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Reproductive Health in Disabled Women

Year 2018, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 28 - 30, 01.01.2018


Approximately 12.5% of the world’s population is made up of people with disabilities and they have certain fundamental rights. One of these is the right to receive services on sexuality and reproductive health. We aimed to discuss the problems that disabled women have with reproductive health and introduce what kind of solutions should be offered to them.


  • WHO, World report on disability, 2011. world_report/2011/report.pdf
  • WHO. Disability - Draft WHO global disability action plan 2014–2021: Better health for all people with disability - Report by the Secretariat. Sixty-Seventh World Health Assembly, A67/16; 2014. http://www.who. int/disabilities/actionplan/en/
  • Global Status Report on Disability and Development Prototype 2015, United Version, 2016. lity/2016/GlobalStatusReportonDisabilityandDevelopment.pdf
  • Rimmer JH, Rowland JL.. Health promotion for people with disabilities: implications for empowering the person and promoting disability-friendly environments. Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. 2008;2:409-420.
  • Royal Collage of Nursing. Pregnancy and Disability: RCN Guidance for Midwives and Nurses, 2007. file/0010/78733/003113.pdf
  • Human Right Center. The convention on the rıghts of persons wıth di- sabilitıes. Training guide no:19, 2008. Publications/CRPD_TrainingGuide_PTS19_EN%20Accessible.pdf
  • Krahn GL, Walker DK, Correa-De-Araujo R, Persons With Disabilities as an Unrecognized Health Disparity Population. Am J Public Health. 2015; 105: S198–S206.
  • Addlakha R, Price J, Heidari S, Disability and sexuality: claiming sexual and reproductive rights. Reprod Health Matters. 2017;25:4-9
  • Karataş K, Gökçearslan Çifci E. Türkiye’de engelli kadın olmak: dene- yimler ve çözüm önerileri. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2010;3(13):147-153
  • Iezzoni LI, Wint AJ, Smeltzer SC, Ecker JL. Physical Accessibility of Routine Prenatal Care for Women with Mobility Disability. J Womens He- alth (Larchmt), 2015;24(12): 1006–1012.
  • Murthy GVS, John N, Sagar J, South India Disability Evidence Study Group Reproductive health of women with and without disabilities in South India, the SIDE study (South India Disability Evidence) study: a case control study. BMC Womens Health. 2014; 14: 146.
  • WHO/UNFPA guidance note. Promoting sexual and reproductive health for persons with disabilities, 2009. files/pub-pdf/srh_for_disabilities.pdf
  • Smeltzer SC, Zimmerman VL, Health promotion interests of women with disabilities. J Neurosci Nurs, 2005;37:80-86.

Engelli Kadınlarda Üreme Sağlığı

Year 2018, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 28 - 30, 01.01.2018


Tüm dünya nüfusunun yaklaşık %12.5’i engelli insanlar tarafından oluşmaktadır ve temel hakları vardır. Bu haklar içerisinde yer alan haklardan bir tanesi de cinsellik ve üreme sağlığı konusunda hizmet alma hakkıdır. Biz de burdan yola çıkarak, bu derlememizde engelli kadınların üreme sağlığı konusunda yaşadıkları problemleri ele alıp onlara ne tür hizmetler ve çözümler sunulması gerektiğini anlatmayı amaçladık.


  • WHO, World report on disability, 2011. world_report/2011/report.pdf
  • WHO. Disability - Draft WHO global disability action plan 2014–2021: Better health for all people with disability - Report by the Secretariat. Sixty-Seventh World Health Assembly, A67/16; 2014. http://www.who. int/disabilities/actionplan/en/
  • Global Status Report on Disability and Development Prototype 2015, United Version, 2016. lity/2016/GlobalStatusReportonDisabilityandDevelopment.pdf
  • Rimmer JH, Rowland JL.. Health promotion for people with disabilities: implications for empowering the person and promoting disability-friendly environments. Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. 2008;2:409-420.
  • Royal Collage of Nursing. Pregnancy and Disability: RCN Guidance for Midwives and Nurses, 2007. file/0010/78733/003113.pdf
  • Human Right Center. The convention on the rıghts of persons wıth di- sabilitıes. Training guide no:19, 2008. Publications/CRPD_TrainingGuide_PTS19_EN%20Accessible.pdf
  • Krahn GL, Walker DK, Correa-De-Araujo R, Persons With Disabilities as an Unrecognized Health Disparity Population. Am J Public Health. 2015; 105: S198–S206.
  • Addlakha R, Price J, Heidari S, Disability and sexuality: claiming sexual and reproductive rights. Reprod Health Matters. 2017;25:4-9
  • Karataş K, Gökçearslan Çifci E. Türkiye’de engelli kadın olmak: dene- yimler ve çözüm önerileri. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2010;3(13):147-153
  • Iezzoni LI, Wint AJ, Smeltzer SC, Ecker JL. Physical Accessibility of Routine Prenatal Care for Women with Mobility Disability. J Womens He- alth (Larchmt), 2015;24(12): 1006–1012.
  • Murthy GVS, John N, Sagar J, South India Disability Evidence Study Group Reproductive health of women with and without disabilities in South India, the SIDE study (South India Disability Evidence) study: a case control study. BMC Womens Health. 2014; 14: 146.
  • WHO/UNFPA guidance note. Promoting sexual and reproductive health for persons with disabilities, 2009. files/pub-pdf/srh_for_disabilities.pdf
  • Smeltzer SC, Zimmerman VL, Health promotion interests of women with disabilities. J Neurosci Nurs, 2005;37:80-86.
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Collection

Demet Kokanalı

Müjdegül Karaca This is me

Şule Özel This is me

Yaprak Engin Üstün This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 15 Issue: 1


Vancouver Kokanalı D, Karaca M, Özel Ş, Üstün YE. Engelli Kadınlarda Üreme Sağlığı. JGON. 2018;15(1):28-30.