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Gebelikte Maternal Kilo Artışının Yenidoğan TSH Sonuçlarına Etkisi

Year 2022, , 1500 - 1505, 31.12.2022


Amaç: Annenin gebelik döneminde kilo artışının yenidoğanın ölçülen ilk TSH düzeyleri üzerine etkisini araştırmaktır.
Gereçler: Güngören 30 Ağustos Aile Sağlığı Merkezinde; takip edilen 112 gebe ve bu gebelerin 112 bebeği retrospektif olarak incelendi. Gebelerin boy, kilo ölçümleri ve vücut kitle indekslerinin (VKİ) hesaplandığı gebelik haftaları, bebeklerin doğum tartıları ve TSH değerleri alındı. Gebeler, normal (VKİ<24,9 kg/m2), fazla (25,030,0kg/m2) olarak üç gruba ayrıldı. Bebeklerin TSH değeri <5 mIU/L normal, >5 mIU/L ise anormal olarak sınıflandırıldı.
Bulgular: Gebelerin yaş ortalaması 27,15,6 idi. Gravida 2,01,0 idi. Gebelerin birinci trimester kiloları 9,02,1 gebelik haftalarında, üçüncü trimester ölçümleri ise ortalama 35,01,7 gebelik haftalarında ölçülmüştü. Birinci trimesterde fazla kilolu grupta olan gebelerden doğan bebeklerin doğum tartılarının en yüksek olduğu, 3.trimesterde ise obez grupta yer alan gebelerden doğan bebeklerin doğum tartılarının en yüksek olduğu görüldü. Birinci ve üçüncü trimesterde VKİ’leri normal olan gebeler daha genç, fazla kilolu ve obez olan gebeler ise daha yaşlı bulundu. Birinci trimester VKİ<24,9kg/m2 olanların bebeklerinde anormal TSH görülme sıklığının daha fazla olduğu görüldü. Gebelerin 1.trimester ve 3.trimesterde hesaplanan VKİ’leri ile bebeğin TSH düzeyleri arasında bir ilişki tespit edilemedi.
Sonuç: Gebede kilo artışının neonatal TSH düzeylerini etkilemediğini, ancak maternal VKİ’nin yenidoğan bebeğin tartısını etkilediğini saptadık. Gebe izleminde standart kilo izlemi yanında VKİ izlemi yapılması önem arz etmektedir.


  • 1. Zhang Y, Du C, Wang W, Chen W, Shao P, Wang C, et al. Effect of maternal and neonatal factors on neonatal thyroid stimulating hormone: Results from a population-based prospective cohort study in China. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2018;49:151-6.
  • 2. Kahr KM, Antony MK, DelBeccaro M, Hu M, Aagaard MK, Suter AM. Increasing maternal obesity is associated with alterations in both maternal and neonatal thyroid hormone levels. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2016;84(4):551-7.
  • 3. Herbstman J, Apelberg JB, Witter RF, Panny S, Goldman RL. Maternal, infant, and delivery factors associated with neonatal thyroid hormone status. Thyroid. 2008;18(1):67-76.
  • 4. Brent G.(Editör). Thyroid Function Testing. In: Andersson M. Zimmermann M. Influence of Iodine Deficiency and Excess on Thyroid Function Tests. vol 28. Boston, MA. Springer. 2010:45-69.
  • 5. Türkiye Halk Sağlığı Kurumu Kadın ve Üreme Sağlığı Daire Başkanlığı Doğum Öncesi Bakım Yönetim Rehberi, Sağlık Bakanlığı Yayın No:924, Ankara, 2014:1-32.
  • 6. Rasmussen MK, Abrams B, Bodnar ML, Butte FN, Catalano MP, Siega-Riz MA. Recommendations for weight gain during pregnancy in the context of the obesity epidemic. Obstet Gynecol. 2010;116(5):1191-5.
  • 7. Deputy PN, Sharma JA, Kim SY. Gestational Weight Gain - United States, 2012 and 2013. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015;64(43):1215-20.
  • 8. Satpathy KH, Fleming A, Frey D, Barsoom M, Satpathy C, Khandalavala J. Maternal obesity and pregnancy. Postgrad Med. 2008;120(3):E01-9.
  • 9. Trumpff C, Schepper De J, Vanderfaeillie J, Vercruysse N, Oyen Van H, Reyes-Moreno R, et al. Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Concentration at Birth in Belgian Neonates and Cognitive Development at Preschool Age. Nutrients. 2015;7(11):9018-32.
  • 10. Lindsay CA, Huston L, Amini SB, Catalano MP. Longitudinal changes in the relationship between body mass index and percent body fat in pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol. 1997;89(3):377-82.
  • 11. Sewell FM, Huston-Presley L, Amini BS, Catalano MP. Body mass index: a true indicator of body fat in obese gravidas. J Reprod Med. 2007;52(10):907-11.
  • 12. Marshall EN, Murphy JE, King CJ, Haas KE, Lim YJ, Wiedrick J, et al. Comparison of multiple methods to measure maternal fat mass in late gestation. Am J Clin Nutr. 2016;103(4):1055-63.
  • 13. Bakar Tiker F. Genişletilmiş Yenidoğan Taraması. Türkiye Klinikleri Pediatri Dergisi. 2012;21(4):212-23.
  • 14. Tanyalçın T. Yenidoğanlarda Biyokimyasal Tarama Testleri. Turkish Journal of Biochemistry. 2002;27:69-78.

The Effects of Maternal Weight-gain During Pregnancy on Neonatal TSH Results

Year 2022, , 1500 - 1505, 31.12.2022


Aim: To investigate whether the mother's weight gain during pregnancy affects the newborn first measured TSH levels.
Material and Methods: In Gungoren 30 Ağustos Family Health Center; 112 pregnant and 112 babies were included. The height, weight, and body mass index (BMI) with gestational weeks (gw) of pregnant and birth weight(BW) and TSH levels of newborns were taken. Pregnants were categorized into three groups as normal (BMI<24.9kg/m2), overweight (25.030.0kg/m2). Newborns with a TSH value of <5mIU/L as normal, and >5mIU/L as abnormal were classified.
Results: The mean age of the pregnant was 27.15.6 years. The gravida was 2.01.0. The weights of pregnant had been measured at 9.02.1 gw in the first trimester and at 35.01.7 gw in the third trimester. It was observed that babies born to overweight mothers in the 1st trimester had the highest BW, while babies born to obese mothers of the 3rd trimester had the highest BW. Mothers with normal BMI in the 1st and 3rd trimesters were younger, and mothers who were overweight and obese were older. The frequency of abnormal TSH was higher in the first trimester BMI<24,9kg/m2 of mothers. There was no relation between the 1st and 3rd trimester BMI of pregnant and neonatal TSH levels.
Conclusion: We found that maternal weight gain during pregnancy did not affect neonatal TSH levels but, maternal BMI was closely related to the newborn BW. The importance of follow-up of maternal BMI during pregnancy in addition to standard weight measurements should be emphasized.


  • 1. Zhang Y, Du C, Wang W, Chen W, Shao P, Wang C, et al. Effect of maternal and neonatal factors on neonatal thyroid stimulating hormone: Results from a population-based prospective cohort study in China. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2018;49:151-6.
  • 2. Kahr KM, Antony MK, DelBeccaro M, Hu M, Aagaard MK, Suter AM. Increasing maternal obesity is associated with alterations in both maternal and neonatal thyroid hormone levels. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2016;84(4):551-7.
  • 3. Herbstman J, Apelberg JB, Witter RF, Panny S, Goldman RL. Maternal, infant, and delivery factors associated with neonatal thyroid hormone status. Thyroid. 2008;18(1):67-76.
  • 4. Brent G.(Editör). Thyroid Function Testing. In: Andersson M. Zimmermann M. Influence of Iodine Deficiency and Excess on Thyroid Function Tests. vol 28. Boston, MA. Springer. 2010:45-69.
  • 5. Türkiye Halk Sağlığı Kurumu Kadın ve Üreme Sağlığı Daire Başkanlığı Doğum Öncesi Bakım Yönetim Rehberi, Sağlık Bakanlığı Yayın No:924, Ankara, 2014:1-32.
  • 6. Rasmussen MK, Abrams B, Bodnar ML, Butte FN, Catalano MP, Siega-Riz MA. Recommendations for weight gain during pregnancy in the context of the obesity epidemic. Obstet Gynecol. 2010;116(5):1191-5.
  • 7. Deputy PN, Sharma JA, Kim SY. Gestational Weight Gain - United States, 2012 and 2013. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015;64(43):1215-20.
  • 8. Satpathy KH, Fleming A, Frey D, Barsoom M, Satpathy C, Khandalavala J. Maternal obesity and pregnancy. Postgrad Med. 2008;120(3):E01-9.
  • 9. Trumpff C, Schepper De J, Vanderfaeillie J, Vercruysse N, Oyen Van H, Reyes-Moreno R, et al. Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Concentration at Birth in Belgian Neonates and Cognitive Development at Preschool Age. Nutrients. 2015;7(11):9018-32.
  • 10. Lindsay CA, Huston L, Amini SB, Catalano MP. Longitudinal changes in the relationship between body mass index and percent body fat in pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol. 1997;89(3):377-82.
  • 11. Sewell FM, Huston-Presley L, Amini BS, Catalano MP. Body mass index: a true indicator of body fat in obese gravidas. J Reprod Med. 2007;52(10):907-11.
  • 12. Marshall EN, Murphy JE, King CJ, Haas KE, Lim YJ, Wiedrick J, et al. Comparison of multiple methods to measure maternal fat mass in late gestation. Am J Clin Nutr. 2016;103(4):1055-63.
  • 13. Bakar Tiker F. Genişletilmiş Yenidoğan Taraması. Türkiye Klinikleri Pediatri Dergisi. 2012;21(4):212-23.
  • 14. Tanyalçın T. Yenidoğanlarda Biyokimyasal Tarama Testleri. Turkish Journal of Biochemistry. 2002;27:69-78.
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Paediatrics
Journal Section Research Articles

Özge Torun 0000-0001-6111-2098

Raziye Dut 0000-0002-3202-6614

Zuhal Aydan Sağlam 0000-0003-2523-3495

Serdar Cömert 0000-0001-5843-3034

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Submission Date August 22, 2021
Acceptance Date October 17, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


Vancouver Torun Ö, Dut R, Aydan Sağlam Z, Cömert S. Gebelikte Maternal Kilo Artışının Yenidoğan TSH Sonuçlarına Etkisi. JGON. 2022;19(4):1500-5.