Research Article
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Year 2025, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 144 - 154, 20.03.2025


In this study, the bending behavior of AA5754 aluminum alloy was investigated using the three-point bending test. The three-point bending test is a method used to understand the elastic and plastic deformation behaviors of materials and to evaluate their hardness and strength properties. Experiments were conducted with different punch radii (3, 5, 7 mm), deformation speeds (2, 5, 10 mm/min), punch distances (30, 40, 50 mm), and rolling directions (0° and 90°) to examine their effects on springback. In manufacturing engineering, springback is a critical issue and refers to the change in angle of the material when the punch force is removed during the forming of sheet metal materials. Springback measurements were performed using a universal protractor and image processing techniques. According to the experimental data obtained, increasing the punch distance led to an increase in springback. While increasing the punch radius along the rolling direction did not significantly affect springback, increasing the punch radius in the transverse direction resulted in greater springback. The effect of punch speed on springback was found to be limited. Minimum springback was observed in bending processes performed with a 3 mm punch radius, a deformation speed of 10 mm/min, and in the rolling direction. This study demonstrates the impact of various parameters on springback during the bending process.

Project Number



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  • Gao, S., SUN, Y., LI, Q., YING, L., HAO, Z. and ZHANG, B. 2023. Multi-point 3D Hot Stretch-Bending Process of Titanium Alloy Profiles and Their Microstructure Evolution, China Mechanical Engineering, 34 (24), 2986.
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  • Jindra, D., Kala, Z., Kala, J. and Seitl, S. 2021. Experimental and Numerical simulation of a Three Point Bending Test of a Stainless Steel Beam, Transportation Research Procedia, 55 1114-1121.
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Year 2025, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 144 - 154, 20.03.2025


Bu çalışmada, AA5754 alüminyum alaşımının eğilme davranışı üç nokta eğme testi kullanılarak araştırılmıştır. Üç nokta eğme testi, malzemelerin elastik ve plastik deformasyon davranışlarını anlaşılması, sertlik ve mukavemet özelliklerini değerlendirilmesi amacıyla kullanılan bir test yöntemidir. Farklı zımba yarıçapları (3, 5, 7 mm), deformasyon hızları (2, 5, 10 mm/dak), zımba mesafeleri (30, 40, 50 mm) ve hadde yönleri (0° ve 90°) kullanılarak yapılan deneylerde, bu parametrelerin geri esneme üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. İmalat mühendisliğinde kritik bir konu olan geri esneme, sac metal malzemelerin şekillendirilmesi sırasında zımba kuvvetinin kaldırılmasıyla malzemede meydana gelen açı değişimidir. Geri esneme ölçümleri, evrensel açı ölçer ve görüntü işleme teknikleri kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Elde edilen deneysel verilere göre, zımba mesafesinin artırılması geri esnemenin artmasına neden olmuştur. Zımba yarıçapının haddeleme yönü boyunca artırılması geri esnemeyi önemli ölçüde etkilemezken, numunelerin haddeleme yönüne dik yönde zımba yarıçapının artırılması daha büyük geri esnemeye neden olmuştur. Zımba hızının geri esneme üzerindeki etkisi ise sınırlı düzeyde bulunmuştur. Minimum geri esneme, 3 mm zımba yarıçapı, 10 mm/dak deformasyon hızı ve hadde yönünde yapılan eğme işlemlerinde gözlemlenmiştir. Bu çalışma eğme işlemindeki parametrelerin geri esneme üzerindeki etkisini göstermektedir.

Supporting Institution

Bu çalışma Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimince Desteklenmiştir.

Project Number



  • Almeida, C. O. L., Santos, O. J. P. d., Panziera, R. C., Dutra, M. K., Pereira, M. and Pereira, M. d. S. 2023. Analysis of the springback effect of laser welded DP600 high-strength steel thin sheets, Journal of Laser Applications, 35 (4), 042045.
  • Altan, T. and Tekkaya, A. E. 2012. Sheet metal forming: processes and applications, ASM international.
  • Beigpour, R., Shokrollahi, H. and Khalili, S. M. R. 2021. Experimental and numerical analysis of a biodegradable hybrid composite under tensile and three-point bending tests, Composite Structures, 273 (0), 114255.
  • Berkant, D. 2021. Three-point bending properties of V-notched aluminum repaired with a nanocomposite patch, Emerging Materials Research, 10 (3), 300-306.
  • Birro, T. V., Aufray, M., Paroissien, E. and Lachaud, F. 2021. Assessment of interface failure behaviour for brittle adhesive using the three-point bending test, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 110 (0), 102891.
  • Boljanovic, V. 2004. Sheet metal forming processes and die design, Industrial Press Inc.
  • Bruni, C., Forcellese, A., Gabrielli, F. and Simoncini, M. 2006. Air bending of AZ31 magnesium alloy in warm and hot forming conditions, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 177 (1-3), 373-376.
  • Chang, Y., Wang, N., Wang, B. T., Li, X. D., Wang, C. Y., Zhao, K. M. and Dong, H. 2021. Prediction of bending springback of the medium-Mn steel considering elastic modulus attenuation, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 67 (0), 345-355.
  • Chatti, S., Dirksen, U. and Kleiner, M. 2004. Optimization of the design and manufacturing process of bent profiles, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 15 (6), 437-444.
  • Chen, T., Jiang, Q., Xue, J., Harvey, C. M., Zhang, X., Silberschmidt, V. V., Liu, Y., Zhang, K., Wang, S. and Wei, B. 2023. Dynamic three-point bending tests under high loading rates, Thin-Walled Structures, 188 (0), 110836.
  • Choi, M. K. and Huh, H. 2014. Effect of punch speed on amount of springback in U-bending process of auto-body steel sheets, Procedia Engineering, 81 963-968.
  • Dessie, J. E. and Lukacs, Z. 2023. Determination of influential springback parameters in U-bending test, Pollack Periodica, 18 (2), 17-22.
  • Gao, S., SUN, Y., LI, Q., YING, L., HAO, Z. and ZHANG, B. 2023. Multi-point 3D Hot Stretch-Bending Process of Titanium Alloy Profiles and Their Microstructure Evolution, China Mechanical Engineering, 34 (24), 2986.
  • Geiger, M., Engel, U. and Vom Ende, A. 1991. Investigations on the sheet bending process with elastic tools, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 27 (1-3), 265-277.
  • Georgantzia, E., Gkantou, M. and Kamaris, G. S. 2021. Aluminium alloys as structural material: A review of research, Engineering Structures, 227 (0), 111372.
  • Goel, A., Vengatesh, T. P., Jerald, J. and Satheeshkumar, V. 2023. Influence of spot welding in adhesive bonded steel sheets on formability and springback, Materials Today: Proceedings, 90 (1), 156-163.
  • Hajiahmadi, S., Naeini, H. M., Talebi-Ghadikolaee, H., Safdarian, R. and Zeinolabedin-Beygi, A. 2023. Effect of anisotropy on spring-back of pre-punched profiles in cold roll forming process: an experimental and numerical investigation, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 129 (9), 3965-3978.
  • Harizi, W., Anjoul, J., Acosta Santamaría, V. A., Aboura, Z. and Briand, V. 2021. Mechanical behavior of carbon-reinforced thermoplastic sandwich composites with several core types during three-point bending tests, Composite Structures, 262 (0), 113590.
  • Hosford, W. F. and Caddell, R. M. 2011. Metal forming: mechanics and metallurgy, Cambridge university press.
  • Inamdar, M. V., Date, P. P. and Sabnis, S. V. 2002. On the effects of geometric parameters on springback in sheets of five materials subjected to air vee bending, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 123 (3), 459-463.
  • Jeong, K., Jeong, Y., Lee, J., Chung, G., Kim, G.-h. and Yoon, J. 2024. Experimental correlation between bending crack evolution and load-drop criterion in tight-radius three-point bending test with GPa-grade steels, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 301 (0), 112949.
  • Jindra, D., Kala, Z., Kala, J. and Seitl, S. 2021. Experimental and Numerical simulation of a Three Point Bending Test of a Stainless Steel Beam, Transportation Research Procedia, 55 1114-1121.
  • Kamal, A. H., Ghazaly, N., Abdellah, M. Y., Seleem, A.-E. H. A. and Abdel-Jaber, G. T. 2023. Influence Parameters on the Essential Work of Fracture of 5754-H111 Aluminum Alloy Plate: Comparative Study, SVU-International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Applications, 4 (2), 243-259.
  • Kazemi, F., Hashemi, R. and Niknam, S. A. 2022. Formability and fractography of AA5754/polyethylene/AA5754 sandwich composites, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 50 (4), 1253-1267.
  • Kilic, S. 2019. Experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of different temperature and deformation speeds on mechanical properties and springback behaviour in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy, Mechanics, 25 (5), 406-412.
  • Kilic, S. and Ozturk, F. 2017. Evaluation of Formability Under Different Deformation Modes for TWIP900 Steel, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 139 (3),
  • Kılıç, S. and Demirdöğen, M. F. 2024. Görüntü işleme yöntemi ile geri esnemenin otomatik ölçümü: Deneysel bir yaklaşım, Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 13 (3), 785-791.
  • Kožar, I., Sulovsky, T., Plovanić, M. and Božić, Ž. 2023. Verification of a displacement model for three-point bending test, Procedia Structural Integrity, 46 (0), 143-148.
  • Kümmel, F., Diepold, B., Prakash, A., Höppel, H. W. and Göken, M. 2018. Enhanced monotonic and cyclic mechanical properties of ultrafine-grained laminated metal composites with strong and stiff interlayers, International Journal of Fatigue, 116 (0), 379-387.
  • Laurent, H., Grèze, R., Oliveira, M. C., Menezes, L. F., Manach, P. Y. and Alves, J. L. 2010. Numerical study of springback using the split-ring test for an AA5754 aluminum alloy, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 46 (9), 751-759.
  • Li, G., He, Z., Ma, J., Yang, H. and Li, H. 2021. Springback Analysis for Warm Bending of Titanium Tube Based on Coupled Thermal-Mechanical Simulation, Materials, 14 (17), 5044.
  • Li, X., Wang, R., Jiang, H., Zhang, K., Lou, S., Su, C. and Sun, J. 2024. Multipass roll forming of variable-curvature elliptical panels using the angular function based on UOSDM, Thin-Walled Structures, (0), 111759.
  • Liu, Y., Ma, Z., Liu, X., Wang, Z., Zhang, Z. and Liu, X. 2023. Ductile-to-brittle transition behavior of Fe-6.5 wt%Si alloy with three-point bending testing, Materials Characterization, 200 (0), 112861.
  • Liu, Y., Ma, Z., Liu, X. and Zhang, Z. 2023. Effect of grain size and grain boundary on ductile to brittle transition behavior of Fe-6.5wt.%Si alloy under miniaturized three-point bending tests, Materials Letters, 353 (0), 135288.
  • Liu, Y., Wang, L., Zhu, B., Wang, Y. and Zhang, Y. 2018. Identification of two aluminum alloys and springback behaviors in cold bending, Procedia Manufacturing, 15 (0), 701-708.
  • Liu, Z.-w., Li, L.-x., Jie, Y., Li, S.-k., Wang, Z.-h. and Guan, W. 2017. Influence of heat treatment conditions on bending characteristics of 6063 aluminum alloy sheets, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 27 (7), 1498-1506.
  • Macwan, A., Mirza, F., Bhole, S. and Chen, D. L. Year. Similar and dissimilar ultrasonic spot welding of 5754 aluminum alloy for automotive applications, Materials Science Forum, 561-568.
  • Mohammadtabar, N., Bakhshi-Jooybari, M., Gorji, H., Jamaati, R. and Szpunar, J. A. 2021. Effect of electric current pulse type on springback, microstructure, texture, and mechanical properties during V-bending of AA2024 aluminum alloy, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 143 (1), 011004.
  • Moni, V. 2020. Mechanical properties of friction stir welded 5083-h321 and 6082-t651 dissimilar aluminium alloys. Cape Peninsula University of Technology,
  • Monkova, K., Monka, P. P., Žaludek, M., Beňo, P., Hricová, R. and Šmeringaiová, A. 2023. Experimental Study of the Bending Behaviour of the Neovius Porous Structure Made Additively from Aluminium Alloy, Aerospace, 10 (4), 361.
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There are 68 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Material Design and Behaviors, Mechanical Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Süleyman Kılıç 0000-0002-1681-9403

Mehmet Fatih Demirdöğen 0000-0002-0545-3733

Project Number MMF.A4.23.008
Publication Date March 20, 2025
Submission Date August 7, 2024
Acceptance Date December 25, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 13 Issue: 1


APA Kılıç, S., & Demirdöğen, M. F. (2025). AA5754 ALAŞIMININ ÜÇ NOKTA EĞME TESTİ İLE EĞİLME VE GERİ ESNEME DAVRANIŞININ ANALİZİ. Mühendislik Bilimleri Ve Tasarım Dergisi, 13(1), 144-154.