Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 12/26/23

Year: 2023

Journal of Health Systems and Policies (JHESP) is the publication of Istanbul Medipol University Health Systems and Policies Application and Research Center. It is published in order to follow the developments in the field of Health Systems and Health Policies, to create qualified resources, and to contribute to the international development of qualified academic/scientific publications in this field.

Journal of Health Systems and Policies (JHESP) includes qualified research and results, scientific reviews, compilations, and observation articles in subjects such as health services, medical sciences, health sciences, health informatics, health care management, public health, especially health systems and policies. Scientific publications sent to the journal are published twice a year, in June and December.

The publication rights of academic articles sent to JHESP, which has an open access policy, belong to the journal. These articles cannot be published, reproduced, or used in another publication without the permission of the journal administration.

Preparing the Manuscript

General Considerations

Manuscripts do not have page limitations but should be kept to a minimum length. Authors should write in clear, concise English, employing an editing service if necessary.

All text (including the title page, abstract, all sections of the body of the paper, figure captions, scheme or chart titles, and footnotes and references) and tables should be in one file. Graphics may be included with the text or uploaded as separate files.

The submission file is in Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format with use page size A4. 2.5 cm margins should be left at the edges of the page and the page numbers should be placed in the upper right corner of the page. The text is double-spaced and uses a 12-point font. It is best to use the font “Times New Roman”. This applies to figures, schemes, and tables as well as text.

Article Title: Times New Roman 16 point, Bold font, 2 nk

Author Information: Times New Roman 12 point, Bold font, 2 nk

Text Font Size: Times New Roman 12 point, 2 nk

Footnote Font Size: Times New Roman 12 point, 1 nk

Table and Figure font size: Times New Roman 10-12 point

Table and Figure Naming: Times New Roman 10 point

The responsibility for all aspects of manuscript preparation rests with the authors. Extensive changes or rewriting of the manuscript will not be undertaken by the editors.

Manuscripts that do not adhere to the guidelines may be returned to authors for correction.

The manuscript has not been previously published, or still should not be sent to another journal for consideration.

Manuscript Organization

Title Page: The title of the manuscript should reflect the purposes and findings of the work in order to provide maximum information in a computerized title search.

Authors' Names and Affiliations: The authors' full first names, middle initials, last names, and affiliations with addresses at the time of work completion should be listed.

Abstract and Keywords: Articles of all types must have an abstract. The maximum length of the abstract should be 400 words, organized in a the findings-oriented format in which the most important results and conclusions are summarized.

After the abstract, a section of keywords has to be given. Keywords should be at least 3, maximum 5.

Within the scope of “Ethics Committee Approval” , ethics committee approval must be obtained for studies requiring an ethics committee decision, this approval must be specified and documented in the method section of the article (name of the committee, date and number). Otherwise, your articles will not be evaluated.

Main text

Original Research articles should include the following:

  •        Introduction
  •        Methodology
  •        Results
  •        Discussion and Conclusions
  •        Ancillary Information. (If necessary)

o   Include pertinent information in the order listed immediately before the references.

o   Corresponding Author Information: Provide telephone numbers and email addresses for each of the designated corresponding authors.

o   Present/Current Author Addresses: Provide information for authors whose affiliations or addresses have changed.

o   Author Contributions: Include statements such as "These authors contributed equally."

o   Acknowledgment: Authors may acknowledge the conflict of interest, people, organizations, financial supporters in this section.

  References and Notes

  • The accuracy of the references is the responsibility of the author(s). List all authors; do not use et al. Provide inclusive page numbers. The last version of APA style should be used consistently throughout the references. For more details, please follow the link below. References should be 10 fonts. (https://apastyle.apa.org/)

Article: Anderson, R., Grigsby, A., Freedland, K., De Groot, M., McGill, J.B., Clouse, R.E., Lustman, P.J. (2002). Anxiety and poor glycemic control: A meta-analytic review of the literature. The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 32, 235-247.

Website: Mitchell, J.A. (2017, May 21). How and when to reference. https://www.howandwhentoreference.com.

Non-Authorized Website: Unspecified (2017, May 21). How and when to reference. https://www.howandwhentoreference.com.

Official Newspaper: Seventh Five-Year Development Plan 1996-2000. (1995). T.C. Official Gazette (25 July 1995).

Book: Clegg, S. (1990). Modern organizations: Organization studies in the postmodern world. London: Sage Publications.

Book section: Onan, K., Sennaroğlu, B. (2009). Comparative study of production control systems through simulation. N. Mastorakis, J. Sakellaris (Ed.), Advances in Numerical Methods  (67-78. ss.). New York; London: Springer. 

Translation Book: Piaget, J. (1954). The construction of reality in the child. (M. Cook, Trans.). New York, NY: Basic Books.(Original work published 1950)

Papers in the printed conference book: Game, A. (2001). Creative ways of being. J. R. Morss, N. Stephenson ve J. F. H. V. Rappard (Ed.), In Theoretical issues in psychology: Proceedings of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology 1999 Conference  (pp: 3-12). Sydney: Springer.

Paper in a published conference book: No editor: Doğdaş, T., Akyokuş, S. (2013). Document clustering using GIS visualizing and EM clustering method. 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA) (1-4. ss.). 

Unpublished conference paper: Santhanam, E., Martin, K., Goody, A., Hicks, O. (2001). Bottom-up steps towards closing the loop in feedback on teaching: A CUTSD project. Paper presented at Teaching and Learning Forum – Expanding horizons in teaching and learning, Perth, Australia, 7-9 February 2001.

Thesis: Yiğit, P. (2015). Examination of TIG (Diagnosis Related Groups) Data in Public Hospitals with Health Analytics Approach. Istanbul University, Institute of Social Sciences, Istanbul.

Reports and technical articles: Gencel Bek, M. (1998). Medscape Turkey 2000 (Report No. 2). Ankara: BAYAUM.

Data references: This journal encourages you to specify the underlying or discussable data discussions in your article by specifying your choice in your text and adding a data reference to your Reference List. Add [veriset] just before the reference, we can accurately identify it as the reference of the data.

Citing in the Text. For citations in the text, use the last name of the author(s) and the year of publication (e.g. for a single author (Aydin, 2018) / for two authors (Aydin and Ozen, 2018) / for three or more authors (Aydin et al., 2018)

References: The reference list should be included at the end of the main text. A paper which has been accepted for publication but which has not appeared may be cited in the reference list with the abbreviated name of the journal followed by the words "in press". See Reference Style below.

Citation in text: Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Any references cited in the abstract must be given in full. Unpublished results and personal communications are not recommended in the reference list but may be mentioned in the text. If these references are included in the reference list they should follow the standard reference style of the journal and should include a substitution of the publication date with either 'Unpublished results' or 'Personal communication'. Citation of a reference as 'in press' implies that the item has been accepted for publication.

Personal Communications may be used only when written authorization from the communicator is submitted with the original manuscript; they may be mentioned only in the text and in the following form: (G.H. Orwell, Department of Psychiatry, University of Washington, personal communication). Unpublished or submitted experiments by one of the authors may be mentioned only in the text, not in the References. Initials, as well as surnames, must be given for authors whose unpublished experiments are quoted: (M.L. King, unpublished observations).

Reference management software: Articles to be sent to our journal must be prepared in the reference software program (Mendeley, EndNote). You can easily download Mendeley through the following link: https://www.mendeley.com/download-reference-manager/windows

Reference style: In the text, references should be quoted as the name of the first author and year in chronological order. Multiple authors are indicated by "et al.", except when there are only two authors, in which case both names are written. For example, The pattern of the pathology instead represents a synaptically connected network of neurons (Braak and Brain, 1991; Morris, 1997). This hypothesis was recently proposed by Nagy et al. (1997).

Tables: Tables must be concise and as simple as possible. The title of each table should clearly indicate the nature of the contents and should be placed above the table.

Figures: All figures should be clear, easily legible. Legends should contain sufficient detail to permit figure interpretation without reference to the text. The title should be placed under the figure.

Tables and Figures should be included in the main text and written in parentheses with the number at the end of the relevant sentence in the text. For example .... (Table 1:) or ... (Figure 1:) If an abbreviation and/or symbol is used on the figure and table, it should be explained with 10 font size upper side the table or figure.

For review articles, these sections are not required: Methodology, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions.

Commentaries: Present the author’s viewpoint on the interpretation, analysis, or methods used in a particular study. The related article should be clearly stated. Text format is free, abstract is not required. The maximum word count is 1000 with a maximum of 5 references. Contact details of the responsible author should be provided.

 Submission Checklist

  • Please check the accuracy of the steps below before submitting your article, and submit it once you are sure.
    (+) The article should be prepared in accordance with the magazine template and rules.
    (+) The article file must be uploaded in word format.
    (+) Ethics committee document should be uploaded. (If you think that the ethics committee document is not required for your work, fill in a document stating this.)
    (+) The copyright file must be uploaded.
    (+) Conflict of interest document must be uploaded.
    (+) Article author information should be written completely (should be written without title information).
    (+) ORCID information of the authors should be written.
    (+) Referee recommendation should be made.

Submitting the Manuscript

Communication and log in to Author’s Module All submissions to JHESP should be made by using  Online Article Acceptance and Evaluation system on the journal web page.

Registration to System It is required to register into the Online Article Acceptance and Evaluation system  (Journal Park) for the first time while entering by clicking “Create Account” button on the registration screen and the fill the opening form with real information. Some of the information required in the form is absolutely necessary and the registration will not work if these fields are not completely filled.

The authors are expected to return to the entry screen and log on with their username and password for the submission. Please use only English characters while determining your username and password.

If you already registered into the journal park system and forget your password, you should click on the “Forgot My Password” button, and your username and password will be mailed to your e-mail in a short while.

Adding Article This process consists of several different steps beginning with the loading of the article into the system. Browse button is used to reach the article file, under the  Upload tab. After finding the article you may click to Choose File and the file will be attached.

Evaluation process

Submitted works are subject to a preliminary examination by the journal editors in terms of form and content. Studies deemed appropriate for publication in the journal in terms of form and content after preliminary examination are sent to at least two referees. The journal has a blind review system. The names of the referees evaluating the article are not communicated to the authors and the author information is not shared with the referees. If one of the referees gives a positive opinion and a negative opinion, the study is sent to a third referee. Studies deemed appropriate by at least two referees are published in the journal. The Editorial Board is authorized to suggest necessary corrections and changes during the preparation of the manuscripts sent to the journal in line with the comments and suggestions of the referees, or to reject the manuscript at any stage.

Articles that are positive as a result of the referee evaluation are taken into the "English Language Control" process. In the language check, some arrangements may be requested from the author.

After passing the necessary correction stages in the referee evaluation process, the accepted article is sent to the publishing house to prepare the page layout. The proof of the manuscripts whose page layout is completed is sent to the relevant (correspondence) author for final printing approval. Manuscripts that pass these stages are published online and in print, after the approval of the author, by giving the page number and then giving the DOI code to be included in the journal period in the appropriate number.

You may use the Microsoft Word template to prepare your manuscript.

Before submitting the works of the authors, it is necessary to make sure that the list below is not missing.

 1. Copyright Transfer Form
 2. Article Main Text
 3. Ethics Committee Permission Certificate (if required)
 4. Plagiarism (Similarity) Report

Journal of Health Systems and Policies (JHESP) is a peer-reviewed journal published by the ethical principles and rules stated below to publish legal and interdisciplinary scientific works related to health care systems, health policies, and medical sciences.
All submissions should be original, not have been published in another journal, and should not be in the evaluation process in another journal. Each work is evaluated by one of the editors and at least two blind peer-reviewers. Situations such as plagiarism, duplication, fraudulent authorship or denied authorship, research/data fabrication, article slicing, slicing publishing, copyright infringement, and concealment of conflict of interest are considered unethical behaviors.
JHESP pursues the principles and standards of publication ethics determined by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) and ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors).
Editors, reviewers, and authors are expected to adhere to internationally accepted criteria for scientific publishing.

The author should not submit to the Journal of Health Systems and Policy (JHESP) any work or work that has been published elsewhere or has been submitted for publication.
When they use the work or statements of others, they must make sure that it is done appropriately. Plagiarism can take many forms, from the author taking the whole of another work as his own, copying or paraphrasing important parts (without any reference), to using data obtained as a result of research by others.

Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable. All submitted articles should be screened for plagiarism (similarity) by the authors. JHESP performs plagiarism scans through Turnitin software.

Authors who submit a work to the Journal of Health Systems and Policies (JHESP) must comply with the stated ethical responsibilities;

· The author should not send any work or works published elsewhere or submitted for publication to the Journal of Health Systems and Policies (JHESP).
· The authors are liable for the compliance of the works with scientific and ethical rules. By sending his work to the journal; It is deemed to have committed that the work is original, has not been published elsewhere, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in any other language.
· Contributing authors and sources should be used appropriately and cited in references. All individuals who do not meet the sufficient criteria for authorship but contributed to the study should be listed in the “acknowledgments/information” section. Examples of these are people who only provide technical support, assist with writing, provide only general support, or provide financial and material support.
· Changing author responsibilities (such as adding authors, changing the order of authors, removing authors) for a study whose evaluation process has started should not be offered.
· All authors should have a direct academic and scientific contribution to the submitted works. The name order of the authors should be a joint decision.
· The author should correctly cite the sources they use during the writing of the work in line with ethical principles.
· JHESP may request information or raw data from the authors within the framework of the evaluation processes, in such a case, the author should be ready to present the data and information requested from him/her.
· When the author realizes an error about the work in the evaluation and early viewing stage or the work published in electronic form, he/she should contact the editorial board to inform, correct, or withdraw.

Editorial Board of  Journal of Health Systems and Policies (JHESP) undertakes to comply with the following ethical values;

· The Editorial Board is obliged to make an effort to increase the quality of the journal and to contribute to its development.
· Editorial Board needs to support authors' freedom of expression.
· The Editorial Board should take measures to prevent scientific and unethical behaviors such as plagiarism and citation fraud.
· The Editorial Board has the final say in the publication of an academic study submitted to the journal. In determining the studies to be published, quality, up-to-dateness, originality, and contribution to the field should be taken into consideration.
· The Editorial Board is responsible for the proper execution of the publication process for all works submitted for publication in the journal. In this context, the Editorial Board should decide independently and by taking public interest into account.
· The Editorial Board guarantees that all information regarding the submitted works will remain confidential until the work is published.
· The Editorial Board is obliged to protect the intellectual property rights of all published works and to defend the rights of the journal and authors against possible violations. The Editorial Board is obliged to take the necessary measures to ensure that all published works do not violate the intellectual property rights of other publications and to perform an authenticity check within this scope.
· While making any decision regarding the works, the Editorial Board should take into account the original value of the works, their contribution to the field, the validity and reliability of the research method, the clarity of the expression, and the purpose and scope of the journal. The Editorial Board cannot take into account the race, ethnic origin, gender, thoughts, and beliefs of the authors for any reason.
· Editorial Board should evaluate the articles submitted for publication in the review in terms of grammatical rules.
· Editorial Board should provide descriptive and informative notification and feedback to the authors.
· The Editorial Board ensures that journal policies such as publication, blind peer-review, evaluation process, ethical principles are determined and implemented.
· The Editorial Board should ensure that the peer-review process is carried out with two blind peer-reviewers and should not disclose the peer-reviewers to the authors and the authors to the peer-reviewers.
· The Editorial Board should ask the peer-reviewers to evaluate the works that are suitable for their knowledge and expertise. Thus, it should be ensured that the articles are appropriately evaluated by experts in their field of study. Care should be taken to keep the identity of the referees anonymous during this process.

Peer-reviewers of  Journal of Health Systems and Policies (JHESP) undertake to abide by the ethical values stated below;

· Peer-reviewers should only agree to evaluate works related to their field of expertise. If a peer-reviewer does not feel qualified about the subject of the work or if it does not seem possible to provide timely feedback, he should inform the Editorial Board of this situation as soon as possible.
· The peer-reviewers contribute to the decisions to be taken by the Board with their opinions regarding the academic studies submitted for their evaluation and, if deemed necessary, communicate with the author through the Board for the development of the study. In this process, it is essential to keep the peer reviewers confidential.
· Peer-reviewers are obliged to evaluate the works with impartiality and confidentiality. Within this framework, they cannot share or use the information in the work with others before they are published, without the express consent of the author.
· The peer-reviewers should inform the Editorial Board as soon as possible if they notice any copyright infringement or plagiarism regarding the work submitted for evaluation or if they notice any similarity with any previously published work or information.
· At the end of the evaluation process, the referees should submit their opinions based on scientific criteria via the "Peer-review Form". When the "Peer-review Form" that does not comply with these conditions is detected, the editorial board can contact the peer-reviewer for review and correction.
· Peer-reviewers are required to complete their evaluations within the time allotted to them.

Publication Policy

Journal of Health Systems and Policies (JHESP) is published by Istanbul Medipol University. The publisher provides open, electronic, and free access to the journal on the web page of the journal. However, it protects the property and copyright of every article published in the journal and undertakes the obligation to keep records of every published copy.
All content in the Journal of Health Systems and Policies (JHESP) is presented free of charge in an environment that everyone can read and download, following the open access policy.
All manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Health Systems and Policies (JHESP) are evaluated through a double-blind review process. In this context, reviewers and evaluations are made only on the manuscript, regardless of the personal characteristics of the author, such as identity, nationality, religious belief, and political opinion.
All expenses for the journal are covered by Istanbul Medipol University. JHESP does not charge for submission, processing, publishing, or any other process.
The opinions expressed in the manuscripts published in the journal belong to the author. Istanbul Medipol University and JHESP do not accept any responsibility in this regard.

Regarding the Manuscripts Evaluation Process;

After the manuscripts are submitted to the journal, the manuscript evaluation process takes place in the form of a preliminary examination, reviewer evaluation, language control, and, if necessary, a correction phase.
It may be possible before the manuscript is published for the authors to withdraw from the publication of a manuscript that has been submitted to the journal and has been peer-reviewed.

All expenses for the journal are covered by Istanbul Medipol University. JHESP; does not charge for submission, processing, publishing, or any other process. All processes of publishing are free of charge.
No fee is charged from the author or institution under any name.
Within the scope of the journal; No fee is charged from the author or institution under any name, including application fees, editorial processing fees, article processing fees, page fees, color fees.

Creative Commons License
Contents of the Journal of Health Systems and Policies (JHESP) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.