The Effects of Spatial and Firm-Specific Competencies on Innovation Performance: The Case of Antalya Technocity
Year 2019,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 49 - 72, 01.06.2019
Tugba Gurcaylılar-yenidogan
Seda Aslı Yavuz
Purpose: This study aims to investigate the relationships among spatial competencies cooperation-based and coordination-based competencies , organizational knowledge creation capacity, knowledge absorptive capacity, and innovation performance. Methodology: A questionnaire survey was conducted on the firms located in Antalya Technocity and then the research hypotheses were tested by ordinal regression analysis. Findings: The results of this study showed that spatial competences have no significant effect on organizational knowledge creation capacity. Furthermore, the findings indicated that an increase in knowledge absorptive capacity of companies leads to better innovation performance. Practical Implications: The results of this study demonstrate that knowledge absorptive capacity exerts stronger positive effect on innovation performance rather than spatial competences. In addition to this, it was concluded that spatial competences cannot adequately support the knowledge creation capacity of an organization. Originality: This study extends to the literature by exemplifying the effects of systemic competences -as a source of collaborative advantage- and single competences -as a source of competitive advantage- on performance of firms localized in innovative spaces.
- Amit, R. ve Schoemaker, P.J.H. (1993), “Strategic Assets and Organizational Rent”, Strategic Management Journal, 14, 33-46.
- Aslan, D. ve Wasti, S.N. (2015), “Space, Interaction, and Innovation: Does proximity really matter for high tech firms?”, DRUID Academy Conference 2015, Roma.
- Audretsch, D.B. ve Feldman, M. (1996), “R&D Spillovers and the Geography of Innovation and Production”, American Economic Review, 86, 630-640.
- Aydın, O. (2016). “Dünyadaki İnovasyon Kümelerinden Ne Öğrenebiliriz?”, Türkiye Ekonomi Politikaları Araştırma Vakfı (TEPAV) Yayınları, No. 201634, 1-10.
- Barney, J. (1991), “Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage”, Journal of Management, 17, 99-120.
- Bellini, N., Danson, M. ve Halkier, H. (2012), Regional Development Agencies: The Next Generation?: Networking, Knowledge and Regional Politics, Londra: Routledge. Burcharth, A., Lettl, C. ve Ulhoi, J.P., (2015), “Extending Organizational Antecedents of Absorptive Capacity: Organizational Characteristics that Encourage Experimentation”. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 90, 269-284.
- Camisón, C. ve Forés, B. (2011), “Knowledge Creation and Absorptive Capacity: The Effect of Intra-district Shared Competences”, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 27(1), 66-86.
- Camisón, C. ve Villar‐López, A. (2012), “On How Firms Located in an Industrial District Profit from Knowledge Spillovers: Adoption of an Organic Structure and Innovation Capabilities”, British Journal of Management, 23(3), 361-382.
- Changfeng, W. ve Yan, H. (2011), “Linking Properties of Knowledge with Innovation Performance: The Moderate Role of Absorptive Capacity”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(5), 802-819.
- Chen, Y.S., Lin, M.J.J. ve Chang, C.H. (2009), “The Positive Effects of Relationship Learning and Absorptive Capacity on Innovation Performance and Competitive Advantage in Industrial Markets”, Industrial Marketing Management, 38(2), 152-158.
- Cohen, W.M. ve Levinthal, D.A. (1989), “Innovation and Learning: The Two Faces of R&D”, The Economic Journal, 99(397), 569-596.
- Cohen, W.M. ve Levinthal, D.A. (1990), “Absorptive Capacity: A New Perspective on Learning and Innovation”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 35(1), 128-152.
- Daghfous, A. (2004), “Absorptive Capacity and the Implementation of Knowledge Intensive Best Practices”, S.A.M. Advanced Management Journal, 69(2), 21-27.
- Denicolai, S., Ramirez, M. ve Tidd, J. (2016), “Overcoming the False Dichotomy between Internal R&D and External Knowledge Acquisition: Absorptive Capacity Dynamics over Time”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 104, 57-65.
- Denizhan, B. ve Yalçıner, A.Y. (2018), “Kabiliyet Odaklı Sanayi Kümelenmesi: Sakarya Üniversitesi Teknokent Örneği”, Sakarya University Journal of Science, 22(2), 719-727.
- Díez-Vial, I. ve Fernández-Olmos, M. (2015), “Knowledge Spillovers in Science and Technology Parks: How Can Firms Benefit Most?”, The Journal of Technology Transfer, 40(1), 70-84.
- Döner, A.S. (2016), “İnovasyon Beşiği Teknoparklarda İlişki Dinamikleri”, Kastamonu Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(2), 419-430.
- Fosfuri, A. ve Tribo, J.A. (2008), “Exploring the Antecedents of Potential Absorptive Capacity and Its Impact on Innovation Performance”, Omega, 36(2), 173-187.
- Granovetter, M. (1985), “Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Embeddedness”, American Journal of Sociology, 91, 481-510.
- Hafkesbrink, J. ve Schroll, M. (2011), “Innovation 3.0: Embedding into Community Knowledge - Collaborative Organizational Learning Beyond Open Innovation”, Journal of Innovation Economics, 2011, 7(1), 55-92.
- Hair, J.F., Anderson, R.E., Tatham, R.L. ve Black, W.C. (1998), Multivariate Data Analysis, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education.
- Hansson, F. (2007), “Science Parks as Knowledge Organizations–the “ba” in Action?”, European Journal of Innovation Management, 10(3), 348-366.
- Hervas-Oliver, J.L. ve Albors-Garrigos, J. (2008). “The Role of the Firm’s Internal and Relational Capabilities in Clusters: When Distance and Embeddedness Are Not Enough to Explain Innovation”, Journal of Economic Geography, 9(2), 263-283.
- Hobbs, K.G., Link, A.N. ve Shelton, T.L. (2018), “The Regional Economic Impacts of University Research and Science Parks”, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-15.
- Kim, L. (1998), “Crisis Construction and Organizational Learning: Capability Building in Catching-up at Hyundai Motor”, Organization Science, 9, 506-21.
- Lamperti, F., Mavilia, R. ve Castellini, S. (2017), “The Role of Science Parks: A Puzzle of Growth, Innovation and R&D Investments”, The Journal of Technology Transfer, 42(1), 158-183.
- Li, J. ve Geng, S. (2012). “Industrial Clusters, Shared Resources and Firm Performance”. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 24(5-6), 357-381.
- Liberati, D., Marinucci, M. ve Tanzi, G.M. (2016), “Science and Technology Parks in Italy: Main Features and Analysis of Their Effects on the Firms Hosted”, The Journal of Technology Transfer, 41(4), 694-729.
- Löfsten, H. ve Lindelöf, P. (2005), “R&D Networks and Product Innovation Patterns— Academic and Non-Academic New Technology-Based Firms on Science Parks”, Technovation, 25(9), 1025-1037.
- Marshall, A. (1890). Principles of Economics. London: Macmillan. Montoro-Sánchez, A., Ortiz-de-Urbina-Criado, M. ve Mora-Valentín, E.M. (2011), “Effects of Knowledge Spillovers on Innovation and Collaboration in Science and Technology Parks”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(6), 948–970.
- Norusis, M. (2008). SPSS 16.0 Advanced Statistical Procedures Companion. Prentice Hall Press.
- Paniccia, I. (2006), “Cutting Through the Chaos: Towards a New Typology of Industrial Districts and Clusters”, Martin R., Asheim B. ve Cooke Ph. (Der.), Clusters and Regional Development: Critical Reflections and Exploration, (s. 108-132). Londra: Routledge.
- Patel, P.C., Kohtamäki, M., Parida, V. ve Wincent, J. (2015), “Entrepreneurial Orientation‐as‐Experimentation and Firm Performance: The Enabling Role of Absorptive Capacity”, Strategic Management Journal, 36(11), 1739-1749.
- Pekol, Ö. ve Erbaş, B.Ç. (2011), “Patent Sisteminde Türkiye’deki Teknoparkların Yeri”, Ege Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 11(1), 39-58.
- Peteraf, M.A. (1993), “The Cornerstores of Competitive Advantage: A Resource-Based View”, Strategic Management Journal, 14, 179-191.
- Pino, R.M. ve Ortega, A.M. (2018), “Regional Innovation Systems: Systematic Literature Review and Recommendations for Future Research”, Cogent Business & Management, 5(1), 1-17.
- Popaitoon, S. ve Siengthai, S. (2014), “The Moderating Effect of Human Resource Management Practices on the Relationship Between Knowledge Absorptive Capacity and Project Performance in Project-Oriented Companies”, International Journal of Project Management, 32(6), 908-920.
- Porter, M.E. (1998), “Clusters and the New Economics of Competition”, Harvard Business Review, 76(6), 77-90.
- Pouder, R. ve John, St.C.H. (1996), “Hot Spots and Blind Spots: Geographical Clusters of Firms and Innovation”, Academy of Management Review, 21, 1192-1225.
- Sakarya, F., Kılıç, A. ve Eren, H. (2016), “Firmalarda Özümseme Kapasitesini Etkileyen Faktörler: Teknopark Firmaları Örneği”, Social Sciences, 11(4), 288-311.
- Sforzi, F. (2015), “Rethinking the Industrial District: 35 Years Later”, Journal of Regional Research, 32, 11-29.
- Siachou, E. ve Ioannidis, A. (2010), “Knowledge Transfer in Strategic Alliances: Mo-derating Effects of Limited Absorptive Capacity and Powerful Relationships on Business Model Innovation Performance”, Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, 933-943.
- Tabachnick, B.G., ve Fidell, L.S. (2007). Using Multivariate Statistics. Allyn & Bacon/ Pearson Education.
- Tallman, S., Jenkins, M., Henry, N. ve Pinch, S. (2004), “Knowledge, Clusters, and Competitive Advantage”, Academy of Management Review, 29, 258-271.
- Tomlinson, P. R. ve Jackson, I. (2013), “Cooperative Ties and the Impact of External Factors upon Innovation in an Industrial District: Some Insights from the North Staffordshire Table and Giftware Sector”, Regional Studies, 47(4), 580-596.
- Tapscott, D. (1996). The Digital Economy: Promise and Peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence, New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
- Tseng, C.Y., Chang Pai, D. ve Hung, C.H. (2011), “Knowledge Absorptive Capacity and Innovation Performance in KIBS”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(6), 971- 983.
- Ubeda, F., Ortiz-de-Urbina-Criado, M., ve Mora-Valentín, E.M. (2018), “Do Firms Located in Science and Technology Parks Enhance Innovation Performance? The Effect of Absorptive Capacity”, The Journal of Technology Transfer, 1-28. s10961-018-9686-0
- Vásquez-Urriago, Á.R., Barge-Gil, A. ve Rico, A.M. (2016), “Science and Technology Parks and Cooperation for Innovation: Empirical Evidence from Spain”, Research Policy, 45(1), 137-147.
- Wang, C. ve Han, Y. (2011), “Linking Properties of Knowledge with Innovation Performance: The Moderate Role of Absorptive Capacity”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(5), 802-819.
- Xie, X., Zou, H ve Qi, G. (2018), “Knowledge Absorptive Capacity and Innovation Performance in High-Tech Companies: A Multi-Mediating Analysis”, Journal of Business Research, 88, 289-297.
- Yang, C.H., Motohashi, K. ve Chen, J.R. (2009), “Are New Technology-Based Firms Located on Science Parks Really More Innovative? Evidence from Taiwan”, Research Policy, 38(1), 77-85
- Zahra, S.A. ve George, G. (2002), “Absorptive Capacity: A Review, Reconceptualization, and Extension”, The Academy of Management Review, 27 (2): 185-203.
- Zheng, S., Zhang, W. ve Du, J. (2011), “Knowledge-based Dynamic Capabilities and Innovation in Networked Environments”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(6), 1035-1051.
Mekâna ve Firmaya Özgü Yetkinliklerin İnovasyon Performansı Üzerine Etkileri: Antalya Teknokent Örneği
Year 2019,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 49 - 72, 01.06.2019
Tugba Gurcaylılar-yenidogan
Seda Aslı Yavuz
Amaç: Bu çalışmada; mekâna özgü ortak yetkinlikler iş birliği temelli yetkinlikler ve koordinasyon temelli yetkinlikler , örgütsel bilgi üretme kapasitesi, bilgi içselleştirme kapasitesi ve inovasyon performansı arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Yöntem: Antalya Teknokent’te yerleşik işletmeler üzerine bir anket çalışması gerçekleştirilmiş ve araştırmanın hipotezleri ordinal regresyon analiziyle test edilmiştir. Bulgular: Elde edilen bulgular, mekâna özgü ortak yetkinliklerin örgütsel bilgi üretme kapasitesi üzerinde anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olmadığını göstermiştir. Bununla birlikte bilgi içselleştirme kapasitesindeki artışın daha iyi bir inovasyon performansı düzeyine yol açacağı ortaya konmuştur. Sonuç ve Öneriler: Çalışma sonuçları, mekâna özgü ortak yetkinliklerle karşılaştırıldığında bilgi içselleştirme kapasitesinin inovasyon performansını artırmada daha büyük bir etkiye sahip olduğunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca mekâna özgü ortak yetkinliklerin örgütsel bilgi üretme kapasitesini yeterince destekleyemediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Özgün Değer: Bu çalışma, iş birlikçi üstünlük yaratan sistemik ve rekabetçi üstünlük yaratan tekil yetkinliklerin inovatif mekânlarda yerleşik firma performansları üzerine etkilerini ortaya koyarak literatürü genişletmektedir.
- Amit, R. ve Schoemaker, P.J.H. (1993), “Strategic Assets and Organizational Rent”, Strategic Management Journal, 14, 33-46.
- Aslan, D. ve Wasti, S.N. (2015), “Space, Interaction, and Innovation: Does proximity really matter for high tech firms?”, DRUID Academy Conference 2015, Roma.
- Audretsch, D.B. ve Feldman, M. (1996), “R&D Spillovers and the Geography of Innovation and Production”, American Economic Review, 86, 630-640.
- Aydın, O. (2016). “Dünyadaki İnovasyon Kümelerinden Ne Öğrenebiliriz?”, Türkiye Ekonomi Politikaları Araştırma Vakfı (TEPAV) Yayınları, No. 201634, 1-10.
- Barney, J. (1991), “Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage”, Journal of Management, 17, 99-120.
- Bellini, N., Danson, M. ve Halkier, H. (2012), Regional Development Agencies: The Next Generation?: Networking, Knowledge and Regional Politics, Londra: Routledge. Burcharth, A., Lettl, C. ve Ulhoi, J.P., (2015), “Extending Organizational Antecedents of Absorptive Capacity: Organizational Characteristics that Encourage Experimentation”. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 90, 269-284.
- Camisón, C. ve Forés, B. (2011), “Knowledge Creation and Absorptive Capacity: The Effect of Intra-district Shared Competences”, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 27(1), 66-86.
- Camisón, C. ve Villar‐López, A. (2012), “On How Firms Located in an Industrial District Profit from Knowledge Spillovers: Adoption of an Organic Structure and Innovation Capabilities”, British Journal of Management, 23(3), 361-382.
- Changfeng, W. ve Yan, H. (2011), “Linking Properties of Knowledge with Innovation Performance: The Moderate Role of Absorptive Capacity”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(5), 802-819.
- Chen, Y.S., Lin, M.J.J. ve Chang, C.H. (2009), “The Positive Effects of Relationship Learning and Absorptive Capacity on Innovation Performance and Competitive Advantage in Industrial Markets”, Industrial Marketing Management, 38(2), 152-158.
- Cohen, W.M. ve Levinthal, D.A. (1989), “Innovation and Learning: The Two Faces of R&D”, The Economic Journal, 99(397), 569-596.
- Cohen, W.M. ve Levinthal, D.A. (1990), “Absorptive Capacity: A New Perspective on Learning and Innovation”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 35(1), 128-152.
- Daghfous, A. (2004), “Absorptive Capacity and the Implementation of Knowledge Intensive Best Practices”, S.A.M. Advanced Management Journal, 69(2), 21-27.
- Denicolai, S., Ramirez, M. ve Tidd, J. (2016), “Overcoming the False Dichotomy between Internal R&D and External Knowledge Acquisition: Absorptive Capacity Dynamics over Time”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 104, 57-65.
- Denizhan, B. ve Yalçıner, A.Y. (2018), “Kabiliyet Odaklı Sanayi Kümelenmesi: Sakarya Üniversitesi Teknokent Örneği”, Sakarya University Journal of Science, 22(2), 719-727.
- Díez-Vial, I. ve Fernández-Olmos, M. (2015), “Knowledge Spillovers in Science and Technology Parks: How Can Firms Benefit Most?”, The Journal of Technology Transfer, 40(1), 70-84.
- Döner, A.S. (2016), “İnovasyon Beşiği Teknoparklarda İlişki Dinamikleri”, Kastamonu Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(2), 419-430.
- Fosfuri, A. ve Tribo, J.A. (2008), “Exploring the Antecedents of Potential Absorptive Capacity and Its Impact on Innovation Performance”, Omega, 36(2), 173-187.
- Granovetter, M. (1985), “Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Embeddedness”, American Journal of Sociology, 91, 481-510.
- Hafkesbrink, J. ve Schroll, M. (2011), “Innovation 3.0: Embedding into Community Knowledge - Collaborative Organizational Learning Beyond Open Innovation”, Journal of Innovation Economics, 2011, 7(1), 55-92.
- Hair, J.F., Anderson, R.E., Tatham, R.L. ve Black, W.C. (1998), Multivariate Data Analysis, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education.
- Hansson, F. (2007), “Science Parks as Knowledge Organizations–the “ba” in Action?”, European Journal of Innovation Management, 10(3), 348-366.
- Hervas-Oliver, J.L. ve Albors-Garrigos, J. (2008). “The Role of the Firm’s Internal and Relational Capabilities in Clusters: When Distance and Embeddedness Are Not Enough to Explain Innovation”, Journal of Economic Geography, 9(2), 263-283.
- Hobbs, K.G., Link, A.N. ve Shelton, T.L. (2018), “The Regional Economic Impacts of University Research and Science Parks”, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-15.
- Kim, L. (1998), “Crisis Construction and Organizational Learning: Capability Building in Catching-up at Hyundai Motor”, Organization Science, 9, 506-21.
- Lamperti, F., Mavilia, R. ve Castellini, S. (2017), “The Role of Science Parks: A Puzzle of Growth, Innovation and R&D Investments”, The Journal of Technology Transfer, 42(1), 158-183.
- Li, J. ve Geng, S. (2012). “Industrial Clusters, Shared Resources and Firm Performance”. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 24(5-6), 357-381.
- Liberati, D., Marinucci, M. ve Tanzi, G.M. (2016), “Science and Technology Parks in Italy: Main Features and Analysis of Their Effects on the Firms Hosted”, The Journal of Technology Transfer, 41(4), 694-729.
- Löfsten, H. ve Lindelöf, P. (2005), “R&D Networks and Product Innovation Patterns— Academic and Non-Academic New Technology-Based Firms on Science Parks”, Technovation, 25(9), 1025-1037.
- Marshall, A. (1890). Principles of Economics. London: Macmillan. Montoro-Sánchez, A., Ortiz-de-Urbina-Criado, M. ve Mora-Valentín, E.M. (2011), “Effects of Knowledge Spillovers on Innovation and Collaboration in Science and Technology Parks”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(6), 948–970.
- Norusis, M. (2008). SPSS 16.0 Advanced Statistical Procedures Companion. Prentice Hall Press.
- Paniccia, I. (2006), “Cutting Through the Chaos: Towards a New Typology of Industrial Districts and Clusters”, Martin R., Asheim B. ve Cooke Ph. (Der.), Clusters and Regional Development: Critical Reflections and Exploration, (s. 108-132). Londra: Routledge.
- Patel, P.C., Kohtamäki, M., Parida, V. ve Wincent, J. (2015), “Entrepreneurial Orientation‐as‐Experimentation and Firm Performance: The Enabling Role of Absorptive Capacity”, Strategic Management Journal, 36(11), 1739-1749.
- Pekol, Ö. ve Erbaş, B.Ç. (2011), “Patent Sisteminde Türkiye’deki Teknoparkların Yeri”, Ege Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 11(1), 39-58.
- Peteraf, M.A. (1993), “The Cornerstores of Competitive Advantage: A Resource-Based View”, Strategic Management Journal, 14, 179-191.
- Pino, R.M. ve Ortega, A.M. (2018), “Regional Innovation Systems: Systematic Literature Review and Recommendations for Future Research”, Cogent Business & Management, 5(1), 1-17.
- Popaitoon, S. ve Siengthai, S. (2014), “The Moderating Effect of Human Resource Management Practices on the Relationship Between Knowledge Absorptive Capacity and Project Performance in Project-Oriented Companies”, International Journal of Project Management, 32(6), 908-920.
- Porter, M.E. (1998), “Clusters and the New Economics of Competition”, Harvard Business Review, 76(6), 77-90.
- Pouder, R. ve John, St.C.H. (1996), “Hot Spots and Blind Spots: Geographical Clusters of Firms and Innovation”, Academy of Management Review, 21, 1192-1225.
- Sakarya, F., Kılıç, A. ve Eren, H. (2016), “Firmalarda Özümseme Kapasitesini Etkileyen Faktörler: Teknopark Firmaları Örneği”, Social Sciences, 11(4), 288-311.
- Sforzi, F. (2015), “Rethinking the Industrial District: 35 Years Later”, Journal of Regional Research, 32, 11-29.
- Siachou, E. ve Ioannidis, A. (2010), “Knowledge Transfer in Strategic Alliances: Mo-derating Effects of Limited Absorptive Capacity and Powerful Relationships on Business Model Innovation Performance”, Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, 933-943.
- Tabachnick, B.G., ve Fidell, L.S. (2007). Using Multivariate Statistics. Allyn & Bacon/ Pearson Education.
- Tallman, S., Jenkins, M., Henry, N. ve Pinch, S. (2004), “Knowledge, Clusters, and Competitive Advantage”, Academy of Management Review, 29, 258-271.
- Tomlinson, P. R. ve Jackson, I. (2013), “Cooperative Ties and the Impact of External Factors upon Innovation in an Industrial District: Some Insights from the North Staffordshire Table and Giftware Sector”, Regional Studies, 47(4), 580-596.
- Tapscott, D. (1996). The Digital Economy: Promise and Peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence, New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
- Tseng, C.Y., Chang Pai, D. ve Hung, C.H. (2011), “Knowledge Absorptive Capacity and Innovation Performance in KIBS”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(6), 971- 983.
- Ubeda, F., Ortiz-de-Urbina-Criado, M., ve Mora-Valentín, E.M. (2018), “Do Firms Located in Science and Technology Parks Enhance Innovation Performance? The Effect of Absorptive Capacity”, The Journal of Technology Transfer, 1-28. s10961-018-9686-0
- Vásquez-Urriago, Á.R., Barge-Gil, A. ve Rico, A.M. (2016), “Science and Technology Parks and Cooperation for Innovation: Empirical Evidence from Spain”, Research Policy, 45(1), 137-147.
- Wang, C. ve Han, Y. (2011), “Linking Properties of Knowledge with Innovation Performance: The Moderate Role of Absorptive Capacity”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(5), 802-819.
- Xie, X., Zou, H ve Qi, G. (2018), “Knowledge Absorptive Capacity and Innovation Performance in High-Tech Companies: A Multi-Mediating Analysis”, Journal of Business Research, 88, 289-297.
- Yang, C.H., Motohashi, K. ve Chen, J.R. (2009), “Are New Technology-Based Firms Located on Science Parks Really More Innovative? Evidence from Taiwan”, Research Policy, 38(1), 77-85
- Zahra, S.A. ve George, G. (2002), “Absorptive Capacity: A Review, Reconceptualization, and Extension”, The Academy of Management Review, 27 (2): 185-203.
- Zheng, S., Zhang, W. ve Du, J. (2011), “Knowledge-based Dynamic Capabilities and Innovation in Networked Environments”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(6), 1035-1051.