direct instruction method in mathematics learning. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7 (4), 1311-1323. DOI:
  • Park, C., Vertinsky, I., Becerra, M. (2015). Transfers of tacit vs. explicit knowledge and performance in international joint ventures: The role of age. International Business Review, 24, 89–101. DOI:
  • Pemsel, S., & Müller, R. (2012). The governance of knowledge in project-based organizations. International Journal of Project Management, 30 (8), 865-876. DOI:
  • Peng, Y. (2014). Pre-service Teacher’s Problem-solving Abilities in the Classroom: The Process of Becoming a Teacher. Emerging Researchers' Conference. Setyosari, P. (2016). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan dan Pengembangan. Jakarta: Kencana.
  • Somech, A., & Bogler, R. 1999. Tacit Knowledge in Academia: Its Effects on Student Learning and Achievement. Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 133 (6), 605–616. DOI:
  • Tee, M.Y., Karney, D. (2010). Sharing and cultivating tacit knowledge in an online learning environment, Int. J. Comput. Collab. Learn, 5, 385–413. DOI:
  • Wang, T.-I., Su, C.-Y., Hsieh, T.-C. (2011). Accumulating and visualising tacit knowledge of teachers on educational assessments. Computer & Education, 57, 2212–2223. DOI:
  • Wei, D. (2017). Research and application of inclusive practical teaching for Computer Network Course Designing. International Journal of Science, 4 (7).
  • Yang, L. (2018). The Teaching Design of Computer Network’s Flipped Classroom Based on Fanya SPOC Teaching Platform. Sino-US English Teaching, 15 (2), 87-91. DOI:
  • Zaus, M., & Krismadinata, K. (2018). Suatu Kajian Literatur Masalah-Masalah yang Dihadapi dalam Mata Kuliah Jaringan Komputer. INVOTEK: Jurnal Inovasi Vokasional Dan Teknologi, 18(2), 1-8. DOI:
  • Zhang, L., Li, Z., Lu, Z., Li, F. (2016). Application of the WebQuest Teaching Modern a Computer Network Course. 3rd International Conference on Advanced Education and Management. DOI:
Year 2020, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 691 - 700, 15.06.2020



  • Abdullah, J., Mohd-Isa, W. N., & Samsudin, M. A. (2019). Virtual Reality to Improve Group Work Skill and Self-Directed Learning in Problem-Based Learning Narratives. Virtual Reality. DOI:
  • Alrahlah, A. (2016). How Effective the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Dental Education. A Critical Review. Saudi Dental Journal, 28 (4), 155–61. DOI:
  • Andersson, J., & Östman, L. (2015). A Transactional Way of Analyzing the Learning of Tacit Knowledge. Interchange, 46 (3), 271–287. DOI:
  • Arends, R. I. (2012). Learning to teach (9th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hil.
  • Arini, A., Hartono, H., & Khumaedi, K. (2019). Analysis of Problem Solving Skills and Students Scientific Attitudes through the Implementation of Problem Based Learning Module. Journal of Innovative Science Education, 8 (1), 68 - 75. DOI:
  • Brock, R. (2017). Tacit Knowledge in Science Education. In: Taber K.S., Akpan B. (eds) Science Education. New Directions in Mathematics and Science Education. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam. DOI:
  • Buteler, L., & Coleoni, E. (2016). Solving problems to learn concepts, how does it happen? A case for buoyancy. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 12 (2). DOI:
  • Çalişkan, S., Selçuk, G. S., & Erol, M. (2010). Effects of the problem solvingstrategies instruction on the students’ physics problem solving performancesand strategy usage. Procedia, Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2 (2), 2239–2243. DOI:
  • Chilton, M., & Bloodgood, J. 2007. The Dimensions of Tacit&Explicit Knowledge: A Description and Measure. 2007 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS’07, Waikoloa, HI, 2007, 188a-188a. DOI:
  • de Villiers Scheepers, M. J., Barnes, R., Clements, M., & Stubbs, A.J. (2018). Preparing future-ready graduates through experiential entrepreneurship. Education+ Training, 60 (4), 303-317. DOI:
  • Degeng, I. N. S. (2013). Ilmu Pembelajaran (Klasifikasi Variabel Untuk Pengembangan Teori dan Penelitian). Bandung. Kalam Hidup.
  • Docktor, J. L., Strand, N. E., Mestre, J. P., & Ross, B. H. (2015). Conceptual problem solving in high school physics. Physical Review Special Topics -Physics Education Research, 11 (2), 1–13. DOI:
  • Engel, P. J. H. (2008). Tacit knowledge and visual expertise in medical diagnostic reasoning: Implications for medical education. Medical Teacher, 30 (7), 184–188. DOI:
  • Federer, W. T. (1967). Experimental Design, Theory and Application. Oxford and IBH Publ. Co New Delhi.
  • Funke, J., Fischer, A., Holt, D.V. (2018). Competencies for Complexity: Problem Solving in the Twenty-First Century. In: Care E., Griffin P., Wilson, M. (eds) Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills. Educational Assessment in an Information Age. Springer, Cham. DOI:
  • Goffin, K., & Koners, U. (2011). Tacit Knowledge, Lessons Learn, and New Product Development. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28: 300-318. DOI:
  • Greenstein, L. (2012). Assessing 21st-century skills: a guide to evaluating mastery and authentic learning. Corwin.
  • Guan, C. (2017). Design of computer network experimental course in flipped laboratory mode. 12th International Conference on Computer Science and Education (ICCSE), Houston, TX, 2017, pp. 562-565. DOI:
  • Hendriana, H., Johanto, T., Sumarmo, U. (2018). The Role of Problem-Based Learning to Improve Students' Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability and Self Confidence. Journal on Mathematics Education, 9 (2), 291-300. DOI:
  • Hung, W. (2011). Theory to Reality: A Few Issues in Implementing Problem-Based Learning. Educational Technology Research and Development, 59 (4), 529–52. DOI:
  • Hursen, C. (2019). The Effect of Technology Supported Problem-Based Learning Approach on Adults’ Self-Efficacy Perception for Research-Inquiry. Education and Information Technologies, 24 (2), 1131–45. DOI:
  • Ibidunni, A. S., Ibidunni, O. M., Oke, A. O., Ayeni, A. W., Olokundun, A. M. (2018). Examining the Relationship Between Tacit Knowledge Of Individuals And Customer Satisfaction. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 24 (1).
  • Insch, G. S., McIntyre, N., & Dawley, D. (2008). Tacit Knowledge: A Refinement and Empirical Test of the Academic Tacit Knowledge Scale. Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 142 (6), 561–79. DOI:
  • Jabarullah, N., & Hussain, I. H. (2019). The effectiveness of problem-based learning in technical and vocational education in Malaysia. Education + Training, 61 (5), 552-567. DOI:
  • Juuso, E. (2018). An advanced teaching scheme for integrating problem-based learning in control education. Open Engineering, 8 (1), 41-49. DOI:
  • Kadir, Z. A., Abdullah, N. H., Anthony, E., Salleh, B. M., & Kamarulzaman, R. (2016). Does Problem-Based Learning Improve Problem Solving Skills?-A Study among Business Undergraduates at Malaysian Premier Technical University. International Education Studies, 9 (5), 166. DOI:
  • Kothari, A. R., Bickford, J. J., Edwards, N., Dobbins, M. J., & Meyer, M. (2011). Uncovering tacit knowledge: a pilot study to broaden the concept of knowledge in knowledge translation. BMC health services research, 11, 198. DOI:
  • Krátká, J. (2015). Tacit Knowledge in Stories of Expert Teachers, Procedia - Soc. Behav. Sci. 171, 837–846. DOI:
  • Lee, S. (2017). A Plan for Creation of Poetry Education Utilizing ‘PBL-Experience’. The Journal of Modern Literary Theory. DOI:
  • Ling, L., Jing, X., Shuxin, Y. (2017). Research on the reform of computer network course teaching based on practice and innovation. Contemporary Education Research and Teaching Practice, 5, 159.
  • Liu, L., Fu, G., Li, G., Yang, Z. (2015). Research and Practice on the teaching method of computer network course. Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Education, Management and Computing Technology. DOI:
  • Lou, S. -J., Shih, R. -C., Tseng, K. -H., Diez, C. R., & Tsai, H. -Y. (2010). How to promote knowledge transfer through a problem-based learning Internet platform for vocational high school students. European Journal of Engineering Education, 35 (5), 539-551. DOI: 10.1080/03043797.2010.489938
  • Ma, Y., & Lu, X. (2019). The effectiveness of problem-based learning in pediatric medical education in China: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Medicine. 98 (2): e14052. DOI:
  • Matošková, J. (2019). Tacit knowledge as an indicator of academic performance. Journal of Further and Higher Education. DOI:
  • Mushlihuddin, R., Nurafifah, N., & Irvan, I. (2018). The Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning on Students’ Problem Solving Ability in Vector Analysis Course. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 948 (1), 0–6. DOI:
  • Ozturk, T., & Guven, B. (2016). Evaluating Students’ Beliefs in Problem Solving Process: A Case Study. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 12 (2), 411-429. DOI:
  • Pardimin, Arcana, N., & Supriadi, D. (2019). Developing media based on the information and communications technology to improve the effectiveness of the direct instruction method in mathematics learning. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7 (4), 1311-1323. DOI:
  • Park, C., Vertinsky, I., Becerra, M. (2015). Transfers of tacit vs. explicit knowledge and performance in international joint ventures: The role of age. International Business Review, 24, 89–101. DOI:
  • Pemsel, S., & Müller, R. (2012). The governance of knowledge in project-based organizations. International Journal of Project Management, 30 (8), 865-876. DOI:
  • Peng, Y. (2014). Pre-service Teacher’s Problem-solving Abilities in the Classroom: The Process of Becoming a Teacher. Emerging Researchers' Conference. Setyosari, P. (2016). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan dan Pengembangan. Jakarta: Kencana.
  • Somech, A., & Bogler, R. 1999. Tacit Knowledge in Academia: Its Effects on Student Learning and Achievement. Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 133 (6), 605–616. DOI:
  • Tee, M.Y., Karney, D. (2010). Sharing and cultivating tacit knowledge in an online learning environment, Int. J. Comput. Collab. Learn, 5, 385–413. DOI:
  • Wang, T.-I., Su, C.-Y., Hsieh, T.-C. (2011). Accumulating and visualising tacit knowledge of teachers on educational assessments. Computer & Education, 57, 2212–2223. DOI:
  • Wei, D. (2017). Research and application of inclusive practical teaching for Computer Network Course Designing. International Journal of Science, 4 (7).
  • Yang, L. (2018). The Teaching Design of Computer Network’s Flipped Classroom Based on Fanya SPOC Teaching Platform. Sino-US English Teaching, 15 (2), 87-91. DOI:
  • Zaus, M., & Krismadinata, K. (2018). Suatu Kajian Literatur Masalah-Masalah yang Dihadapi dalam Mata Kuliah Jaringan Komputer. INVOTEK: Jurnal Inovasi Vokasional Dan Teknologi, 18(2), 1-8. DOI:
  • Zhang, L., Li, Z., Lu, Z., Li, F. (2016). Application of the WebQuest Teaching Modern a Computer Network Course. 3rd International Conference on Advanced Education and Management. DOI:
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Differentiated Instruction

Totok Chamidy 0000-0002-1806-7516

İ Nyoman Sudana Degeng 0000-0003-4684-552X

Saida Ulfa 0000-0002-2302-7172

Publication Date June 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Chamidy, T., Degeng, İ. N. S., & Ulfa, S. (2020). The Effect of Problem Based Learning and Tacit Knowledge on Problem-Solving Skills of Students in Computer Network Practice Course. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 8(2), 691-700.
AMA Chamidy T, Degeng İNS, Ulfa S. The Effect of Problem Based Learning and Tacit Knowledge on Problem-Solving Skills of Students in Computer Network Practice Course. JEGYS. June 2020;8(2):691-700. doi:10.17478/jegys.650400
Chicago Chamidy, Totok, İ Nyoman Sudana Degeng, and Saida Ulfa. “The Effect of Problem Based Learning and Tacit Knowledge on Problem-Solving Skills of Students in Computer Network Practice Course”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 8, no. 2 (June 2020): 691-700.
EndNote Chamidy T, Degeng İNS, Ulfa S (June 1, 2020) The Effect of Problem Based Learning and Tacit Knowledge on Problem-Solving Skills of Students in Computer Network Practice Course. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 8 2 691–700.
IEEE T. Chamidy, İ. N. S. Degeng, and S. Ulfa, “The Effect of Problem Based Learning and Tacit Knowledge on Problem-Solving Skills of Students in Computer Network Practice Course”, JEGYS, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 691–700, 2020, doi: 10.17478/jegys.650400.
ISNAD Chamidy, Totok et al. “The Effect of Problem Based Learning and Tacit Knowledge on Problem-Solving Skills of Students in Computer Network Practice Course”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 8/2 (June 2020), 691-700.
JAMA Chamidy T, Degeng İNS, Ulfa S. The Effect of Problem Based Learning and Tacit Knowledge on Problem-Solving Skills of Students in Computer Network Practice Course. JEGYS. 2020;8:691–700.
MLA Chamidy, Totok et al. “The Effect of Problem Based Learning and Tacit Knowledge on Problem-Solving Skills of Students in Computer Network Practice Course”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, vol. 8, no. 2, 2020, pp. 691-00, doi:10.17478/jegys.650400.
Vancouver Chamidy T, Degeng İNS, Ulfa S. The Effect of Problem Based Learning and Tacit Knowledge on Problem-Solving Skills of Students in Computer Network Practice Course. JEGYS. 2020;8(2):691-700.

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