Research Article
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Year 2019, , 119 - 133, 15.01.2019



  • Abd-El-Khalick, F., & Lederman, N. G. (2000). The influence of history of science courses on students' views of nature of science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 37(10), 1057- 1095.
  • Ağlarcı, O., & Kabapınar, F. (2016). Kimya öğretmen adaylarının bilime ve sözde bilime ilişkin görüşlerinin geliştirilmesi. Amasya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(1), 248-286.
  • Akçay, B. (2011). Turkish elementary and secondary students’ views about science and scientist. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 12(1), 1-11.
  • Akerson, V. L., Buzzelli, C. A., & Donelly, L. A. (2010). On the nature of teaching nature of science: Preservice early childhood teachers’ instruction in preschool and elementary settings. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47(2), 213-233.
  • Altınok, H. (2004). Öğretmenlerin fen öğretimine yönelik tutumlarına ilişkin öğrenci algıları ve öğrencilerin fen bilgisi dersine yönelik tutum ve güdüleri. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 26, 1-8.
  • Ayvacı, H. Ş., & Bağ, H. (2016). Sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının bilim sözde-bilim ayrımına ilişkin görüşlerinin incelenmesi. Amasya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(2), 539-566.
  • Berkant, H. G., & Ermeydan, Z. (2017). Eğitim fakültesi öğrencilerinin bilim-sözde bilim ayrımlarının çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi, 1(1), 12-25.
  • Berkman M. B., Pacheco J. S., & Plutzer, E. (2008). Evolution and creationism in America’s classrooms: A national portrait. PLoS Biol 6(5), 920-924.
  • Buldu, M. (2006). Young children’s perceptions of scientists: A preliminary study. Educational Research. 48(1), 121-132.
  • Bozdoğan, B., Şengül, Ü., & Bozdoğan, A.E. (2013). Fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının bilim insanları hakkındaki bilgi düzeylerinin incelenmesi: Giresun Eğitim Fakültesi örneği. Karadeniz Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(9), 227-242.
  • Camcı, S. (2008). Bilim şenliğine katılan ve katılmayan çocukların bilim ve bilim insanlarına yönelik ilgi ve imajlarının karşılaştırılması. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Camcı-Erdoğan, S. (2013a). Üstün zekâlı kızların bilime yönelik tutumları ve bilim insanı imajları. Hasan Ali Yücel Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 10, 125-142.
  • Camcı-Erdoğan, S. (2013b). Üstün zekâlı ve yetenekli öğrencilerin bilim insanlarına yönelik algıları. Türk Üstün Zekâ ve Eğitim Dergisi, 3, 13-37.
  • Camcı- Erdoğan, S., & Riga, F. (2016). Gifted females in science. In K. S. Taber & M. Sumida (Eds.), International perspectives on science education for gifted (pp. 106-125). New York: Rotledge.
  • Camcı-Erdoğan, S. (2018). Üstün zekâlılar öğretmenliği adaylarının gözlerinden bilim ı̇nsanları. YYÜ Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi (YYU Journal of Education Faculty), 15(1), 130-155.
  • Carnes, G. N. (2009). Interpreting drawings of preservice teachers. In J. E. Pederson, & K. D. Finson (Eds.), Visual data: Understanding and applying visual data to research in education (pp. 79–92). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense.
  • Chambers, D. W. (1983). Stereotypic images of the scientist: The draw a scientist test. Science Education, 67(2), 255– 265.
  • Christidou, V. (2011). Interest, attitudes and images related to science: Combining students’ voices with the voices of school science, teachers, and popular science. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 6(2), 141–159.
  • Cooper, C. R., Baum, S. M., & Neu, T. W. (2004). Developing scientific talent in students with special needs. Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, 15(4), 162-169.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.
  • Çermik, H. (2013). A scientist created in the picture that pre-service teachers have in their minds. Pamukkale University Journal of Education, 33(1), 139-153.
  • Çetinkaya, E., Turgut, H., & Duru, M. K. (2015). The effect of the context of science, pseudoscience demarcation on the science perceptions of secondary school students: The case of ıridology. Education and Science, 40(181), 1-18.
  • Çetinkaya, E. K., Laçin-Şimşek, C., & Çalışkan, H. (2013). Bilim ve sözde-bilim ayrımı için bir ölçek uyarlama çalışması. Trakya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(2), 31-43.
  • Driver, R., Leach, J., Millar, R., & Scott, P. (1996). Young people’s images of science. Buckingham: Open University Press.
  • Eret-Orhan, E. & Ok, A., (2014). Who prefer teacher education programs? Candidates’ entry characteristics and attitude towards teaching. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 29(4), 75-92.
  • Es, H. & Turgut, H. (2018). Candidate classroom teachers‟ perceptions about being scientific in the context of pseudoscience. Journal of Education in Science, Environment and Health (JESEH), 4(2), 142-154. DOI:10.21891/jeseh.409497.
  • Eve, R.A., & Dunn, D. (1990). Psychic powers, astrology and creationism in the classroom? Evidence of pseudoscientific beliefs among high school biology and life science teachers. The American Biology Teacher, 52(1), 10-21.
  • Finson, K., Beaver, J., & Cramond, B. (1995). Development and field test of a checklist for the draw-a-scientist test. School Science and Mathematics, 95(4), 195–205.
  • Flick, L. (1990). Scientist in residence program improving children’s image of science and scientists. School Science and Mathematics, 90(3), 204-214.
  • Fort, D. C., & Varney, H. L. (1989). How students see scientists: Mostly male, mostly white, and mostly benevolent. Science and Children, 26(8), 8-13.
  • Fung, Y. Y. H. (2002). A comparative study of primary and secondary school students' images of scientists. Research in Science & Technological Education, 20(2), 199-213.
  • Gonsoulin, W. B. (2001). How do middle school students depict science and scientist? (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Mississippi State University, Mississippi.
  • Hammrich, P. L. (1997, March). Confronting the Gender Gap in Science and Mathematics: The Sisters in Science Program. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Education Research Association. Chicago, USA.
  • Hewson, P. W., & Hewson, M. G. A. B. (1989). Analysis and use of a task for identifying conceptions of teaching science. Journal of Education for Teaching, 15(3), 191-209.
  • Kallery, M. (2001). Early-years educators’ attitudes to science and pseudo-science: The case of astronomy and astrology. European Journal of Teacher Education, 24(3), 329–342.
  • Karnes, F. A., & Riley, T. L. (2005). Developing an early passion for science through competitions. In S. K. Johnsen, & J. Kendrick (Eds.), Science education for gifted students (pp. 25-31). Texas, TX: Prufrock Press.
  • Kaya, N. O., Doğan, A., & Öcal, E. (2008). Turkish elementary school students’ images of scientists. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 32, 83-100.
  • Kemaneci, G. (2012). Üstün yetenekli öğrencilerin bilim insanı hakkındaki imajlarının araştırılması. (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Kopelman, M., Galasso, V. G., & Strom, P. (1977). A model program for the development of creativity in science. Gifted Child Quarterly, 21(1), 80-84.
  • Lindeman, M. (1998). Motivation, cognition and pseudoscience. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 39, 257–265.
  • Lederman, N. G. (1999). Teachers’ understanding of the nature of science and classroom practice: Factors that facilitate or impede the relationship. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 36(8), 916-929.
  • Lederman, N. G. (2007). Nature of science: Past, present, and future. In S. K. Abell, & N. G. Lederman (Eds.) Handbook of research on science education (pp. 831-879). New Jersey, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Losh, S. C., & Nzekwe, B. (2011). The influence of education major: How diverse preservice teachers view pseudoscience topics. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 20(5), 579–591.
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How Do Prospective Elementary and Gifted Education Teachers Perceive Scientists and Distinguish Science from Pseudoscience?

Year 2019, , 119 - 133, 15.01.2019


The present study aims to examine the
perceptions towards scientists and science/pseudoscience distinctions of gifted
education and elementary education teacher candidates who will educate gifted
students especially at the elementary education level. A total of 92 volunteer
prospective teachers, composed of candidates from gifted education and
elementary education departments, participated in the study, which was carried
out as a survey research. The data were collected using the Draw-a-Scientist
Test and the Science/Pseudoscience Distinction Scale. The results of the study
showed that both groups of prospective teachers’ crafted drawings that
reflected stereotypical perceptions in terms of appearance, work carried out by
scientists, and gender. However, according to the results of the independent
samples t-test, the elementary education teacher candidates were found to
reflect more stereotypical characteristics in their drawings of scientists than
the gifted education teacher candidates. The candidates’ science/pseudoscience
distinction scores did not significantly differ in department and
there was a negative significant correlation
between stereotypical image scores and scientific method scores.


  • Abd-El-Khalick, F., & Lederman, N. G. (2000). The influence of history of science courses on students' views of nature of science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 37(10), 1057- 1095.
  • Ağlarcı, O., & Kabapınar, F. (2016). Kimya öğretmen adaylarının bilime ve sözde bilime ilişkin görüşlerinin geliştirilmesi. Amasya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(1), 248-286.
  • Akçay, B. (2011). Turkish elementary and secondary students’ views about science and scientist. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 12(1), 1-11.
  • Akerson, V. L., Buzzelli, C. A., & Donelly, L. A. (2010). On the nature of teaching nature of science: Preservice early childhood teachers’ instruction in preschool and elementary settings. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47(2), 213-233.
  • Altınok, H. (2004). Öğretmenlerin fen öğretimine yönelik tutumlarına ilişkin öğrenci algıları ve öğrencilerin fen bilgisi dersine yönelik tutum ve güdüleri. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 26, 1-8.
  • Ayvacı, H. Ş., & Bağ, H. (2016). Sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının bilim sözde-bilim ayrımına ilişkin görüşlerinin incelenmesi. Amasya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(2), 539-566.
  • Berkant, H. G., & Ermeydan, Z. (2017). Eğitim fakültesi öğrencilerinin bilim-sözde bilim ayrımlarının çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi, 1(1), 12-25.
  • Berkman M. B., Pacheco J. S., & Plutzer, E. (2008). Evolution and creationism in America’s classrooms: A national portrait. PLoS Biol 6(5), 920-924.
  • Buldu, M. (2006). Young children’s perceptions of scientists: A preliminary study. Educational Research. 48(1), 121-132.
  • Bozdoğan, B., Şengül, Ü., & Bozdoğan, A.E. (2013). Fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının bilim insanları hakkındaki bilgi düzeylerinin incelenmesi: Giresun Eğitim Fakültesi örneği. Karadeniz Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(9), 227-242.
  • Camcı, S. (2008). Bilim şenliğine katılan ve katılmayan çocukların bilim ve bilim insanlarına yönelik ilgi ve imajlarının karşılaştırılması. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Camcı-Erdoğan, S. (2013a). Üstün zekâlı kızların bilime yönelik tutumları ve bilim insanı imajları. Hasan Ali Yücel Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 10, 125-142.
  • Camcı-Erdoğan, S. (2013b). Üstün zekâlı ve yetenekli öğrencilerin bilim insanlarına yönelik algıları. Türk Üstün Zekâ ve Eğitim Dergisi, 3, 13-37.
  • Camcı- Erdoğan, S., & Riga, F. (2016). Gifted females in science. In K. S. Taber & M. Sumida (Eds.), International perspectives on science education for gifted (pp. 106-125). New York: Rotledge.
  • Camcı-Erdoğan, S. (2018). Üstün zekâlılar öğretmenliği adaylarının gözlerinden bilim ı̇nsanları. YYÜ Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi (YYU Journal of Education Faculty), 15(1), 130-155.
  • Carnes, G. N. (2009). Interpreting drawings of preservice teachers. In J. E. Pederson, & K. D. Finson (Eds.), Visual data: Understanding and applying visual data to research in education (pp. 79–92). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense.
  • Chambers, D. W. (1983). Stereotypic images of the scientist: The draw a scientist test. Science Education, 67(2), 255– 265.
  • Christidou, V. (2011). Interest, attitudes and images related to science: Combining students’ voices with the voices of school science, teachers, and popular science. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 6(2), 141–159.
  • Cooper, C. R., Baum, S. M., & Neu, T. W. (2004). Developing scientific talent in students with special needs. Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, 15(4), 162-169.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.
  • Çermik, H. (2013). A scientist created in the picture that pre-service teachers have in their minds. Pamukkale University Journal of Education, 33(1), 139-153.
  • Çetinkaya, E., Turgut, H., & Duru, M. K. (2015). The effect of the context of science, pseudoscience demarcation on the science perceptions of secondary school students: The case of ıridology. Education and Science, 40(181), 1-18.
  • Çetinkaya, E. K., Laçin-Şimşek, C., & Çalışkan, H. (2013). Bilim ve sözde-bilim ayrımı için bir ölçek uyarlama çalışması. Trakya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(2), 31-43.
  • Driver, R., Leach, J., Millar, R., & Scott, P. (1996). Young people’s images of science. Buckingham: Open University Press.
  • Eret-Orhan, E. & Ok, A., (2014). Who prefer teacher education programs? Candidates’ entry characteristics and attitude towards teaching. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 29(4), 75-92.
  • Es, H. & Turgut, H. (2018). Candidate classroom teachers‟ perceptions about being scientific in the context of pseudoscience. Journal of Education in Science, Environment and Health (JESEH), 4(2), 142-154. DOI:10.21891/jeseh.409497.
  • Eve, R.A., & Dunn, D. (1990). Psychic powers, astrology and creationism in the classroom? Evidence of pseudoscientific beliefs among high school biology and life science teachers. The American Biology Teacher, 52(1), 10-21.
  • Finson, K., Beaver, J., & Cramond, B. (1995). Development and field test of a checklist for the draw-a-scientist test. School Science and Mathematics, 95(4), 195–205.
  • Flick, L. (1990). Scientist in residence program improving children’s image of science and scientists. School Science and Mathematics, 90(3), 204-214.
  • Fort, D. C., & Varney, H. L. (1989). How students see scientists: Mostly male, mostly white, and mostly benevolent. Science and Children, 26(8), 8-13.
  • Fung, Y. Y. H. (2002). A comparative study of primary and secondary school students' images of scientists. Research in Science & Technological Education, 20(2), 199-213.
  • Gonsoulin, W. B. (2001). How do middle school students depict science and scientist? (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Mississippi State University, Mississippi.
  • Hammrich, P. L. (1997, March). Confronting the Gender Gap in Science and Mathematics: The Sisters in Science Program. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Education Research Association. Chicago, USA.
  • Hewson, P. W., & Hewson, M. G. A. B. (1989). Analysis and use of a task for identifying conceptions of teaching science. Journal of Education for Teaching, 15(3), 191-209.
  • Kallery, M. (2001). Early-years educators’ attitudes to science and pseudo-science: The case of astronomy and astrology. European Journal of Teacher Education, 24(3), 329–342.
  • Karnes, F. A., & Riley, T. L. (2005). Developing an early passion for science through competitions. In S. K. Johnsen, & J. Kendrick (Eds.), Science education for gifted students (pp. 25-31). Texas, TX: Prufrock Press.
  • Kaya, N. O., Doğan, A., & Öcal, E. (2008). Turkish elementary school students’ images of scientists. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 32, 83-100.
  • Kemaneci, G. (2012). Üstün yetenekli öğrencilerin bilim insanı hakkındaki imajlarının araştırılması. (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Kopelman, M., Galasso, V. G., & Strom, P. (1977). A model program for the development of creativity in science. Gifted Child Quarterly, 21(1), 80-84.
  • Lindeman, M. (1998). Motivation, cognition and pseudoscience. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 39, 257–265.
  • Lederman, N. G. (1999). Teachers’ understanding of the nature of science and classroom practice: Factors that facilitate or impede the relationship. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 36(8), 916-929.
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There are 87 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Sezen Camci Erdogan 0000-0002-5059-9168

Publication Date January 15, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Camci Erdogan, S. (2019). How Do Prospective Elementary and Gifted Education Teachers Perceive Scientists and Distinguish Science from Pseudoscience?. Journal of Education in Science Environment and Health, 5(1), 119-133.