Year 2014,
Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 287 - 291, 30.12.2014
Mahdi Tabatabaeı
Ali Olcay
Gökhan Gökçen
Abdulkerim Okbaz
Hasan Heperkan
In this study, hydrodynamic drag on an adult squid was investigated during its fast swimming phase. Numerical model has been generated from a real squid's computer tomography images. It has been documented that squids can typically swim at velocities from 3.21 m/s to 9.23 m/s under the water. Therefore, by considering the flow on squid's surface and behind the squid, variation of drag coefficients (at these velocities) has been studied for the squid having about 7.58 fineness ratio. It has been noted that streamlined shape of the squid affects drag force associated with total wetted surface area and flow separation; more specifically, streamlined shape both helps to have delayed flow separation and in return to have lower drag coefficient.
- Eloy, C., 2012. Optimal Strouhal number for swimming animals. Journal of Fluids and Structures., 30, 205–218
- Feldkamp, S. D., 1987. Swimming in the California sea lion: morphometrics, drag and energetics. J. Exp.Biol. 131, 117–135.
- Fish, F. E., 1996. Transitions from drag-based to lift- based propulsion in mammalian swimming. Am. Zool. 36, 628-641.
- Fish, F. E., Howle, L. E., Murray, M. M., 2008.
- Hydrodynamic flow control in marine mammals. Integr. Comp. Biol. 48, 788-800. Fish, F. E., 1993. Power Output and Propulsive
- Efficiency of Swimming Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops Truncatus). J. Exp. Biol., 185, 179–193 Fish, F., E., Howle, L. E., Murray, M.M.,2008
- Hydrodynamic flow control in marine mammals. Integr. Comp. Biol., 48 (6): 788-800
- Loebbecke, A., , Mittal, R., Fish, F., Mark, R., 2009. A comparison of the kinematics of the dolphin kick in humans and cetaceans. Human Movement Science 28, 99–112
- Lun Yu, C, Ting, S-C, Hsu, Y.-H., Yeh, M-K, Yang, J.-T., 20 Mechanical capability and timing of a fish to maneuver from a steady straight-line swimming state. Mechanics Research Communications, 39, 59– 64 Mahbubar Rahman, M.D., Toda, Y., Hiroshi, M., 2011.
- Computational Study on a Squid-Like Underwater Robot with Two Undulating Side Fins. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 8, 25–32 O’Dor, R. K., 1988. The forces acting on swimming squid. J. Exp. Biol., 137, 421-442
- Polidoria Taiar, G., Fohannoa, R., S., Maia, T.H., Lodini, A., 2006. Skin-friction drag analysis from the forced convection modeling in simplified underwater swimming. Journal of Biomechanics, 39, 2535–2541
- Stelle, L. L., Blake, R. W., Trites, A. W., 2000.
- Hydrodynamic Drag in Steller Sea Lions (Eumetopias Jubatus). The Journal of Experimental Biology 203, 1915–1923
- Videler, J., Kamermans, P., 1985. Differences between upstroke and downstroke in swimming dolphins. J. Exp. Biol. 119, 265–274
- Williams, T. M. and Kooyman, G. L., 1985. Swimming performance and hydrodynamic characteristics of harbor seals Phocavitulina. Physiol. Zool. 58, 576–589
- Yi-Gang, XU, De-Cheng, W., 2012. Numerical simulation of fish swimming with rigid pectoral fins.
- Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 24(2), 263-272
Year 2014,
Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 287 - 291, 30.12.2014
Mahdi Tabatabaeı
Ali Olcay
Gökhan Gökçen
Abdulkerim Okbaz
Hasan Heperkan
In this study, hydrodynamic drag on an adult squid was investigated during its fast swimming phase. Numerical model has been generated from a real squid’s computer tomography images. It has been documented that squids can typically swim at velocities from 3.21 m/s to 9.23 m/s under the water. Therefore, by considering the flow on squid’s surface and behind the squid, variation of drag coefficients (at these velocities) has been studied for the squid having about 7.58 fineness ratio. It has been noted that streamlined shape of the squid affects drag force associated with total wetted surface area and flow separation; more specifically, streamlined shape both helps to have delayed flow separation and in return to have lower drag coefficient
- Eloy, C., 2012. Optimal Strouhal number for swimming animals. Journal of Fluids and Structures., 30, 205–218
- Feldkamp, S. D., 1987. Swimming in the California sea lion: morphometrics, drag and energetics. J. Exp.Biol. 131, 117–135.
- Fish, F. E., 1996. Transitions from drag-based to lift- based propulsion in mammalian swimming. Am. Zool. 36, 628-641.
- Fish, F. E., Howle, L. E., Murray, M. M., 2008.
- Hydrodynamic flow control in marine mammals. Integr. Comp. Biol. 48, 788-800. Fish, F. E., 1993. Power Output and Propulsive
- Efficiency of Swimming Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops Truncatus). J. Exp. Biol., 185, 179–193 Fish, F., E., Howle, L. E., Murray, M.M.,2008
- Hydrodynamic flow control in marine mammals. Integr. Comp. Biol., 48 (6): 788-800
- Loebbecke, A., , Mittal, R., Fish, F., Mark, R., 2009. A comparison of the kinematics of the dolphin kick in humans and cetaceans. Human Movement Science 28, 99–112
- Lun Yu, C, Ting, S-C, Hsu, Y.-H., Yeh, M-K, Yang, J.-T., 20 Mechanical capability and timing of a fish to maneuver from a steady straight-line swimming state. Mechanics Research Communications, 39, 59– 64 Mahbubar Rahman, M.D., Toda, Y., Hiroshi, M., 2011.
- Computational Study on a Squid-Like Underwater Robot with Two Undulating Side Fins. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 8, 25–32 O’Dor, R. K., 1988. The forces acting on swimming squid. J. Exp. Biol., 137, 421-442
- Polidoria Taiar, G., Fohannoa, R., S., Maia, T.H., Lodini, A., 2006. Skin-friction drag analysis from the forced convection modeling in simplified underwater swimming. Journal of Biomechanics, 39, 2535–2541
- Stelle, L. L., Blake, R. W., Trites, A. W., 2000.
- Hydrodynamic Drag in Steller Sea Lions (Eumetopias Jubatus). The Journal of Experimental Biology 203, 1915–1923
- Videler, J., Kamermans, P., 1985. Differences between upstroke and downstroke in swimming dolphins. J. Exp. Biol. 119, 265–274
- Williams, T. M. and Kooyman, G. L., 1985. Swimming performance and hydrodynamic characteristics of harbor seals Phocavitulina. Physiol. Zool. 58, 576–589
- Yi-Gang, XU, De-Cheng, W., 2012. Numerical simulation of fish swimming with rigid pectoral fins.
- Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 24(2), 263-272