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Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri ve Çok Kriterli Karar Analizleri Kullanılarak Beyşehir Göl Havzasında (Konya - Türkiye) Katı Atık Depolama Yer Seçimi

Year 2011, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 134 - 144, 25.02.2011


Birçok gelişmekte olan ülkelerde artan nüfus ve şehirleşmeye bağlı olarak uygun bir atık yönetim sistemi oluşturulmaya çalışılmaktadır. Ancak, ülkemizde uygun bir atık yönetim sistemi yeterince düzenlenmemiştir. Günümüzde, katı atık yönetiminde depolama, geri dönüşüm, termal arıtma, biyolojik arıtma gibi yöntemler kullanılmaktadır. Ancak, düzenli depolama yer seçimi oldukça karmaşık bir süreç olup çeşitli kriterlere ve düzenlemelere bağlıdır. Beyşehir Gölü Havzası için atık sahası yer seçimi yapılması amaçlanan bu çalışmada Çok Kriterli Karar Analizi ve Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi (CBS) kullanılmaktadır. Beyşehir Gölü, Türkiye'nin en büyük tatlısu gölü ve içme suyu kaynağıdır. Ancak, göl havzası içerisinde katı atıklar için düzenli depolama alanı bulunmamaktadır. Bu nedenle, havza için uygun depolama yer seçiminin yapılması zorunlu görülmektedir. Çalışmada, depolama alanı yer seçimi için yerleşim alanlarında uzaklık, yüzey sularından uzaklık, koruma alanlarından uzaklık (ekolojik, bilimsel ve tarihi), jeoloji / hidrojeoloji, arazi kullanımı, yollarda uzaklık, eğim ve bakı gibi kriterler değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Her bir kriterin göreceli önem dereceleri Çok Kriterli Karar Analizi kullanılarak belirlenmiş, her bir kriter haritası ise CBS teknolojilerinden yararlanılarak hazırlanmıştır. Oluşturulan her bir kritere ait tematik haritaların overlay analizi yapılarak sonuç haritası elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre havzada depolamaya en uygun olan ve uygun olmayan alanlar belirlenmiştir. 


  • (1) Kontos, T.D., Komilis, D.P., Halvadakis, C.P., Siting MSW landfills with spatial multiple criteria analysis methodology, Waste Management vol.25, pp.818-832, 2005.
  • (2) Al-Khatib, I.A., Arafat, H.A., Basheer, T., Shawahneh, H., Salahat, A., Eid J. Ali, W., Trends and problems of solid waste management in developing countries: A case study in seven Palestinian districts”, Waste Management vol.27 pp.1910–1919, 2007.
  • (3) Yılmaz, A., Atmaca, E., Environmental geological assessment of a solid waste disposal site: a case study in Sivas, Turkey, Environmental Geology, Vol. 50, pp. 677-689, DOI: 10.1007/s00254-006-0241-1, 2006.
  • (4) Siddiqui M, Everett J, Vieux B., Landfill siting using geographic information systems: A demonstration. Journal of Environmental Engineering 122 (6), 515-523, 1996.
  • (5) Erkut E, Moran SR., Locating obnoxious facilities in the public sector: An application of the hierarchy process to municipal landfill siting decisions, Socio – Economic Planning Sciences, 25, 2, 89-102, 1991.
  • (6) Lober DJ., Resolving the siting impasse: Modeling social and environmental locational criteria with a geographic information system. J Am Plann Assoc 61 (4): 482-495, 1995.
  • (7) Yeşilnacar Mİ, Çetin H., An environmental geomorphologic approach to site selection for hazardous wastes, Environ Geol, DOI.10.1007/s00254-007-1115, 2007.
  • (8) Kontos TD, Komillis DP, Halvadakis CP., Siting MSW landfills in Lesvos Island with a GIS based methodology. Waste Management and Research 21 (3), 262-277, 2003.
  • (9) Şener B, Süzen ML, Doyuran V., Landfill site selection by using geographic information systems, Environ Geol, 49:376-388, 2006.
  • (10) Simşek C, Kıncal C, Gündüz O., A solid waste disposal site selection procedure based on groundwater vulnerability mapping, Environ Geol, DOI 10.1007/s00254-005-0111-2, 2005.
  • (11) Banar M, Köse BM, Özkan A, Acar IP., Choosing a municipal landfill site by analytic network process, Environ Geol. DOI 10.1007/s00254-006-0512-x, 2006.
  • (12) Gemitzi A, Petalas C, Tsihrintzis VA, Pisinaras V., Assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution: a combination of GIS, fuzzy logic and decision making techniques. Environ. Geol., 49, 653-673, 2006.
  • (13) Mutlutürk M, Karagüzel R., The landfill area quality (LAQ) classification approach and its application in Isparta, Turkey, Environmental and Engineering Geoscience 2007;13:229-240, 2007.
  • (14) Nas B, Cay T, Iscan F, Berktay A., Selection of MSW Landfill Site for Konya, Turkey Using GIS and Multi-Criteria Evaluation, Environ Monit Assess DOI 10.1007/s10661-008-0713-8, 2008a.
  • (15) Saaty, Thomas L., Theory and Applications of the Analytic Network Process. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: RWS Publications. pp. ix. ISBN 1-888603-06-2, 2005.
  • (16) Pournamdarian A. Multi-criteria Decision Making by using Inner Product of Vectors. Knol.(updated 24.02 2010). Available from: http://knol.google.com/k/ali-pournamdarian/multi-criteria-decision
  • making-byusing/uhvrtfzaegen/4#
  • (17) Allen BG, Caetano P, Costa C, Cummins V, Donnelly J, Koukoulas S, O’Donnell V, Robalo C, Vendas D., A landfill site selection process incorporating GIS modelling. Proceedings of Sardinia 2003, Ninth Int. Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Italy, 2003.
  • (18) Muttiah RS, Engel BA, Jones DD., Waste disposal site selection using GIS based simulated annealing. Computers & Geosciences, 22(9), 1013–1017, 1996.
  • (19) Lin HY, Kao JJ., A vector-based spatial model for landfill siting. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 58, 3–14, 1998.
  • (20) Vatalis, K., Manoliadis, O., A two-level multicriteria DSS for landfill site selection using GIS: Case study in Western Macedonia, Greece. Journal of Geographic Information and Decision Analysis, 6(1), 49–56, 2002.
  • (21) Özdemir, F.Y., Özkan-Soğucaklı, Ö., Importance of Geological Characteristics At Determining Basin Conservation Borders: Sample of Lake Beyşehir (Konya) Basin, International Congress On River Basin Management, 22-24 March 2007, Antalya, 2007.
  • (22) Karabork H, Selection of appropriate sampling stations in a lake through mapping, Environ Monit Assess DOI 10.1007/s10661-009- 0813-0, 2009.
  • (23) Nas, B., Karabork, H., Ekercin, S., Berktay, A., Mapping chlorophyll-a through in-situ measurements and Terra ASTER satellite data, Environ Monit Assess DOI 10.1007/s10661-008-0542-9, 2008b.
  • (24) Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Turkey, Turkish Regulations of the Control of Solid Wastes. Official Gazzette, No: 20814, Ankara, Turkey, 1991.
  • (25) Malczewski, J., Propagation of errors in multicriteria location analysis: A case study. In G. Fandel & T. Gal (Eds.), Multiple criteria decision making (pp. 154–155). Berlin: Springer, 1997.
  • (26) Dorhofer G, Siebert H., The search for landfill sites—Requirements and implementation in Lower Saxony, Germany. Environmental Geology, 35(1), 55–65. doi:10.1007/s002540050292, 1998.
  • (27) Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Turkey, Turkish Water Pollution Control Regulation, 31 December 2004, Turkey, 2004.
  • (28) Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Turkey, Control List of site
  • (http://www.atikyonetimi.cevreorman.gov.tr/evsel /2.doc, Last access 15.04.09), 2000. for landfill sites,
  • Ankara. (29) Elitok Ö., Geology, mineralogy and petrography of Şarkikaraağaç (Isparta) and vicinity, Süleyman Demirel University, Science Institute, Doctorate Thesis. 220 s. Isparta, 2000.
  • (30) Demirkol C, Sipahi H, Çiçek S., Stratigraphy and geological evolution of Sultandağı, General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, 6305, Ankara, 1977.
  • (31) Öztürk, E.M., Dalkılıç, H., Ergin, A., Avşar, Ö.P., Geology of southwest Sultandağı and Anamasdağı, General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, p. 81-91 Ankara, 1987.

Selection of Landfill Site using GIS and Multicriteria Decision Analysis for Beyşehir Lake Catchment area (Konya, Turkey)

Year 2011, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 134 - 144, 25.02.2011


 Many developing countries are struggling to provide a proper waste management system due to increasing population and urbanization. Also, waste management system is not regulated sufficiently in Turkey. At present, there are various techniques used for solid waste management such as landfill, thermal treatment, biological treatment, recycling etc. The landfill is the most common mode for the disposal of solid waste. But, landfill site selection is quite complex process and it depends on several criteria and regulations. In this study landfill site selection is performed by using Multicriteria Decision Analysis (MDA) and Geographic Information System (GIS) for the Beyşehir Lake catchment area. The Beysehir Lake is the largest freshwater lake and drinking water reservoir in Turkey but there isn’t sanitary landfill site in the basin. Hence, the appropriate landfill site should be selected in point of water quality in the Beyşehir Lake. In order to determine landfill site several criteria were examined such as distance from settlements, distance from surface waters, distance from protected areas (ecologic, scientific or historic), geology/hydrogeology, landuse, distance from roads, slope and aspect. The MDA was used to measure the relative importance weighting for each criterion. Each map layers were formed with the aid of GIS and final suitability map was created by overlay analyses of each criterion map. According to obtained results, high and low suitable areas were determined in the study


  • (1) Kontos, T.D., Komilis, D.P., Halvadakis, C.P., Siting MSW landfills with spatial multiple criteria analysis methodology, Waste Management vol.25, pp.818-832, 2005.
  • (2) Al-Khatib, I.A., Arafat, H.A., Basheer, T., Shawahneh, H., Salahat, A., Eid J. Ali, W., Trends and problems of solid waste management in developing countries: A case study in seven Palestinian districts”, Waste Management vol.27 pp.1910–1919, 2007.
  • (3) Yılmaz, A., Atmaca, E., Environmental geological assessment of a solid waste disposal site: a case study in Sivas, Turkey, Environmental Geology, Vol. 50, pp. 677-689, DOI: 10.1007/s00254-006-0241-1, 2006.
  • (4) Siddiqui M, Everett J, Vieux B., Landfill siting using geographic information systems: A demonstration. Journal of Environmental Engineering 122 (6), 515-523, 1996.
  • (5) Erkut E, Moran SR., Locating obnoxious facilities in the public sector: An application of the hierarchy process to municipal landfill siting decisions, Socio – Economic Planning Sciences, 25, 2, 89-102, 1991.
  • (6) Lober DJ., Resolving the siting impasse: Modeling social and environmental locational criteria with a geographic information system. J Am Plann Assoc 61 (4): 482-495, 1995.
  • (7) Yeşilnacar Mİ, Çetin H., An environmental geomorphologic approach to site selection for hazardous wastes, Environ Geol, DOI.10.1007/s00254-007-1115, 2007.
  • (8) Kontos TD, Komillis DP, Halvadakis CP., Siting MSW landfills in Lesvos Island with a GIS based methodology. Waste Management and Research 21 (3), 262-277, 2003.
  • (9) Şener B, Süzen ML, Doyuran V., Landfill site selection by using geographic information systems, Environ Geol, 49:376-388, 2006.
  • (10) Simşek C, Kıncal C, Gündüz O., A solid waste disposal site selection procedure based on groundwater vulnerability mapping, Environ Geol, DOI 10.1007/s00254-005-0111-2, 2005.
  • (11) Banar M, Köse BM, Özkan A, Acar IP., Choosing a municipal landfill site by analytic network process, Environ Geol. DOI 10.1007/s00254-006-0512-x, 2006.
  • (12) Gemitzi A, Petalas C, Tsihrintzis VA, Pisinaras V., Assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution: a combination of GIS, fuzzy logic and decision making techniques. Environ. Geol., 49, 653-673, 2006.
  • (13) Mutlutürk M, Karagüzel R., The landfill area quality (LAQ) classification approach and its application in Isparta, Turkey, Environmental and Engineering Geoscience 2007;13:229-240, 2007.
  • (14) Nas B, Cay T, Iscan F, Berktay A., Selection of MSW Landfill Site for Konya, Turkey Using GIS and Multi-Criteria Evaluation, Environ Monit Assess DOI 10.1007/s10661-008-0713-8, 2008a.
  • (15) Saaty, Thomas L., Theory and Applications of the Analytic Network Process. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: RWS Publications. pp. ix. ISBN 1-888603-06-2, 2005.
  • (16) Pournamdarian A. Multi-criteria Decision Making by using Inner Product of Vectors. Knol.(updated 24.02 2010). Available from: http://knol.google.com/k/ali-pournamdarian/multi-criteria-decision
  • making-byusing/uhvrtfzaegen/4#
  • (17) Allen BG, Caetano P, Costa C, Cummins V, Donnelly J, Koukoulas S, O’Donnell V, Robalo C, Vendas D., A landfill site selection process incorporating GIS modelling. Proceedings of Sardinia 2003, Ninth Int. Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Italy, 2003.
  • (18) Muttiah RS, Engel BA, Jones DD., Waste disposal site selection using GIS based simulated annealing. Computers & Geosciences, 22(9), 1013–1017, 1996.
  • (19) Lin HY, Kao JJ., A vector-based spatial model for landfill siting. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 58, 3–14, 1998.
  • (20) Vatalis, K., Manoliadis, O., A two-level multicriteria DSS for landfill site selection using GIS: Case study in Western Macedonia, Greece. Journal of Geographic Information and Decision Analysis, 6(1), 49–56, 2002.
  • (21) Özdemir, F.Y., Özkan-Soğucaklı, Ö., Importance of Geological Characteristics At Determining Basin Conservation Borders: Sample of Lake Beyşehir (Konya) Basin, International Congress On River Basin Management, 22-24 March 2007, Antalya, 2007.
  • (22) Karabork H, Selection of appropriate sampling stations in a lake through mapping, Environ Monit Assess DOI 10.1007/s10661-009- 0813-0, 2009.
  • (23) Nas, B., Karabork, H., Ekercin, S., Berktay, A., Mapping chlorophyll-a through in-situ measurements and Terra ASTER satellite data, Environ Monit Assess DOI 10.1007/s10661-008-0542-9, 2008b.
  • (24) Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Turkey, Turkish Regulations of the Control of Solid Wastes. Official Gazzette, No: 20814, Ankara, Turkey, 1991.
  • (25) Malczewski, J., Propagation of errors in multicriteria location analysis: A case study. In G. Fandel & T. Gal (Eds.), Multiple criteria decision making (pp. 154–155). Berlin: Springer, 1997.
  • (26) Dorhofer G, Siebert H., The search for landfill sites—Requirements and implementation in Lower Saxony, Germany. Environmental Geology, 35(1), 55–65. doi:10.1007/s002540050292, 1998.
  • (27) Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Turkey, Turkish Water Pollution Control Regulation, 31 December 2004, Turkey, 2004.
  • (28) Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Turkey, Control List of site
  • (http://www.atikyonetimi.cevreorman.gov.tr/evsel /2.doc, Last access 15.04.09), 2000. for landfill sites,
  • Ankara. (29) Elitok Ö., Geology, mineralogy and petrography of Şarkikaraağaç (Isparta) and vicinity, Süleyman Demirel University, Science Institute, Doctorate Thesis. 220 s. Isparta, 2000.
  • (30) Demirkol C, Sipahi H, Çiçek S., Stratigraphy and geological evolution of Sultandağı, General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, 6305, Ankara, 1977.
  • (31) Öztürk, E.M., Dalkılıç, H., Ergin, A., Avşar, Ö.P., Geology of southwest Sultandağı and Anamasdağı, General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, p. 81-91 Ankara, 1987.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Jeoloji Mühendisliği

Şehnaz Şener

Erhan Şener

Bilgehan Nas This is me

Publication Date February 25, 2011
Submission Date December 22, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 1 Issue: 3


APA Şener, Ş., Şener, E., & Nas, B. (2011). Selection of Landfill Site using GIS and Multicriteria Decision Analysis for Beyşehir Lake Catchment area (Konya, Turkey). Mühendislik Bilimleri Ve Tasarım Dergisi, 1(3), 134-144.