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Spermatozoa Kryoprezervasyonunda Epigenetik Değişiklikler

Year 2023, , 1778 - 1783, 03.07.2023


Spermatozoa kriyoprezervasyon teknolojisi, erkek fertilitesi için en çok kullanılan koruma protokolüdür. Erkek doğurganlığının yönetimi, kanser tedavisi, vazektomi veya cerrahi infertilite tedavilerinden önce donör spermlerini depolamak ve korumak için kullanılmaktadır. Epigenetik yeniden programlamanın embriyonik gelişimde hayati bir rol oynadığı bildirilmiştir ve birkaç çalışma, kusurlu epigenetik yeniden programlamanın anormal fetal büyüme, kanser ve diyabet gibi hastalıklar ile ilişkili olduğunu göstermiştir. Yapısal ve fizyolojik değişikliklerin yanı sıra, spermatozoadaki gen ve proteinlerin ekspresyonunun, mRNA stabilitesinin ve epigenetik içeriğin donma-çözme işleminden etkilenebileceği bildirilmektedir. Dondurulmuş-çözülmüş spermatozoadaki bu değişiklikler doğurganlık potansiyelini ve embriyo gelişimini etkileyebilmektedir. Kriyoprezervasyonda toksisite, epigenetik stabilite, mikrobiyal kontaminasyon gibi birden fazla güvenlik sorunu vardır. Bu sorunlardan epigenetik stabilite ve dondurulmuş spermatozoa ile doğan çocukların sağlığı üzerindeki kriyoprezervasyonun etkileri hakkında çok az bilgi vardır. Bu derlemede, kriyoprezervasyon sırasında spermlerdeki değişiklikler ve epigenetik modifikasyonları hakkındaki makaleler özetlenmiştir.


  • 1. Wang W, Todorov P , Pei C , Wang M , Isachenko E, Rahimi G, et al. Epigenetic Alterations in Cryopreserved Human Spermatozoa: Suspected Potential Functional Defects. Cells . 2022 Jul 4;11(13):2110
  • 2. Estudillo E, Jimenez A, Bustamante-Nieves PE, Palacios-Reyes C, Velasco I, Lopez-Ornelas A. Cryopreservation of Gametes and Embryos and Their Molecular Changes. Int J Mol Sci . 2021 Oct 8;22(19):10864
  • 3. Khosravizadeh Z, Khodamoradi K, Rashidi Z, Jahromi M, Shiri E, Salehi E, et al. Sperm cryopreservation and DNA methylation: possible implications for ART success and the health of offspring. J Assist Reprod Genet . 2022 Aug;39(8):1815-1824
  • 4. Khosravizadeh Z, Hassanzadeh G, Bazzaz JT, Alizadeh F, Totonchi M, Salehi E, et al. The effect of cryopreservation on DNA methylation patterns of the chromosome 15q11–q13 region in human spermatozoa. Cell Tissue Bank . 2020 Sep;21(3):433-445
  • 5. Fleming T P, Kwong W Y, Porter R, Ursell E, Fesenko I, Wilkins A, et al. The embryo and its future. Biol Reprod, 2004, 71: 1046–1054
  • 6. Chao S, Li J, Jin X, Tang H,Wang G, Gao G. Epigenetic reprogramming of embryos derived from sperm frozen at -20°C. Sci China Life Sci . 2012 Apr;55(4):349-57.
  • 7. Castillo J, Amaral A, OlivaR. Sperm nuclear proteome and its epigenetic potential. Andrology 2014 May;2(3):326-38.
  • 8. Donkin I, Barres R. Sperm epigenetics and influence of environmental factors. Mol Metab . 2018 Aug;14:1-11.
  • 9. Sciorio R, Esteves SC. Contemporary Use of ICSI and Epigenetic Risks to Future Generations. J Clin Med . 2022 Apr 11;11(8):2135.
  • 10. Montjean D, Zini A, Ravel C, Belloc S, Dalleac A, Copin H, et al. Sperm global DNA methylation level: association with semen parameters and genome integrity, Andrology . 2015 Mar;3(2):235-40
  • 11. Hezavehei M , Sharafi M, Kouchesfahani HM, Henkel R, Agarwal A , Esmaeili V. Sperm cryopreservation: A review on current molecular cryobiology and advanced approaches. Reprod Biomed Online . 2018 Sep;37(3):327-339.
  • 12. Bogle OA, Kumar K , Attardo-Parrinello C, Lewis SEM, Estanyol JM, Ballesca JL, et al. Identification of protein changes in human spermatozoa throughout the cryopreservation process. Andrology . 2017 Jan;5(1):10-22.
  • 13. Chatterjee A, Saha D, Niemann H, Gryshkov O, Glasmacher B, Hofmann N. Effects of cryopreservation on the epigenetic profile of cells. Cryobiology, 2017 Feb;74:1-7.
  • 14. Hanna CV, Demond H, Kelsey G. Epigenetic regulation in development: is the mouse a good model for the human? Hum Reprod Update . 2018 Sep 1;24(5):556-576.
  • 15. Huang C, Tang YL, Hu JL, Zhou WJ, Huang ZH, Luo XF, et al. Update on techniques for cryopreservation of human spermatozoa. Asian J Androl (2022) 24, 1–7
  • 16. Zeng C, Peng W, Ding Lİ, He L, Zhang Y, Fang D, et al. A preliminary study on epigenetic changes during boar spermatozoa cryopreservation, Cryobiology Volume 69, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 119-127
  • 17. Floresa E , Ramio-Llucha L , Buccib D , Fernandez-Novellc JM , Penaa A , Rodriguez-Gil JE. Freezing-thawing induces alterations in histone H1-DNA binding and the breaking of protein-DNA disulfide bonds in boar sperm, Theriogenology 76 (2011) 1450 –1464

Epigenetic Changes in Spermatozoa Cryopreservation

Year 2023, , 1778 - 1783, 03.07.2023


Spermatozoa cryopreservation technology is the most widely used preservation protocol for male fertility. Cryopreservation of human sperm is used to store and preserve donor sperm prior to male fertility management, cancer treatment, vasectomy or surgical infertility treatments. Epigenetic reprogramming has been reported to play a vital role in embryonic development, and several studies have shown that defective epigenetic reprogramming is associated with diseases such as abnormal fetal growth, cancer, and diabetes. In addition to structural and physiological changes, it has been reported that the expression of genes and proteins in spermatozoa, mRNA stability and epigenetic content may be affected by freeze-thaw process. These changes in frozen-thawed spermatozoa can affect fertility potential and embryo development. There are multiple safety issues in cryopreservation, such as toxicity, epigenetic stability, and microbial contamination. Of these issues, little is known about the effects of cryopreservation on epigenetic stability and the health of children born with frozen spermatozoa. In this review, articles on changes in sperm and their epigenetic modifications during cryopreservation are summarized.


  • 1. Wang W, Todorov P , Pei C , Wang M , Isachenko E, Rahimi G, et al. Epigenetic Alterations in Cryopreserved Human Spermatozoa: Suspected Potential Functional Defects. Cells . 2022 Jul 4;11(13):2110
  • 2. Estudillo E, Jimenez A, Bustamante-Nieves PE, Palacios-Reyes C, Velasco I, Lopez-Ornelas A. Cryopreservation of Gametes and Embryos and Their Molecular Changes. Int J Mol Sci . 2021 Oct 8;22(19):10864
  • 3. Khosravizadeh Z, Khodamoradi K, Rashidi Z, Jahromi M, Shiri E, Salehi E, et al. Sperm cryopreservation and DNA methylation: possible implications for ART success and the health of offspring. J Assist Reprod Genet . 2022 Aug;39(8):1815-1824
  • 4. Khosravizadeh Z, Hassanzadeh G, Bazzaz JT, Alizadeh F, Totonchi M, Salehi E, et al. The effect of cryopreservation on DNA methylation patterns of the chromosome 15q11–q13 region in human spermatozoa. Cell Tissue Bank . 2020 Sep;21(3):433-445
  • 5. Fleming T P, Kwong W Y, Porter R, Ursell E, Fesenko I, Wilkins A, et al. The embryo and its future. Biol Reprod, 2004, 71: 1046–1054
  • 6. Chao S, Li J, Jin X, Tang H,Wang G, Gao G. Epigenetic reprogramming of embryos derived from sperm frozen at -20°C. Sci China Life Sci . 2012 Apr;55(4):349-57.
  • 7. Castillo J, Amaral A, OlivaR. Sperm nuclear proteome and its epigenetic potential. Andrology 2014 May;2(3):326-38.
  • 8. Donkin I, Barres R. Sperm epigenetics and influence of environmental factors. Mol Metab . 2018 Aug;14:1-11.
  • 9. Sciorio R, Esteves SC. Contemporary Use of ICSI and Epigenetic Risks to Future Generations. J Clin Med . 2022 Apr 11;11(8):2135.
  • 10. Montjean D, Zini A, Ravel C, Belloc S, Dalleac A, Copin H, et al. Sperm global DNA methylation level: association with semen parameters and genome integrity, Andrology . 2015 Mar;3(2):235-40
  • 11. Hezavehei M , Sharafi M, Kouchesfahani HM, Henkel R, Agarwal A , Esmaeili V. Sperm cryopreservation: A review on current molecular cryobiology and advanced approaches. Reprod Biomed Online . 2018 Sep;37(3):327-339.
  • 12. Bogle OA, Kumar K , Attardo-Parrinello C, Lewis SEM, Estanyol JM, Ballesca JL, et al. Identification of protein changes in human spermatozoa throughout the cryopreservation process. Andrology . 2017 Jan;5(1):10-22.
  • 13. Chatterjee A, Saha D, Niemann H, Gryshkov O, Glasmacher B, Hofmann N. Effects of cryopreservation on the epigenetic profile of cells. Cryobiology, 2017 Feb;74:1-7.
  • 14. Hanna CV, Demond H, Kelsey G. Epigenetic regulation in development: is the mouse a good model for the human? Hum Reprod Update . 2018 Sep 1;24(5):556-576.
  • 15. Huang C, Tang YL, Hu JL, Zhou WJ, Huang ZH, Luo XF, et al. Update on techniques for cryopreservation of human spermatozoa. Asian J Androl (2022) 24, 1–7
  • 16. Zeng C, Peng W, Ding Lİ, He L, Zhang Y, Fang D, et al. A preliminary study on epigenetic changes during boar spermatozoa cryopreservation, Cryobiology Volume 69, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 119-127
  • 17. Floresa E , Ramio-Llucha L , Buccib D , Fernandez-Novellc JM , Penaa A , Rodriguez-Gil JE. Freezing-thawing induces alterations in histone H1-DNA binding and the breaking of protein-DNA disulfide bonds in boar sperm, Theriogenology 76 (2011) 1450 –1464
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Journal Section Review

Mehmet Caner Özer 0000-0002-4398-9598

Publication Date July 3, 2023
Submission Date October 10, 2022
Acceptance Date October 23, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


Vancouver Özer MC. Spermatozoa Kryoprezervasyonunda Epigenetik Değişiklikler. JGON. 2023;20(2):1778-83.