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Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 111 - 122, 30.09.2019



  • Kariper, A, Güneri, E, Göde F, Gümüş, C, Özpozan, T. The structural, electrical and optical properties of CdS thin films as a function of pH. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2011; 129: 183- 188.
  • Aissat, A, Arbouz, H, Vilcot, PJ. Modeling and optimization of a superstrate solar cell based on Cu2ZnSn(SxSe1-x)4/ZnS structure. Journal of Energy Systems, 2017; 1(2): 65-74 DOI: 10.30521/jes.349137
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. Properties of the CdSxTe1-x solid solution: As a single product and as a part of the CdS/CdTe solar cell. Journal of Energy Systems, 2017, 1(3): 102-110 DOI: 10.30521/jes.355507
  • Fritsche, J, Gunst, S, Thissen, A, Gegenwart, R, Klein, A, Jaegermann, W. CdTe thin film solar cells: The CdS/SnO2 front contact, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 2001; 668: H5.1.1- H5.1.6. DOI: 10.1557/PROC-668-H5.1
  • Martínez, MA, Guillén, C, Gutiérrez, MT, Herrero, J. Optimisation of CdS-TCO bilayers for their application as windows in photovoltaic solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 1996; 43: 297-310.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar RN. Characterization of the SnO2:F/CdS:In structures prepared by the spray pyrolysis technique. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2010; 94: 878-883.
  • Pan, SS, Ye, C, Teng, XM, Fan, HT, Li, GH. Preparation and characterization of nitrogen-incorporated SnO2 Films. Appl Phys. A, 2006; 85(1): 21-24.
  • Montmeat, P. Thin film membranes for the improvement of gas sensor selectivity, Doctorate thesis. École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne (ENSMSE): a graduate school for science and technology, Saint-Étienne, France, 1999.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. Properties of amorphous SnO2 thin films prepared by thermal evaporation, International Journal of Materials and Chemistry, 2012; 2(4): 173-177.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. An Investigation of the bandgap and Urbach tail of vacuum-evaporated SnO2 thin films. Renewable Energy, 2013; 49: 143-146.
  • Sundqvist, J, Hårsta, A. Growth of SnO2 thin films by ALD and CVD: A comparative study, In: Proceedings of the sixteenth Int. CVD Conf. 2003, 1: 511. Paris, France,
  • Geraldo, V, De Andrade, SLV, De Morais, EA, Santilli, CV, Pulcinelli, SH. Sb Doping effect and oxygen adsorption in SnO2 thin films deposited via sol-gel. Mat. Res 2003; 6(4): 451-456.
  • Rakhshani, AE, Makdisi, Y, Ramazaniyan, HA. Electronic and optical properties of fluorine-doped tin oxide films. J. Appl. Phys. 1998; 83(2): 1049-1057.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. Production and Characterization of CdS/CdTe Thin Film Photovoltaic Solar Cells of Potential Industrial Use, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, 2002.
  • Gordillo, G, Moreno, LC, Cruz, WDL, Teheran, P. Preparation and characterization of SnO2 thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis from SnCl2 and SnCl4 precursors. Thin Solid Films 1994; 252: 61-66.
  • Shanthi, E, Banerjee, A, Dutta, V, Chopra, LK., Electrical and optical properties of tin oxide films doped with F and (Sb + F). J. Appl. Phys.1982; 53(3): 1615-1621.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. Optical parameters of Nanocrystalline SnO2:F thin films prepared by the spray pyrolysis method. JOM, 2019; 71(4): 1507-1512.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. Properties of SnO2:F thin films prepared by using HF or NH4F after exposure to atmosphere. Journal of Energy Systems, 2017; 1(3): 120-128.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. The influence of annealing on the optical properties of spray-deposited SnO2: F thin films. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016; 41(29): 12626-12633.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. Ahmad-Bitar, RN. Using I-V characteristics to investigate selected contacts for SnO2: F thin films. J. Semiconductors 2012; 33(8): 083001-(1-6).
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. An investigation of the bandgap and Urbach tail of spray-deposited SnO2: F thin films. Physica Scripta. 2011; 84: 055801 (7 pp).
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. Effect of the substrate temperature on the electrical and structural properties of spray-deposited SnO2: F thin films. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2009; 12(3): 122-125.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. The effects of post-treatments on the photovoltaic properties of spray-deposited SnO2: F thin films. Applied Surface Science, 2008; 255: 2627-2631.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. Effect of processing on the electrical properties of spray-deposited SnO2: F thin films. American Journal of Applied Sciences 2008; 5(6): 672-677.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. A comparison between the properties of SnO2: F thin films prepared by using different doping compounds: HF and NH4F. In: Jiann‐Yang Hwang, Chengguang Bai, John Carpenter, Shadia J Ikhmayies, Bowen Li, Sergio Neves Monteiro, Zhiwei Peng, Mingming Zhang edsitors. Characterization of Minerals, Metals and Materials, 2013, TMS (The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society), 2013.pp. 235-242.
  • Metın, H, Esen, R. Photoconductivity studies on CdS films grown by chemical bath deposition technique. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2003; 19(1-2): 96-102.
  • Sahay, PP, Nath, RK, Tewari, S. Optical properties of thermally evaporated CdS thin films. Cryst. Res. Technol. 2008; 42(3): 275-280.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. Tuning the properties of nanocrystalline CdS thin films. JOM. 2014; 67(1): 46-60.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. Characterization of nanocrystalline CdS thin films prepared by thermal evaporation. International Journal of Materials and Chemistry, 2013; 3(2): 28-33.
  • Patidar, D, Sharma, Jain, RN, Sharma, TP, Saxena, NS. Optical properties of CdS sintered film. Bull. Mater. Sci. 2006; 29(1): 21-24.
  • Ashour, A. Physical properties of spray pyrolysed CdS thin films. Turk. J. Phys. 2003; 27: 551-558.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. A study of the absorption Edge of CdS: In Thin Films. International Journal of Materials and Chemistry 2018; 8(1): 10-14. DOI: 10.5923/j.ijmc.20180801.02
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. The influence of heat treatment on the optical parameters of spray-deposited CdS: In thin films, JOM., 2017; 69 (2): 144-161.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. Dependence of the photoluminescence of CdS: In thin films on the excitation power of the laser, Journal of Luminescence 2014; 149: 240-244.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Juwhari, HK. Ahmad-Bitar, RN. Nanocrystalline CdS: In thin films prepared by the spray-pyrolysis technique. J. Luminouscence. 2013; 141: 27-32.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. A study of the optical bandgap energy and Urbach tail of spray-deposited CdS: In thin films. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2013; 2(3): 221-227.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. AC measurements of spray-deposited CdS: In thin films. J. Cen. South Univ. 2012; 19: 829-834.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. Interface photoluminescence of the SnO2: F/CdS: In/CdTe thin film solar cells prepared partially by the spray pyrolysis technique. J. Luminouscence. 2012; 132: 502-506.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. The use of I-V characteristics for the investigation of selected contacts for spray-deposited CdS: In thin films. Vacuum. 2011; 86: 324-329.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. A comparison between the electrical and optical properties of CdS: In thin films for two doping ratios. Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering JJMIE. 2010; 4(1): 111-116.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. The influence of the substrate temperature on the photovoltaic properties of spray-deposited CdS: In thin films. Applied Surface Science. 2010; 256(11): 3541-3545.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. Effects of processing on the electrical and structural properties of spray-deposited CdS: In thin films. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 2009; 404 (16): 2419-2424.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. Effects of annealing in nitrogen atmosphere and HCl-etching on the photoluminescence spectra of spray-deposited CdS: In thin films. Applied Surface Science. 2009; 255(20): 8470-8474.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. Effect of film thickness on the electrical and structural properties of CdS: In thin films. American Journal of Applied Sciences. 2008; 5(9): 1141-1143.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. Effect of film thickness on the electrical and structural properties of CdS: In thin films. American Journal of Applied Sciences. 2008; 5(9): 1141-1143.
  • Weng, S, Cocivera, M. Cadmium sulphide prepared from cadmium oxide thin films. Solar Energy Materials and solar cells 1995; 36: 301-309.
  • El Maliki, H, Berne`de, JC, Marsillac, S, Pinel, J, Castel, X, Pouzet, J. Study of the influence of annealing on the properties of CBD-CdS thin films. Applied Surface Science. 2003; 205: 65-79.
  • Niles, DW, Rioux, D, Höchst, H. A photoemission investigation of the SnO2/CdS interface: a front contact interface study of CdS/CdTe solar cells. J.Appl.Phys.1993; 73(9): 4586-4590.
  • Krishnakumar, V, Ramamurthi, K, Klein, A, Jaegermann, W. Band alignment of differently treated TCO/CdS interfaces. Thin Solid Films 2009; 517: 2558-2561.
  • Al Turkestani MK, Durose, K. Rectification in CdS/TCO bilayers. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2011; 95(2): 491-496.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. Using HF rather than NH4F as doping source for spray-deposited SnO2: F thin films. J. Cent. South Univ. 2012; 19: 791-796.
  • Lupan, O, Chow, L, Chai, G, Roldan, B, Naitabdi, A, Schulte, A, Heinrich, H. Nanofabrication and characterization of ZnO nanorod arrays and branched microrods by aqueous solution route and rapid thermal processing. Materials Science and Engineering B, 2007; 145: 57–66.
  • Lattice Constants and Crystal Structures of some Semiconductors and Other Materials. Available at: https://7id.xray.aps.anl.gov/calculators/crystal_lattice_parameters.html. August 11, 2019.
  • Dhere, RG, Moutinho, HR, Asher, S, Li, X, Ribelin, R, Gessert, T, Young, D. Characterization of SnO2 films prepared using tin tetrachloride and tetra methyl tin precursors. In: National Center for Photovoltaics Program Review Meeting Denver; September 8-11, 1998, Colorado, USA.

Spray deposited thin films of SnO2: F/CdS: In bilayers produced using different fluorine sources: NH4F and HF

Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 111 - 122, 30.09.2019


Thin films SnO2: F/CdS: In bilayers were prepared using the
spray pyrolysis method on glass substrates at a substrate temperature T
= 450 °C. Ammonium fluoride (NH
4F) and hydrofluoric acid (HF) were
both used as the fluorine sources in the precursor solution of SnO
F. Properties of the two types of bilayers obtained using the two fluorine
sources were investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) and transmittance measurements (UV-Vis) were used to
characterize the films. It is found that the bilayers prepared using HF as a
source of fluorine have more ordered crystal growth, and sharper absorption
edge. From the inspection of the first derivative of the absorbance it is
expected that more interdiffusion on the SnO
2: F/CdS: In interface
takes place in the bilayers produced using HF. These results confirm that these
bilayers are better as fore contacts for thin film CdS/CdTe solar cells.


  • Kariper, A, Güneri, E, Göde F, Gümüş, C, Özpozan, T. The structural, electrical and optical properties of CdS thin films as a function of pH. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2011; 129: 183- 188.
  • Aissat, A, Arbouz, H, Vilcot, PJ. Modeling and optimization of a superstrate solar cell based on Cu2ZnSn(SxSe1-x)4/ZnS structure. Journal of Energy Systems, 2017; 1(2): 65-74 DOI: 10.30521/jes.349137
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. Properties of the CdSxTe1-x solid solution: As a single product and as a part of the CdS/CdTe solar cell. Journal of Energy Systems, 2017, 1(3): 102-110 DOI: 10.30521/jes.355507
  • Fritsche, J, Gunst, S, Thissen, A, Gegenwart, R, Klein, A, Jaegermann, W. CdTe thin film solar cells: The CdS/SnO2 front contact, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 2001; 668: H5.1.1- H5.1.6. DOI: 10.1557/PROC-668-H5.1
  • Martínez, MA, Guillén, C, Gutiérrez, MT, Herrero, J. Optimisation of CdS-TCO bilayers for their application as windows in photovoltaic solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 1996; 43: 297-310.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar RN. Characterization of the SnO2:F/CdS:In structures prepared by the spray pyrolysis technique. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2010; 94: 878-883.
  • Pan, SS, Ye, C, Teng, XM, Fan, HT, Li, GH. Preparation and characterization of nitrogen-incorporated SnO2 Films. Appl Phys. A, 2006; 85(1): 21-24.
  • Montmeat, P. Thin film membranes for the improvement of gas sensor selectivity, Doctorate thesis. École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne (ENSMSE): a graduate school for science and technology, Saint-Étienne, France, 1999.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. Properties of amorphous SnO2 thin films prepared by thermal evaporation, International Journal of Materials and Chemistry, 2012; 2(4): 173-177.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. An Investigation of the bandgap and Urbach tail of vacuum-evaporated SnO2 thin films. Renewable Energy, 2013; 49: 143-146.
  • Sundqvist, J, Hårsta, A. Growth of SnO2 thin films by ALD and CVD: A comparative study, In: Proceedings of the sixteenth Int. CVD Conf. 2003, 1: 511. Paris, France,
  • Geraldo, V, De Andrade, SLV, De Morais, EA, Santilli, CV, Pulcinelli, SH. Sb Doping effect and oxygen adsorption in SnO2 thin films deposited via sol-gel. Mat. Res 2003; 6(4): 451-456.
  • Rakhshani, AE, Makdisi, Y, Ramazaniyan, HA. Electronic and optical properties of fluorine-doped tin oxide films. J. Appl. Phys. 1998; 83(2): 1049-1057.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. Production and Characterization of CdS/CdTe Thin Film Photovoltaic Solar Cells of Potential Industrial Use, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, 2002.
  • Gordillo, G, Moreno, LC, Cruz, WDL, Teheran, P. Preparation and characterization of SnO2 thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis from SnCl2 and SnCl4 precursors. Thin Solid Films 1994; 252: 61-66.
  • Shanthi, E, Banerjee, A, Dutta, V, Chopra, LK., Electrical and optical properties of tin oxide films doped with F and (Sb + F). J. Appl. Phys.1982; 53(3): 1615-1621.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. Optical parameters of Nanocrystalline SnO2:F thin films prepared by the spray pyrolysis method. JOM, 2019; 71(4): 1507-1512.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. Properties of SnO2:F thin films prepared by using HF or NH4F after exposure to atmosphere. Journal of Energy Systems, 2017; 1(3): 120-128.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. The influence of annealing on the optical properties of spray-deposited SnO2: F thin films. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016; 41(29): 12626-12633.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. Ahmad-Bitar, RN. Using I-V characteristics to investigate selected contacts for SnO2: F thin films. J. Semiconductors 2012; 33(8): 083001-(1-6).
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. An investigation of the bandgap and Urbach tail of spray-deposited SnO2: F thin films. Physica Scripta. 2011; 84: 055801 (7 pp).
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. Effect of the substrate temperature on the electrical and structural properties of spray-deposited SnO2: F thin films. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2009; 12(3): 122-125.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. The effects of post-treatments on the photovoltaic properties of spray-deposited SnO2: F thin films. Applied Surface Science, 2008; 255: 2627-2631.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. Effect of processing on the electrical properties of spray-deposited SnO2: F thin films. American Journal of Applied Sciences 2008; 5(6): 672-677.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. A comparison between the properties of SnO2: F thin films prepared by using different doping compounds: HF and NH4F. In: Jiann‐Yang Hwang, Chengguang Bai, John Carpenter, Shadia J Ikhmayies, Bowen Li, Sergio Neves Monteiro, Zhiwei Peng, Mingming Zhang edsitors. Characterization of Minerals, Metals and Materials, 2013, TMS (The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society), 2013.pp. 235-242.
  • Metın, H, Esen, R. Photoconductivity studies on CdS films grown by chemical bath deposition technique. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2003; 19(1-2): 96-102.
  • Sahay, PP, Nath, RK, Tewari, S. Optical properties of thermally evaporated CdS thin films. Cryst. Res. Technol. 2008; 42(3): 275-280.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. Tuning the properties of nanocrystalline CdS thin films. JOM. 2014; 67(1): 46-60.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. Characterization of nanocrystalline CdS thin films prepared by thermal evaporation. International Journal of Materials and Chemistry, 2013; 3(2): 28-33.
  • Patidar, D, Sharma, Jain, RN, Sharma, TP, Saxena, NS. Optical properties of CdS sintered film. Bull. Mater. Sci. 2006; 29(1): 21-24.
  • Ashour, A. Physical properties of spray pyrolysed CdS thin films. Turk. J. Phys. 2003; 27: 551-558.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. A study of the absorption Edge of CdS: In Thin Films. International Journal of Materials and Chemistry 2018; 8(1): 10-14. DOI: 10.5923/j.ijmc.20180801.02
  • Ikhmayies, SJ. The influence of heat treatment on the optical parameters of spray-deposited CdS: In thin films, JOM., 2017; 69 (2): 144-161.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. Dependence of the photoluminescence of CdS: In thin films on the excitation power of the laser, Journal of Luminescence 2014; 149: 240-244.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Juwhari, HK. Ahmad-Bitar, RN. Nanocrystalline CdS: In thin films prepared by the spray-pyrolysis technique. J. Luminouscence. 2013; 141: 27-32.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. A study of the optical bandgap energy and Urbach tail of spray-deposited CdS: In thin films. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2013; 2(3): 221-227.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. AC measurements of spray-deposited CdS: In thin films. J. Cen. South Univ. 2012; 19: 829-834.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. Interface photoluminescence of the SnO2: F/CdS: In/CdTe thin film solar cells prepared partially by the spray pyrolysis technique. J. Luminouscence. 2012; 132: 502-506.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. The use of I-V characteristics for the investigation of selected contacts for spray-deposited CdS: In thin films. Vacuum. 2011; 86: 324-329.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. A comparison between the electrical and optical properties of CdS: In thin films for two doping ratios. Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering JJMIE. 2010; 4(1): 111-116.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. The influence of the substrate temperature on the photovoltaic properties of spray-deposited CdS: In thin films. Applied Surface Science. 2010; 256(11): 3541-3545.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. Effects of processing on the electrical and structural properties of spray-deposited CdS: In thin films. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 2009; 404 (16): 2419-2424.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. Effects of annealing in nitrogen atmosphere and HCl-etching on the photoluminescence spectra of spray-deposited CdS: In thin films. Applied Surface Science. 2009; 255(20): 8470-8474.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. Effect of film thickness on the electrical and structural properties of CdS: In thin films. American Journal of Applied Sciences. 2008; 5(9): 1141-1143.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. Effect of film thickness on the electrical and structural properties of CdS: In thin films. American Journal of Applied Sciences. 2008; 5(9): 1141-1143.
  • Weng, S, Cocivera, M. Cadmium sulphide prepared from cadmium oxide thin films. Solar Energy Materials and solar cells 1995; 36: 301-309.
  • El Maliki, H, Berne`de, JC, Marsillac, S, Pinel, J, Castel, X, Pouzet, J. Study of the influence of annealing on the properties of CBD-CdS thin films. Applied Surface Science. 2003; 205: 65-79.
  • Niles, DW, Rioux, D, Höchst, H. A photoemission investigation of the SnO2/CdS interface: a front contact interface study of CdS/CdTe solar cells. J.Appl.Phys.1993; 73(9): 4586-4590.
  • Krishnakumar, V, Ramamurthi, K, Klein, A, Jaegermann, W. Band alignment of differently treated TCO/CdS interfaces. Thin Solid Films 2009; 517: 2558-2561.
  • Al Turkestani MK, Durose, K. Rectification in CdS/TCO bilayers. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2011; 95(2): 491-496.
  • Ikhmayies, SJ, Ahmad-Bitar, RN. Using HF rather than NH4F as doping source for spray-deposited SnO2: F thin films. J. Cent. South Univ. 2012; 19: 791-796.
  • Lupan, O, Chow, L, Chai, G, Roldan, B, Naitabdi, A, Schulte, A, Heinrich, H. Nanofabrication and characterization of ZnO nanorod arrays and branched microrods by aqueous solution route and rapid thermal processing. Materials Science and Engineering B, 2007; 145: 57–66.
  • Lattice Constants and Crystal Structures of some Semiconductors and Other Materials. Available at: https://7id.xray.aps.anl.gov/calculators/crystal_lattice_parameters.html. August 11, 2019.
  • Dhere, RG, Moutinho, HR, Asher, S, Li, X, Ribelin, R, Gessert, T, Young, D. Characterization of SnO2 films prepared using tin tetrachloride and tetra methyl tin precursors. In: National Center for Photovoltaics Program Review Meeting Denver; September 8-11, 1998, Colorado, USA.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Material Production Technologies
Journal Section Research Articles

Shadia Ikhmayies 0000-0002-2684-3300

Publication Date September 30, 2019
Acceptance Date August 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 3 Issue: 3


Vancouver Ikhmayies S. Spray deposited thin films of SnO2: F/CdS: In bilayers produced using different fluorine sources: NH4F and HF. Journal of Energy Systems. 2019;3(3):111-22.

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