Fekal Mikrobiyota Transplantasyonu Ve Hemşirelik
Year 2020,
Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 91 - 108, 25.08.2020
Zülfiye Bıkmaz
Mervet Çiçek
Fekal mikrobiyota transplantasyonu, bozulan intestinal mikrobiyomun sağlıklı hale getirilmesine yönelik bir tedavi yöntemidir. Küresel açıdan önemli bir nozokomiyal enfeksiyon olan Clostridium difficile enfeksiyonlarının tedavisi için önemli bir yöntemdir. Yapılan çalışmalar sonucunda çeşitli hastalıklar açısından da tedavi umudu yaratan bu yenilikçi tedavi yöntemi etkili bir hemşirelik bakımı gerektiren kompleks bir süreçtir. Nakil süreci, hasta seçimi, doğru donör seçimi, fekal içeriğin uygun şekilde hazırlanması, nakil yöntemleri ve yönetimi, enfeksiyon kontrolü, pre ve posttransplantasyon sürecinde eğitim ve iyi bir hasta izlemini içerisinde barındırmaktadır. Her bir aşamasının iyi anlaşılması, hemşirelik süreçlerinin etkili bir şekilde yönetilmesini kolaylaştıracağı düşüncesi ile bu derleme hazırlanmıştır.
Motivasyonel desteklerinden dolayı Gülsüm MEHDİYEV’e teşekkürlerimizi sunarız. (maddi ya da bilimsel destek yoktur)
- Aas J., Gessert C.E., & Bakken J.S. (2003). “Recurrent Clostridium difficile Colitis: Case Series Involving 18 Patients Treated with Donor Stool Administered via a Nasogastric Tube”. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 36(5), 580–585.
Adams J.B., Johansen L.J., Powell L.D., Quig D., & Rubin R.A. (2011). Gastrointestinal flora and gastrointestinal status in children with autism – comparisons to typical children and correlation with autism severity. BMC Gastroenterology, 11(22), 1-13.
Agrawal M., Aroniadis O.C., Brandt L.J., Kelly C., Freeman S., Surawicz C., Broussard E., Stollman N., Giovanelli A., Smith B., Yen E., Trivedi A., Hubble L., Kao D., Borody T., Finlayson S., Ray A., & Smith R. (2015). The Long-term Efficacy and Safety of Fecal Microbiota Transplant for Recurrent, Severe, and Complicated Clostridium difficile Infection in 146 Elderly Individuals. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 50, 403–407.
Angelberger S., Reinisch W., Makristathis A., Lichtenberger C., Dejaco C., Papay P., Novacek G., Trauner M., Loy A., & Berry D. (2013). Temporal Bacterial Community Dynamics Vary Among Ulcerative Colitis Patients After Fecal Microbiota Transplantation. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 108(10), 1620–1630.
Bakken J.S., Borody T., Brandt L.J., Brill J.V., Demarco D.C., Franzos M.A., Kelly C., Khoruts A., Louie T., Martinelli T.A., Russell G., & Surawicz C. (2011). Treating Clostridium difficile Infection with Fecal Microbiota Transplantation. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 9(12), 1044–1049.
Baxter M., Ahmad T., Colville A., & Sheridan R. (2015). Fatal Aspiration Pneumonia as a Complication of Fecal Microbiota Transplant. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 61(1), 136–137.
Blackburn L.M., Baleş A., Coldwell M., Lee, C., Hamilton S. & Kreider H., (2015). Fecal mikrobiyota transplantation in patients with cancer undergoing treatment. Advanced Pratice Nursing Issues. 19(1), 111-115.
Borody T., Nowak A., Torres M., Campbell J., Finlayson S., & Leis S. (2012). Bacteriotherapy in chronic fatique syndrome (CFS): A Retrospective review. Am J Gastroenterol, 107, S591-S592.
Borody T.J. & Campbell J. (2012). Fecal microbiota transplantation: techniques, applications, and issues. Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 41, 781-803.
Borody T.J., Campbell J., Torres M., Nowak A. & Leis S. (2011). Reversal of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) with fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT). Am J Gastroenterol 106, S352.
Borody T.J. & Khoruts A. (2011). Fecal microbiota transplantation and emerging applications. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 9(2), 88–96.
Borody T.J., Paramsothy S. & Agrawal G. (2013). Fecal microbiota transplantation: Indications, methods, evidence, and future directions. Current Gastroenterology Reports, 15(337), 1–7.
Borody T.J., Warreni E.F., Leis S.M., Surace R., Ashman O. & Siarakas, S. (2004). Bacteriotherapy using fecal flor. J Clin Gastroenterol, 38(6), 475-483.
Boyle M.L., Ruth-Sahd L.A. & Zhou Z. (2015). Fekal mikrobiyota transplant to treat recurrent clostridium difficile infections). Feature.The Journal For High Acuity Progressive and Critical Care Nursing. 35(2), 51-64.
Brandt L.J., Aroniadis O.C., Mellow M., Kanatzar A., Kelly C., Park T., Stollman N., Rohlke F. & Surawlicz, C. (2012). Longterm follow-up of colonoscopic fecal microbiota transplant for recurrent Clostridium diffi cile infection. Am J Gastroenterol, 107, 1079 – 87.
Brandt L.J., Borody T.J. & Campbell J. (2011). Endoscopic Fecal Microbiota Transplantation. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 45(8), 655–657.
Cammarota G., Ianiro G., Tilg H., Rajilić-Stojanović M., Kump P., Satokari R., Sokol H., Arkkila P., Pintus C., Hart A., Segal J., Aloi M., Masucci L., Molinaro A., Scaldaferri F., Gasbarrini G., Lopez-Sanroman A., Link A., de Groot E., de Vos W.M., Högenauer C., Malfertheiner P., Mattila E., Milosavljević T., Nieuwdrop M., Sanguinetti M., Simren M., Gasbarrini A., & The European FMT Working Group (2017). European consensus conference on faecal microbiota transplantation in clinical practice. Gut, 66, 569-580.
Cammarota G., Ianiro G. & Gasbarrini A. (2014). Fecal Microbiota Transplantation for the Treatment of Clostridium difficile Infection. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 48(8), 693–702.
Cammarota G., Masucci L., Ianiro G., Bibbò S., Dinoi G., Costamagna G., Sanguinetti M. & Gabarrini, A. (2015). Randomised clinical trial: faecal microbiota transplantation by colonoscopy vs. vancomycin for the treatment of recurrentClostridium difficileinfection. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 41(9), 835–843.
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Year 2020,
Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 91 - 108, 25.08.2020
Zülfiye Bıkmaz
Mervet Çiçek
- Aas J., Gessert C.E., & Bakken J.S. (2003). “Recurrent Clostridium difficile Colitis: Case Series Involving 18 Patients Treated with Donor Stool Administered via a Nasogastric Tube”. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 36(5), 580–585.
Adams J.B., Johansen L.J., Powell L.D., Quig D., & Rubin R.A. (2011). Gastrointestinal flora and gastrointestinal status in children with autism – comparisons to typical children and correlation with autism severity. BMC Gastroenterology, 11(22), 1-13.
Agrawal M., Aroniadis O.C., Brandt L.J., Kelly C., Freeman S., Surawicz C., Broussard E., Stollman N., Giovanelli A., Smith B., Yen E., Trivedi A., Hubble L., Kao D., Borody T., Finlayson S., Ray A., & Smith R. (2015). The Long-term Efficacy and Safety of Fecal Microbiota Transplant for Recurrent, Severe, and Complicated Clostridium difficile Infection in 146 Elderly Individuals. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 50, 403–407.
Angelberger S., Reinisch W., Makristathis A., Lichtenberger C., Dejaco C., Papay P., Novacek G., Trauner M., Loy A., & Berry D. (2013). Temporal Bacterial Community Dynamics Vary Among Ulcerative Colitis Patients After Fecal Microbiota Transplantation. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 108(10), 1620–1630.
Bakken J.S., Borody T., Brandt L.J., Brill J.V., Demarco D.C., Franzos M.A., Kelly C., Khoruts A., Louie T., Martinelli T.A., Russell G., & Surawicz C. (2011). Treating Clostridium difficile Infection with Fecal Microbiota Transplantation. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 9(12), 1044–1049.
Baxter M., Ahmad T., Colville A., & Sheridan R. (2015). Fatal Aspiration Pneumonia as a Complication of Fecal Microbiota Transplant. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 61(1), 136–137.
Blackburn L.M., Baleş A., Coldwell M., Lee, C., Hamilton S. & Kreider H., (2015). Fecal mikrobiyota transplantation in patients with cancer undergoing treatment. Advanced Pratice Nursing Issues. 19(1), 111-115.
Borody T., Nowak A., Torres M., Campbell J., Finlayson S., & Leis S. (2012). Bacteriotherapy in chronic fatique syndrome (CFS): A Retrospective review. Am J Gastroenterol, 107, S591-S592.
Borody T.J. & Campbell J. (2012). Fecal microbiota transplantation: techniques, applications, and issues. Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 41, 781-803.
Borody T.J., Campbell J., Torres M., Nowak A. & Leis S. (2011). Reversal of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) with fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT). Am J Gastroenterol 106, S352.
Borody T.J. & Khoruts A. (2011). Fecal microbiota transplantation and emerging applications. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 9(2), 88–96.
Borody T.J., Paramsothy S. & Agrawal G. (2013). Fecal microbiota transplantation: Indications, methods, evidence, and future directions. Current Gastroenterology Reports, 15(337), 1–7.
Borody T.J., Warreni E.F., Leis S.M., Surace R., Ashman O. & Siarakas, S. (2004). Bacteriotherapy using fecal flor. J Clin Gastroenterol, 38(6), 475-483.
Boyle M.L., Ruth-Sahd L.A. & Zhou Z. (2015). Fekal mikrobiyota transplant to treat recurrent clostridium difficile infections). Feature.The Journal For High Acuity Progressive and Critical Care Nursing. 35(2), 51-64.
Brandt L.J., Aroniadis O.C., Mellow M., Kanatzar A., Kelly C., Park T., Stollman N., Rohlke F. & Surawlicz, C. (2012). Longterm follow-up of colonoscopic fecal microbiota transplant for recurrent Clostridium diffi cile infection. Am J Gastroenterol, 107, 1079 – 87.
Brandt L.J., Borody T.J. & Campbell J. (2011). Endoscopic Fecal Microbiota Transplantation. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 45(8), 655–657.
Cammarota G., Ianiro G., Tilg H., Rajilić-Stojanović M., Kump P., Satokari R., Sokol H., Arkkila P., Pintus C., Hart A., Segal J., Aloi M., Masucci L., Molinaro A., Scaldaferri F., Gasbarrini G., Lopez-Sanroman A., Link A., de Groot E., de Vos W.M., Högenauer C., Malfertheiner P., Mattila E., Milosavljević T., Nieuwdrop M., Sanguinetti M., Simren M., Gasbarrini A., & The European FMT Working Group (2017). European consensus conference on faecal microbiota transplantation in clinical practice. Gut, 66, 569-580.
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