Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 4 - ICETOL 2024 Special Issue, 358 - 366, 31.12.2024



  • Aktürk, A. O., & Delen, A. (2020). Öğretmenlerin teknoloji kabul düzeyleri ile öz-yeterlik inançları arasındaki ilişki. Bilim, Eğitim, Sanat ve Teknoloji Dergisi (BEST Dergi), 4(2), 67-80.
  • Bilici, S. C., & Baran, E. (2015). Fen bilimleri öğretmenlerinin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisine yönelik öz-yeterlik düzeylerinin incelenmesi: Boylamsal bir araştırma. GEFAD / GUJGEF, 35(2), 285-306.
  • Birişçi, S., & Kul, Ü. (2018). Pedagojik formasyon eğitimi alan öğretmen adaylarının teknoloji entegrasyonu öz-yeterlik inanışlarının incelenmesi. Fen, Matematik, Girişimcilik ve Teknoloji Eğitimi Dergisi, 1(1), 1-18.
  • Cengiz, C. (2015). The development of TPACK, Technology Integrated Self-Efficacy and Instructional Technology Outcome Expectations of pre-service physical education teachers. Asia Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 43(5), 411-422.
  • Eryılmaz, S., & Uluyol, Ç. (2015). 21. yüzyıl becerileri ışığında FATİH projesi değerlendirmesi. GEFAD / GUJGEF, 35(2), 209-229.
  • becerileri-isiginda-fatih-projesi-degerlendirmesi
  • Ertmer, P. A. (1999). Addressing first-and second-order barriers to change: Strategies for technology integration. Educational Technology Research and Development, 47(4), 47-61.
  • Eteokleous, N. (2008). Evaluating computer technology integration in a centralized school system. Computers and Education, 51, 669-686.
  • Gürfidan, H., & Koç, M. (2016). Okul kültürü, teknoloji liderliği ve destek hizmetlerinin öğretmenlerin teknoloji entegrasyonuna etkisi: Bir yapısal eşitlik modellemesi. Eğitim ve Bilim, 41(188), 99-116.
  • Hsu, S., & Kuan, P. (2013). The impact of multilevel factors on technology integration: the case of Taiwanese grade 1–9 teachers and schools. Educational Technology Research and Development, 61, 25-50. 9269-y
  • Joo, Y. J., Park, S., & Lim, E. (2018). Factors influencing preservice teachers’ intention to use technology: TPACK, teacher self-efficacy, and technology acceptance model. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 21(3), 48-59.
  • Kocaoğlu, B. Ü., & Akgün, Ö. K. (2015). Lise öğretmenlerinin fatih projesi teknolojilerini kullanmaya yönelik öz-yeterlik inançları. Uluslararası Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(4), 259-276.
  • Lent, R. W., Brown, S. D., & Hackett, G. (1994). Toward a unifying social cognitive theory of career and academic interest, choice, and performance. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 45(1), 79-122.
  • Niederhauser, D. S., & Lindstrom, D. L. (2018). Instructional technology integration models and frameworks: Diffusion, competencies, attitudes, and dispositions. Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education, 1-21.
  • Önalan, O., & Kurt, G. (2020). Exploring Turkish EFL teachers’ perceptions of the factors affecting technology integration: A case study. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 16(2), 626-646.
  • Özçakır, B., & Aydın, B. (2019). Artırılmış gerçeklik deneyimlerinin matematik öğretmeni adaylarının teknoloji entegrasyonu öz-yeterlik algılarına etkisi. Türk Bilgisayar ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi, 10(2), 314-335.
  • Papanastasiou, E. C., & Angeli, C. (2008). Evaluating the use of ICT in education: Psychometric properties of the survey of factors affecting teachers teaching with technology (SFA-T3). Educational Technology & Society, 11(1), 69–86.
  • Raygan, A., & Moradkhani, S. (2020). Factors influencing technology integration in an EFL context: investigating EFL teachers’ attitudes, TPACK level, and educational climate. Computer Assisted Language Learning.
  • Sahin, I. (2008). From the social-cognitive career theory perspective: A college of education faculty model for explaining their intention to use educational technology. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 38(1), 51-66.
  • Semiz, K., & Ince, M. L. (2012). Pre-service physical education teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge, technology integration self-efficacy and instructional technology outcome expectations. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 28(7), 1248-1265.
  • Tezci, E. (2011a). Turkish primary school teachers’ perceptions of school culture regarding ICT integration. Educational Technology Research and Development, 59, 429-443.
  • Tezci (2011b). Factors that influence pre-service teachers’ ICT usage in education. European Journal of Teacher Education, 34(4), 483-499.
  • Ünal, E., & Teker, N. (2018). Teknoloji entegrasyonuna yönelik öz-yeterlik algısı ölçeğinin Türkçeye uyarlanması. Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(6), 973–978.
  • Şimşek, Ö., & Yazar, T. (2018). Öğretmen adaylarının eğitimde teknoloji entegrasyon özyeterliklerinin incelenmesi: Türkiye örneği. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 17(66), 744-765.
  • Wang, L., Ertmer, P. A., & Newby, T. J. (2004). Increasing preservice teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs for technology integration. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 36(3), 231-250.

The role of self efficacy and school climate in motivation for technology integration in education

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 4 - ICETOL 2024 Special Issue, 358 - 366, 31.12.2024


This study aims to explore the influences of self-efficacy and school climate on motivation for technology integration in education. Albert Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory was used as the theoretical framework. Outcome expectancy was used as a central motivational factor. A foundational model was constructed to explore the relationships among school climate, self-efficacy, and outcome expectancy. The participants were 224 teachers from diverse high schools in Bursa, Turkey. Results revealed that participants perceive low levels of school climate/support but has relatively high self-efficacy and outcome expectancy. Gender-based analyses revealed no significant differences among males and females in terms of all variables. Correlation analysis results revealed significant relationships among the three variables. Furthermore, regression analysis revealed that both school climate and self-efficacy significantly contributed to predicting motivation. More importantly, school climate affected motivation directly and indirectly through its influence on self-efficacy. These findings suggested that the proposed foundational model can serve as a valuable framework for understanding teachers' motivation for technology integration in education.


  • Aktürk, A. O., & Delen, A. (2020). Öğretmenlerin teknoloji kabul düzeyleri ile öz-yeterlik inançları arasındaki ilişki. Bilim, Eğitim, Sanat ve Teknoloji Dergisi (BEST Dergi), 4(2), 67-80.
  • Bilici, S. C., & Baran, E. (2015). Fen bilimleri öğretmenlerinin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisine yönelik öz-yeterlik düzeylerinin incelenmesi: Boylamsal bir araştırma. GEFAD / GUJGEF, 35(2), 285-306.
  • Birişçi, S., & Kul, Ü. (2018). Pedagojik formasyon eğitimi alan öğretmen adaylarının teknoloji entegrasyonu öz-yeterlik inanışlarının incelenmesi. Fen, Matematik, Girişimcilik ve Teknoloji Eğitimi Dergisi, 1(1), 1-18.
  • Cengiz, C. (2015). The development of TPACK, Technology Integrated Self-Efficacy and Instructional Technology Outcome Expectations of pre-service physical education teachers. Asia Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 43(5), 411-422.
  • Eryılmaz, S., & Uluyol, Ç. (2015). 21. yüzyıl becerileri ışığında FATİH projesi değerlendirmesi. GEFAD / GUJGEF, 35(2), 209-229.
  • becerileri-isiginda-fatih-projesi-degerlendirmesi
  • Ertmer, P. A. (1999). Addressing first-and second-order barriers to change: Strategies for technology integration. Educational Technology Research and Development, 47(4), 47-61.
  • Eteokleous, N. (2008). Evaluating computer technology integration in a centralized school system. Computers and Education, 51, 669-686.
  • Gürfidan, H., & Koç, M. (2016). Okul kültürü, teknoloji liderliği ve destek hizmetlerinin öğretmenlerin teknoloji entegrasyonuna etkisi: Bir yapısal eşitlik modellemesi. Eğitim ve Bilim, 41(188), 99-116.
  • Hsu, S., & Kuan, P. (2013). The impact of multilevel factors on technology integration: the case of Taiwanese grade 1–9 teachers and schools. Educational Technology Research and Development, 61, 25-50. 9269-y
  • Joo, Y. J., Park, S., & Lim, E. (2018). Factors influencing preservice teachers’ intention to use technology: TPACK, teacher self-efficacy, and technology acceptance model. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 21(3), 48-59.
  • Kocaoğlu, B. Ü., & Akgün, Ö. K. (2015). Lise öğretmenlerinin fatih projesi teknolojilerini kullanmaya yönelik öz-yeterlik inançları. Uluslararası Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(4), 259-276.
  • Lent, R. W., Brown, S. D., & Hackett, G. (1994). Toward a unifying social cognitive theory of career and academic interest, choice, and performance. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 45(1), 79-122.
  • Niederhauser, D. S., & Lindstrom, D. L. (2018). Instructional technology integration models and frameworks: Diffusion, competencies, attitudes, and dispositions. Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education, 1-21.
  • Önalan, O., & Kurt, G. (2020). Exploring Turkish EFL teachers’ perceptions of the factors affecting technology integration: A case study. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 16(2), 626-646.
  • Özçakır, B., & Aydın, B. (2019). Artırılmış gerçeklik deneyimlerinin matematik öğretmeni adaylarının teknoloji entegrasyonu öz-yeterlik algılarına etkisi. Türk Bilgisayar ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi, 10(2), 314-335.
  • Papanastasiou, E. C., & Angeli, C. (2008). Evaluating the use of ICT in education: Psychometric properties of the survey of factors affecting teachers teaching with technology (SFA-T3). Educational Technology & Society, 11(1), 69–86.
  • Raygan, A., & Moradkhani, S. (2020). Factors influencing technology integration in an EFL context: investigating EFL teachers’ attitudes, TPACK level, and educational climate. Computer Assisted Language Learning.
  • Sahin, I. (2008). From the social-cognitive career theory perspective: A college of education faculty model for explaining their intention to use educational technology. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 38(1), 51-66.
  • Semiz, K., & Ince, M. L. (2012). Pre-service physical education teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge, technology integration self-efficacy and instructional technology outcome expectations. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 28(7), 1248-1265.
  • Tezci, E. (2011a). Turkish primary school teachers’ perceptions of school culture regarding ICT integration. Educational Technology Research and Development, 59, 429-443.
  • Tezci (2011b). Factors that influence pre-service teachers’ ICT usage in education. European Journal of Teacher Education, 34(4), 483-499.
  • Ünal, E., & Teker, N. (2018). Teknoloji entegrasyonuna yönelik öz-yeterlik algısı ölçeğinin Türkçeye uyarlanması. Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(6), 973–978.
  • Şimşek, Ö., & Yazar, T. (2018). Öğretmen adaylarının eğitimde teknoloji entegrasyon özyeterliklerinin incelenmesi: Türkiye örneği. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 17(66), 744-765.
  • Wang, L., Ertmer, P. A., & Newby, T. J. (2004). Increasing preservice teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs for technology integration. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 36(3), 231-250.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Instructional Technologies
Journal Section Articles

Serkan Perkmen 0000-0001-5102-1053

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date September 27, 2024
Acceptance Date November 28, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 7 Issue: 4 - ICETOL 2024 Special Issue


APA Perkmen, S. (2024). The role of self efficacy and school climate in motivation for technology integration in education. Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning, 7(4 - ICETOL 2024 Special Issue), 358-366.