Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 9/5/23

Year: 2023
Kompozit ve Hibrit Malzemeler

Our journal, which includes both experimental and theoretical studies in basic engineering fields, gives priority to the publication of articles on the rapidly developing fields of engineering and aims to focus on interdisciplinary methods and technologies and to convey the latest scientific and technological developments in engineering sciences to researchers, engineers, and interested audiences. Scientific studies submitted to the journal should not be evaluated for publication elsewhere as published or poster presentations.

Journal of Steel Research and Development” is a journal covering fundamental engineering topics. The journal accepts research articles that reflect original research in the fields of science, technology, and engineering at national and international levels with its findings and results and that contribute to science or scan articles that scan a sufficient number of scientific articles, summarize the subject at the current level of knowledge and technology, evaluate and interpret the findings by comparing them. In this context, it allows the acceptance of studies on the following subjects.

Journal Topics

• Accreditation & Certification
• Automation
• Casting
• Coating & Corrosion
• Energy
• Environment
• Shaping & Processing
• Heat treatment
• Marketing & Finance
• Material Testing Machines
• Metallurgy and Materials
• Welding and Cutting

The articles that are desired to be published in our journal must be delivered to our editorial office in accordance with the writing rules and other conditions stated below.

The submitted manuscript must not have been previously published or submitted to any journal for consideration (or an explanation should be made in the Notes to the Editor).
Each author's ORCID number (https://orcid.org/) must be submitted.

The submission file must be in Microsoft Word document file format.

URLs of references should be given where available.

Text; All figures, pictures and tables should be submitted in the text, with single-spaced, 10-point font, italicized instead of underlined (except URL addresses). For printing, quality copies of the pictures (in JPG or TIFF format) should be sent as an attachment file.

The title of the article should be appropriate and understandable to the content of the article. All headings should be written in bold font.

Acknowledgments regarding the individual or institutional financial support provided for the research should be included in a separate section at the end of the article.

All article sections except the abstract, acknowledgments and reference sections should be numbered. Manuscripts should be arranged in the form of Abstract, Main Text, Acknowledgments (if necessary) and References.

Mathematical expressions should be written using the "Equation Editor". Mathematical expressions should be numbered in parentheses.

The template Word file can be examined for article title flow and other details.

Please use Mendeley, Zotero citation management applications or the citation management section in the Microsoft Word references tab for citation management.

Articles should be written in English or Turkish. English title, abstract and keywords sections are mandatory for articles written in Turkish.

Please click for JESRED writing template NEW

Journal of Steel Research and Development (JESRED) complies with the ethical norms accepted by the international scientific community and strives to prevent any violations. For this reason, all publishing processes are carried out according to the standards determined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

About Plagiarism
JESRED undertakes to publish only original material, that is, material that has neither been published elsewhere nor is being reviewed elsewhere. Plagiarism, in which one assumes another's ideas, words, or other creative expressions as their own, is a clear violation of scientific ethics.

Plagiarism includes copying verbatim or almost verbatim, intentionally interpreting parts of another author's work without explicitly stating the source, copying equations, figures, or tables from another person's article without properly citing the source and/or obtaining permission from the original author or copyright holder. For this reason, the similarity rate with the Turnitin program should be specified for all the articles uploaded to our journal. In this context, a similarity report is created by comparing Turnitin with national and international databases. In this report, without taking into account the texts written in quotation marks, the percentage that the content of the written text is the same or very close to the existing texts is given. Any article that shows obvious signs or symptoms of plagiarism will be automatically rejected.

Duplicate and over-published: Articles found to be published elsewhere are withdrawn in accordance with the JESRED journal's withdrawal policy. If authors have used their previously published work or work currently under review as the basis for a submitted article, they should cite the previous article and indicate that their submitted article offers new contributions beyond the previous work. Unnecessary publications, on the other hand, involve the inappropriate division of study results into several articles, which is unacceptable.Articles found to be published elsewhere are withdrawn in accordance with the JESRED journal's withdrawal policy. If authors have used their previously published work or work currently under review as the basis for a submitted article, they should cite the previous article and indicate that their submitted article offers new contributions beyond the previous work. Unnecessary publications, on the other hand, involve the inappropriate division of study results into several articles, which is unacceptable.

Citation manipulation: Authors will be subject to journal sanctions if citations in articles published on JESRED are determined to be for the primary purpose of increasing the number of citations to a particular author's work or increasing the number of articles published in a particular journal.

Data generation and falsification: If images in JESRED publications are found to contain manipulation, fabrication, or falsified results, the publication will be withdrawn in accordance with the journal's withdrawal policy. On the other hand, technical improvement of images for readability is allowed.

Authorship and acknowledgment: All authors involved in the publication must have made a significant scientific contribution to the research in the article and endorsed all claims. In this context, it is very important to list everyone who has made significant scientific contributions to the research. The corresponding author should ensure that all authors who contributed to the article are included, that no unsuitable authors are included, and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the article and accept its submission for publication. Authors should appropriately cite sources that significantly affect the article content.

Hazards and human or animal subjects: If sources used in publications submitted to JESRED contain chemicals, procedures, or equipment that are unusually dangerous, the author should clearly identify these in the article. In addition, authors should clearly state that the research complies with all relevant international guidelines and institutional policies in their manuscripts containing information on human or animal use.

Fundamental errors in published works: When an author detects a material error or inaccuracy in his or her published work, it is the author's obligation to immediately notify the journal's Editor and cooperate with him or her to retract or correct the article.

Withdrawal policy: The withdrawal policy is based on standards and withdrawal guidelines developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The main purpose of retractions is to correct and maintain the integrity of the literature rather than to punish the authors in general. JESRED magazine's withdrawal policy is based on the fact that minor errors in the accepted article can be substantially corrected after publication and articles may be discarded for gross misconduct. After the Editor-in-Chief is convinced that the publication is seriously inaccurate and misleading (or is unnecessary or plagiarized), the article should be retracted as soon as possible. The main purpose here is to prevent new research based on faulty work and to avoid citing faulty studies. The grounds for the reasons should be clearly stated in the withdrawal notice. Retracted articles will be clearly identified as such in all electronic resources (for example, on the journal website, bibliographic databases, and where applicable).

Sanctions: In case of non-compliance with any of the above-mentioned JESRED journal policies, the following sanctions will apply:
• Immediate rejection of the infringing letter.
• Immediate rejection of all other articles submitted to JESRED by any of the authors of the infringing article.
• Ban for at least two years for all authors who grossly violate editorial ethics for new submissions to JESRED.
• Prohibition for at least two years from participation in any of the issues concerning JESRED journal (reviews, editorial board, etc.) by all authors who violate publishing ethics on a large scale.
• In cases where policy violations are particularly egregious, the publisher reserves the right to impose additional sanctions beyond those described above.

Journal of Steel Research and Development was established by Karabuk University Iron and Steel Institute in 2020 and published on the Karabuk University Journal of Steel Research and Development website until the end of 2021. It started publishing in DergiPark as of 2022.

JESRED publishes issues twice a year and serves as open access. Articles published in journal issues are accessed free of charge. No fee is charged for any of the stages of article submission, evaluation, or publication in our journal.

All expenses of the journal are covered by Karabuk University.