Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 5 Issue: 4 - ICETOL 2022 Special Issue, 981 - 999, 10.12.2022



  • Anderson, P. L., Price, M., Edwards, S. M., Obasaju, M. A., Schmertz, S. K., Zimand, E., & Calamaras, M. R. (2013). Virtual reality exposure therapy for social anxiety disorder: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Sychology, 81(5), 751.
  • Araiza-Alba, P., Keane, T., & Kaufman, J. (2022). Are we ready for virtual reality in K-12 classrooms?. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 1-21.
  • Arbit, B., & Leibzon, R. (2020). Wearable devices in arrhythmia detection. Proceedings of UCLA Health, 24, 1-2.
  • Billingsley, G., Smith, S., Smith, S., & Meritt, J. (2019). A systematic literature review of using immersive virtual reality technology in teacher education. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 30(1), 65-90.
  • Bodie, G. D. (2010). A racing heart, rattling knees, and ruminative thoughts: Defining, explaining, and treating public speaking anxiety. Communication Education, 59(1), 70-105.
  • Boersma, P., & Weenink, D. (2009). Praat: Doing phonetics by computer [computer program]. Version 5.1.05.
  • Brenner, M., & Shipp, T. (1988). Voice stress analysis, in Proceedings of the NASA Technical Report, Williamsburg, VA.
  • Brinia, V., & Psoni, P. (2021). Online teaching practicum during COVID-19: The case of a teacher education program in Greece. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 14(2), 610-624.
  • Carrozzino, M., & Bergamasco, M. (2010). Beyond virtual museums: Experiencing immersive virtual reality in real museums. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 11(4), 452-458.
  • Clemmensen, L., Bouchard, S., Rasmussen, J., Holmberg, T. T., Nielsen, J. H., Jepsen, J. R. M., & Lichtenstein, M. B. (2020). Study protocol: Exposure in virtual reality for social anxiety disorder-a randomized controlled superiority trial comparing cognitive behavioral therapy with virtual reality based exposure to cognitive behavioral therapy with in vivo exposure. BMC Psychiatry, 20(1), 1-9.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications.
  • Creţu, D. (2017). Hopes and fears of teacher candidates concerning the teaching profession. MATEC Web of Conferences, 121,1-8. 10.1051/matecconf/201712112002
  • Çankaya, S. (2019). Use of VR headsets in education: a systematic review study. Journal of Educational Technology & Online Learning, 2(1), 74-88.
  • Daud, A., Ras, F., Novitri, N., & Audia, C. P. (2019). Factors contributing to speaking anxiety: A case study of pre-service English teachers. Journal of Educational Sciences, 3(3), 412-422.
  • Demenko, G., & Jastrzêbska, M. (2012). Analysis of natural speech under stress. Acta Physica Polonica A,121(1-A), A92-A95.
  • Doğan, Y. (2009). Konuşma becerisinin geliştirilmesine yönelik etkinlik önerileri. Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(1), 185-204.
  • Dwyer, K. K., Carlson, R. E., & Kahre, S. A. (2002). Communication apprehension and basic course success: The lab-supported public speaking course intervention. Basic Communication Course Annual, 14(1), 87-112.
  • El Ayadi, M., Kamel, M. S., & Karray, F. (2011). Survey on speech emotion recognition: Features, classification schemes, and databases. Pattern Recognition, 44(3), 572-587.
  • Erdur, O. E. (2019). Cerrahi destekli hızlı üst çene genişletmesi yapılan hastalarda ses değişikliklerinin incelenmesi. [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Bezmialem University.
  • Ezrati-Vinacour, R., & Levin, I. (2004). The relationship between anxiety and stuttering: A multidimensional approach. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 29(2), 135-148.
  • Frisby, B. N., Kaufmann, R., Vallade, J. I., Frey, T. K., & Martin, J. C. (2020). Using virtual reality for speech rehearsals: An innovative instructor approach to enhance student public speaking efficacy. Basic Communication Course Annual, 32(1), 59-78.
  • Goberman, A. M., Hughes, S., & Haydock, T. (2011). Acoustic characteristics of public speaking: Anxiety and practice effects. Speech Communication, 53(6), 867-876.
  • Gregory, S., Dalgarno, B., Campbell, M., Reiners, T., Knox, V. & Masters, Y. (2011). Changing directions through VirtualPREX: Engaging pre-service teachers in virtual professional experience. In Changing demands, changing directions. Proceedings ascilite Hobart 2011 (pp. 491-501). Hobart: University of Tasmania.
  • Guitar, B. (2006). Stuttering: An integrated approach to its nature and treatment. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Hagenaars, M.A., & van Minnen, A. (2005). The effect of fear on paralinguistic spects of speech in patients with panic disorder with agoraphobia. Anxiety Disord. 19, 521-537.
  • Hansen, J. H., & Patil, S. (2007). Speech under stress: Analysis, modeling and recognition. In Speaker classification I (pp. 108-137). Springer.
  • Harris, S. R., Kemmerling, R. L., & North, M. M. (2002). Brief virtual reality therapy for public speaking anxiety. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 5(6), 543-550.
  • Hartando, D., Kampmann, I. L., Morina, N., Emmelkamp, P. G., Neerincx, M. A., & Brinkman, W. P. (2014). Controlling social stress in virtual reality environments. PloS One, 9(3), e92804.
  • Hecker, M. H. L., Stevens, K. N., von Bismarck, G., & Williams, C. E. (1968). Manifestations of task-induced stress in the acoustic speech signal. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 44, 993-1001.
  • Hoffman, E. A. (1997). Vocal Tract Area Functions for an Adult Female Speaker Based on Volumetric Imaging. NCVS Status and Progress Report, 95-113.
  • Hosseini, M., & Swaminathan, V. (2016, December). Adaptive 360 VR video streaming: Divide and conquer. 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), 107-110.
  • Ivanova, T., Gubanova, N., Shakirova, I., & Masitoh, F. (2020). Educational technology as one of the terms for enhancing public speaking skills. Universidad y Sociedad, 12(2), 154-159.
  • Jiyoon, Y. (2008). Cyber practicum: A future practicum classroom. British Journal of Educational Technology, 39(1), 163-165.
  • Khoshnama, A., Borjali, A., & Farrokhi, N. (2021). The effectiveness of virtual reality exposure therapy on public speaking anxiety in university dormitory students. Research in Clinical Psychology and Counseling, 11(1), 5-20. https//
  • Lang, A., Potter, R. F., & Bolls, P. (2009). Where psychophysiology meets the media: Taking the effects out of mass media research. In Media effects (pp. 201-222). Routledge.
  • Laukka, P., Linnman, C., Åhs, F., Pissiota, A., Frans, Ö., Faria, V., Fredrikson, M., & Furmark, T. (2008). In a nervous voice: Acoustic analysis and perception of anxiety in social phobics’ speech. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 32(4), 195-214.
  • Mathende, A. M. (2021). Preservice Teachers' Perspective on Immersion in 360-Degree Video Virtual Reality: Using Virtual Reality Video in Preparing Teachers for Field Experience (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Tennessee Technological University.
  • McCroskey, J. C., Richmond, V. P., & Daly, J. A. (1975). The development of a measure of perceived homophily in interpersonal communication. Human Communication Research, 1(4), 323-332.
  • Mendoza, E., & Carballo, G. (1998). Acoustic analysis of induced vocal stress by means of cognitive workload tasks. J. Voice 12, 263-273.
  • Mohammadi, V., Abdi, R., & Rezaei, S. (2020). On the relationship between teachers’ self-efficacy and their speaking anxiety. Journal of School Psychology, 9(2), 123-132.
  • National Social Anxiety Center. (2016). What is social anxiety?
  • Newman, I. & Ridenour, C. S. (2008). Mixed methods research: Exploring the interactive continuum. Southern Illinois University Press
  • Palmas, F., Cichor, J., Plecher, D. A., & Klinker, G. (2019, October). Acceptance and effectiveness of a virtual reality public speaking training. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 363-371.
  • Palmas, F., Reinelt, R., Cichor, J. E., Plecher, D. A., & Klinker, G. (2021, March). Virtual reality public speaking training: Experimental evaluation of direct feedback technology acceptance. 2021 IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 463-472.
  • Pertaub, D. P., Slater, M., & Barker, C. (2002). An experiment on public speaking anxiety in response to three different types of virtual audience. Presence, 11(1), 68-78.
  • Postma-Nilsenová, M., Holt, E., Heyn, L., Groeneveld, K., & Finset, A. (2016). A case study of vocal features associated with galvanic skin response to stressors in a clinical interaction. Patient Education and Counseling, 99(8), 1349-1354.
  • Rahmawati, E., Miftakh, F., & Al-Baekani, A. K. (2021). A Pre-service english teacher’s emotional experiences within teaching practicum during COVID-19 pandemic. Interaction: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, 8(2), 277-290.
  • Ravaja, N. (2004). Contributions of psychophysiology to media research: Review and recommendations. Media Psychology, 6(2), 193-235.
  • Rector, N., Bourdeau, D., Kitchen, K., & Joseph-Massiah, L. (2008). Anxiety disorders. An information guide. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.
  • Reeves, R., Elliott, A., Curran, D., Dyer, K., & Hanna, D. (2021). 360 Video virtual reality exposure therapy for public speaking anxiety: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 83, 102451.
  • Ruiz, R., Absil, E., Harmegnies, B., Legros, C., & Poch, D. (1996). Time- and spectrum-related variabilities in stressed speech under laboratory and real conditions. Speech Commun. 20, 111-129.
  • Rupp, M. A., Odette, K. L., Kozachuk, J., Michaelis, J. R., Smither, J. A., & McConnell, D. S. (2019). Investigating learning outcomes and subjective experiences in 360-degree videos. Computers & Education, 128, 256-268.
  • Savitsky, K., & Gilovich, T. (2003). The illusion of transparency and the alleviation of speech anxiety. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 39(6), 618-625.
  • Schinske, J., & Tanner, K. (2014). Teaching more by grading less (or differently). CBE-Life Sciences Education, 13(2), 159-166.
  • Schlenker, B. R., & Leary, M. R. (1982). Social anxiety and self-presentation: A conceptualization model. Psychological Bulletin, 92(3), 641-669.
  • Sigmund, M. (2006). Introducing the database ExamStress for speech under stress. Proceedings of the 7th Nordic Signal Processing Symposium, 2006, 290-293.
  • Slater, M., & Wilbur, S. (1997). A framework for immersive virtual environments (FIVE): Speculations on the role of presence in virtual environments. Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments, 6(6), 603-616.
  • Slater, M., Guger, C., Edlinger, G., Leeb, R., Pfurtscheller, G., Antley, A., Garau, M., Brogni, A., & Friedman, D. (2006). Analysis of physiological responses to a social situation in an immersive virtual environment. Presence, 15(5), 553-569.
  • Sondhi, S., Khan, M., Vijay, R., Salhan, A. K., & Chouhan, S. (2015). Acoustic analysis of speech under stress. Int. J. Bioinform. Res. Appl., 11(5), 417-432.
  • Sülter, R. E., Ketelaar, P. E., & Lange, W. G. (2022). SpeakApp-Kids! Virtual reality training to reduce fear of public speaking in children–A proof of concept. Computers & Education, 178, 104384.
  • Şenel, S. & Şenel, H. C. (2021). Use of take-home exam for remote assessment: A case study from Turkey. Journal of Educational Technology & Online Learning, 4(2), 236-255.
  • Takac, M., Collett, J., Blom, K. J., Conduit, R., Rehm, I., & De Foe, A. (2019). Public speaking anxiety decreases within repeated virtual reality training sessions. PloS One, 14(5), e0216288.
  • Theelen, H., Van den Beemt, A., & Brok, P. D. (2020). Enhancing authentic learning experiences in teacher education through 360-degree videos and theoretical lectures: reducing preservice teachers’ anxiety. European Journal of Teacher Education, 1-20.
  • Tison, G. H., Sanchez, J. M., Ballinger, B., Singh, A., Olgin, J. E., Pletcher, M. J., & Marcus, G. M. (2018). Passive detection of atrial fibrillation using a commercially available smartwatch. JAMA Cardiology, 3(5), 409-416.
  • Tolkmitt, F. J., & Scherer, K. R. (1986). Effect of experimentally induced stress on vocal parameters. J. Exp. Psychol. Hum. Percept. Perform. 12, 302-313.
  • Van Puyvelde, M., Neyt, X., McGlone, F., & Pattyn, N. (2018). Voice stress analysis: A new framework for voice and effort in human performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, (1994), 1-25.
  • Vardarlı, B. (2021). Teknolojik bir yaklaşım: Sanal gerçeklik maruz bırakma terapisi. Ege Eğitim Dergisi, 22(1), 40-56.
  • Walshe, N., & Driver, P. (2019). Developing reflective trainee teacher practice with 360-degree video. Teaching and Teacher Education, 78, 97-105.
  • Wijaya, R., Setijadi, A., Mengko, T. L., & Mengko, R. K. (2014, November). Heart rate data collecting using smart watch. 2014 IEEE 4th International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, 4, 1-3.
  • Ye, X., Liu, P.-F., Lee, X.-Z., Zhang, Y.-Q., & Chiu, C.-K. (2021). Classroom misbehaviour management: An SVVR-based training system for preservice teachers. Interactive Learning Environments, 29(1), 112-118.
  • Yee, K. M., & Abidin, M. J. Z. (2014). The use of public speaking in motivating ESL learners to overcome speech anxiety. International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL), 2(11), 127-13

Comparison of the anxiety levels of teacher candidates during actual and 360° video virtual reality presentations

Year 2022, Volume: 5 Issue: 4 - ICETOL 2022 Special Issue, 981 - 999, 10.12.2022


This study considers if the 360° video Virtual Reality (VR) environment is a less stressful alternative to giving actual presentations, and thus better able to support the development of the presentation skills of teacher candidates. Mixed method research was conducted in which 12 teacher candidates gave an average of 5 minutes of presentations on different days, both in a virtual and in a face-to-face school environment, before a group of listeners whom they hadn’t seen before. The candidates’ pulses were compared during presentations conducted in both environments, and the audio recordings were analysed with the PRAAT program. Further evaluation was conducted at the end of the process using an opinion form and interviews. No significant differences were found between the two groups, except in 2 of the 9 different voice analysis variables related to anxiety and the pulse of the candidates. The candidates generally felt that the 360° video VR experience was quite realistic, and that it could be an effective method of addressing concerns about giving presentations. It was therefore concluded that 360° video VR environments could be effectively used in teacher education as an alternative to the actual presentation experience.


  • Anderson, P. L., Price, M., Edwards, S. M., Obasaju, M. A., Schmertz, S. K., Zimand, E., & Calamaras, M. R. (2013). Virtual reality exposure therapy for social anxiety disorder: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Sychology, 81(5), 751.
  • Araiza-Alba, P., Keane, T., & Kaufman, J. (2022). Are we ready for virtual reality in K-12 classrooms?. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 1-21.
  • Arbit, B., & Leibzon, R. (2020). Wearable devices in arrhythmia detection. Proceedings of UCLA Health, 24, 1-2.
  • Billingsley, G., Smith, S., Smith, S., & Meritt, J. (2019). A systematic literature review of using immersive virtual reality technology in teacher education. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 30(1), 65-90.
  • Bodie, G. D. (2010). A racing heart, rattling knees, and ruminative thoughts: Defining, explaining, and treating public speaking anxiety. Communication Education, 59(1), 70-105.
  • Boersma, P., & Weenink, D. (2009). Praat: Doing phonetics by computer [computer program]. Version 5.1.05.
  • Brenner, M., & Shipp, T. (1988). Voice stress analysis, in Proceedings of the NASA Technical Report, Williamsburg, VA.
  • Brinia, V., & Psoni, P. (2021). Online teaching practicum during COVID-19: The case of a teacher education program in Greece. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 14(2), 610-624.
  • Carrozzino, M., & Bergamasco, M. (2010). Beyond virtual museums: Experiencing immersive virtual reality in real museums. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 11(4), 452-458.
  • Clemmensen, L., Bouchard, S., Rasmussen, J., Holmberg, T. T., Nielsen, J. H., Jepsen, J. R. M., & Lichtenstein, M. B. (2020). Study protocol: Exposure in virtual reality for social anxiety disorder-a randomized controlled superiority trial comparing cognitive behavioral therapy with virtual reality based exposure to cognitive behavioral therapy with in vivo exposure. BMC Psychiatry, 20(1), 1-9.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications.
  • Creţu, D. (2017). Hopes and fears of teacher candidates concerning the teaching profession. MATEC Web of Conferences, 121,1-8. 10.1051/matecconf/201712112002
  • Çankaya, S. (2019). Use of VR headsets in education: a systematic review study. Journal of Educational Technology & Online Learning, 2(1), 74-88.
  • Daud, A., Ras, F., Novitri, N., & Audia, C. P. (2019). Factors contributing to speaking anxiety: A case study of pre-service English teachers. Journal of Educational Sciences, 3(3), 412-422.
  • Demenko, G., & Jastrzêbska, M. (2012). Analysis of natural speech under stress. Acta Physica Polonica A,121(1-A), A92-A95.
  • Doğan, Y. (2009). Konuşma becerisinin geliştirilmesine yönelik etkinlik önerileri. Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(1), 185-204.
  • Dwyer, K. K., Carlson, R. E., & Kahre, S. A. (2002). Communication apprehension and basic course success: The lab-supported public speaking course intervention. Basic Communication Course Annual, 14(1), 87-112.
  • El Ayadi, M., Kamel, M. S., & Karray, F. (2011). Survey on speech emotion recognition: Features, classification schemes, and databases. Pattern Recognition, 44(3), 572-587.
  • Erdur, O. E. (2019). Cerrahi destekli hızlı üst çene genişletmesi yapılan hastalarda ses değişikliklerinin incelenmesi. [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Bezmialem University.
  • Ezrati-Vinacour, R., & Levin, I. (2004). The relationship between anxiety and stuttering: A multidimensional approach. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 29(2), 135-148.
  • Frisby, B. N., Kaufmann, R., Vallade, J. I., Frey, T. K., & Martin, J. C. (2020). Using virtual reality for speech rehearsals: An innovative instructor approach to enhance student public speaking efficacy. Basic Communication Course Annual, 32(1), 59-78.
  • Goberman, A. M., Hughes, S., & Haydock, T. (2011). Acoustic characteristics of public speaking: Anxiety and practice effects. Speech Communication, 53(6), 867-876.
  • Gregory, S., Dalgarno, B., Campbell, M., Reiners, T., Knox, V. & Masters, Y. (2011). Changing directions through VirtualPREX: Engaging pre-service teachers in virtual professional experience. In Changing demands, changing directions. Proceedings ascilite Hobart 2011 (pp. 491-501). Hobart: University of Tasmania.
  • Guitar, B. (2006). Stuttering: An integrated approach to its nature and treatment. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Hagenaars, M.A., & van Minnen, A. (2005). The effect of fear on paralinguistic spects of speech in patients with panic disorder with agoraphobia. Anxiety Disord. 19, 521-537.
  • Hansen, J. H., & Patil, S. (2007). Speech under stress: Analysis, modeling and recognition. In Speaker classification I (pp. 108-137). Springer.
  • Harris, S. R., Kemmerling, R. L., & North, M. M. (2002). Brief virtual reality therapy for public speaking anxiety. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 5(6), 543-550.
  • Hartando, D., Kampmann, I. L., Morina, N., Emmelkamp, P. G., Neerincx, M. A., & Brinkman, W. P. (2014). Controlling social stress in virtual reality environments. PloS One, 9(3), e92804.
  • Hecker, M. H. L., Stevens, K. N., von Bismarck, G., & Williams, C. E. (1968). Manifestations of task-induced stress in the acoustic speech signal. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 44, 993-1001.
  • Hoffman, E. A. (1997). Vocal Tract Area Functions for an Adult Female Speaker Based on Volumetric Imaging. NCVS Status and Progress Report, 95-113.
  • Hosseini, M., & Swaminathan, V. (2016, December). Adaptive 360 VR video streaming: Divide and conquer. 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), 107-110.
  • Ivanova, T., Gubanova, N., Shakirova, I., & Masitoh, F. (2020). Educational technology as one of the terms for enhancing public speaking skills. Universidad y Sociedad, 12(2), 154-159.
  • Jiyoon, Y. (2008). Cyber practicum: A future practicum classroom. British Journal of Educational Technology, 39(1), 163-165.
  • Khoshnama, A., Borjali, A., & Farrokhi, N. (2021). The effectiveness of virtual reality exposure therapy on public speaking anxiety in university dormitory students. Research in Clinical Psychology and Counseling, 11(1), 5-20. https//
  • Lang, A., Potter, R. F., & Bolls, P. (2009). Where psychophysiology meets the media: Taking the effects out of mass media research. In Media effects (pp. 201-222). Routledge.
  • Laukka, P., Linnman, C., Åhs, F., Pissiota, A., Frans, Ö., Faria, V., Fredrikson, M., & Furmark, T. (2008). In a nervous voice: Acoustic analysis and perception of anxiety in social phobics’ speech. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 32(4), 195-214.
  • Mathende, A. M. (2021). Preservice Teachers' Perspective on Immersion in 360-Degree Video Virtual Reality: Using Virtual Reality Video in Preparing Teachers for Field Experience (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Tennessee Technological University.
  • McCroskey, J. C., Richmond, V. P., & Daly, J. A. (1975). The development of a measure of perceived homophily in interpersonal communication. Human Communication Research, 1(4), 323-332.
  • Mendoza, E., & Carballo, G. (1998). Acoustic analysis of induced vocal stress by means of cognitive workload tasks. J. Voice 12, 263-273.
  • Mohammadi, V., Abdi, R., & Rezaei, S. (2020). On the relationship between teachers’ self-efficacy and their speaking anxiety. Journal of School Psychology, 9(2), 123-132.
  • National Social Anxiety Center. (2016). What is social anxiety?
  • Newman, I. & Ridenour, C. S. (2008). Mixed methods research: Exploring the interactive continuum. Southern Illinois University Press
  • Palmas, F., Cichor, J., Plecher, D. A., & Klinker, G. (2019, October). Acceptance and effectiveness of a virtual reality public speaking training. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 363-371.
  • Palmas, F., Reinelt, R., Cichor, J. E., Plecher, D. A., & Klinker, G. (2021, March). Virtual reality public speaking training: Experimental evaluation of direct feedback technology acceptance. 2021 IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 463-472.
  • Pertaub, D. P., Slater, M., & Barker, C. (2002). An experiment on public speaking anxiety in response to three different types of virtual audience. Presence, 11(1), 68-78.
  • Postma-Nilsenová, M., Holt, E., Heyn, L., Groeneveld, K., & Finset, A. (2016). A case study of vocal features associated with galvanic skin response to stressors in a clinical interaction. Patient Education and Counseling, 99(8), 1349-1354.
  • Rahmawati, E., Miftakh, F., & Al-Baekani, A. K. (2021). A Pre-service english teacher’s emotional experiences within teaching practicum during COVID-19 pandemic. Interaction: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, 8(2), 277-290.
  • Ravaja, N. (2004). Contributions of psychophysiology to media research: Review and recommendations. Media Psychology, 6(2), 193-235.
  • Rector, N., Bourdeau, D., Kitchen, K., & Joseph-Massiah, L. (2008). Anxiety disorders. An information guide. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.
  • Reeves, R., Elliott, A., Curran, D., Dyer, K., & Hanna, D. (2021). 360 Video virtual reality exposure therapy for public speaking anxiety: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 83, 102451.
  • Ruiz, R., Absil, E., Harmegnies, B., Legros, C., & Poch, D. (1996). Time- and spectrum-related variabilities in stressed speech under laboratory and real conditions. Speech Commun. 20, 111-129.
  • Rupp, M. A., Odette, K. L., Kozachuk, J., Michaelis, J. R., Smither, J. A., & McConnell, D. S. (2019). Investigating learning outcomes and subjective experiences in 360-degree videos. Computers & Education, 128, 256-268.
  • Savitsky, K., & Gilovich, T. (2003). The illusion of transparency and the alleviation of speech anxiety. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 39(6), 618-625.
  • Schinske, J., & Tanner, K. (2014). Teaching more by grading less (or differently). CBE-Life Sciences Education, 13(2), 159-166.
  • Schlenker, B. R., & Leary, M. R. (1982). Social anxiety and self-presentation: A conceptualization model. Psychological Bulletin, 92(3), 641-669.
  • Sigmund, M. (2006). Introducing the database ExamStress for speech under stress. Proceedings of the 7th Nordic Signal Processing Symposium, 2006, 290-293.
  • Slater, M., & Wilbur, S. (1997). A framework for immersive virtual environments (FIVE): Speculations on the role of presence in virtual environments. Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments, 6(6), 603-616.
  • Slater, M., Guger, C., Edlinger, G., Leeb, R., Pfurtscheller, G., Antley, A., Garau, M., Brogni, A., & Friedman, D. (2006). Analysis of physiological responses to a social situation in an immersive virtual environment. Presence, 15(5), 553-569.
  • Sondhi, S., Khan, M., Vijay, R., Salhan, A. K., & Chouhan, S. (2015). Acoustic analysis of speech under stress. Int. J. Bioinform. Res. Appl., 11(5), 417-432.
  • Sülter, R. E., Ketelaar, P. E., & Lange, W. G. (2022). SpeakApp-Kids! Virtual reality training to reduce fear of public speaking in children–A proof of concept. Computers & Education, 178, 104384.
  • Şenel, S. & Şenel, H. C. (2021). Use of take-home exam for remote assessment: A case study from Turkey. Journal of Educational Technology & Online Learning, 4(2), 236-255.
  • Takac, M., Collett, J., Blom, K. J., Conduit, R., Rehm, I., & De Foe, A. (2019). Public speaking anxiety decreases within repeated virtual reality training sessions. PloS One, 14(5), e0216288.
  • Theelen, H., Van den Beemt, A., & Brok, P. D. (2020). Enhancing authentic learning experiences in teacher education through 360-degree videos and theoretical lectures: reducing preservice teachers’ anxiety. European Journal of Teacher Education, 1-20.
  • Tison, G. H., Sanchez, J. M., Ballinger, B., Singh, A., Olgin, J. E., Pletcher, M. J., & Marcus, G. M. (2018). Passive detection of atrial fibrillation using a commercially available smartwatch. JAMA Cardiology, 3(5), 409-416.
  • Tolkmitt, F. J., & Scherer, K. R. (1986). Effect of experimentally induced stress on vocal parameters. J. Exp. Psychol. Hum. Percept. Perform. 12, 302-313.
  • Van Puyvelde, M., Neyt, X., McGlone, F., & Pattyn, N. (2018). Voice stress analysis: A new framework for voice and effort in human performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, (1994), 1-25.
  • Vardarlı, B. (2021). Teknolojik bir yaklaşım: Sanal gerçeklik maruz bırakma terapisi. Ege Eğitim Dergisi, 22(1), 40-56.
  • Walshe, N., & Driver, P. (2019). Developing reflective trainee teacher practice with 360-degree video. Teaching and Teacher Education, 78, 97-105.
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  • Ye, X., Liu, P.-F., Lee, X.-Z., Zhang, Y.-Q., & Chiu, C.-K. (2021). Classroom misbehaviour management: An SVVR-based training system for preservice teachers. Interactive Learning Environments, 29(1), 112-118.
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There are 71 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Articles

Deniz Atal 0000-0001-8030-9996

Gökhan Kızılışıkoğlu 0000-0002-6578-5609

Early Pub Date October 18, 2022
Publication Date December 10, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 5 Issue: 4 - ICETOL 2022 Special Issue


APA Atal, D., & Kızılışıkoğlu, G. (2022). Comparison of the anxiety levels of teacher candidates during actual and 360° video virtual reality presentations. Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning, 5(4), 981-999.