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Year 2006, Volume: 56 Issue: 1, 113 - 128, 01.01.2006


Türkiye'de son yıllarda en önemli gündem maddelerinden biri Avrupa
Birliği'dir. Özellikle son dönemlerde Türkiye'nin Avrupa Birliği'ne giriş
sürecinde olumlu gelişmeler olmaktadır. Bu gelişmelerin paralelinde her
sektör Avrupa Birliği'ne uyum sürecinde gerekli aşamalardan geçmekte ve
geçecektir. Kuşkusuz ormancılık sektörü de bu gelişmelerden etkilenecektir.
Bu çalışmada, ilk olarak Avrupa Birliği'nin orman kaynaklarına ilişkin
bilgi verildikten sonra, AB ormancılık politikasının oluşumu, genel yapısı,
ormancılığa ilişkin sürdürülen etkinlikler, bu konudaki yeni gelişmeler ele
alınmıştır. Daha sonra genişleme ile oluşan etkiler üzerinde durulmuştur.
Böylece ülkemiz ormancılığı için Avrupa Birliği uyum sürecinde göz önünde
bulundurması gereken önemli noktalar ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır.


  • ANONİM, i998: Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on a Forestry Strategy for the European Union. Com(1998) 649,03/1 1/1998 http://europa.eu.int/commlagriculture/fore/comml649-en.pdf.
  • ANONİM,2004a: Agenda 2000, Strengthening the Union and Preparing Enlargement, The European Commission. http://www.europa.eu.intlcommlagenda2000/Indexen.htm
  • ANONİM,2004b: Report from the Stakeholder Consultation on the Draft Commission Staff Working Document in Support of the Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the Implementation of EU Forestry Strategy http://europa. eu. intlcommlagri cu Itu,"e/consuitati ons/f orestrv/report en. pd f
  • ANONiM, 2005a: Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament Reporting on the Implementation of the EU Forestry Strategy {SEC(2005) 333}. Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, i0.3.2005 COM (2005) 84 final, http://europa. eu. intlcommla gricu iture/pub ii/reports/forestryl co0184 en. pd f
  • ANONIM 2005b: Commission Staff Working Document Cornmunication on Implementation of the EU Forestry Strategy{COM(2005) 84 final},Brussels, i0.3.2005SEC(2005) 333 http://europa.eu.intlco01mlagriculture/pub iilreports/forestry/workdoc en. pd f
  • BİROT, Y., BUTTOUD, G., FLİES, R., HOGL, K., PREGERNİG, M., PAİviNEN, R., TiKKANEN, 1., KROTT, M.,2002: Voicing Interests and Concerns: Institutional Framework and Agencies for Forest Policy Reserach in Europe. Forest Policyand Economics, ISSN: 1389-9341, Volume 4, Issue 4, EIsevier Science.
  • DPT,2001: Sekizinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı Ormancılık Özel ihtisas Komisyonu Raporu. ISBN 975-19-2555-X, DPT Yayın No: 2531-öiK:547,DPT Yayınları, Ankara. EFI, 2004: European Forest Institute Kayıtları http://www.efi.fı
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION,2004: Nature Conservation in the EU. Official Publications of European Communities,Belgium.
  • EUROPEAN PERLlAMANT,2004: Official Documents of the European Parliament http://wwe.europarl.eu.int
  • FAO,2003: FAO Year Book 1997-2000 Forest Products. ISBN 92-5-004900-5 FAO Forestry Series No.36, Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations, Rome.
  • FAO,2004: FAO 2004 KAYıTLARı http://www.fao.org
  • GLOBAL FORESTS &PAPER; 2004: Distinguishing the Wood from the Trees: The Impact of EU Enlargement on Forestry, Forest Products and Paper Industries. PriceWaterHouseCoopers. http://www.infor.cllwebinfor/cventosll UFRO Vald ivia2002/tcxtos/N iels%20Elers%20Koch%20a nd%20Frank%20Jenscn,%20Netherlandas.%20(kcvnote).pdf
  • GÜMÜŞ,C.,2004: Ormancılık PolitikasLISBN 975-6983-39-6, KTÜ Genel Yayın No: 216, Fakülte Yayın No: 34, KTÜ Matbaası, Trabzon.
  • KORCH,N.E., JENSEN,F.S.,2002: Trends in Forest Policyand Research in Europe. http://www.infor.cl/webinfor/cventos/IUFRO Valdivia2002/textos/Nicls%20Elers%20Koch%20a nd%20 Fran k%20J ensen, %20N ether iandas. %20(keynote). pdf
  • MA YER,P.,2000: Hot Spot: Forest Policy in Europe: Achievements of the MCPFE and Challenges Ahead. Forest Policyand Economics, ISSN: 1389-9341, Volume 1, Issue 2., Elsevier Science.
  • MCPFE,2002:lmproved Pan-European Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management. Adopted by the MCPFE Expert Level Meeting 7-8 October, 2002, Vienna Austria.
  • MCPFE,2003:State of Europe Forests,2003 The MCPFE Report on Sustainable Forest Management in Europe. Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe, MNCPFE Liaison Un it ISBN 3-902073-09-8,Austria.
  • NABUURS,G.J., PAiviNEN,R.,SCHANZ,H., 200/: Sustainable Management Regimes for Europe's Forests-A Projection With EFISCEN until 2050. Forest Policyand Economics ISSN: 1389-934 i,Volume 3, Issue 3-4, Elsevier Science.
  • NiElSEN,P.U.,POULSTRUP,E.,HELLES,F.,MEilBY,H.,2004: The EU Forest Policy After Assessing the New Member States' Potential Impact. http://www .metl a.fı/tapah tumatl2004/ssfe/presen tations/wg2/ssfc Nicisen Poulstrup Helles Meilby-2004.pdf
  • ÖZDÖNMEZ,M., iSTANBULLU,T.,AKESEN,A.,EKiZOGLU,A., 1996: Ormancılık Politikası. ISBN 975-404-429-5, İ.Ü. Yayın No: 3968, Fakülte Yayın No: 435, İ.Ü. Basımevi ve Film Merkezi,İstanbuJ.
  • PALO,M.,UUSiYUORi,J.,MERY,G.;2001: World Forests, Markets and Politics. World Forests Yolume III, ISBN 0-7923-7170-4, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Finland.
  • PARYiAiNEN,J.,FRANK,G., 2003: Protected Forests in Europe Approaches-Harmorusıng the Defınisions for Internatıonal Comparison and Forest Policy Making. Journal of Environmental Managernent, ISSN: 0301-4797, Yolume 67, Issue i,EIsevier Science.
  • REQUARDT,A., SCHUCK,A.,2003: MCPFE Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management. [Analyse und Evaluierung der gesarnteuropaischen quantitativen und qualitativen Kriterien und Indikatoren zur nachhaltigen Waldbewirtschaftung am Beispiel des Fürestentums Liechtenstein - Eine Untersuchung der Daten- und Informationsgrundlage], unpublished,TUDresden, Tharandt 2003.230+ p. http://www.conservationtechnology.co.uk/NEFIS/WP3/UseCases/c&i%20reguardtschuck.htm
  • TiSSARi,J.,ı.,O.;2004: Future Direction of European Forest Policy. Consulting Services in Sustainable Forestry, Industry and Environment,© Indufor Oy 2004.
  • WULF,2003: Forest Policy in the EU and its Influence on the Plant Diversity of Woodlands. Journal of Environmental Management ISSN: 0301-4797 Volurne 64, !ssue,1 EIsevier Sience.
Year 2006, Volume: 56 Issue: 1, 113 - 128, 01.01.2006



  • ANONİM, i998: Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on a Forestry Strategy for the European Union. Com(1998) 649,03/1 1/1998 http://europa.eu.int/commlagriculture/fore/comml649-en.pdf.
  • ANONİM,2004a: Agenda 2000, Strengthening the Union and Preparing Enlargement, The European Commission. http://www.europa.eu.intlcommlagenda2000/Indexen.htm
  • ANONİM,2004b: Report from the Stakeholder Consultation on the Draft Commission Staff Working Document in Support of the Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the Implementation of EU Forestry Strategy http://europa. eu. intlcommlagri cu Itu,"e/consuitati ons/f orestrv/report en. pd f
  • ANONiM, 2005a: Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament Reporting on the Implementation of the EU Forestry Strategy {SEC(2005) 333}. Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, i0.3.2005 COM (2005) 84 final, http://europa. eu. intlcommla gricu iture/pub ii/reports/forestryl co0184 en. pd f
  • ANONIM 2005b: Commission Staff Working Document Cornmunication on Implementation of the EU Forestry Strategy{COM(2005) 84 final},Brussels, i0.3.2005SEC(2005) 333 http://europa.eu.intlco01mlagriculture/pub iilreports/forestry/workdoc en. pd f
  • BİROT, Y., BUTTOUD, G., FLİES, R., HOGL, K., PREGERNİG, M., PAİviNEN, R., TiKKANEN, 1., KROTT, M.,2002: Voicing Interests and Concerns: Institutional Framework and Agencies for Forest Policy Reserach in Europe. Forest Policyand Economics, ISSN: 1389-9341, Volume 4, Issue 4, EIsevier Science.
  • DPT,2001: Sekizinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı Ormancılık Özel ihtisas Komisyonu Raporu. ISBN 975-19-2555-X, DPT Yayın No: 2531-öiK:547,DPT Yayınları, Ankara. EFI, 2004: European Forest Institute Kayıtları http://www.efi.fı
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION,2004: Nature Conservation in the EU. Official Publications of European Communities,Belgium.
  • EUROPEAN PERLlAMANT,2004: Official Documents of the European Parliament http://wwe.europarl.eu.int
  • FAO,2003: FAO Year Book 1997-2000 Forest Products. ISBN 92-5-004900-5 FAO Forestry Series No.36, Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations, Rome.
  • FAO,2004: FAO 2004 KAYıTLARı http://www.fao.org
  • GLOBAL FORESTS &PAPER; 2004: Distinguishing the Wood from the Trees: The Impact of EU Enlargement on Forestry, Forest Products and Paper Industries. PriceWaterHouseCoopers. http://www.infor.cllwebinfor/cventosll UFRO Vald ivia2002/tcxtos/N iels%20Elers%20Koch%20a nd%20Frank%20Jenscn,%20Netherlandas.%20(kcvnote).pdf
  • GÜMÜŞ,C.,2004: Ormancılık PolitikasLISBN 975-6983-39-6, KTÜ Genel Yayın No: 216, Fakülte Yayın No: 34, KTÜ Matbaası, Trabzon.
  • KORCH,N.E., JENSEN,F.S.,2002: Trends in Forest Policyand Research in Europe. http://www.infor.cl/webinfor/cventos/IUFRO Valdivia2002/textos/Nicls%20Elers%20Koch%20a nd%20 Fran k%20J ensen, %20N ether iandas. %20(keynote). pdf
  • MA YER,P.,2000: Hot Spot: Forest Policy in Europe: Achievements of the MCPFE and Challenges Ahead. Forest Policyand Economics, ISSN: 1389-9341, Volume 1, Issue 2., Elsevier Science.
  • MCPFE,2002:lmproved Pan-European Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management. Adopted by the MCPFE Expert Level Meeting 7-8 October, 2002, Vienna Austria.
  • MCPFE,2003:State of Europe Forests,2003 The MCPFE Report on Sustainable Forest Management in Europe. Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe, MNCPFE Liaison Un it ISBN 3-902073-09-8,Austria.
  • NABUURS,G.J., PAiviNEN,R.,SCHANZ,H., 200/: Sustainable Management Regimes for Europe's Forests-A Projection With EFISCEN until 2050. Forest Policyand Economics ISSN: 1389-934 i,Volume 3, Issue 3-4, Elsevier Science.
  • NiElSEN,P.U.,POULSTRUP,E.,HELLES,F.,MEilBY,H.,2004: The EU Forest Policy After Assessing the New Member States' Potential Impact. http://www .metl a.fı/tapah tumatl2004/ssfe/presen tations/wg2/ssfc Nicisen Poulstrup Helles Meilby-2004.pdf
  • ÖZDÖNMEZ,M., iSTANBULLU,T.,AKESEN,A.,EKiZOGLU,A., 1996: Ormancılık Politikası. ISBN 975-404-429-5, İ.Ü. Yayın No: 3968, Fakülte Yayın No: 435, İ.Ü. Basımevi ve Film Merkezi,İstanbuJ.
  • PALO,M.,UUSiYUORi,J.,MERY,G.;2001: World Forests, Markets and Politics. World Forests Yolume III, ISBN 0-7923-7170-4, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Finland.
  • PARYiAiNEN,J.,FRANK,G., 2003: Protected Forests in Europe Approaches-Harmorusıng the Defınisions for Internatıonal Comparison and Forest Policy Making. Journal of Environmental Managernent, ISSN: 0301-4797, Yolume 67, Issue i,EIsevier Science.
  • REQUARDT,A., SCHUCK,A.,2003: MCPFE Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management. [Analyse und Evaluierung der gesarnteuropaischen quantitativen und qualitativen Kriterien und Indikatoren zur nachhaltigen Waldbewirtschaftung am Beispiel des Fürestentums Liechtenstein - Eine Untersuchung der Daten- und Informationsgrundlage], unpublished,TUDresden, Tharandt 2003.230+ p. http://www.conservationtechnology.co.uk/NEFIS/WP3/UseCases/c&i%20reguardtschuck.htm
  • TiSSARi,J.,ı.,O.;2004: Future Direction of European Forest Policy. Consulting Services in Sustainable Forestry, Industry and Environment,© Indufor Oy 2004.
  • WULF,2003: Forest Policy in the EU and its Influence on the Plant Diversity of Woodlands. Journal of Environmental Management ISSN: 0301-4797 Volurne 64, !ssue,1 EIsevier Sience.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles (Araştırma Makalesi)

Seçil Yurdakul Erol This is me

Bilge Akgün This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 56 Issue: 1


APA Yurdakul Erol, S., & Akgün, B. (2006). AVRUPA BİRLİĞİ (AB) ORMANCILlK POLİTİKASI. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 56(1), 113-128. https://doi.org/10.17099/jffiu.98290
AMA Yurdakul Erol S, Akgün B. AVRUPA BİRLİĞİ (AB) ORMANCILlK POLİTİKASI. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. January 2006;56(1):113-128. doi:10.17099/jffiu.98290
Chicago Yurdakul Erol, Seçil, and Bilge Akgün. “AVRUPA BİRLİĞİ (AB) ORMANCILlK POLİTİKASI”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 56, no. 1 (January 2006): 113-28. https://doi.org/10.17099/jffiu.98290.
EndNote Yurdakul Erol S, Akgün B (January 1, 2006) AVRUPA BİRLİĞİ (AB) ORMANCILlK POLİTİKASI. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 56 1 113–128.
IEEE S. Yurdakul Erol and B. Akgün, “AVRUPA BİRLİĞİ (AB) ORMANCILlK POLİTİKASI”, J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 113–128, 2006, doi: 10.17099/jffiu.98290.
ISNAD Yurdakul Erol, Seçil - Akgün, Bilge. “AVRUPA BİRLİĞİ (AB) ORMANCILlK POLİTİKASI”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 56/1 (January 2006), 113-128. https://doi.org/10.17099/jffiu.98290.
MLA Yurdakul Erol, Seçil and Bilge Akgün. “AVRUPA BİRLİĞİ (AB) ORMANCILlK POLİTİKASI”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, vol. 56, no. 1, 2006, pp. 113-28, doi:10.17099/jffiu.98290.
Vancouver Yurdakul Erol S, Akgün B. AVRUPA BİRLİĞİ (AB) ORMANCILlK POLİTİKASI. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. 2006;56(1):113-28.