Research Article
BibTex RIS Cite
Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 31 - 45, 30.01.2021



  • Alberta Education (2012). Alberta education cataloguing in publication data, digital citizenship policy development guide. Alberta: School Technology Branch. Retrieved from
  • Buchholz, B. A., DeHart, J., & Moorman, G. (2020). Digital citizenship during a global pandemic: Moving beyond digital literacy. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 64(1), 11–17. doi: 10.1002/jaal.1076
  • Cunningham, B. (2018). Teaching digital citizenship to kids with learning and attention issues. Retrieved from
  • Edtech (2016). 32 DigitalCitizenshipResources for K-12 Teachers. Retrieved from
  • Fingal, D. (2020). Infographic: Citizenship in the digital age. Retrieved from
  • Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Education (2013). Teaching dgital citizenship. Retrieved from
  • Hays, L. (2019). How to promote digital citizenship in the school library. Retrieved from
  • Hertz, M. B. (2011). Teaching digital citizenship in the elementary classroom. Retrieved from
  • Impero Software & Digital Citizenship Institute (2016). Digital citizenship: a holistic primer. Digital Citizenship Summit 2016 in San Francisco. Retrieved from
  • International Society for Technology in Education [ISTE] (2016). Digital citizenship defined: Teach the 9 elements to enhance students’ safety, creativity and empathy. Retrieved from
  • International Society for Technology in Education [ISTE] (2018). Citizenship in the digital age. Retrieved from
  • Karakuş Yılmaz, T. (2020). Dijital haklar ve sorumluluklar [Digital rights and responsibilities]. In Ş. Sağıroğlu, H. İ. Bülbül, A. Kılıç, & M, Küçükali (Eds.), Dijital okuryazarlık: Araçlar, metodolojiler, uygulamalar ve öneriler [Digital literacy: Tools, methodologies, practices and recommendations] (pp. 127-180). Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Lauricella, A. R., Herdzina, J., & Robb, M. (2020). Early childhood educators’ teaching of digital citizenship competencies. Computers & Education,158,103989. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2020.103989.
  • Lynch, M. (2017). 8 must have digital citizenship apps, tools, and resources. Retrieved from
  • Nazik, M. H., Demirel, H., & Bayraktar, A. (2020). Gençlerin dijital vatandaşlık düzeyleri ile siber zorbalık eğilimleri [Digital citizenship levels of young people and their cyberbullying trends]. In A. Görgün Baran, O. Hazer, & S. Öztürk (Eds.) Gençlik ve dijital çağ [Youth and the digital age] (pp. 124-138). Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Gençlik Araştırmaları ve Uygulamaları Merkezi.
  • Özer, Ü., & ve Albayrak Özer, E. (2020). Etkinlik örnekleriyle dijital vatandaşlık eğitimi [Digital citizenship education with examples of activities]. İstanbul: Kriter Basım Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Parent and Community Impact, Technology (2018). Respect, educate, and protect: Cultivating digital citizenship in 21st century learners. Retrieved from
  • Ranchordas, S. (2020). We teach and learn online. Are we all digital citizens now? Lessons on digital citizenship from the lockdown. Retrieved from
  • Ribble, M. (2008). Passport to digital citizenship journey toward appropriate technology use at school and at home. Learning & Leading with Technology, 36(4), 14-17. Retrieved from
  • Ribble, M. (2011). Digital citizenship in schools, second edition. Washington: International Society for Technology in Education.
  • Ribble, M. (2014). Essential elements of digital citizenship. Retrieved from
  • Ribble, M. ve Bailey, G. (2007). Digital citizenship in schools. Washington: International Society for Technology in Education.
  • Sağıroğlu, Ş., Bülbül, H. İ., Kılıç, A., & Küçükali, M. (2020). Dijital okuryazarlık ve ötesi [Digital literacy and beyond]. In Ş. Sağıroğlu, H. İ. Bülbül, A. Kılıç, & M, Küçükali (Eds.), Dijital okuryazarlık: Araçlar, metodolojiler, uygulamalar ve öneriler [Digital literacy: Tools, methodologies, practices and recommendations] (pp. 2-46). Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Somyürek, S. (2019). From traditional citizenship to digital citizenship. Retrieved from
  • Tapingkae, P., Panjaburee, P., Hwang, G., & Srisawasdi, N. (2020). Effects of a formative assessment-based contextual gaming approach on students’ digital citizenship behaviours, learning motivations, and perceptions. Computers & Education, 159, 103998. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2020.103998.
  • Tan, T. (2011). Educating digital citizens. Leadership, 41(1), 30-32. Retrieved from
  • Türk Dil Kurumu [Turkish Language Association] (2020). Güncel Türkçe sözlük [Current Turkish dictionary]. Retrieved from
  • Yaman, F., Kabakçı Yurdakul, I., & Dönmez, O. (2020). Dijital vatandaşlıktan dijital ebeveynliğe dönüşüm [Transformation from digital citizenship to digital parenting]. In A. Görgün Baran, O. Hazer, & S. Öztürk (Eds.) Gençlik ve dijital çağ [Youth and the digital age] (pp. 165-180). Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Gençlik Araştırmaları ve Uygulamaları Merkezi.

Digital citizenship and its teaching: A literature review

Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 31 - 45, 30.01.2021


Using digital tools that have entered people's lives in recent years has become a necessity during the COVID-19 epidemic process and students have started to use digital tools extensively both in their lessons and at home. The need for students who use technology extensively on a daily basis to prepare to communicate and collaborate online in a safe and responsible manner has brought the concept of digital citizenship to the agenda. In this study, the theoretical framework of the concept of digital citizenship is introduced and the studies in the literature on digital citizenship and its teaching have been examined. The investigated studies include (1) studies on the introduction of the concept of digital citizenship or the elements of digital citizenship, (2) studies on determining the levels or perceptions of digital citizenship, (3) studies examining curricula within the framework of digital citizenship, and (4) teaching the elements of digital citizenship and digital citizenship. The studies in each group were briefly introduced. As a result of the study, suggestions were made for digital citizenship education.


  • Alberta Education (2012). Alberta education cataloguing in publication data, digital citizenship policy development guide. Alberta: School Technology Branch. Retrieved from
  • Buchholz, B. A., DeHart, J., & Moorman, G. (2020). Digital citizenship during a global pandemic: Moving beyond digital literacy. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 64(1), 11–17. doi: 10.1002/jaal.1076
  • Cunningham, B. (2018). Teaching digital citizenship to kids with learning and attention issues. Retrieved from
  • Edtech (2016). 32 DigitalCitizenshipResources for K-12 Teachers. Retrieved from
  • Fingal, D. (2020). Infographic: Citizenship in the digital age. Retrieved from
  • Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Education (2013). Teaching dgital citizenship. Retrieved from
  • Hays, L. (2019). How to promote digital citizenship in the school library. Retrieved from
  • Hertz, M. B. (2011). Teaching digital citizenship in the elementary classroom. Retrieved from
  • Impero Software & Digital Citizenship Institute (2016). Digital citizenship: a holistic primer. Digital Citizenship Summit 2016 in San Francisco. Retrieved from
  • International Society for Technology in Education [ISTE] (2016). Digital citizenship defined: Teach the 9 elements to enhance students’ safety, creativity and empathy. Retrieved from
  • International Society for Technology in Education [ISTE] (2018). Citizenship in the digital age. Retrieved from
  • Karakuş Yılmaz, T. (2020). Dijital haklar ve sorumluluklar [Digital rights and responsibilities]. In Ş. Sağıroğlu, H. İ. Bülbül, A. Kılıç, & M, Küçükali (Eds.), Dijital okuryazarlık: Araçlar, metodolojiler, uygulamalar ve öneriler [Digital literacy: Tools, methodologies, practices and recommendations] (pp. 127-180). Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Lauricella, A. R., Herdzina, J., & Robb, M. (2020). Early childhood educators’ teaching of digital citizenship competencies. Computers & Education,158,103989. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2020.103989.
  • Lynch, M. (2017). 8 must have digital citizenship apps, tools, and resources. Retrieved from
  • Nazik, M. H., Demirel, H., & Bayraktar, A. (2020). Gençlerin dijital vatandaşlık düzeyleri ile siber zorbalık eğilimleri [Digital citizenship levels of young people and their cyberbullying trends]. In A. Görgün Baran, O. Hazer, & S. Öztürk (Eds.) Gençlik ve dijital çağ [Youth and the digital age] (pp. 124-138). Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Gençlik Araştırmaları ve Uygulamaları Merkezi.
  • Özer, Ü., & ve Albayrak Özer, E. (2020). Etkinlik örnekleriyle dijital vatandaşlık eğitimi [Digital citizenship education with examples of activities]. İstanbul: Kriter Basım Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Parent and Community Impact, Technology (2018). Respect, educate, and protect: Cultivating digital citizenship in 21st century learners. Retrieved from
  • Ranchordas, S. (2020). We teach and learn online. Are we all digital citizens now? Lessons on digital citizenship from the lockdown. Retrieved from
  • Ribble, M. (2008). Passport to digital citizenship journey toward appropriate technology use at school and at home. Learning & Leading with Technology, 36(4), 14-17. Retrieved from
  • Ribble, M. (2011). Digital citizenship in schools, second edition. Washington: International Society for Technology in Education.
  • Ribble, M. (2014). Essential elements of digital citizenship. Retrieved from
  • Ribble, M. ve Bailey, G. (2007). Digital citizenship in schools. Washington: International Society for Technology in Education.
  • Sağıroğlu, Ş., Bülbül, H. İ., Kılıç, A., & Küçükali, M. (2020). Dijital okuryazarlık ve ötesi [Digital literacy and beyond]. In Ş. Sağıroğlu, H. İ. Bülbül, A. Kılıç, & M, Küçükali (Eds.), Dijital okuryazarlık: Araçlar, metodolojiler, uygulamalar ve öneriler [Digital literacy: Tools, methodologies, practices and recommendations] (pp. 2-46). Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Somyürek, S. (2019). From traditional citizenship to digital citizenship. Retrieved from
  • Tapingkae, P., Panjaburee, P., Hwang, G., & Srisawasdi, N. (2020). Effects of a formative assessment-based contextual gaming approach on students’ digital citizenship behaviours, learning motivations, and perceptions. Computers & Education, 159, 103998. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2020.103998.
  • Tan, T. (2011). Educating digital citizens. Leadership, 41(1), 30-32. Retrieved from
  • Türk Dil Kurumu [Turkish Language Association] (2020). Güncel Türkçe sözlük [Current Turkish dictionary]. Retrieved from
  • Yaman, F., Kabakçı Yurdakul, I., & Dönmez, O. (2020). Dijital vatandaşlıktan dijital ebeveynliğe dönüşüm [Transformation from digital citizenship to digital parenting]. In A. Görgün Baran, O. Hazer, & S. Öztürk (Eds.) Gençlik ve dijital çağ [Youth and the digital age] (pp. 165-180). Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Gençlik Araştırmaları ve Uygulamaları Merkezi.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Articles

Gülcan Öztürk 0000-0003-4399-1329

Publication Date January 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Öztürk, G. (2021). Digital citizenship and its teaching: A literature review. Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning, 4(1), 31-45.