Class size and its effects on the education relationship of trust, understanding and authority: A South African perspective
Year 2023,
Volume: 11 Issue: 4 - December 2023, 507 - 519, 30.12.2023
Roy Venketsamy
Quality teaching and learning success depends on the educational relationship between the teacher and the learner. Van Rensburg and Landman agree that the education relationship has its basis in the mutual relationship of trust, understanding and authority between the teachers and the learners. The class size influences the educational relationship between teachers and learners of trust, understanding and authority. In recent years, learner enrolment has rapidly grown in all South African public schools. The increased class size challenged teachers to form authentic mutual relationships of trust, understanding and authority. This study aimed to investigate the effects of large class size on the relationship of trust, understanding and authority in primary schools in the lower South Coast of Durban – Port Shepstone region. The researcher used a quantitative descriptive study which included 150 primary school teachers. These teachers completed a Likert Scale questionnaire on the effects of class size (teacher-learner ratio) on the relationship of trust, understanding and authority. Data was analysed using descriptive analysis through percentages and averages. The findings revealed that the large classes negatively impacted on the education relationship. Teachers found it difficult to understand their learner's needs and could not support them. Furthermore, there needed to be more trust between teachers and learners since learners were seen as strangers to teachers. Moreover, teachers needed help to exercise authority to discipline learners. The study recommended that the Department of Education revisit its teacher-learner ratio guidelines; provide appropriate training and development for teachers to manage large class sizes.
Supporting Institution
University of KwaZulu-Natal
I want to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to the University of Zululand and Prof MS Vos under whose guidance I have completed this study as part of the Doctorates in Education
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