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National Innovation Systems and Suggestions for Turkey

Year 2012, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 69 - 96, 01.06.2012


The concept of “National Innovation Systems NIS ”, which purports to maintain innovation and technology production in a systematic way, has emerged in 1990’s, leading the developed countries having the necessary infrastructure to systematically establish and maintain NIS. Today, NIS has become a model for countries intending to achieve a competitive and sustainable development. Hence the developing countries are in a struggle of establishing a peculiar innovation system. Turkey aiming to become a developed country should compose a NIS peculiar to itself. Previous researches show that Turkey has the infrastructure and organizations necessary for establishing a NIS. The only thing needed for the establishment of a NIS in Turkey is the systematic work flow, under the coordination of a single institution. In this paper a comprehensive literature research has been investigated for enabling full comprehension of NIS and a model, which may be suitable for Turkey, has been proposed.


  • Abrunhosa, A. (2003), “The National Innovation Systems Approach and the Innovation Matrix,” DRUID Summer Conference 2003 on Creating, Sharing and Transferring Knowledge. The role of Geography, Institutions and Organisations. Copenhagen, June 12-14.
  • Archibugi, D.; Howells, J. ve Michie, J. (1999), “Innovation Systems in a Global Economy,” Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 11(4), 527-539.
  • Ayhan, A. (2002) Dünden Bugüne Türkiye’de Bilim – Teknoloji ve Geleceğin Teknolojileri. Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş., İstanbul.
  • Balzat, M. (2002), The Theoretical Basis and the Empirical Treatment of National Innovation Systems. University of Augsburg, Institute for Economics, D-86 135, Augsburg.
  • Balzat, M. ve Hanusch, H. (2004), “Recent Trends in the Research on National Innovation Systems,” Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 14, 197-210.
  • Carlsson, B. ve Jacobsson, S. (1997), Diversity Creation and Technological Systems: A Technology Policy Perspective, In: Edquist C. (Ed.) Systems of Innovation: Technologies, Institutions and Organizations, Frances Pinter, London.
  • Carlsson, B.; Jacobsson, S.; Holmen, M. ve Rickne, A. (2002), Innovation Systems: Analytical and Methodological Issues,” Research Policy, 31, 233-245.
  • Damanpour, F. (1991), “Organizational Innovation: A Meta-Analysis of Effects of Determinants and Moderators,” Academy of Management Journal, 34(3), 555-590.
  • Diez, J.R. (2002), “Metropolitan Innovation Systems: A Comparison between Barcelona, Stockholm, and Vienna,” International Regional Science Review, 25 (1): 63-85.
  • Edquist, C. (ed.) (1997), Systems of Innovation: Technologies, Institutions and Organizations. Pinter, London.
  • Edquist, D. (1999), “Innovation Policy - A Systemic Approach,” Department of Technology and Social Change, Linköping University, Sweden.
  • Edquist, C. (2001), The Systems of Innovation Approach and Innovation Policy: An Account of The State of The Art. Lead paper presented at the DRUID Conference, Aalborg, June 12-15.
  • Edquist, C. ve Hommen, L. (1999), “Systems of Innovation: Theory and Policy for The Demand Side,” Technology in Society, 21 (1): 63-79.
  • Erickson, S. (1999), “Patent Law and New Product Development: Does Priority Claim Basis Make a Difference?” American Business Law Journal, 36(2), 327-347.
  • Etzkowitz, H. ve Leydesdorff, L. (2000), “The Dynamics of Innovation: From National Systems and “Mode 2” to a Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations,” Research Policy, 29 (2), 109-123.
  • Fagerberg, J.; Mowery D.C. ve Verspagen, B. (2009), “The Evolution of Norway’s National Innovation System,” Science & Public Policy, 36 (6), 431-444.
  • Feldman, M.; Gertler, M. ve Wolfe, D. (2006), “University Technology Transfer and National Systems of Innovation: Introduction to the Special Issue of Industry and Innovation,” Industry & Innovation, 13 (4), 359–370.
  • Freeman, C. (1982), “Technological Infrastructure and International Competitiveness,” Draft paper submitted to the OECD.
  • Freeman, C. (1987), Technology and Economic Performance: Lessons from Japan. Pinter, London.
  • Freeman, C. (1992), “Formal Scientific and Technical Institutions in the National Systems of Innovation,” B.A. Lundvall (ed.), National Systems of Innovation - Towards a Theory of Innovation and Interactive Learning. Pinter Publishers, London.
  • Garcia, R. ve Calantone, R. (2002), “A Critical Look at Technological Innovation Typology and Innovativeness Terminology: A Literature Review,” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 19 (2), 25-37.
  • Gatignon, H. ve Xuereb, J. M. (1997), “Strategic Orientation of the Firm and New Product Performance,” Journal of Marketing Research, 34(1), 77-90.
  • Geroski, P.A. ve Walters, C.F. (1995), “Innovative Activity over the Business Cycle,” The Economic Journal, 105 (431), 916-928.
  • Geuna, A. ve Mowery, D. (2007), “Publishing and Patenting in US and European Universities,” Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 16 (2), 67-70.
  • Gregersen, B. ve Johnson, B. (1997), “Learning Economies, Innovation Systems and European Integration,” Regional Studies, 31 (5), 479-490.
  • Groenewegen, J. ve van der Steen, M. (2006), “The Evolution of National Innovation Systems,” Journal of Economic Issues, 40(2), 277-285.
  • Gulbrandsen, M.; Mowery, D. ve Feldman, M. (2010), “Introduction to the Special Section: Heterogeneity and University-Industry Relations,” Research Policy, Iss. in Press, Corrected Prof.
  • Intarakumnerd, P.; Chairatana, P.-A. ve Tangchitpiboon, T. (2002), “National Innovation Systems in Less Successful Developing Countries: The case of Thailand,” Research Policy, 31 (8-9), 1445–1457.
  • Johnson, B.; Edquist, C. ve Lundvall, B.-A. (2003), “Economic Development and The National System of Innovation Approach,” First Globelics Conference, Rio de Janeiro, November 3-6.
  • Keck, O. (1993), The National System for Technical Innovation in Germany. in: Nelson, R.R. (ed.) National Innovation Systems: A Comparative Analysis. Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Kitanovic, J. (2007), “The Applicability of The Concept of National Innovation Systems to Transition Economies,” Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, 9 (1), 28–45.
  • Koberg, C.S.; Detienne, D.R. ve Heppard, K.A. (2003), “An Empirical Test of Environmental, Organizational, and Process Factors Affecting Incremental and Radical Innovation,” Journal of High Technology Management Research, 14 (1), 21-45.
  • Koschatzky, K. (2001), “Regional Development through Entrepreneurship Promotion? The Role of Higher Education Institutes for Stimulating Firm Foundations,” Paper presented at the 41st Congress of the ERSA, Zagreb, Croatia.
  • Lee, J.-D. ve Park, C. (2006), “Research and Development Linkages in a National Innovation System: Factors Affecting Success and Failure in Korea,” Technovation, 26 (9), 1045-1054.
  • Lee, J. ve Win, H.N. (2004), “Technology Transfer between University Research Centers and Industry in Singapore,” Technovation, 24 (5), 433-442.
  • Lundvall, B.-A. (1985), Product Innovation and User-Producer Interaction. Aalborg University Press, Aalborg.
  • Lundvall, B.-A. (ed.) (1992), National Systems of Innovation: Towards a Theory of Innovation and Interactive Learning. Pinter, London.
  • Lundvall, B.-A., (2007), “National Innovation Systems – Analytical Concept and Development Tool,” Industry and Innovation, 14(1), 95-119.
  • Lundvall, B.A.; Johnson, B.; Anderson, E.S. ve Dalum, B. (2002), “National Systems of Production, Innovation and Competence Building,” Research Policy, 31 (2), 213-231.
  • Marques, J.P.C.; Caraça, J.M.G. ve Diz, H. (2006), “How can University-IndustryGovernment Interactions Change the Innovation Scenario in Portugal? - The case of the University of Coimbra,” Technovation, 26 (4), 534–542.
  • Metcalfe, J.S. (1995), The Economic Foundations of Technology Policy: Equilibrium and Evolutionary Perspectives. in Stoneman, P. (ed.), Handbook of the Economics of Innovation and Technological Change, Blackwell, London.
  • Mowery, D.C. (1998), “The Changing Structure of the US National Innovation System: Implications for International Conflict and Cooperation in R&D Policy,” Research Policy, 27, 639–644.
  • Mowery, DC. (2005), “The Bayh-Dole Act and High-Technology Entrepreneurship in US Universities: Chicken, Egg, or Something Else?” University Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer, 16, 39-68.
  • Mowery, Oxley, J.E. (1995), “Inward Technology Transfer and Competitiveness: The Role of National Innovation Systems,” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 19(1), 67-93.
  • Mowery, D.C. ve Rosenberg, N. (1993), The US National Innovation System. in: Nelson, R.R. (ed.) National Innovation Systems: A Comparative Analysis. Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Nasierowski, W. ve Arcelus, F.J. (2003), “On the Efficiency of National Innovation Systems,” Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 37(3), 215–234.
  • Nelson, R.R. (ed.) (1993), National Innovation Systems: A Comparative Analysis. Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Nelson, R.R. (2002), “Bringing Institutions into Evolutioanary Growth Theory,” Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 12 (1-2), 17-24.
  • Nelson, R.R. ve Rosenberg, N. (1993), Technical Innovation and National Systems. in: Nelson, R.R. (ed.) National Innovation Systems: A Comparative Analysis. Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Odagiri, H. ve Goto, A. (1993), The Japanese System of Innovation: Past, Present, and Future. in: Nelson, R.R. (ed.) National Innovation Systems: A Comparative Analysis. Oxford University Press, New York.
  • OECD (1998), Technology, Productivity and Job Creation: Best Policy Practices, The OECD Jobs Strategy, OECD Publishing, Paris.
  • OECD (1999), Managing Naional Innovation Systems. OECD Publishing, Paris.
  • Patel, P. ve Pavitt, K.L.R. (1997), “The Technological Competences of the World’s Largest Firms: Complex and Path-dependent, But not Much Variety,” Research Policy, 26, 141–156.
  • Pelkonen, A.; Teravainen, T. ve Waltari, S.-T. (2008), “Assessing Policy Coordination Capacity: Higher Education, Science, and Technology Policies in Finland,” Science & Public Policy, 35 (4), 241–252.
  • Sampat, B.N.; Mowery, D.C. ve Ziedonis, A.A. (2003), “Changes in University Patent Quality After the Bayh–Dole Act: A Re-examination,” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 21 (9), 1371-1390.
  • Schumpeter, J.A. (1934), The Theory of Economic Development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Schumpeter, J.A. (1939), Business Cycles: A Theoretical, Historical and Statistical Analysis of the Capitalist Process. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Sharif, N. (2006), “Emergence and Development of The National Innovation Systems Concept,” Research Policy, 35 (5), 745-766.
  • Shervani, T. ve Zerrillo, P. (1997), “The Albatross of Product Innovation,” Business Horizons, Jan/Feb 97, 40 (1), 57-62.
  • Singh, L. (2006), Globalization, National Innovation Systems and Response of Public Policy. MPRA Paper No. 641.
  • Utterback, J.M. (1971), “The Process of Technological Innovation Within the Firm,” Academy of Management Journal, 14 (1), 75-88.
  • Varblane, U.; Dyker, D. ve Tamm, D. (2007), “How to Improve the National Innovation Systems of Catching-up Economies?” Trames, 11 (61/56), 2, 106-123.
  • Veryzer, R.W. Jr. (1998), “Discontinuous Innovation and the New Product Development Process,” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 15 (4), 304-321.

Milli Yenilik Sistemleri ve Türkiye İçin Öneriler

Year 2012, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 69 - 96, 01.06.2012


Yenilik ve teknoloji üretiminin sistemli bir şekilde yürütülmesini ifade eden “Milli Yenilik Sistemleri MYS ” bir kavram olarak literatürde 1990’larda ortaya çıkmaya başlamış ve MYS’nin oluşturulması için gerekli altyapıya ve kurumlara sahip olan gelişmiş ülkeler bu sistemi hızlı bir şekilde oluşturmuşlar ve başarılı bir şekilde de uygulamaktadırlar. Günümüzde artık MYS; rekabet gücü yüksek, sürdürülebilir ve istikrarlı bir kalkınma isteyen tüm ülkeler için bir model haline gelmiştir. Gelişmiş bir ülke konumuna gelmek isteyen Türkiye de kendisine özgü bir MYS oluşturmalıdır. Bunun sağlanması için MYS’nin tam olarak anlaşılması ve gerekli kurum ve altyapının uygun olup olmadığı irdelenmesi gerekmektedir. Yapılan araştırmalarda Türkiye’nin MYS’nin oluşturulması için gerekli altyapı ve kurumlara sahip olduğu görülmektedir. Türkiye’de MYS’nin oluşturulabilmesi için sadece çalışmaların bir kurum koordinatörlüğünde ve sistemli bir şekilde yürütülmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada; MYS’nin anlaşılması için kapsamlı bir literatür araştırılması yapılmış ve Türkiye’ye uygun olabilecek bir model önerilmiştir


  • Abrunhosa, A. (2003), “The National Innovation Systems Approach and the Innovation Matrix,” DRUID Summer Conference 2003 on Creating, Sharing and Transferring Knowledge. The role of Geography, Institutions and Organisations. Copenhagen, June 12-14.
  • Archibugi, D.; Howells, J. ve Michie, J. (1999), “Innovation Systems in a Global Economy,” Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 11(4), 527-539.
  • Ayhan, A. (2002) Dünden Bugüne Türkiye’de Bilim – Teknoloji ve Geleceğin Teknolojileri. Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş., İstanbul.
  • Balzat, M. (2002), The Theoretical Basis and the Empirical Treatment of National Innovation Systems. University of Augsburg, Institute for Economics, D-86 135, Augsburg.
  • Balzat, M. ve Hanusch, H. (2004), “Recent Trends in the Research on National Innovation Systems,” Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 14, 197-210.
  • Carlsson, B. ve Jacobsson, S. (1997), Diversity Creation and Technological Systems: A Technology Policy Perspective, In: Edquist C. (Ed.) Systems of Innovation: Technologies, Institutions and Organizations, Frances Pinter, London.
  • Carlsson, B.; Jacobsson, S.; Holmen, M. ve Rickne, A. (2002), Innovation Systems: Analytical and Methodological Issues,” Research Policy, 31, 233-245.
  • Damanpour, F. (1991), “Organizational Innovation: A Meta-Analysis of Effects of Determinants and Moderators,” Academy of Management Journal, 34(3), 555-590.
  • Diez, J.R. (2002), “Metropolitan Innovation Systems: A Comparison between Barcelona, Stockholm, and Vienna,” International Regional Science Review, 25 (1): 63-85.
  • Edquist, C. (ed.) (1997), Systems of Innovation: Technologies, Institutions and Organizations. Pinter, London.
  • Edquist, D. (1999), “Innovation Policy - A Systemic Approach,” Department of Technology and Social Change, Linköping University, Sweden.
  • Edquist, C. (2001), The Systems of Innovation Approach and Innovation Policy: An Account of The State of The Art. Lead paper presented at the DRUID Conference, Aalborg, June 12-15.
  • Edquist, C. ve Hommen, L. (1999), “Systems of Innovation: Theory and Policy for The Demand Side,” Technology in Society, 21 (1): 63-79.
  • Erickson, S. (1999), “Patent Law and New Product Development: Does Priority Claim Basis Make a Difference?” American Business Law Journal, 36(2), 327-347.
  • Etzkowitz, H. ve Leydesdorff, L. (2000), “The Dynamics of Innovation: From National Systems and “Mode 2” to a Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations,” Research Policy, 29 (2), 109-123.
  • Fagerberg, J.; Mowery D.C. ve Verspagen, B. (2009), “The Evolution of Norway’s National Innovation System,” Science & Public Policy, 36 (6), 431-444.
  • Feldman, M.; Gertler, M. ve Wolfe, D. (2006), “University Technology Transfer and National Systems of Innovation: Introduction to the Special Issue of Industry and Innovation,” Industry & Innovation, 13 (4), 359–370.
  • Freeman, C. (1982), “Technological Infrastructure and International Competitiveness,” Draft paper submitted to the OECD.
  • Freeman, C. (1987), Technology and Economic Performance: Lessons from Japan. Pinter, London.
  • Freeman, C. (1992), “Formal Scientific and Technical Institutions in the National Systems of Innovation,” B.A. Lundvall (ed.), National Systems of Innovation - Towards a Theory of Innovation and Interactive Learning. Pinter Publishers, London.
  • Garcia, R. ve Calantone, R. (2002), “A Critical Look at Technological Innovation Typology and Innovativeness Terminology: A Literature Review,” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 19 (2), 25-37.
  • Gatignon, H. ve Xuereb, J. M. (1997), “Strategic Orientation of the Firm and New Product Performance,” Journal of Marketing Research, 34(1), 77-90.
  • Geroski, P.A. ve Walters, C.F. (1995), “Innovative Activity over the Business Cycle,” The Economic Journal, 105 (431), 916-928.
  • Geuna, A. ve Mowery, D. (2007), “Publishing and Patenting in US and European Universities,” Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 16 (2), 67-70.
  • Gregersen, B. ve Johnson, B. (1997), “Learning Economies, Innovation Systems and European Integration,” Regional Studies, 31 (5), 479-490.
  • Groenewegen, J. ve van der Steen, M. (2006), “The Evolution of National Innovation Systems,” Journal of Economic Issues, 40(2), 277-285.
  • Gulbrandsen, M.; Mowery, D. ve Feldman, M. (2010), “Introduction to the Special Section: Heterogeneity and University-Industry Relations,” Research Policy, Iss. in Press, Corrected Prof.
  • Intarakumnerd, P.; Chairatana, P.-A. ve Tangchitpiboon, T. (2002), “National Innovation Systems in Less Successful Developing Countries: The case of Thailand,” Research Policy, 31 (8-9), 1445–1457.
  • Johnson, B.; Edquist, C. ve Lundvall, B.-A. (2003), “Economic Development and The National System of Innovation Approach,” First Globelics Conference, Rio de Janeiro, November 3-6.
  • Keck, O. (1993), The National System for Technical Innovation in Germany. in: Nelson, R.R. (ed.) National Innovation Systems: A Comparative Analysis. Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Kitanovic, J. (2007), “The Applicability of The Concept of National Innovation Systems to Transition Economies,” Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, 9 (1), 28–45.
  • Koberg, C.S.; Detienne, D.R. ve Heppard, K.A. (2003), “An Empirical Test of Environmental, Organizational, and Process Factors Affecting Incremental and Radical Innovation,” Journal of High Technology Management Research, 14 (1), 21-45.
  • Koschatzky, K. (2001), “Regional Development through Entrepreneurship Promotion? The Role of Higher Education Institutes for Stimulating Firm Foundations,” Paper presented at the 41st Congress of the ERSA, Zagreb, Croatia.
  • Lee, J.-D. ve Park, C. (2006), “Research and Development Linkages in a National Innovation System: Factors Affecting Success and Failure in Korea,” Technovation, 26 (9), 1045-1054.
  • Lee, J. ve Win, H.N. (2004), “Technology Transfer between University Research Centers and Industry in Singapore,” Technovation, 24 (5), 433-442.
  • Lundvall, B.-A. (1985), Product Innovation and User-Producer Interaction. Aalborg University Press, Aalborg.
  • Lundvall, B.-A. (ed.) (1992), National Systems of Innovation: Towards a Theory of Innovation and Interactive Learning. Pinter, London.
  • Lundvall, B.-A., (2007), “National Innovation Systems – Analytical Concept and Development Tool,” Industry and Innovation, 14(1), 95-119.
  • Lundvall, B.A.; Johnson, B.; Anderson, E.S. ve Dalum, B. (2002), “National Systems of Production, Innovation and Competence Building,” Research Policy, 31 (2), 213-231.
  • Marques, J.P.C.; Caraça, J.M.G. ve Diz, H. (2006), “How can University-IndustryGovernment Interactions Change the Innovation Scenario in Portugal? - The case of the University of Coimbra,” Technovation, 26 (4), 534–542.
  • Metcalfe, J.S. (1995), The Economic Foundations of Technology Policy: Equilibrium and Evolutionary Perspectives. in Stoneman, P. (ed.), Handbook of the Economics of Innovation and Technological Change, Blackwell, London.
  • Mowery, D.C. (1998), “The Changing Structure of the US National Innovation System: Implications for International Conflict and Cooperation in R&D Policy,” Research Policy, 27, 639–644.
  • Mowery, DC. (2005), “The Bayh-Dole Act and High-Technology Entrepreneurship in US Universities: Chicken, Egg, or Something Else?” University Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer, 16, 39-68.
  • Mowery, Oxley, J.E. (1995), “Inward Technology Transfer and Competitiveness: The Role of National Innovation Systems,” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 19(1), 67-93.
  • Mowery, D.C. ve Rosenberg, N. (1993), The US National Innovation System. in: Nelson, R.R. (ed.) National Innovation Systems: A Comparative Analysis. Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Nasierowski, W. ve Arcelus, F.J. (2003), “On the Efficiency of National Innovation Systems,” Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 37(3), 215–234.
  • Nelson, R.R. (ed.) (1993), National Innovation Systems: A Comparative Analysis. Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Nelson, R.R. (2002), “Bringing Institutions into Evolutioanary Growth Theory,” Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 12 (1-2), 17-24.
  • Nelson, R.R. ve Rosenberg, N. (1993), Technical Innovation and National Systems. in: Nelson, R.R. (ed.) National Innovation Systems: A Comparative Analysis. Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Odagiri, H. ve Goto, A. (1993), The Japanese System of Innovation: Past, Present, and Future. in: Nelson, R.R. (ed.) National Innovation Systems: A Comparative Analysis. Oxford University Press, New York.
  • OECD (1998), Technology, Productivity and Job Creation: Best Policy Practices, The OECD Jobs Strategy, OECD Publishing, Paris.
  • OECD (1999), Managing Naional Innovation Systems. OECD Publishing, Paris.
  • Patel, P. ve Pavitt, K.L.R. (1997), “The Technological Competences of the World’s Largest Firms: Complex and Path-dependent, But not Much Variety,” Research Policy, 26, 141–156.
  • Pelkonen, A.; Teravainen, T. ve Waltari, S.-T. (2008), “Assessing Policy Coordination Capacity: Higher Education, Science, and Technology Policies in Finland,” Science & Public Policy, 35 (4), 241–252.
  • Sampat, B.N.; Mowery, D.C. ve Ziedonis, A.A. (2003), “Changes in University Patent Quality After the Bayh–Dole Act: A Re-examination,” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 21 (9), 1371-1390.
  • Schumpeter, J.A. (1934), The Theory of Economic Development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Schumpeter, J.A. (1939), Business Cycles: A Theoretical, Historical and Statistical Analysis of the Capitalist Process. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Sharif, N. (2006), “Emergence and Development of The National Innovation Systems Concept,” Research Policy, 35 (5), 745-766.
  • Shervani, T. ve Zerrillo, P. (1997), “The Albatross of Product Innovation,” Business Horizons, Jan/Feb 97, 40 (1), 57-62.
  • Singh, L. (2006), Globalization, National Innovation Systems and Response of Public Policy. MPRA Paper No. 641.
  • Utterback, J.M. (1971), “The Process of Technological Innovation Within the Firm,” Academy of Management Journal, 14 (1), 75-88.
  • Varblane, U.; Dyker, D. ve Tamm, D. (2007), “How to Improve the National Innovation Systems of Catching-up Economies?” Trames, 11 (61/56), 2, 106-123.
  • Veryzer, R.W. Jr. (1998), “Discontinuous Innovation and the New Product Development Process,” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 15 (4), 304-321.
There are 71 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Salih Zeki İmamoğlu This is me

Atif Açıkgöz This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA İmamoğlu, S. Z., & Açıkgöz, A. (2012). Milli Yenilik Sistemleri ve Türkiye İçin Öneriler. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 1(1), 69-96.