Down sendromlu DS bireylerin fiziksel ve motor uygunluklarının yetersiz olduğu birçok araştırmada rapor edilmiştir. Fiziksel ve motor uygunluk özellikle sağlık yönünden önemlidir. Bu araştırmanın amacı DS’li bireylerin fiziksel ve motor uygunlukları üzerine gerçekleştirilen araştırmaları sistematik olarak incelemektir. Bu amaçla 2000-2015 yılları arasında yayınlanmış olan makaleler “physicall fitness”, “motor fitness” ve “down syndrome” anahtar kelimeleri ile Google Akademik, EBSCO ve PubMed veri tabanlarından kapsamlı bir şekilde araştırılmıştır. Anahtar kelimelerle ilk aşamada 80 adet makaleye ulaşılmış, ikinci aşamada 14 makale değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Bu çalışmalardan yedi tanesi betimsel olup, yedi tanesi deneysel çalışmaları kapsamaktadır. Çalışmaların 2010-2015 yılları arasında belirgin bir şekilde arttığı gözlenmiştir. Çalışmaların tümü fiziksel uygunluk unsurlarının biri veya bir kaçını içerirken üçü motor uygunluk unsurlarını da içermiştir. Dâhil edilen çalışmalarda en çok beden kompozisyonu kas kuvveti ve aerobik kapasite parametrelerinin incelendiği tespit edilmiştir. Bu kapsamda altı çalışmada beden kompozisyonu altı çalışmada aerobik kapasite ve beş çalışmada kas kuvveti parametresi incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, DS’li bireylerin DS’li olmayan zihinsel engelli akranları ve engelsiz akranları ile karşılaştırıldıklarında fiziksel ve motor uygunlukları özellikleri yönünden dezavantajlı olduklarını ortaya konulmaktadır. Bununla birlikte DS’li bireylerin fiziksel aktivite düzeylerinin arttırılması için geçerliliği etkisi ortaya konulmuş olan uygun antrenman programlarının uygulanması fiziksel uygunluk özelliklerinin gelişmesini sağlayacak ve sosyal yaşama uyum sağlamalarını kolaylaştıracaktır
Abbeduto, L., Pavetto, M., Kesin, E., Weissman, M., Karadottir, S., O’Brien, A., & Cawthon, S. (2001). The linguistic and cognitive profile of Down syndrome: Evidence from a comparison with fragile X syndrome. Down Syndrome Research and Practice, 7(1), 9-15.
Agiovlasitis, S., McCubbin, J. A., Yun, J., Pavol, M. J., & Widrick, J. J. (2009). Economy and preferred speed of walking syndrome. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 26(2), 118-130. and without Down
American Academy of Pediatrics. (2001). American Academy of Pediatrics: health supervision for children with Down syndrome. Pediatrics, 107(2), 442.
Angelopoulou, N., Matziari, C., Tsimaras, V., Sakadamis, A., Souftas, V., & Mandroukas, K. (2000). Bone mineral density and muscle strength in young men with mental retardation (with and without Down syndrome). Calcified Tissue International, 66(3), 176-180.
Balic, M. G., Mateos, E. C., Blasco, C. G., & Fernhall, B. O. (2000). Physical fitness levels of physically active and sedentary adults with Down syndrome. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 17(3), 310-321.
Baptista, F., Varela, A., & Sardinha, L. B. (2005). Bone mineral mass in males and females with and without Down syndrome. Osteoporosis international, 16(4), 380-388.
Baynard, T., Pitetti, K. H., Guerra, M., Unnithan, V. B., & Fernhall, B. (2008). Age-related changes in aerobic capacity in individuals with mental retardation: a 20-yr review. Medicine exercise, 40(11), 1984-1989. science in sports and
Boulet, S. L., Molinari, N. A., Grosse, S. D., Honein, M. A., & Correa-Villaseñor, A. (2008). Health care expenditures for infants and young children with Down syndrome in a privately pediatrics, 153(2), 241-246. Journal of
Brooks, S. V., & Faulkner, J. A. (1994). Skeletal muscle weakness in old age: underlying mechanisms. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 26(4), 432-439.
Cioni, M., Cocilovo, A., Di Pasquale, F., Arauio, M. R., & Siqueira, C. R. (1994). Syndrome From Childhood to Adolescence. American retardation, 99(2), 166-74. journal on mental
Coe, D. A., Matson, J. L., Russell, D. W., Slifer, K. J., Capone, G. T., Baglio, C., & Stallings, S. (1999). Behavior problems of children with Down syndrome and life events. Journal Disorders, 29(2), 149-156. and Developmental
Cohen, W. I. (1996). Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group: Health care guidelines for individuals with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome Quarterly, 1(2).
Cowley, P. M., Ploutz-Snyder, L. L., Baynard, T., Heffernan, K. S., Young Jae, S., Hsu, S., ... & Fernhall, B. (2011). The effect of progressive resistance training on leg strength, aerobic capacity and functional tasks of daily living in persons rehabilitation, 33(22-23), 2229-2236.
syndrome. Disability and
Croce, R. V., Pitetti, K. H., Horvat, M., & Miller, J. (1996). Peak torque, average power, and hamstring/quadriceps ratios in nondisabled adults and adults with mental retardation. Archives rehabilitation, 77(4), 369-372. physical medicine and
Day, S. M., Strauss, D. J., Shavelle, R. M., & Reynolds, R. J. (2005). Mortality and causes of death in persons with Down syndrome in California. Developmental medicine and child neurology, 47(3), 171-176.
Dodd, K. J., & Shields, N. (2005). A systematic review of the outcomes of cardiovascular exercise programs for people with Down syndrome. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 86(10), 2051-2058.
Down, J. L. H. (1866). Observation on an ethnic classification of idiots.
Eberhard, Y., Eterradossi, J., & Rapacchi, B. (1989). Physical aptitudes to exertion in children with Down's syndrome. Journal Research, 33(2), 167-174. Intellectual Disability
Esbensen, A. J., Seltzer, M. M., & Greenberg, J. S. (2007). Factors predicting mortality in midlife adults with and without Down syndrome living with family. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 51(12), 1039-1050.
Fernhall, B., Millar, A. L., Tymeson, G. T., & Burkett, L. N. (1990). Maximal exercise testing of mentally retarded adolescents and adults: reliability study. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 71(13), 1065-1068.
Fernhall, B. O., Pitetti, K. H., Rimmer, J. H., McCUBBIN, J. A., Rintala, P. A. U. L., Millar, A. L., ... & Burkett, L. N. (1996). Cardiorespiratory capacity of individuals with mental retardation including Down syndrome. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 28(3), 366-371.
Fernhall, B., & Pitetti, K. H. (2001). Limitations to work capacity in individuals with intellectual disabilities. Clin Exerc Physiol, 3, 176-85.
Ferry, B., Gavris, M., Tifrea, C., Serbanoiu, S., Pop, A. C., Bembea, M., & Courteix, D. (2014). The bone tissue of children and adolescents with Down syndrome is sensitive to mechanical stress in certain skeletal locations: a 1-year physical training program study. Research in developmental disabilities, 35(9), 2077-2084.
Frey, G. C., Stanish, H. I., & Temple, V. A. (2008). Physical activity of youth with intellectual disability: review and research Quarterly, 25(2), 95-117. Physical Activity
Frontera, W. R., Hughes, V. A., Lutz, K. J., & Evans, W. J. (1991). A cross-sectional study of muscle strength and mass in 45-to 78-yr-old men and women. Journal of applied physiology, 71(2), 644-650.
Glasson, E. J., Sullivan, S. G., Hussain, R., Petterson, B. A., Montgomery, P. D., & Bittles, A. H. (2002). The changing survival profile of people with Down's syndrome: implications for genetic counselling. Clinical genetics, 62(5), 390-393.
González-Agüero, A., Vicente-Rodríguez, G., Gómez-Cabello, A., Ara, I., Moreno, L. A., & Casajşs, J. A. (2011). A combined training intervention programme increases lean mass in youths with Down syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(6), 2383-2388.
Guerra, M., Pitetti, K. H., & Fernhall, B. (2003). Cross validation of the 20-meter shuttle run test for adolescents with Down syndrome. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 20(1), 70-79.
Heyward, V. H. (2006). Advanced fitness assessment and exercise prescription: Human kinetics Champaign.
Hippolyte, L., Barisnikov, K., & Van der Linden, M. (2008). Face processing and facial emotion recognition in adults with Down syndrome. American Journal on Mental Retardation, 113(4), 292-306.
Hippolyte, L., Iglesias, K., & Barisnikov, K. (2009). A new emotional Stroop-like task: Application to the Down syndrome neuropsychology, 24(3), 293-300. of clinical
Horvat, M., Pitetti, K. H., & Croce, R. (1997). Isokinetic torque, average nondisabled retardation. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 25(6), 395-399. adults adults with mental
Izquierdo-Gomez, R., Martínez-Gómez, D., Acha, A., Veiga, O. L., Villagra, A., Diaz-Cueto, M., & UP&DOWN study group. (2014). Objective assessment of sedentary time and physical activity throughout the week in adolescents with Down syndrome. The UP&DOWN study. Research in developmental disabilities, 35(2), 482-489.
Izquierdo-Gomez, R., Martínez-Gómez, D., Villagra, A., Fernhall, B., Veiga, Ó. L., & UP&DOWN study group. (2015). Associations of physical activity with fatness and fitness in adolescents with Down syndrome: The UP&DOWN disabilities, 36, 428-436. in developmental
Kao, C. H., Chen, C. C., Wang, S. J., & Yeh, S. H. (1992). Bone mineral density in children with Down's syndrome detected medicine communications, 13(10), 773-775.
absorptiometry. Nuclear
Lejeune, J. (1959). Study of somatic chromosomes from 9 mongoloid children. CR Hebd Seances Acad Sci, 248, 1721-1722.
Lewis, C. L., & Fragala-Pinkham, M. A. (2005). Effects of aerobic conditioning and strength training on a child with Down syndrome: a case study. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 17(1), 30-36.
Malina, R. M., Bouchard, C., & Bar-Or, O. (2004). Growth, maturation, and physical activity. Human kinetics.
Mendonca, G. V., Pereira, F. D., & Fernhall, B. (2011). Effects of combined aerobic and resistance exercise training in adults with and without Down syndrome. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 92(1), 37-45.
Mercer, V. S., & Lewis, C. L. (2001). Hip abductor and knee extensor muscle strength of children with and without Down syndrome. Pediatric physical therapy, 13(1), 18-26.
Millar, A. L., Fernhall, B. O., & Burkett, L. N. (1993). Effects of aerobic training in adolescents with Down syndrome. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
Mundy, P., Sigman, M., Kasari, C., & Yirmiya, N. (1988). Nonverbal communication skills in Down syndrome children. Child development, 235-249.
National Down Syndrome Society (2019). About Down Syndrome. syndrome/ 21.03.2019, from
Özer, K. (2013). Fiziksel uygunluk: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
Pitetti, K., Baynard, T., & Agiovlasitis, S. (2013). Children and adolescents with Down syndrome, physical fitness and physical Science, 2(1), 47-57. of Sport and Health
Pitetti, K. H., & Boneh, S. (1995). Cardiovascular fitness as related to leg strength in adults with mental retardation. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 27(3), 423-428.
Pitetti, K. H., Climstein, M., Mays, M. J., & Barrett, P. J. (1992). Isokinetic arm and leg strength of adults with Down syndrome: a comparative study. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 73(9), 847-850.
Pitetti, K. H., & Fernhall, B. (2004). Comparing Run Performance of Adolescents With Mental Retardation, With and Without Down Syndrome. Adapted physical activity quarterly, 21(3).
Pitetti, K. H., & Fernhall, B. (1997). Aerobic capacity as related to retardation. Pediatric Exercise Science, 9(3), 223-236.
Pitetti, K. H., Rimmer, J. H., & Fernhal, B. (1993). Physical fitness and adults with mental retardation. Sports medicine, 16(1), 23-56.
Pueschel, S. M. (1998). Should children with Down syndrome be screened for atlantoaxial instability?. Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine, 152(2), 123-125.
Reza, S. M., Rasool, H., Mansour, S., & Abdollah, H. (2013). Effects of calcium and training on the development of bone density in children with Down syndrome. Research in developmental disabilities, 34(12), 4304-4309.
Ridgers, N. D., Stratton, G., & Fairclough, S. J. (2005). Assessing physical activity during recess using accelerometry. Preventive medicine, 41(1), 102-107.
Rigoldi, C., Galli, M., Mainardi, L., Crivellini, M., & Albertini, G. (2011). Postural control in children, teenagers and adults with Down syndrome. Research in developmental disabilities, 32(1), 170-175.
Schalock, R. L., Borthwick-Duffy, S. A., Bradley, V. J., Buntinx, W. H., Coulter, D. L., Craig, E. M., ... & Shogren, K. A. (2010). Intellectual disability: Definition, classification, and systems of supports. American Association Disabilities. 444 North Capitol Street NW Suite 846, Washington, DC 20001. and Developmental
Sharav, T., & Bowman, T. (1992). Dietary practices, physical activity, and body-mass index in a selected population of Down syndrome children and their siblings. Clinical Pediatrics, 31(6), 341-344.
Shields, N., Taylor, N. F., & Dodd, K. J. (2008). Effects of a community-based progressive resistance training program on muscle performance and physical function in adults with Down syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. Archives rehabilitation, 89(7), 1215-1220. medicine and
Shields, N., Taylor, N. F., Wee, E., Wollersheim, D., O'Shea, S. D., & Fernhall, B. (2013). A community-based strength training programme increases muscle strength and physical activity in young people with Down syndrome: A randomised controlled trial. Research in developmental disabilities, 34(12), 4385-4394.
Shields, N., & Taylor, N. F. (2010). A student-led progressive resistance training program increases lower limb muscle strength in adolescents with Down syndrome: a randomised Physiotherapy, 56(3), 187-193. trial. Journal of
Shin, M., Besser, L. M., Kucik, J. E., Lu, C., Siffel, C., & Correa, A. (2009). Prevalence of Down syndrome among children and adolescents in 10 regions of the United States. Pediatrics, 124(6), 1565-1571..
Soresi, S., & Nota, L. (2000). A social skill training for persons with Down's syndrome. European psychologist, 5(1), 34.
Strauss, D., & Eyman, R. K. (1996). Mortality of people with mental retardation in California with and without Down syndrome, 1986-1991. AJMR-American Journal on Mental Retardation, 100(6), 643-653.
Terblanche, E., & Boer, P. H. (2013). The functional fitness capacity of adults with Down syndrome in South Africa. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 57(9), 826-836.
Torr, J., Strydom, A., Patti, P., & Jokinen, N. (2010). Aging in Down syndrome: Morbidity and mortality. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 7(1), 70- 81.
Tsimaras, V. K., & Fotiadou, E. G. (2004). Effect of training on the muscle strength and dynamic balance ability of adults with conditioning research, 18(2), 343-347. of strength and
Villarroya, M. A., González-Agüero, A., Moros, T., Gómez- Trullén, E., & Casajşs, J. A. (2013). Effects of whole body vibration training on balance in adolescents with and without Down syndrome. Research in developmental disabilities, 34(10), 3057-3065.
Wee, S. O., Pitetti, K. H., Goulopoulou, S., Collier, S. R., Guerra, M., & Baynard, T. (2015). Impact of obesity and Down syndrome on peak heart rate and aerobic capacity in youth and adults. Research in developmental disabilities, 36, 198-206.
Winnick, J., & Porretta, D. L. (2016). Adapted physical education and sport. Human Kinetics.
Yang, Q., Rasmussen, S. A., & Friedman, J. M. (2002). Mortality associated with Down's syndrome in the USA from 1983 to 1997: a population-based study. The Lancet, 359(9311), 1019-1025.
Zelazo, P. D., Burack, J. A., Benedetto, E., & Frye, D. (1996). Theory of mind and rule use in individuals with Down's syndrome: A test of the uniqueness and specificity claims. Journal Psychiatry, 37(4), 479-484. Psychology and
Journal of Health and Sport Sciences (JHSS), Vol.2, No.2, 2019
Physical and Motor Fitness of Individuals with Down Syndrome; A Systematic Review
It has been reported in many studies that physical and motor fitness of individuals with Down syndrome DS is insufficient. Physical and motor fitness are particularly important for health. The aim of this study is to systematically examine the research on physical and motor fitness of individuals with DS. For this purpose, articles published between 2000 and 2015 have been extensively researched from Google Scholar, EBSCO and PubMed databases with the keywords "physical fitness”, “motor fitness” and “down syndrome”. With key words, 80 articles were reached in the first stage, and 14 articles were evaluated in the second stage. Seven of these studies are descriptive and the other seven include experimental studies. It has been observed that the studies have increased significantly between 2010-2015. While all of the studies include one or more of the physical fitness factors, three include motor fitness factors. It is determined that the body composition muscular force and aerobic capacity parameters were examined most in the included studies. In this respect, body composition in six studies, aerobic capacity in six studies and muscle strength in five studies were examined. As a result, it is revealed that individuals with DS are disadvantaged in terms of physical and motor fitness characteristics compared to their mentally disabled peers and non-disabled peers who are not DS. In addition, the implementation of appropriate training programs with the effect of validity to increase the physical activity levels of individuals with DS will improve the physical fitness characteristics and facilitate their adaptation to social life
Abbeduto, L., Pavetto, M., Kesin, E., Weissman, M., Karadottir, S., O’Brien, A., & Cawthon, S. (2001). The linguistic and cognitive profile of Down syndrome: Evidence from a comparison with fragile X syndrome. Down Syndrome Research and Practice, 7(1), 9-15.
Agiovlasitis, S., McCubbin, J. A., Yun, J., Pavol, M. J., & Widrick, J. J. (2009). Economy and preferred speed of walking syndrome. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 26(2), 118-130. and without Down
American Academy of Pediatrics. (2001). American Academy of Pediatrics: health supervision for children with Down syndrome. Pediatrics, 107(2), 442.
Angelopoulou, N., Matziari, C., Tsimaras, V., Sakadamis, A., Souftas, V., & Mandroukas, K. (2000). Bone mineral density and muscle strength in young men with mental retardation (with and without Down syndrome). Calcified Tissue International, 66(3), 176-180.
Balic, M. G., Mateos, E. C., Blasco, C. G., & Fernhall, B. O. (2000). Physical fitness levels of physically active and sedentary adults with Down syndrome. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 17(3), 310-321.
Baptista, F., Varela, A., & Sardinha, L. B. (2005). Bone mineral mass in males and females with and without Down syndrome. Osteoporosis international, 16(4), 380-388.
Baynard, T., Pitetti, K. H., Guerra, M., Unnithan, V. B., & Fernhall, B. (2008). Age-related changes in aerobic capacity in individuals with mental retardation: a 20-yr review. Medicine exercise, 40(11), 1984-1989. science in sports and
Boulet, S. L., Molinari, N. A., Grosse, S. D., Honein, M. A., & Correa-Villaseñor, A. (2008). Health care expenditures for infants and young children with Down syndrome in a privately pediatrics, 153(2), 241-246. Journal of
Brooks, S. V., & Faulkner, J. A. (1994). Skeletal muscle weakness in old age: underlying mechanisms. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 26(4), 432-439.
Cioni, M., Cocilovo, A., Di Pasquale, F., Arauio, M. R., & Siqueira, C. R. (1994). Syndrome From Childhood to Adolescence. American retardation, 99(2), 166-74. journal on mental
Coe, D. A., Matson, J. L., Russell, D. W., Slifer, K. J., Capone, G. T., Baglio, C., & Stallings, S. (1999). Behavior problems of children with Down syndrome and life events. Journal Disorders, 29(2), 149-156. and Developmental
Cohen, W. I. (1996). Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group: Health care guidelines for individuals with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome Quarterly, 1(2).
Cowley, P. M., Ploutz-Snyder, L. L., Baynard, T., Heffernan, K. S., Young Jae, S., Hsu, S., ... & Fernhall, B. (2011). The effect of progressive resistance training on leg strength, aerobic capacity and functional tasks of daily living in persons rehabilitation, 33(22-23), 2229-2236.
syndrome. Disability and
Croce, R. V., Pitetti, K. H., Horvat, M., & Miller, J. (1996). Peak torque, average power, and hamstring/quadriceps ratios in nondisabled adults and adults with mental retardation. Archives rehabilitation, 77(4), 369-372. physical medicine and
Day, S. M., Strauss, D. J., Shavelle, R. M., & Reynolds, R. J. (2005). Mortality and causes of death in persons with Down syndrome in California. Developmental medicine and child neurology, 47(3), 171-176.
Dodd, K. J., & Shields, N. (2005). A systematic review of the outcomes of cardiovascular exercise programs for people with Down syndrome. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 86(10), 2051-2058.
Down, J. L. H. (1866). Observation on an ethnic classification of idiots.
Eberhard, Y., Eterradossi, J., & Rapacchi, B. (1989). Physical aptitudes to exertion in children with Down's syndrome. Journal Research, 33(2), 167-174. Intellectual Disability
Esbensen, A. J., Seltzer, M. M., & Greenberg, J. S. (2007). Factors predicting mortality in midlife adults with and without Down syndrome living with family. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 51(12), 1039-1050.
Fernhall, B., Millar, A. L., Tymeson, G. T., & Burkett, L. N. (1990). Maximal exercise testing of mentally retarded adolescents and adults: reliability study. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 71(13), 1065-1068.
Fernhall, B. O., Pitetti, K. H., Rimmer, J. H., McCUBBIN, J. A., Rintala, P. A. U. L., Millar, A. L., ... & Burkett, L. N. (1996). Cardiorespiratory capacity of individuals with mental retardation including Down syndrome. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 28(3), 366-371.
Fernhall, B., & Pitetti, K. H. (2001). Limitations to work capacity in individuals with intellectual disabilities. Clin Exerc Physiol, 3, 176-85.
Ferry, B., Gavris, M., Tifrea, C., Serbanoiu, S., Pop, A. C., Bembea, M., & Courteix, D. (2014). The bone tissue of children and adolescents with Down syndrome is sensitive to mechanical stress in certain skeletal locations: a 1-year physical training program study. Research in developmental disabilities, 35(9), 2077-2084.
Frey, G. C., Stanish, H. I., & Temple, V. A. (2008). Physical activity of youth with intellectual disability: review and research Quarterly, 25(2), 95-117. Physical Activity
Frontera, W. R., Hughes, V. A., Lutz, K. J., & Evans, W. J. (1991). A cross-sectional study of muscle strength and mass in 45-to 78-yr-old men and women. Journal of applied physiology, 71(2), 644-650.
Glasson, E. J., Sullivan, S. G., Hussain, R., Petterson, B. A., Montgomery, P. D., & Bittles, A. H. (2002). The changing survival profile of people with Down's syndrome: implications for genetic counselling. Clinical genetics, 62(5), 390-393.
González-Agüero, A., Vicente-Rodríguez, G., Gómez-Cabello, A., Ara, I., Moreno, L. A., & Casajşs, J. A. (2011). A combined training intervention programme increases lean mass in youths with Down syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(6), 2383-2388.
Guerra, M., Pitetti, K. H., & Fernhall, B. (2003). Cross validation of the 20-meter shuttle run test for adolescents with Down syndrome. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 20(1), 70-79.
Heyward, V. H. (2006). Advanced fitness assessment and exercise prescription: Human kinetics Champaign.
Hippolyte, L., Barisnikov, K., & Van der Linden, M. (2008). Face processing and facial emotion recognition in adults with Down syndrome. American Journal on Mental Retardation, 113(4), 292-306.
Hippolyte, L., Iglesias, K., & Barisnikov, K. (2009). A new emotional Stroop-like task: Application to the Down syndrome neuropsychology, 24(3), 293-300. of clinical
Horvat, M., Pitetti, K. H., & Croce, R. (1997). Isokinetic torque, average nondisabled retardation. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 25(6), 395-399. adults adults with mental
Izquierdo-Gomez, R., Martínez-Gómez, D., Acha, A., Veiga, O. L., Villagra, A., Diaz-Cueto, M., & UP&DOWN study group. (2014). Objective assessment of sedentary time and physical activity throughout the week in adolescents with Down syndrome. The UP&DOWN study. Research in developmental disabilities, 35(2), 482-489.
Izquierdo-Gomez, R., Martínez-Gómez, D., Villagra, A., Fernhall, B., Veiga, Ó. L., & UP&DOWN study group. (2015). Associations of physical activity with fatness and fitness in adolescents with Down syndrome: The UP&DOWN disabilities, 36, 428-436. in developmental
Kao, C. H., Chen, C. C., Wang, S. J., & Yeh, S. H. (1992). Bone mineral density in children with Down's syndrome detected medicine communications, 13(10), 773-775.
absorptiometry. Nuclear
Lejeune, J. (1959). Study of somatic chromosomes from 9 mongoloid children. CR Hebd Seances Acad Sci, 248, 1721-1722.
Lewis, C. L., & Fragala-Pinkham, M. A. (2005). Effects of aerobic conditioning and strength training on a child with Down syndrome: a case study. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 17(1), 30-36.
Malina, R. M., Bouchard, C., & Bar-Or, O. (2004). Growth, maturation, and physical activity. Human kinetics.
Mendonca, G. V., Pereira, F. D., & Fernhall, B. (2011). Effects of combined aerobic and resistance exercise training in adults with and without Down syndrome. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 92(1), 37-45.
Mercer, V. S., & Lewis, C. L. (2001). Hip abductor and knee extensor muscle strength of children with and without Down syndrome. Pediatric physical therapy, 13(1), 18-26.
Millar, A. L., Fernhall, B. O., & Burkett, L. N. (1993). Effects of aerobic training in adolescents with Down syndrome. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
Mundy, P., Sigman, M., Kasari, C., & Yirmiya, N. (1988). Nonverbal communication skills in Down syndrome children. Child development, 235-249.
National Down Syndrome Society (2019). About Down Syndrome. syndrome/ 21.03.2019, from
Özer, K. (2013). Fiziksel uygunluk: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
Pitetti, K., Baynard, T., & Agiovlasitis, S. (2013). Children and adolescents with Down syndrome, physical fitness and physical Science, 2(1), 47-57. of Sport and Health
Pitetti, K. H., & Boneh, S. (1995). Cardiovascular fitness as related to leg strength in adults with mental retardation. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 27(3), 423-428.
Pitetti, K. H., Climstein, M., Mays, M. J., & Barrett, P. J. (1992). Isokinetic arm and leg strength of adults with Down syndrome: a comparative study. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 73(9), 847-850.
Pitetti, K. H., & Fernhall, B. (2004). Comparing Run Performance of Adolescents With Mental Retardation, With and Without Down Syndrome. Adapted physical activity quarterly, 21(3).
Pitetti, K. H., & Fernhall, B. (1997). Aerobic capacity as related to retardation. Pediatric Exercise Science, 9(3), 223-236.
Pitetti, K. H., Rimmer, J. H., & Fernhal, B. (1993). Physical fitness and adults with mental retardation. Sports medicine, 16(1), 23-56.
Pueschel, S. M. (1998). Should children with Down syndrome be screened for atlantoaxial instability?. Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine, 152(2), 123-125.
Reza, S. M., Rasool, H., Mansour, S., & Abdollah, H. (2013). Effects of calcium and training on the development of bone density in children with Down syndrome. Research in developmental disabilities, 34(12), 4304-4309.
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