Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 4 - ICETOL Special Issue, 594 - 604, 31.12.2021



  • Abidin, M. J. Z., Pour-Mohammadi, M., & Hamid, F. B. A. (2011). Blogging: promoting peer collaboration in writing. International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, Vol. 1, No. 3, 98-105.
  • Amir, Z., Ismail, K., & Hussein, S. (2011). Blogs in language learning: Maximizing students' collaborative writing. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 18, 537-543.
  • Arslan, R. Ş., & Şahin-Kızıl, A. (2010). How can the use of blog software facilitate the writing process of English language learners? Computer Assisted Language Learning, 23(3), 183-197.
  • Bloch, J. (2007). Abdullah's blogging: A generation 1.5 student enters the blogosphere. Language Learning and Technology, Volume 11, Number 2, 128-141.
  • Boscolo, P., & Hidi, S. (2007). The multiple meanings of motivation to write. In S. Hidi & P. Boscolo (Eds.), Writing and motivation (pp.1–16). Elsevier.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Pearson Education.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2013). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches. (3rd ed.). Sage.
  • Creswell, J. W., Plano Clark, V. L., Gutmann, M., & Hanson, W. (2003). Advanced mixed methods research designs. In A.
  • Tashakkori & C. Teddlie (Eds.), Handbook of mixed methods in social and behavioral research (pp. 209–240). Sage.
  • Deng, L., & Yuen, H. K. (2012). Understanding student perceptions and motivation towards academic blogs: An exploratory study. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 28(1), 48-66.
  • Dörnyei, Z. (2007). Research methods in applied linguistics. Oxford University.
  • Flick, U. (2009). An introduction to qualitative research (4th ed.). Sage.
  • Gresham, J., Carlson Bowles, B., Gibson, M., Robinson, K., Farris, M., & Felts, J. (2012). "Death—planning for the inevitable: a hybrid honors course". Honors in Practice, Online Archive, 159.
  • Harrison, R., & Thomas, M. (2009). Identity in online communities: social networking sites and language learning. International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society, 7(2), 109-124.
  • Hashemi, M., & Najafi, V. (2011). Using blogs in English language writing classes. International Journal of Academic Research, 3 (4), 599 - 604.
  • Hutchison, A., & Wang, W. (2012). Blogging within a social networking site as a form of literature response in a teacher education course. Educational Media International, 49(4), 263-275.
  • Hyland, K. (2008) Second Language Writing (5th edition). Cambridge University Press.
  • Javed, M., Juan, W. X., & Nazli, S. (2013). A Study of students' assessment in writing skills of the English language. International Journal of Instruction.
  • Jin, S. (2015). Using Facebook to promote Korean EFL learners' intercultural competence. Language, Learning & Technology, 19(3), 38–51.
  • Koçoğlu, Z. (2009). Weblog use in EFL writing class. Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences, 42(1), 311-327.
  • Krashen, S., & Lee, S. Y. (2004). Competence in foreign language writing: Progress and lacunae. Literacy across Cultures, 12(2), 10-14.
  • Pegrum, M. (2009). Communicative networking and linguistic mashups on Web 2.0. In M. Thomas (Ed.), Handbook of research on Web 2.0 and second language learning (pp. 20-41). IGI Global.
  • Pinkman, K. (2005). Using blogs in the foreign classroom: Encouraging learner independence. JALT CALL Journal, 1(1), 12-24. Raimes, A. (1983). Techniques in teaching writing. Oxford University Press.
  • Roy, C. K. (2016). Be creative and collaborative: strategies and implications of blogging in EFL classes. English Language Teaching, Vol. 9, No. 7, Canadian Center of Science and Education.
  • Schwandt, T. A. (2000). Three epistemological stances for qualitative inquiry: Interpretivism, hermeneutics, and social constructionism. In N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research (2nd ed., pp. 189–214). SAGE.
  • Scott, V. M. (1996). Rethinking Foreign Language Writing. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Stapleton, P. (2010). Writing in an electronic age: A case study of L2 composing processes. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 9, 295-307.
  • Sun, Y. C. (2010). Extensive writing in foreign‐language classrooms: A blogging approach. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 47(3), 327-339.
  • Taki, S., & Fardafshari, E. (2012). Weblog-based collaborative learning: Iranian EFL learners' writing skill and motivation. International Journal of Linguistics, 4(2), 412-429.
  • Tu, C. C., Chen, P. C., & Lee, M. Y. (2007). Fostering EFL learners' writing competence through web-based guided writing. An Interdisciplinary Journal, 53, 225-244.
  • Tu, C., Blocher, M., & Ntoruru, G. (2008). Constructs for Web 2.0 learning environments: A theatrical metaphor. Educational Media International, 45(4), 253–269. doi: 10.1080/09523980802588576
  • Uzun, L. (2016). The educational and technical courses in the ELT program in Turkey: Do they contribute to ICT skills? Cogent Education. 3:1. doi:10.1080/2331186X.2016.1141454
  • Uzun, L. (2017). Using the second life digital environment for FL education: a postmodern perspective. Teaching English with Technology, 17(2), 42-54.
  • Vurdien, R. (2013). Enhancing writing skills through blogging in an advanced English as a Foreign Language class in Spain. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 26(2), 126-143.
  • Wang, S., & Vásquez, C. (2014). The effect of target language use in social media on intermediate-level Chinese language learners' writing performance. CALICO Journal, 31(1), p. 78-102. doi: 10.11139/cj.28.2.345-368
  • Wilber, D. J. (2010). Using Blogs, Wikis, and Digital Stories in the English Classroom. iWrite, Heinemann.
  • Yakut A.D., & Aydın, S. (2017). An experimental study on the effects of the use of blogs on EFL reading comprehension. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 11:1, 1-16, DOI: 10.1080/17501229.2015.1006634
  • Yunus, M. M., Nordin, N., Salehi, H., Embi, M. A., & Salehi, Z. (2013). The use of information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching ESL writing skills. English Language Teaching, 6(7), 1-7.
  • Zhang, D. (2009). The Application of Blog in English Writing. Journal of Cambridge Studies, 4(1).

An investigation of the integration of blogs into EFL classes: Learners' views toward blogs and preferences for writing classes

Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 4 - ICETOL Special Issue, 594 - 604, 31.12.2021


Writing is especially considered to be a difficult language skill to master for beginner learners. However, this century offers innovations in language education through Information and Communication Technology tools. For instance, blogging platforms like Tumblr, Blogger, and WordPress can be employed in writing classes. At this point, the present research aimed to investigate the views and preferences of English as a Foreign Language learners after they practiced their writing skills with blogs for eight weeks. The research utilized WordPress blogs, and a group of 28 learners attended the study. These students were supposed to start a blog and write an essay each week on their blogs. The research was designed as a qualitative exploratory case study. To collect the data, semi-structured interviews with ten randomly chosen learners were conducted to understand their views toward blogs and preferences for writing classes at the end of the treatment. The content analysis method was instrumented to analyze the qualitative data inductively; thus, the data was first coded, and themes emerged. Unlike the previous studies in the field, these findings have revealed the learners' views towards their self-confidence, digital literacy, and writing habits, which changed in a positive manner. Besides, it was also understood that the participants made their preferences in favor of blogs rather than paper-based activities.


  • Abidin, M. J. Z., Pour-Mohammadi, M., & Hamid, F. B. A. (2011). Blogging: promoting peer collaboration in writing. International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, Vol. 1, No. 3, 98-105.
  • Amir, Z., Ismail, K., & Hussein, S. (2011). Blogs in language learning: Maximizing students' collaborative writing. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 18, 537-543.
  • Arslan, R. Ş., & Şahin-Kızıl, A. (2010). How can the use of blog software facilitate the writing process of English language learners? Computer Assisted Language Learning, 23(3), 183-197.
  • Bloch, J. (2007). Abdullah's blogging: A generation 1.5 student enters the blogosphere. Language Learning and Technology, Volume 11, Number 2, 128-141.
  • Boscolo, P., & Hidi, S. (2007). The multiple meanings of motivation to write. In S. Hidi & P. Boscolo (Eds.), Writing and motivation (pp.1–16). Elsevier.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Pearson Education.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2013). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches. (3rd ed.). Sage.
  • Creswell, J. W., Plano Clark, V. L., Gutmann, M., & Hanson, W. (2003). Advanced mixed methods research designs. In A.
  • Tashakkori & C. Teddlie (Eds.), Handbook of mixed methods in social and behavioral research (pp. 209–240). Sage.
  • Deng, L., & Yuen, H. K. (2012). Understanding student perceptions and motivation towards academic blogs: An exploratory study. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 28(1), 48-66.
  • Dörnyei, Z. (2007). Research methods in applied linguistics. Oxford University.
  • Flick, U. (2009). An introduction to qualitative research (4th ed.). Sage.
  • Gresham, J., Carlson Bowles, B., Gibson, M., Robinson, K., Farris, M., & Felts, J. (2012). "Death—planning for the inevitable: a hybrid honors course". Honors in Practice, Online Archive, 159.
  • Harrison, R., & Thomas, M. (2009). Identity in online communities: social networking sites and language learning. International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society, 7(2), 109-124.
  • Hashemi, M., & Najafi, V. (2011). Using blogs in English language writing classes. International Journal of Academic Research, 3 (4), 599 - 604.
  • Hutchison, A., & Wang, W. (2012). Blogging within a social networking site as a form of literature response in a teacher education course. Educational Media International, 49(4), 263-275.
  • Hyland, K. (2008) Second Language Writing (5th edition). Cambridge University Press.
  • Javed, M., Juan, W. X., & Nazli, S. (2013). A Study of students' assessment in writing skills of the English language. International Journal of Instruction.
  • Jin, S. (2015). Using Facebook to promote Korean EFL learners' intercultural competence. Language, Learning & Technology, 19(3), 38–51.
  • Koçoğlu, Z. (2009). Weblog use in EFL writing class. Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences, 42(1), 311-327.
  • Krashen, S., & Lee, S. Y. (2004). Competence in foreign language writing: Progress and lacunae. Literacy across Cultures, 12(2), 10-14.
  • Pegrum, M. (2009). Communicative networking and linguistic mashups on Web 2.0. In M. Thomas (Ed.), Handbook of research on Web 2.0 and second language learning (pp. 20-41). IGI Global.
  • Pinkman, K. (2005). Using blogs in the foreign classroom: Encouraging learner independence. JALT CALL Journal, 1(1), 12-24. Raimes, A. (1983). Techniques in teaching writing. Oxford University Press.
  • Roy, C. K. (2016). Be creative and collaborative: strategies and implications of blogging in EFL classes. English Language Teaching, Vol. 9, No. 7, Canadian Center of Science and Education.
  • Schwandt, T. A. (2000). Three epistemological stances for qualitative inquiry: Interpretivism, hermeneutics, and social constructionism. In N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research (2nd ed., pp. 189–214). SAGE.
  • Scott, V. M. (1996). Rethinking Foreign Language Writing. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Stapleton, P. (2010). Writing in an electronic age: A case study of L2 composing processes. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 9, 295-307.
  • Sun, Y. C. (2010). Extensive writing in foreign‐language classrooms: A blogging approach. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 47(3), 327-339.
  • Taki, S., & Fardafshari, E. (2012). Weblog-based collaborative learning: Iranian EFL learners' writing skill and motivation. International Journal of Linguistics, 4(2), 412-429.
  • Tu, C. C., Chen, P. C., & Lee, M. Y. (2007). Fostering EFL learners' writing competence through web-based guided writing. An Interdisciplinary Journal, 53, 225-244.
  • Tu, C., Blocher, M., & Ntoruru, G. (2008). Constructs for Web 2.0 learning environments: A theatrical metaphor. Educational Media International, 45(4), 253–269. doi: 10.1080/09523980802588576
  • Uzun, L. (2016). The educational and technical courses in the ELT program in Turkey: Do they contribute to ICT skills? Cogent Education. 3:1. doi:10.1080/2331186X.2016.1141454
  • Uzun, L. (2017). Using the second life digital environment for FL education: a postmodern perspective. Teaching English with Technology, 17(2), 42-54.
  • Vurdien, R. (2013). Enhancing writing skills through blogging in an advanced English as a Foreign Language class in Spain. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 26(2), 126-143.
  • Wang, S., & Vásquez, C. (2014). The effect of target language use in social media on intermediate-level Chinese language learners' writing performance. CALICO Journal, 31(1), p. 78-102. doi: 10.11139/cj.28.2.345-368
  • Wilber, D. J. (2010). Using Blogs, Wikis, and Digital Stories in the English Classroom. iWrite, Heinemann.
  • Yakut A.D., & Aydın, S. (2017). An experimental study on the effects of the use of blogs on EFL reading comprehension. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 11:1, 1-16, DOI: 10.1080/17501229.2015.1006634
  • Yunus, M. M., Nordin, N., Salehi, H., Embi, M. A., & Salehi, Z. (2013). The use of information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching ESL writing skills. English Language Teaching, 6(7), 1-7.
  • Zhang, D. (2009). The Application of Blog in English Writing. Journal of Cambridge Studies, 4(1).
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Articles

Samet Bal 0000-0002-2815-3944

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 4 Issue: 4 - ICETOL Special Issue


APA Bal, S. (2021). An investigation of the integration of blogs into EFL classes: Learners’ views toward blogs and preferences for writing classes. Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning, 4(4), 594-604.

Cited By

Subject Review: Blogs as Learning Tools in EFL Classrooms


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