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Ottoman View on the Unification of Italy, 1796-1861

Yıl 2022, , 1222 - 1250, 22.12.2022


While the Kingdom of Italy was officially established after half a century of struggle, the Ottoman Empire was living its last century. The unification period of Italy was a significant epoch in which these two states coincided with each other in history. This study is the examination of the period of the Italian Unification from the Ottoman point of view, which started in the Napoleonic period and until 1861 when the Kingdom of Italy was officially declared. During this era in the Italian peninsula, numerous events, relevant or irrelevant for the Ottoman Empire took place; On the other hand, the Ottoman state followed and examined all these events with great attention and tried to position itself in order to find a place in the changing world order. This article will examine how and for what purpose the Ottoman Empire observed the events that took place in the Italian peninsula and what actions it took based on these observations.


  • Amedi Kalemi, (A.} Amd.), 5/65; 18/83.
  • Hariciye Nezareti, Londra Sefareti (Hr.Sfr.3.), 44/20; 45/3; 55/9.
  • Hariciye Nezareti, Mektubi Kalemi (, Hr.Mkt.), 105/61; 28/82; 397/76; 46/69. Hariciye Nezareti, Petersburg Sefareti (Hr.Sfr.1.), 2/48.
  • Hariciye Nezareti, Siyasi (Hr.Sys.), 1351/31; 1352/12; 1352/14; 782/10, 782/11; 907/23.
  • Hariciye Nezareti, Tercüme Odasi (Hr.To.), 100/22; 304/18; 304/19; 37/51; 43/23; 72/25; 568/59; 568/60; 569/1; 630/22.
  • Hatt-ı Humayun (Hat.), 1210/47397; 1210/47401; 1280/49634; 1281/49676; 1281/49680; 143/5946; 169/7217; 169/7219; 170/7241; 230/12833; 230/12833; 230/12839; 234/13045; 739/35028.
  • İrade, Hariciye (İ.Hr), 65/3199; 172/9407; 68/3291; 304/18; 46/2200; 47/2229.
  • İrade, Mesail-i Mühimme (İ. Msm.), 68/1969, 67/1947; 67/1995.
  • Mühimme Kalemi Evraki (A.} Mkt.Mhm.,), 218/1; 12/47; 107/95.
  • Name-i Hümayun Defterleri (A. {Dvnsnmh.D.), 12/126; 12/114; 12/245.
  • Sadaret, Name-i Humayun Evrakı (A.}DVN.NMH.), 3/13.
  • Sadaret, Nezaret ve Devair Evrakı (A.}MKT.NZD.), 283/70.
  • Sadaret, Umum Vilayat Evraki (A.}MKT.UM.), 353/79; 355/93.
  • Beales, Derek, and Eugenio F. Biagini. The Risorgimento and the Unification of Italy. London: Routledge, 2013.
  • Cardoza, Anthony. “Cavour and Piedmont.” In Italy in the Nineteenth Century, edited by John A. Davis, 108-109. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
  • Cesaresco, Evelyn, Martinengo. Italian Characters in the Epoch of Unification. New York: Cornell University Library, 2009.
  • Cesaresco, Evelyn, Martinengo. The Liberation of Italy: 1815-1870. London: Seeley and Co. Limited, 1895.
  • Clark, Martin. The Italian Risorgimento. London: Routledge, 2013.
  • Duggan, Christopher. The Force of Destiny. London: Penguin Books, 2007.
  • Akalın, Durmuş and Çelik, Cemil, “XIX. Yüzyilda Doğu Akdeniz’de İngiliz-Fransiz Rekabeti Ve Osmanli Devleti”, in Turkish Studies- international Periodical for The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, (Ankara, 2012).
  • Düzcü, Levent, Watching a Revolution with Precaution and Fear: 1848 Revolution and the Ottoman State, in SDU Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Social Sciences. 2016.
  • Gilmour, David. The Pursuit of Italy. London: Penguin Books, 2011.
  • Gooch, John. The Unification of Italy. London: Routledge, 1989.
  • Gregory, Desmond. Napoleon's Italy. New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press, 2002.
  • Gürsel, Bahar. Friendship, Crisis, and Estrangement: U.S- Italian Relations, 1871-1920. PhD diss., Bilkent University, 2007.
  • Hearder, Harry. Italy in the Age of the Risorgimento 1790-1870. London: Routledge, 2013.
  • Holt, Edgar. The Making of Italy 1815-1870. New York: The Murray Printing Company, 1971.
  • Isabella, Maurizio. “The political Thought of a New Constitutional Monarchy: Piedmont after 1848.” In The 1848 Revolutions and European Political Thought, edited by Douglas Moggach and Gareth Stedman Jones, 384-385. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
  • Musardo, Veronica. Influences of Italian Nationalism in The Capital of Ottoman Empire: Mazzini, Garibaldi, And Masonry. PhD diss., Yeditepe University, 2013.
  • Killinger, Charles, L. History of Italy. Westport & London: Greenwood Press, 2002.
  • Laven, David. “The Age of Restoration”. In Italy in the Nineteenth Century, edited by John A. Davis, 58. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
  • Mazzini, Giuseppe. “Manifesto of Young Italy.” In A Cosmopolitanism of Nations, edited by Stefeno Recchia and Nadia Urbinati, 33-39. Translated by Stefeno Recchia. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2009).
  • Mazzini, Giuseppe. “On the Duties of Man (1841-60).” In A Cosmopolitanism of Nations, edited by Stefeno Recchia and Nadia Urbinati, 33-39. Translated by Stefeno Recchia. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2009).
  • Mazzini, Giuseppe. The Duties of Man. London: Chapman & Hall, 1862.
  • Smith, Denis, Mack. The Making of Italy 1796-1866. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 1988.
  • Trevelyan, George, Macaulay. Garibaldi’s Defence of The Roman Republic, 1848-49. London: Longman’s, Green, and Co., 1919.

İtalyan Birleşimi Üzerine Osmanlı Görüşü 1796-1861

Yıl 2022, , 1222 - 1250, 22.12.2022


İtalya Krallığı yaklaşık yarım asırlık bir mücadelenin ardından resmen kurulurken Osmanlı İmparatorluğu son yüzyılını yaşıyordu. İtalyan Birleşmesi ise tarihte bu iki devletin birbiriyle karşılaştığı önemli dönemlerden biriydi. Bu çalışma, Napolyon Bonaparte Döneminde başlayan ve İtalya Krallığı'nın resmi olarak ilan edildiği 1861 yılına kadar süren İtalyan Birleşmesinin Osmanlı İmparatorluğu perspektifinden bir incelemesidir. Bu dönemde, İtalyan yarımadasındasın oldukça hareketliydi ve Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ile ilgili ya da tamamen alakasız çok sayıda olay meydana geldi; Osmanlı Devleti tüm bu olayları büyük bir titizlikle takip edip inceledi ve kendisini değişen konjonktürde yer bulabilmek ve Avrupa’nın iç çatışmalarından faydalanabilmek adına konumlandırmaya çalıştı. Bu makale, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun İtalyan yarımadasında vuku bulan olayları nasıl ve ne amaçla gözlemlediğini ve bu gözlemlerden hareketle ne gibi eylemlerde bulunduğunu inceleyecektir.


  • Amedi Kalemi, (A.} Amd.), 5/65; 18/83.
  • Hariciye Nezareti, Londra Sefareti (Hr.Sfr.3.), 44/20; 45/3; 55/9.
  • Hariciye Nezareti, Mektubi Kalemi (, Hr.Mkt.), 105/61; 28/82; 397/76; 46/69. Hariciye Nezareti, Petersburg Sefareti (Hr.Sfr.1.), 2/48.
  • Hariciye Nezareti, Siyasi (Hr.Sys.), 1351/31; 1352/12; 1352/14; 782/10, 782/11; 907/23.
  • Hariciye Nezareti, Tercüme Odasi (Hr.To.), 100/22; 304/18; 304/19; 37/51; 43/23; 72/25; 568/59; 568/60; 569/1; 630/22.
  • Hatt-ı Humayun (Hat.), 1210/47397; 1210/47401; 1280/49634; 1281/49676; 1281/49680; 143/5946; 169/7217; 169/7219; 170/7241; 230/12833; 230/12833; 230/12839; 234/13045; 739/35028.
  • İrade, Hariciye (İ.Hr), 65/3199; 172/9407; 68/3291; 304/18; 46/2200; 47/2229.
  • İrade, Mesail-i Mühimme (İ. Msm.), 68/1969, 67/1947; 67/1995.
  • Mühimme Kalemi Evraki (A.} Mkt.Mhm.,), 218/1; 12/47; 107/95.
  • Name-i Hümayun Defterleri (A. {Dvnsnmh.D.), 12/126; 12/114; 12/245.
  • Sadaret, Name-i Humayun Evrakı (A.}DVN.NMH.), 3/13.
  • Sadaret, Nezaret ve Devair Evrakı (A.}MKT.NZD.), 283/70.
  • Sadaret, Umum Vilayat Evraki (A.}MKT.UM.), 353/79; 355/93.
  • Beales, Derek, and Eugenio F. Biagini. The Risorgimento and the Unification of Italy. London: Routledge, 2013.
  • Cardoza, Anthony. “Cavour and Piedmont.” In Italy in the Nineteenth Century, edited by John A. Davis, 108-109. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
  • Cesaresco, Evelyn, Martinengo. Italian Characters in the Epoch of Unification. New York: Cornell University Library, 2009.
  • Cesaresco, Evelyn, Martinengo. The Liberation of Italy: 1815-1870. London: Seeley and Co. Limited, 1895.
  • Clark, Martin. The Italian Risorgimento. London: Routledge, 2013.
  • Duggan, Christopher. The Force of Destiny. London: Penguin Books, 2007.
  • Akalın, Durmuş and Çelik, Cemil, “XIX. Yüzyilda Doğu Akdeniz’de İngiliz-Fransiz Rekabeti Ve Osmanli Devleti”, in Turkish Studies- international Periodical for The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, (Ankara, 2012).
  • Düzcü, Levent, Watching a Revolution with Precaution and Fear: 1848 Revolution and the Ottoman State, in SDU Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Social Sciences. 2016.
  • Gilmour, David. The Pursuit of Italy. London: Penguin Books, 2011.
  • Gooch, John. The Unification of Italy. London: Routledge, 1989.
  • Gregory, Desmond. Napoleon's Italy. New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press, 2002.
  • Gürsel, Bahar. Friendship, Crisis, and Estrangement: U.S- Italian Relations, 1871-1920. PhD diss., Bilkent University, 2007.
  • Hearder, Harry. Italy in the Age of the Risorgimento 1790-1870. London: Routledge, 2013.
  • Holt, Edgar. The Making of Italy 1815-1870. New York: The Murray Printing Company, 1971.
  • Isabella, Maurizio. “The political Thought of a New Constitutional Monarchy: Piedmont after 1848.” In The 1848 Revolutions and European Political Thought, edited by Douglas Moggach and Gareth Stedman Jones, 384-385. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
  • Musardo, Veronica. Influences of Italian Nationalism in The Capital of Ottoman Empire: Mazzini, Garibaldi, And Masonry. PhD diss., Yeditepe University, 2013.
  • Killinger, Charles, L. History of Italy. Westport & London: Greenwood Press, 2002.
  • Laven, David. “The Age of Restoration”. In Italy in the Nineteenth Century, edited by John A. Davis, 58. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
  • Mazzini, Giuseppe. “Manifesto of Young Italy.” In A Cosmopolitanism of Nations, edited by Stefeno Recchia and Nadia Urbinati, 33-39. Translated by Stefeno Recchia. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2009).
  • Mazzini, Giuseppe. “On the Duties of Man (1841-60).” In A Cosmopolitanism of Nations, edited by Stefeno Recchia and Nadia Urbinati, 33-39. Translated by Stefeno Recchia. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2009).
  • Mazzini, Giuseppe. The Duties of Man. London: Chapman & Hall, 1862.
  • Smith, Denis, Mack. The Making of Italy 1796-1866. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 1988.
  • Trevelyan, George, Macaulay. Garibaldi’s Defence of The Roman Republic, 1848-49. London: Longman’s, Green, and Co., 1919.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler

Ufuk Özesmer 0000-0001-5389-9230

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Özesmer, Ufuk. “Ottoman View on the Unification of Italy, 1796-1861”. Tarih Ve Gelecek Dergisi 8, sy. 4 (Aralık 2022): 1222-50.

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