Year 2022,
Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 856 - 868, 30.09.2022
Onur Şahin
Müge Ensari
Rüştü Uçan
With this article, hand-arm vibration, and related physical stresses of those working in casting grinding work in a foundry were investigated. The aim of the study is to determine the vibration value transmitted to the hands and arms of the worker with the grinding tool during the grinding of cast parts by measuring during one shift and to produce solutions for reducing high vibration values. For this purpose, with reference to the methods specified in the TS EN 5349 standard for grinding operators, measurements were made on 21 cast part grinding operators in five different grinding processes. Measurements were performed in the right hand over. Values ranging from 1.79 m/s² to 95.69 m/s² were obtained for 8 hours of exposure in cast iron workers. The highest values are A(8)=95.69 m/s2 when cleaning the holes of the motor block part connected to the rotator with an air hammer, A(8)=20.43 m/s2 when grinding on a fixed machine and in the final grinding process A(8)=12.76 m/s2 was obtained. According to the results of the research, in order to reduce hand-arm vibration exposures, it should be aimed to reduce the surfaces that require grinding with engineering work in the cast part. The formation of burrs originating from the core sand on the core surfaces that form the voids in the cast part should be prevented and the problem should be eliminated at the source by using high-strength cores for the holes clogged with sand that can be opened with an air gun.
- Armstrong T.J., Marshall M.M., Martin B.J., Foulke J.A., Grieshaber D.C., Malone G., 2002. Exposure to forceful exertions and vibration in a foundry, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 163–179.
- Barot R.S., Patel J., Sharma B., Rathod B., Solanki H., Patel Y., 2020. Lean six sigma feasibility and implementation aspect in cast iron foundry, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 28, Part 2, Pages 1084-1091.
- Bovenzi M., Fiorito A., Giansante C., Calabrese S., Negro C., 1983. Platelet function and clotting parameters of vibration-exposed foundry workers, Scand J Work Environ Health 1983;9(4):347-352.
- Bovenzi M., 2021. Hand-Transmitted Vibration,,, Yayın tarihi : Mart 2011, Erişim tarihi Ekim 10, 2021.
- Burström L.,Neely G., Lunström R., Lilsson T., 2019. Occupational exposure to vibration from hand-held tools: a teaching guide on health effects, risk assessment and prevention, World Health Organization.
- Carraa S.,Monicaa L., Vignali G., 2019. Reduction of workers’ hand-arm vibration exposure through optimal machine design: AHP methodology applied to a case study. Safety Science 120, 706–727, 201
- Christ E., 2004. Method For Assessing The Reduction Of The Risk Of Musculoskeletal Disorders By Using Ergonomically Designed Vibrating Tools, p195-200, Conference Proceedings,10th International Conference on Hand-Arm Vibration,7-11 June 2004 ,Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- Clarke J.B., William D., John F. G., 1986. Chipping hammer vibration, Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health Vol. 12, No. 4, Fourth international symposium on hand-arm vibration: pp. 351-354 Published By: Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health.
- ÇSGB, 2013. Çalışanların titreşimle ilgili risklerden korunmalarına dair yönetmelik.
- Directive 2002/44/EC, The European Parliament And Of The Council, Article 3, Exposure limit values and action values.
- Gerhardsson L., Ahlstrand C., Ersson P., Jonsson P., Gustafsson E., 2021. Vibration related symptoms and signs in quarry and foundry workers, International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 94(3):1-8.
- Hand-Arm Vibration In Foundries, 2001. Applications for reproduction should be made in writing to: Copyright Unit, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, St Clements House, 2-16 Colegate, Norwich NR3 1BQ ISBN 0 7176 1798, p:6.
- Health and Safety Executive, 2019. Hand-arm vibration, The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations, Guidance on Regulations,, Yayın tarihi 2019, Erişim tarihi Aralık 15, 2021
- ISO 5349-1, 2021. Mechanical vibration - Guidelines for the measurement and the assessment of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration. International Organization for Standardization.
- Kaya Ö., Özok A.F., 2018. Hazir Giyim İşletmelerinin Ergonomik Risk Etmenleri Yönünden Değerlendirilmesi, Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi 6 (ÖS: Ergonomi 2017), 263– 270,2018 e-ISSN: 1308-6693.
- Liljelind I., Wahlstro J., Nilsson L., Toomingas A., Burstrom L., 2011. Variability in Hand–Arm Vibration During Grinding Operations, Ann. Occup. Hyg., Vol. 55, No. 3, pp. 296–304.
- Lindell H., Grétarsson S.L., Machems M., 2015. High frequency shock vibrations and implications of ISO 5349 – Measurement of vibration, simulating pressure propagation, risk assessment and preventive measures, Hand-arm vibration: Exposure to isolated and repeated shock vibrations –Review of the International Expert Workshop 2015 in Beijing, p: 18-30.
- Mgonja, C.A., 2017. A Review on Effects of Hazards in Foundries to Workers and Environment, IJISET International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 4 Issue 6, page 324-336.
- NIOSH, 1989. Criteria for a Recommended Standard: Occupational Exposure to Hand-Arm Vibration, p:51
- NIOSH, 1983. Vibration Syndrome, Current Intelligence Bulletin 38, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 83-110, Yayın tarihi Mart 1983, Erişim tarihi Ekim 10, 2021
- Pelmear P.L., Leong D., Taraschuk I., Wong L., 1986. Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome in Foundrymen and Hard Rock Miners, Journal of Low Frequency Noise and Vibration Vol.5 No.1, page 26-43.
- Reynolds D.D., Basel R., Wasserman D.E., Taylor W., 1983. A Study Of Hand Vibration On Chipping And Grinding Operators, Part I:Vibration Acceleration Levels Measured On Pneumatic Tools Used In Chipping And Grinding Operations, Journal of Sound and Vibration 95(4), 479-497.
- Safe Work Australia, 2013 Guide To Managing Risks Associated With Foundry Work, 2013. Vibration,, Yayın tarihi Nisan, 2013, Erişim tarihi Kasım 11, 2021
- Sağlam, H., 2011. Çalışma Hayatında Maruz Kalınan Titreşimin Ölçülmesi Ve Bu Maruziyetten Kaynaklanan Titreşimin İnsan Sağlığına Etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Isparta.
- Shen S.C., House R.A., 2017. Hand-arm vibration syndrome, What family physicians should know, Can Fam Physician, p:206-210.
- Şahin O., Özay M.E., Uçan R., 2021. Dökümhane Maça Üretim Çalışmalarında İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği, Cilt no:1, Editör:İsa Burak Güngör, Efe Akademi Yayınevi, ISBN:978-625-7664-40-0, İstanbul.
- Tunay M., Emir T., 2015. Farklı Ağaç Türleri Üzerinde Motorlu Testerelerden Operatöre İletilen El kol Titreşimlerinin İncelenmesi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi 3(3),ÖS:Ergonomi2015,441-447,2015 ISSN:1308-6693.
- Vhihlborg P., Bryngelsson LI., Lindgren B., Gunnarsson GL., Graff P., 2017. Association between vibration exposure and hand-arm vibration symptoms in a Swedish mechanical industry, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics p:1-5.
- Xie X.S., Qi C, Du X.Y., Shi W.W., Zhang M., 2016. Measurement and analysis of hand-transmitted vibration of vibration tools in workplace for automobile casting and assembly, Zhonghua Lao Dong Wei Sheng Zhi Ye Bing Za Zhi, 34(2):107-10.
Year 2022,
Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 856 - 868, 30.09.2022
Onur Şahin
Müge Ensari
Rüştü Uçan
Bu makale ile bir dökümhanede döküm parça taşlama işinde çalışanların el-kol titreşimi ve ilgili fiziksel stresler araştırılmıştır. Çalışmanın amacı döküm parçaların taşlanması sırasında taşlama aleti ile çalışanın el ve kollarına iletilen titreşim değerinin bir vardiya boyunca ölçülerek tespit edilmesi ve yüksek titreşim değerlerinin azaltılması için çözümler üretilmesidir. Bu amaçla taşlama operatörlerinde TS EN 5349 standartında belirtilen metodlar referans alınarak 21 döküm parça taşlama operatörü üzerinde, beş değişik taşlama işleminde ölçümler yapılmıştır. Ölçümler sağ elde bir vardiya boyunca uygulanmıştır. Döküm parça taşlama yapan çalışanlarda 8 saatlik maruziyet için 1,79 m/sn² ile 95,69 m/sn² arasında değişen değerler elde edilmiştir. En yüksek değerler döndürücüye bağlı motor blok parçasının deliklerindeki temizlik işlemini havalı çekiç ile yaparken A(8)=95,69 m/s2, yere sabit bir makinada yapılan taşlama işleminde A(8)=20,43 m/s2 ve final taşlama işleminde A(8)=12,76 m/s2 elde edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre el-kol titreşim maruziyetlerinin azaltılması için öncelikle döküm parçada mühendislik çalışması ile taşlama gerektiren yüzeylerin azaltılması amaçlanmalıdır. Döküm parçada boşlukları oluşturan maça yüzeylerindeki maça kumu kaynaklı çapakların oluşması engellenmeli ve havalı tabanca ile açılabilen kum ile tıkalı delikler için dayanımı yüksek maça kullanılarak problem kaynağında giderilmelidir.
- Armstrong T.J., Marshall M.M., Martin B.J., Foulke J.A., Grieshaber D.C., Malone G., 2002. Exposure to forceful exertions and vibration in a foundry, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 163–179.
- Barot R.S., Patel J., Sharma B., Rathod B., Solanki H., Patel Y., 2020. Lean six sigma feasibility and implementation aspect in cast iron foundry, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 28, Part 2, Pages 1084-1091.
- Bovenzi M., Fiorito A., Giansante C., Calabrese S., Negro C., 1983. Platelet function and clotting parameters of vibration-exposed foundry workers, Scand J Work Environ Health 1983;9(4):347-352.
- Bovenzi M., 2021. Hand-Transmitted Vibration,,, Yayın tarihi : Mart 2011, Erişim tarihi Ekim 10, 2021.
- Burström L.,Neely G., Lunström R., Lilsson T., 2019. Occupational exposure to vibration from hand-held tools: a teaching guide on health effects, risk assessment and prevention, World Health Organization.
- Carraa S.,Monicaa L., Vignali G., 2019. Reduction of workers’ hand-arm vibration exposure through optimal machine design: AHP methodology applied to a case study. Safety Science 120, 706–727, 201
- Christ E., 2004. Method For Assessing The Reduction Of The Risk Of Musculoskeletal Disorders By Using Ergonomically Designed Vibrating Tools, p195-200, Conference Proceedings,10th International Conference on Hand-Arm Vibration,7-11 June 2004 ,Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- Clarke J.B., William D., John F. G., 1986. Chipping hammer vibration, Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health Vol. 12, No. 4, Fourth international symposium on hand-arm vibration: pp. 351-354 Published By: Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health.
- ÇSGB, 2013. Çalışanların titreşimle ilgili risklerden korunmalarına dair yönetmelik.
- Directive 2002/44/EC, The European Parliament And Of The Council, Article 3, Exposure limit values and action values.
- Gerhardsson L., Ahlstrand C., Ersson P., Jonsson P., Gustafsson E., 2021. Vibration related symptoms and signs in quarry and foundry workers, International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 94(3):1-8.
- Hand-Arm Vibration In Foundries, 2001. Applications for reproduction should be made in writing to: Copyright Unit, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, St Clements House, 2-16 Colegate, Norwich NR3 1BQ ISBN 0 7176 1798, p:6.
- Health and Safety Executive, 2019. Hand-arm vibration, The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations, Guidance on Regulations,, Yayın tarihi 2019, Erişim tarihi Aralık 15, 2021
- ISO 5349-1, 2021. Mechanical vibration - Guidelines for the measurement and the assessment of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration. International Organization for Standardization.
- Kaya Ö., Özok A.F., 2018. Hazir Giyim İşletmelerinin Ergonomik Risk Etmenleri Yönünden Değerlendirilmesi, Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi 6 (ÖS: Ergonomi 2017), 263– 270,2018 e-ISSN: 1308-6693.
- Liljelind I., Wahlstro J., Nilsson L., Toomingas A., Burstrom L., 2011. Variability in Hand–Arm Vibration During Grinding Operations, Ann. Occup. Hyg., Vol. 55, No. 3, pp. 296–304.
- Lindell H., Grétarsson S.L., Machems M., 2015. High frequency shock vibrations and implications of ISO 5349 – Measurement of vibration, simulating pressure propagation, risk assessment and preventive measures, Hand-arm vibration: Exposure to isolated and repeated shock vibrations –Review of the International Expert Workshop 2015 in Beijing, p: 18-30.
- Mgonja, C.A., 2017. A Review on Effects of Hazards in Foundries to Workers and Environment, IJISET International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 4 Issue 6, page 324-336.
- NIOSH, 1989. Criteria for a Recommended Standard: Occupational Exposure to Hand-Arm Vibration, p:51
- NIOSH, 1983. Vibration Syndrome, Current Intelligence Bulletin 38, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 83-110, Yayın tarihi Mart 1983, Erişim tarihi Ekim 10, 2021
- Pelmear P.L., Leong D., Taraschuk I., Wong L., 1986. Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome in Foundrymen and Hard Rock Miners, Journal of Low Frequency Noise and Vibration Vol.5 No.1, page 26-43.
- Reynolds D.D., Basel R., Wasserman D.E., Taylor W., 1983. A Study Of Hand Vibration On Chipping And Grinding Operators, Part I:Vibration Acceleration Levels Measured On Pneumatic Tools Used In Chipping And Grinding Operations, Journal of Sound and Vibration 95(4), 479-497.
- Safe Work Australia, 2013 Guide To Managing Risks Associated With Foundry Work, 2013. Vibration,, Yayın tarihi Nisan, 2013, Erişim tarihi Kasım 11, 2021
- Sağlam, H., 2011. Çalışma Hayatında Maruz Kalınan Titreşimin Ölçülmesi Ve Bu Maruziyetten Kaynaklanan Titreşimin İnsan Sağlığına Etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Isparta.
- Shen S.C., House R.A., 2017. Hand-arm vibration syndrome, What family physicians should know, Can Fam Physician, p:206-210.
- Şahin O., Özay M.E., Uçan R., 2021. Dökümhane Maça Üretim Çalışmalarında İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği, Cilt no:1, Editör:İsa Burak Güngör, Efe Akademi Yayınevi, ISBN:978-625-7664-40-0, İstanbul.
- Tunay M., Emir T., 2015. Farklı Ağaç Türleri Üzerinde Motorlu Testerelerden Operatöre İletilen El kol Titreşimlerinin İncelenmesi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi 3(3),ÖS:Ergonomi2015,441-447,2015 ISSN:1308-6693.
- Vhihlborg P., Bryngelsson LI., Lindgren B., Gunnarsson GL., Graff P., 2017. Association between vibration exposure and hand-arm vibration symptoms in a Swedish mechanical industry, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics p:1-5.
- Xie X.S., Qi C, Du X.Y., Shi W.W., Zhang M., 2016. Measurement and analysis of hand-transmitted vibration of vibration tools in workplace for automobile casting and assembly, Zhonghua Lao Dong Wei Sheng Zhi Ye Bing Za Zhi, 34(2):107-10.