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Prenatal Diagnosis And Management Of Ureterocele: A Case Report

Year 2016, Özel Sayı, 42 - 43, 01.06.2016


Ureterocele is the cystic dilation of submucosal layer of ureter and its incidence is reported to be around 1 in 500. The condition is more prevalent among female gender and caucasian race. The two types of ureterocele are intravesical and ectopic ureterocele. Herein we present our prenatally diagnosed ureterocele case. The fetus was diagnosed with intravesical ureterocele during 24th gestational week via ultrasound. After an uneventful pregnancy a healthy 2190 g female baby was delivered without complications at 39th gestational week. Postnatally the newborn had several pyelonephritis episodes and the ureterocele was excised via endoscopy. After the treatment pyelonephritis attacks ceased. Prenatal diagnosis of ureterocele is important due to possible complications of the condition. Without prenatal detection, the delay in diagnosis could lead to more severe complications.


  • Yiee J,Wilcox D. Abnormalities of the bladder Seminars in Fetal & Neona- tal Medicine. 2008 :164-170.
  • Merlini E, Lelli Chiesa P. Obstructive ureterocele—an ongoing challenge World J Urol 2004; 22: 107–114.
  • Uson AC, Lattimer JK, Melicow MM. Ureteroceles in infants and children: a report based on 44 cases. Pediatrics 1961; 27:971-983.
  • Glassberg KI, Braren V, Duckett JW, Jacobs EC, King LR, Lebowitz RL et al. Suggested terminology for duplex systems, ectopic ureters and ureteroceles. J Urol 1984; 132:1153-1154.
  • Stephens F, Smith E, Hutson J. Ureteroceles on duplex ureters. Conge- nital anomalies of the kidney, urinary and genital tracts. London: Martin Dunitz, 2002: 243-262.
  • Coplen DE,Duckett JW.The modern approach to ureteroceles J Urol 1995;153:166.
  • Godinho AB,Nunes C,Janeiro M,Carvalho R,Melo MA,Graça LM Ure- terocele: Antenatal diagnosis and management Fetal Diagn Ther 2013;34:188-191.
  • Upadhyay J,Bolduc S,Braga L,Farhat W,Bäglı D,McLorie GA,Khoury AE,El-Ghoneimi. Impact of Prenatal Diagnosis on the Morbidity Associ- ated With Ureterocele Management. The Journal of Urology 2002;167: 2560–2565.
  • Cooper CS, Passerini-Glazel G, Hutcheson JC, Iafrate M, Camuffo C, Mi- lani C, Snyder HM . Long-term followup of endoscopic incision of urete- roceles: intravesical versus extravesical. J Urol. 2000;164:1097-9.
  • Baskin LS, Mattoo TK, Kim MS Ureterocele Uptodate 2015 1-11.

Prenatal Üreterosel Tanısı ve Yönetimi: Olgu Sunumu

Year 2016, Özel Sayı, 42 - 43, 01.06.2016


Üreterosel intravezikal submukozal üreterin kistik dilatasyonudur. İnsidansına bakıldığında 1/500 olarak rapor edilmiştir. Sıklıkla kızlarda ve beyaz ırkta rastlanmaktadır. İntravezikal ve ektopik olmak üzere iki şekilde karşımıza çıkabilir. Postnatal ise üriner sistem enfeksiyonları, renal yetmezlik, sepsis gibi ciddi durumlarla da karşımıza çıkabilir. Olgumuz 24. gebelik haftasında intravezikal üreteroseli saptanmış, kliniğimiz perinatoloji bölümüne refere edilmiştir. Takiplerinde intrauterin gelişme geriliği saptanan, amnion mayi indeksi normal seyreden olgu 39. gebelik haftasında 2190 gr. APGAR 1. dakika 8,5.dakika 9 ile doğurtuldu. Postnatal takiplerinde pyelonefrit atakları geçiren yenidoğan antibiyotik tedavisi sonrası endoskopik olarak üreteroseli eksize edilmiştir. Üreteroselin oluşabilecek komplikasyonlar nedeniyle prenatal tanısı çok önemlidir. Özellikle prenatal tanısı olmayan yenidoğanlarda erken tanı olmaması nedeniyle daha ağır komplikasyonlarla karşılaşılacağını düşünmekteyiz.


  • Yiee J,Wilcox D. Abnormalities of the bladder Seminars in Fetal & Neona- tal Medicine. 2008 :164-170.
  • Merlini E, Lelli Chiesa P. Obstructive ureterocele—an ongoing challenge World J Urol 2004; 22: 107–114.
  • Uson AC, Lattimer JK, Melicow MM. Ureteroceles in infants and children: a report based on 44 cases. Pediatrics 1961; 27:971-983.
  • Glassberg KI, Braren V, Duckett JW, Jacobs EC, King LR, Lebowitz RL et al. Suggested terminology for duplex systems, ectopic ureters and ureteroceles. J Urol 1984; 132:1153-1154.
  • Stephens F, Smith E, Hutson J. Ureteroceles on duplex ureters. Conge- nital anomalies of the kidney, urinary and genital tracts. London: Martin Dunitz, 2002: 243-262.
  • Coplen DE,Duckett JW.The modern approach to ureteroceles J Urol 1995;153:166.
  • Godinho AB,Nunes C,Janeiro M,Carvalho R,Melo MA,Graça LM Ure- terocele: Antenatal diagnosis and management Fetal Diagn Ther 2013;34:188-191.
  • Upadhyay J,Bolduc S,Braga L,Farhat W,Bäglı D,McLorie GA,Khoury AE,El-Ghoneimi. Impact of Prenatal Diagnosis on the Morbidity Associ- ated With Ureterocele Management. The Journal of Urology 2002;167: 2560–2565.
  • Cooper CS, Passerini-Glazel G, Hutcheson JC, Iafrate M, Camuffo C, Mi- lani C, Snyder HM . Long-term followup of endoscopic incision of urete- roceles: intravesical versus extravesical. J Urol. 2000;164:1097-9.
  • Baskin LS, Mattoo TK, Kim MS Ureterocele Uptodate 2015 1-11.
There are 10 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Case Report

Seda Şahin Aker This is me

Tuncay Yüce This is me

Erkan Kalafat This is me

Acar Koç This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Özel Sayı


Vancouver Şahin Aker S, Yüce T, Kalafat E, Koç A. Prenatal Üreterosel Tanısı ve Yönetimi: Olgu Sunumu. JGON. 2016;13:42-3.