Writing Rules

The articles featured in the International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences are based on original scientific work, whether theoretical, computational, or experimental, and derived from postgraduate thesis research in both basic and applied science fields.

Ethics: All articles published in our journal must adhere to scientific ethical guidelines.

Authors must comply with national and international ethical standards, and adherence to research and publication ethics should be explicitly stated within the "Article Writing Guidelines."
Scientific submissions should align with the recommendations of the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) "International Standards for Editors and Authors."
The submitted articles must not be previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. The responsibility for the content of the articles lies entirely with the author(s).
Articles can be submitted in Turkish and/or English, and the text must be clear, concise, and fluent, using technical terms appropriate to the field. Abstracts must be provided in both Turkish and English.
Articles should avoid unnecessary information or sources and must cite previously published data, formulas, and results with proper attribution. International conventions on nomenclature, abbreviations, and symbols should be followed. Any abbreviations specific to the article or field should be defined when first introduced in parentheses.
SI (Système International) units and abbreviations should be used throughout the article.
The International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences is a peer-reviewed journal, and articles are accepted after preliminary review by the editorial group and approval from at least two referees.

Submitted articles are first subjected to a preliminary review by the Journal Editor and/or Section Editor. All submissions are screened using the iThenticate plagiarism detection program. If the score is deemed inappropriate, the submission is rejected by the Editor or the Editorial Board. Even if the similarity score is acceptable, the Editorial Board retains the right to reject articles without sending them for peer review if they are deemed unsuitable for publication. Articles not conforming to the journal's formatting guidelines are returned to the authors for revision. Articles that pass preliminary review are sent to at least two reviewers for evaluation. The Journal Editor decides whether to accept the article for publication, based on the reviewers' reports. Reviewers must submit their evaluations within three weeks after accepting the review request, with reminders sent if the deadline is missed.

Manuscript Formatting:
The journal’s formatting guidelines also serve as the print format. Therefore, authors must carefully follow these guidelines. Articles that do not comply with the formatting requirements will be returned to the authors.

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as MS Word files.
The text should be typed in 10-point Times New Roman font, single-spaced, with a 2.5 cm margin on all sides.
Figures, graphs, images, formulas, and tables should be original, clean, and well-prepared for print, inserted directly into the text. The Editorial Board is not responsible for converting these elements into digital format.

Article Structure:
The first page of the text should be in a single column, while all other pages should be in double columns. No indentation should be used for the first line of paragraphs. Single-line spacing should be applied throughout the text, with a 10-point space after paragraphs.

Title: The article title should be short, clear, and aligned with the topic, written in both Turkish and English. It should be centered, in bold, with the first letters capitalized, and written in 14-point Times New Roman font.
Authors and Affiliations: Authors' names should be centered, with surnames in uppercase, written in Times New Roman 10-point font. Different affiliations should be indicated with superscript numbers. Corresponding authors’ contact details should be included in the footer.
Abstract and Keywords: The abstract, both in Turkish and English, should not exceed 250 words. It should be written in 9-point font with the title in bold. Four to six keywords should be listed below the abstract.
Text Sections: For headings, a numbering system should be used (e.g., I, 1.1, 1.1.1), with the first-level headings in bold uppercase, second-level headings in italics, and third-level headings in normal italics. All text should be in 10-point Times New Roman font.
Figures and Tables: Figures and tables should be numbered and aligned according to the page layout. Titles should be placed above tables and below figures, using Times New Roman 10-point font. No abbreviations like "Fig." should be used; instead, write out the word "Figure" in full in the text.

References should be presented in square brackets [X] in the order they appear in the text. They should be listed in 10-point Times New Roman font, following the APA style, without extra spaces between paragraphs. Examples include:

Books: [1] McInerney, M.J. (1999). Anaerobic metabolism and its regulation. In J. Winter (Ed.), Biotechnology (2nd ed., pp. 455-478). Wiley-VCH Verlag, Germany.
Theses: [1] Yapsakli, K. (2008). Application of Biological Activated Carbon (BAC) in drinking water treatment (Doctoral thesis). Boğaziçi University, Turkey.
Articles: [1] Zeng, R.J., Lemaire, R., Yuan, Z., & Keller, J. (2004). A novel wastewater treatment process: Simultaneous nitrification, denitrification, and phosphorus removal. Water Science and Technology, 50(10), 163-170.
Internet Sources: [1] Java Applets in Education, http://tech.irt.org/articles/js151, (Accessed June 2001).

Publication Process:
Articles that are ready for publication will be included in the next available issue, and issues are published collectively at the end of each quarter.

The journal's regular publication schedule is as follows:

Issue 1: End of March
Issue 2: End of June
Issue 3: End of September
Issue 4: End of December
A letter stating that "the submitted work has not been published elsewhere or submitted for publication elsewhere" must be uploaded as an additional document. All authors must sign a Copyright Transfer Form before publication can proceed.

Last Update Time: 10/5/24, 4:03:50 PM