Ferulago W. Koch belongs to Apiaceae family which of 34 species grows in our country and 18 of them
are endemic. Ferulago species are known as“asaotu, çakşırotu, çağşır, geyikotu, kılkuyruk, kişniş etc.” in
various regions of Turkey and since ancient times besides being used in the treatment of intestinal worms and
haemorrhoid, they are also being used as sedative, tonic, stimulant, digestive, aphrodisiac, carminative and
food (as spice or salad). In this study, anatomical structures of the stems, peduncles, rays, pedicels, leaves
and fruits (except for F. bracteata Boiss. & Haussk.) of these species were investigated. Characteristic
elements were identified with preparing cross-sections of the aforementioned parts of these species and their
structures were illustrated with photographs. In the transverse section of the stem of F. blancheana Post and
F. pachyloba (Fenzl) Boiss., the bundles of conductive tissues are arranged in a distributed manner, while the
F. trachycarpa and the F. bracteata are ring-shaped along the stem. The peduncle, ray and pedicel anatomy
of the species are generally similar to the anatomy of the stem. However, the bundles of conductive tissue in
the peduncles, rays and pedicels are arranged in order, and the number of secretory channels in ray and
pedicels are reduced. In the cross sections of the leaf of F. blancheana and F. bracteata, trichomes were
observed. Fruits of F. trachycarpa Boiss.are also covered with trichome, while fruits of three species are
characterized by secretory channels and their numbers range between 22 to 80.