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Year 2015, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 583 - 590, 25.12.2015


Ülkemizde son yıllarda tekstil, turizm, inşaat ve sağlık sektörleri başta olmak üzere imalat ve hizmet sektörünün genelinde istifa sayılarında hızla artış yaşanmaktadır. Araştırmalar, bu artışın nedenlerini çalışanların kurumlarından beklentilerinin değişmesi ve bu beklentilerin işveren tarafından karşılanamaması olarak göstermektedir. Çalışanlar en fazla iş yüklerinin fazlalığından, aldıkları ücretlerin yetersizliğinden, ödül ve takdir sisteminin bulunmamasından yakınmaktadırlar. Bu problemler iş tatminini doğrudan etkilemektedir. İş tatmini, çalışanların algılarına, duygularına ve davranışlarına ilişkin çok boyutlu farklı iş tutumlarının bir ölçüsüdür. Çalışmada, Ankara’daki bir devlet hastanesinde yaşanan istifa sayılarındaki artışın sebepleri incelenerek, bunların iyileştirilmesi için hastane yönetimine öneriler sunulması amaçlanmıştır. Bu şekilde kurumda yaşanan personel değişiminin azalacağı ve kurumun daha etkin bir şekilde çalışabileceği düşünülmektedir. Bu kapsamda, kurum personelinin algıladığı iş yükünün ölçülebilmesi için öznel iş yükü değerlendirme tekniği (Subjective Workload Assessment Technique-SWAT), iş tatmini seviyelerinin ölçülmesi için ise İş Tatmin Ölçeği (Job Satisfaction Survey-JSS) kullanılmıştır. Buna göre, meslek gruplarına ve cinsiyetlere göre değişen iş yükü ve iş tatmin seviyeleri belirlenmiş, bu seviyelerin iyileştirilmesi için önerilerde bulunulmuştur.


  • Battiste, V., Bortolussi M.R., 1988. Transport Pilot Workload: A Comparison of Two Objective Techniques”, Proceedings of The Human Factors Society 32nd Annual Meeting, 150-154.
  • Bear, A., Dorris R., 1984. The Effects of Superisor Experience and The presence of Shift technical Advisor on the Performance of Two-man Crews in a Nuclear Power Plant Simulator, Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 28th Annual Meeting, Santa Monica CA: Human Factors Society, 242-246.
  • Bittner, AC., Byers J.C., Hill S.G., Zaklad A.L., Christ R.E., 1989. Generic Workload Ratings of a Mobile Air Defense System, Proceedings of The Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting, Santa Monica CA: Human Factors Society, 1476-1480.
  • Byers, J.C., Bittner A.C., Hill S.G., Zaklad A.L., Christ R.E., 1988. Workload Assessment of a Remotely Piloted Vehicle (RPV) System, Proceedings of The Human Factors Society 32nd Annual Meeting, Santa Monica CA: Human Factors Society, 1145-1149.
  • Cooper, G.E., Harper R.P., 1969. The Use of Pilot Rating in the Evaluation of Aircraft Handling Qualities”, AGARD Report 567, London: Technical Editing and Reproduction Ltd.
  • Cooper, G.E., Harper R.P., 1969. The Use of Pilot Rating in the Evaluation of Aircraft Handling Qualities, AGARD Report 567, London: Technical Editing and Reproduction Ltd.
  • Corwin, W.H., Sandry-Garza D.L., Biferno M.H., Boucek G.P., Logan A.L., Jonsson J., Metalis S.A., 1989. Assessment of Crew Workload Measurement Methods, Techniques and Procedures (Volume 1). WRDC-TR-89-7006, Base, OH. Wright-Patterson
  • Airforce Gawron, V.J., 2008. Human Performance, Workload, and Situational Awareness Measures Handbook. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Gawron, V.J., Schiflett S., Miller J., Ball ., Slater T., Parker F., Lloyd M., Travale D., Spicuzza R.J., The effect of pyridostigmine bromide on in-flight aircrew performance. USAFSAM-TR-87-24, Brook Air Force Base, TX: School of Aerospace Medicine.
  • Hart, S.G., Staveland L.E., 1987. Development of NASA-TLX (Task Load Index): Result Emprical and Theoretical Research In Hancock, P.A. and Meshkati, N. (Eds.). Human Mental Workload. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Ivancevich, J.M., Simith, S.V., 1981. Identification and Analyses of Job Difficulty Dimensions An Empirical Study. Ergonomics, 24(5), 351-363.
  • Karaköse, T., Kocabaş, İ., 2006. Özel ve Devlet Okullarında
  • Beklentilerinin İş Doyumu ve Motivasyon Üzerine Etkileri. Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama, 2(1), 3-14.
  • London, M., Klimoski, R.J., 1975. Self-esteem and Job Complexity as Moderators of Performance and Satisfaction. Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 6(3), 293-304.
  • Reid, G.B., Nygren T.E., 1988. The Subjective Workload Assessment Technique: A Scaling Procedure for Measuring Mental Work load. In Hancock, P.A. and Mehtaki, N. (Eds.) Human Mental Workload. Amsterdam, 185-218.
  • Roscoe, A.H., 1984. Assessing pilot workload in flight: Flight test techniques. Proceedings of NATO Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD), AGARD-CP-373, France: AGARD.
  • Shively, R.J., Battiste V., Matsumoto J.H., Pepitone D.D., Bortolussi M.R., Hart S.G., 1987. Inflight Evaluation of Pilot Workload Measures for Rotorcraft Research. In R.S. Jensen Proceedings of The 4th Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH: Ohio State University, 637-643.
  • Spector, P.E., 1997. Job Satisfaction: Application, Assessment, Causes and Consequences. Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage.
  • Sünter, A.T., Canbaz, S., Dabak, Ş., Öz, H., Pekşen, Y., 2006. Pratisyen Hekimlerde Tükenmişlik, İşe Bağlı Gerginlik ve İş Doyumu Düzeyleri. Genel Tıp Dergisi, 16(1), 9-14.
  • Ünal, S., Karlıdağ, R., Yoloğlu, S., 2001. Hekimlerde Tükenmişlik ve İş Doyumu Düzeylerinin Yaşam Doyumu Üzerine Etkileri. Klinik Psikiyatri, 4, 113- 118.
  • Yelboğa, Atilla., 2009. Validity and the Reliability of the Turkish Version of the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS). World Applied Sciences Journal, 6(8), 1066- 1072.
  • Wierwille, W.W., Connor S.A., 1983. Evaluation of 20 Workload Measures Using Psychomotor Task in a Moving-base Aircraft Simulator, Human Factors, 25(1), 1-16.
  • Whitaker, L.A., Peters L., Garinther G., 1989. Tank Crew Performance: Effects of Speech Intelligibility on Target Acquisition and Subjective Workload Assessment, Proceedings of The Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting, 1411-1413.
Year 2015, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 583 - 590, 25.12.2015



  • Battiste, V., Bortolussi M.R., 1988. Transport Pilot Workload: A Comparison of Two Objective Techniques”, Proceedings of The Human Factors Society 32nd Annual Meeting, 150-154.
  • Bear, A., Dorris R., 1984. The Effects of Superisor Experience and The presence of Shift technical Advisor on the Performance of Two-man Crews in a Nuclear Power Plant Simulator, Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 28th Annual Meeting, Santa Monica CA: Human Factors Society, 242-246.
  • Bittner, AC., Byers J.C., Hill S.G., Zaklad A.L., Christ R.E., 1989. Generic Workload Ratings of a Mobile Air Defense System, Proceedings of The Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting, Santa Monica CA: Human Factors Society, 1476-1480.
  • Byers, J.C., Bittner A.C., Hill S.G., Zaklad A.L., Christ R.E., 1988. Workload Assessment of a Remotely Piloted Vehicle (RPV) System, Proceedings of The Human Factors Society 32nd Annual Meeting, Santa Monica CA: Human Factors Society, 1145-1149.
  • Cooper, G.E., Harper R.P., 1969. The Use of Pilot Rating in the Evaluation of Aircraft Handling Qualities”, AGARD Report 567, London: Technical Editing and Reproduction Ltd.
  • Cooper, G.E., Harper R.P., 1969. The Use of Pilot Rating in the Evaluation of Aircraft Handling Qualities, AGARD Report 567, London: Technical Editing and Reproduction Ltd.
  • Corwin, W.H., Sandry-Garza D.L., Biferno M.H., Boucek G.P., Logan A.L., Jonsson J., Metalis S.A., 1989. Assessment of Crew Workload Measurement Methods, Techniques and Procedures (Volume 1). WRDC-TR-89-7006, Base, OH. Wright-Patterson
  • Airforce Gawron, V.J., 2008. Human Performance, Workload, and Situational Awareness Measures Handbook. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Gawron, V.J., Schiflett S., Miller J., Ball ., Slater T., Parker F., Lloyd M., Travale D., Spicuzza R.J., The effect of pyridostigmine bromide on in-flight aircrew performance. USAFSAM-TR-87-24, Brook Air Force Base, TX: School of Aerospace Medicine.
  • Hart, S.G., Staveland L.E., 1987. Development of NASA-TLX (Task Load Index): Result Emprical and Theoretical Research In Hancock, P.A. and Meshkati, N. (Eds.). Human Mental Workload. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Ivancevich, J.M., Simith, S.V., 1981. Identification and Analyses of Job Difficulty Dimensions An Empirical Study. Ergonomics, 24(5), 351-363.
  • Karaköse, T., Kocabaş, İ., 2006. Özel ve Devlet Okullarında
  • Beklentilerinin İş Doyumu ve Motivasyon Üzerine Etkileri. Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama, 2(1), 3-14.
  • London, M., Klimoski, R.J., 1975. Self-esteem and Job Complexity as Moderators of Performance and Satisfaction. Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 6(3), 293-304.
  • Reid, G.B., Nygren T.E., 1988. The Subjective Workload Assessment Technique: A Scaling Procedure for Measuring Mental Work load. In Hancock, P.A. and Mehtaki, N. (Eds.) Human Mental Workload. Amsterdam, 185-218.
  • Roscoe, A.H., 1984. Assessing pilot workload in flight: Flight test techniques. Proceedings of NATO Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD), AGARD-CP-373, France: AGARD.
  • Shively, R.J., Battiste V., Matsumoto J.H., Pepitone D.D., Bortolussi M.R., Hart S.G., 1987. Inflight Evaluation of Pilot Workload Measures for Rotorcraft Research. In R.S. Jensen Proceedings of The 4th Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH: Ohio State University, 637-643.
  • Spector, P.E., 1997. Job Satisfaction: Application, Assessment, Causes and Consequences. Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage.
  • Sünter, A.T., Canbaz, S., Dabak, Ş., Öz, H., Pekşen, Y., 2006. Pratisyen Hekimlerde Tükenmişlik, İşe Bağlı Gerginlik ve İş Doyumu Düzeyleri. Genel Tıp Dergisi, 16(1), 9-14.
  • Ünal, S., Karlıdağ, R., Yoloğlu, S., 2001. Hekimlerde Tükenmişlik ve İş Doyumu Düzeylerinin Yaşam Doyumu Üzerine Etkileri. Klinik Psikiyatri, 4, 113- 118.
  • Yelboğa, Atilla., 2009. Validity and the Reliability of the Turkish Version of the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS). World Applied Sciences Journal, 6(8), 1066- 1072.
  • Wierwille, W.W., Connor S.A., 1983. Evaluation of 20 Workload Measures Using Psychomotor Task in a Moving-base Aircraft Simulator, Human Factors, 25(1), 1-16.
  • Whitaker, L.A., Peters L., Garinther G., 1989. Tank Crew Performance: Effects of Speech Intelligibility on Target Acquisition and Subjective Workload Assessment, Proceedings of The Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting, 1411-1413.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section SI:ERGONOMI2105

Gülin Can

Kumru Atalay

Ergün Eraslan

Betül Özçakmak This is me

Publication Date December 25, 2015
Submission Date October 19, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 3 Issue: 3


APA Can, G., Atalay, K., Eraslan, E., Özçakmak, B. (2015). BİR DEVLET HASTANESİNDE YAŞANAN İSTİFA SAYILARINDAKİ ARTIŞIN NEDENLERİNİN ARAŞTIRILMASI. Mühendislik Bilimleri Ve Tasarım Dergisi, 3(3), 583-590.