Multiple primary malignancies are known as synchronous and metachronous tumors depending on the interval between tumor diagnosis. Synchronous cancers are secondary tumors occurring simultaneously or within 6 months after the first malignancy. We present a case that breast cancer was diagnosed firstly, and then endometrial cancer was diagnosed after 3 months and at the time of the staging surgery for endometrial cancer she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
Güzin K, Tekcan C, Naki MM, Kayataş S, Zemheri E, Kanadikirik F, et al. Synchronous primary cancers of the endometrium and ovary: a case report. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 2006;27(4):425-8.
Escobar PA, Smith MT, Vasishta A, Hubbard AE, Zhang L. Leukemia- specific chromosome damage detected by comet with florescence in situ hybridization (comet-FISH). Mutagenesis. 2007;22, 321-7.
Arpaci E, Tokluoglu S, Yetigyigit T, Alkis N. Multiple primary malignan- cies-a retrospective analysis at a single center in Turkey. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2013;14(2):769-73.
Phupong V, Khemapech N, Triratanachat S. Triple synchronous primary cervical, endometrial and ovarian cancer with four different histologic patterns. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2007;276:655–658.
Atasever M, Yilmaz B, Dilek G, Akçay EY, Kelekeci S. Synchronous Primary Carcinoma in 5 Different Organs of a Female Genital Tract An Unusual Case and Review of the Literature. Int J of Gynecol Cancer. 2009;19:802-7.
Eifel P, Hendrickson M, Ross J, Ballon S, Martinez A, Kempson R. Simul- taneous presentation of carcinoma involving the ovary and the uterine corpus. Cancer 1982;50:163-70.
Ayhan A, Yalçin OT, Tuncer ZS, Gürgan T, Küçükali T. Synchronous primary malignancies of the female genital tract Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 1992; 45:63-6.
Soliman PT, Slomovitz BM, Broaddus RR, Sun CC, Oh JC, Eifel PJ, et al. Synchronous primary cancers of the endometrium and ovary: a single institution review of 84 cases [review]. Gynecol Oncol. 2004;94:456-62.
Gülhan I, Eser S, Yakut C, Bige O, Ilhan E, Yildirim Y, et al. Second pri- mary gynecologic cancers after breast cancer in Turkish women. Int J Gynecol Cancer, 2009;19:648-50.
Busquets M, Gonzalez-Bosquet E, Muchart J, Rovira C, Laïlla JM. Gra- nulosa cell tumor and endometrial cancer: a case report and review of the literature. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 2010;31(5):575-8.
Prat J, Matias-Guiu X, Barreto J. Simultaneous carcinoma involving the endometrium and ovary: a clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical, and DNA flow cytometric study of 18 cases. Cancer 1991;68:2455-9.
Lewin S, Herzog T, Barrena Medel NI, Deutsch I, Burke WM, Sun X, et al. Comparative performance of the new versus old FIGO staging system for endometrial cancer. Obstet Gynecol. 2010; 116: 1141-9.
Plataniotis G, Castiglione M. Endometrial cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Gu- idelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann Oncol. 2010; 21:41-5.
Juhasz-Böss, Fehm T, Becker S, Rothmund R, Krämer B, Staebler A. Endometrial Cancer: Comparison of Patients with Synchronous Primary Carcinoma of the Endometrium and Ovary vs. Endometrial Carcinoma with Ovarian Metastases. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd. 2012 Aug;72(8): 721–726.
Ma SK, Zhang HT, Sun YC, Wu LY. Synchronous primary cancers of the endometrium and ovary: review of 43 cases. Zhonghua Zhong Liu Za Zhi. 2008 Sep;30(9):690-4.
Üçlü Senkron Primer Over, Endometrium ve Meme Kanseri: Bir Olgu Sunumu
Year 2019,
Volume: 16 Issue: 3, 180 - 182, 01.07.2019
Tümörlerin teşhisleri arasındaki süreye bağlı olarak, multipl primer maligniteler senkron ve metakron tümörler olarak bilinir. Senkron kanserler, aynı anda veya ilk maligniteden sonra 6 ay içinde ortaya çıkan sekonder tümörlerdir.Sunduğumuz hastamız ilk önce meme kanseri tanısı aldı ve 3 ay sonra endometrium kanseri tespit edildi. Evreleme cerrahisi sırasında ise over kanseri tanısı konuldu.
Güzin K, Tekcan C, Naki MM, Kayataş S, Zemheri E, Kanadikirik F, et al. Synchronous primary cancers of the endometrium and ovary: a case report. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 2006;27(4):425-8.
Escobar PA, Smith MT, Vasishta A, Hubbard AE, Zhang L. Leukemia- specific chromosome damage detected by comet with florescence in situ hybridization (comet-FISH). Mutagenesis. 2007;22, 321-7.
Arpaci E, Tokluoglu S, Yetigyigit T, Alkis N. Multiple primary malignan- cies-a retrospective analysis at a single center in Turkey. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2013;14(2):769-73.
Phupong V, Khemapech N, Triratanachat S. Triple synchronous primary cervical, endometrial and ovarian cancer with four different histologic patterns. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2007;276:655–658.
Atasever M, Yilmaz B, Dilek G, Akçay EY, Kelekeci S. Synchronous Primary Carcinoma in 5 Different Organs of a Female Genital Tract An Unusual Case and Review of the Literature. Int J of Gynecol Cancer. 2009;19:802-7.
Eifel P, Hendrickson M, Ross J, Ballon S, Martinez A, Kempson R. Simul- taneous presentation of carcinoma involving the ovary and the uterine corpus. Cancer 1982;50:163-70.
Ayhan A, Yalçin OT, Tuncer ZS, Gürgan T, Küçükali T. Synchronous primary malignancies of the female genital tract Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 1992; 45:63-6.
Soliman PT, Slomovitz BM, Broaddus RR, Sun CC, Oh JC, Eifel PJ, et al. Synchronous primary cancers of the endometrium and ovary: a single institution review of 84 cases [review]. Gynecol Oncol. 2004;94:456-62.
Gülhan I, Eser S, Yakut C, Bige O, Ilhan E, Yildirim Y, et al. Second pri- mary gynecologic cancers after breast cancer in Turkish women. Int J Gynecol Cancer, 2009;19:648-50.
Busquets M, Gonzalez-Bosquet E, Muchart J, Rovira C, Laïlla JM. Gra- nulosa cell tumor and endometrial cancer: a case report and review of the literature. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 2010;31(5):575-8.
Prat J, Matias-Guiu X, Barreto J. Simultaneous carcinoma involving the endometrium and ovary: a clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical, and DNA flow cytometric study of 18 cases. Cancer 1991;68:2455-9.
Lewin S, Herzog T, Barrena Medel NI, Deutsch I, Burke WM, Sun X, et al. Comparative performance of the new versus old FIGO staging system for endometrial cancer. Obstet Gynecol. 2010; 116: 1141-9.
Plataniotis G, Castiglione M. Endometrial cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Gu- idelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann Oncol. 2010; 21:41-5.
Juhasz-Böss, Fehm T, Becker S, Rothmund R, Krämer B, Staebler A. Endometrial Cancer: Comparison of Patients with Synchronous Primary Carcinoma of the Endometrium and Ovary vs. Endometrial Carcinoma with Ovarian Metastases. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd. 2012 Aug;72(8): 721–726.
Ma SK, Zhang HT, Sun YC, Wu LY. Synchronous primary cancers of the endometrium and ovary: review of 43 cases. Zhonghua Zhong Liu Za Zhi. 2008 Sep;30(9):690-4.