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Gateshead's identity, the relationship of the “Angel of The North” sculpture with the region and its impact on regional change

Year 2025, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 11 - 21


This study aims to investigate the process of identity formation and symbolization of the “Angel of the North” sculpture, a public artwork, and its effects on the region. The Angel of the North sculpture by sculptor Antony Gormley has served as a catalyst for the cultural regeneration of Gateshead, England. Like the statue of “Liberty”, which is part of the identity of New York City, and “Christ the Redeemer”, the symbol of Rio de Janeiro, the Angel has become a symbol of Gateshead and one of the most talked about sculptures in the world. Such artworks created in cities are transformers of space that occupy their surroundings, transforming and interacting the society both culturally and economically. The purpose of artistic forms that affect the imagination of the society is to activate the space as well as to ensure the continuity of sensory sensation. In order for artificial components, which have an important role in the identity formation of cities, to be in harmony with the natural structure, it is important that they establish a connection with the cultural and historical past of the environment, for example; it is important that a sculpture is inspired by that region in order to be inscribed in the history of that city and also to be internalized and understood by the people of the region. The Angel of the North has also established a historical and cultural connection with its surroundings and has become a work of art that can be taken as an example to discuss the contribution of a sculpture to its surroundings in creating a city identity. The sculpture aims to appreciate the services of miners in the area, which was used as a coal mine for many years and then abandoned, to represent the transition from the industrial age to the information age and to be a focal point for hopes. In cities, a work of art designed in harmony with its surroundings creates meanings and memories for people, affects the concept of urban identity in social, cultural and economic terms, and creates a difference in the degree of recall with its distinctive features, and places with character like people are needed.

Ethical Statement

This research does not require ethical committee approval.

Supporting Institution

No funding was used.


The authors contributed equally.


  • Akengin, Ç. (2021). Şehir ve sanat üzerine bir değerlendirme (An evaluation on the city and art). Kalemişi, 19, 210–214. https://doi.org/10.7816/kalemisi-09-19-08
  • Armağan Benek, S, (2023). Açık alan heykelinin toplum ile olan ilişkisinde işlevsellik açısından rolü (The role of outdoor sculpture in terms of functionality in its relationship with society). Ulakbilge, 82, 294–301. https://doi.org/10.7816/ulakbilge-11-82-07
  • Bailey, C., Miles, S., & Stark, P. (2004). Culture‐led urban regeneratıon and the revıtalısatıon of identıtıes in newcastle, gateshead and the north east of england. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 10(1), 47–65. https://doi.org/10.1080/1028663042000212328
  • Bastaban, Ü. (2024). Kolektif farkındalığın geliştirilmesinde sanatın rolü (The role of art in developing collective awareness). International Journal of Communication and Art-Ijcomar, 5(11), 172-192. https://doi.org/10.29228/iletisimvesanat.75942
  • Bulat, S., & Bulat, M. (2021). Tarihsel süreç içerisinde kentsel mekân ve heykel (Urban space and sculpture in the historical process). The Journal of Social Sciences, 55, 29-39. https://doi.org/10.29228/SOBIDER.54887
  • Corbett, N. (2004). Transforming cities, revival in the square. London: RIBA
  • Çakar, N. (2016). Kent, kamusal alan ve anıt heykel ilişkisi (The relationship between city, public space and monumental sculpture). Sanat Dergisi (26), 37-54. https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/ataunigsfd/issue/45081/563074
  • Demir, Ş., & Sesli, M. (2007). Kamusal alan (Türkiye’de kamusal alan kavramlaştırılmasının muhtevası: tektiplilik mi, çoğulculuk mu?). Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(1), 273-292. https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/801774
  • Kaymaz, I. (2013). Urban landscapes and identity. (Peyzaj mimarisindeki gelişmeler), InTech. https://doi.org/10.5772/55754
  • Kurtaslan, B. Ö. (2005). Açık alanlarda heykel-çevre ilişkisi ve tasarımı (Sculpture-environment relationship and design in open spaces). Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 1(18), 193-222. https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/erusosbilder/issue/23751/253055
  • Lesso, R. (2022). Why was the angel of the north built? Retrieved from https://www.thecollector.com/why-was-the-angel-of-the-north-built/
  • Mackenzie, E. (1827). A descriptive and historical account of the town and county of Newcastle Upon Tyne, Including the Borough of Gateshead, Mackenzie and Dent, Volume. I. https://books.google.com.tr/books/about/A_Descriptive_and_Historical_Account_of.html?id=CPsVAAAAYAAJ&redir_esc=y
  • Madanipour, A. (1999). Why are the design and development of public spaces significant for cities? Environment and Planning B, 26(6), 879-891. https://doi.org/10.1068/b260879
  • Meral, F. E., & Çelen Öztürk, A. (2023). Kentin imgelenebilirliğinde kamusal alanda yer alan heykellerin etkisi: Eskişehir örneği (The effect of sculptures in public space on the imaginability of the city: The case of Eskisehir). Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi, 13(1), 308-325. https://doi.org/10.20488/sanattasarim.1313996
  • Neave, N. (2012). Gateshead Through Time. Gloucestershire, UK: Amberley Publishing Nicholson, P.J. (2018). Antony Gormley, The Angel of the North, 1998. Occupational Medicine, 68(6), 352–353, https://doi.org/10.1093/occmed/kqy096
  • Oto, A. (2024). Kamusal alan heykelleri ve izmir kent belleği (Public space sculptures and Izmir urban memory). The Journal of Social Science, 8(15), 60-67. https://doi.org/10.30520/tjsosci.1420060
  • Özkul, D. T. & Küçükşen Öner, F. (2021). Erzurum kentinde heykel ve çevre ilişkisi üzerine bir deneme (An essay on the relationship between sculpture and environment in Erzurum). Türk & İslam Dünyası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8 (31), 119-132. https://doi.org/10.29228/TIDSAD.54756
  • Parlakkalay, H. (2020). Kamusal alanda sanat ve sanat eserleri (Art and artworks in public space). Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 22(4), 1157-1172. https://doi.org/10.32709/akusosbil.803027
  • Perihan, M.& Aşur, F. (2020). Tarihi kentsel peyzaj ve kent kimliği ilişkisi (Relationship between historical urban landscape and urban identity). Kent Akademisi, 13 (1), 163-175. https://doi.org/10.35674/kent.674634
  • Shahhosseini, E. (2015). The role of urban sculpture in shaping the meaning of identity in contemporary urban planning. international journal of science, technology and society. Special Issue: Research and Practice in Architecture and Urban Studies in Developing Countries, 3, (2-1), 24-26. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijsts.s.2015030201.15
  • The Garden Trust. (2023, October 14). The Angel of the North. https://thegardenstrust.blog/2023/10/14/the-angel-of-the-north
  • Yağmur, Ö. (2018). Toplumsal bellek oluşturmada heykel sanatı: kar ve buzdan Erzurum kültür sokağı örneği (Sculpture art in creating social memory: the example of Erzurum culture street made of snow and ice). Kalemişi Dergisi, 6, 139-152. https://doi.org/10.7816/kalemisi-06-12-02
  • Yılmaz, H. (2018). Kent ve heykel ilişkisi bağlamında: hortus conclusus (In the context of the relationship between city and sculpture: hortus conclusus). Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 8(4), 647-659. https://doi.org/10.7456/10804100/005
  • Visual Resources Figure 1,2. http://www.gatesheadhistory.com/construction.html
  • Figure 3,4,5,6,7. https://www.thecollector.com/why-was-the-angel-of-the-north-built/
  • Figure 8. https://thegardenstrust.blog/2023/10/14/the-angel-of-the-north/

Gateshead's identity, the relationship of the “Angel of The North” sculpture with the region and its impact on regional change

Year 2025, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 11 - 21


This study aims to investigate the process of identity formation and symbolization of the “Angel of the North” sculpture, a public artwork, and its effects on the region. The Angel of the North sculpture by sculptor Antony Gormley has served as a catalyst for the cultural regeneration of Gateshead, England. Like the statue of “Liberty”, which is part of the identity of New York City, and “Christ the Redeemer”, the symbol of Rio de Janeiro, the Angel has become a symbol of Gateshead and one of the most talked about sculptures in the world. Such artworks created in cities are transformers of space that occupy their surroundings, transforming and interacting the society both culturally and economically. The purpose of artistic forms that affect the imagination of the society is to activate the space as well as to ensure the continuity of sensory sensation. In order for artificial components, which have an important role in the identity formation of cities, to be in harmony with the natural structure, it is important that they establish a connection with the cultural and historical past of the environment, for example; it is important that a sculpture is inspired by that region in order to be inscribed in the history of that city and also to be internalized and understood by the people of the region. The Angel of the North has also established a historical and cultural connection with its surroundings and has become a work of art that can be taken as an example to discuss the contribution of a sculpture to its surroundings in creating a city identity. The sculpture aims to appreciate the services of miners in the area, which was used as a coal mine for many years and then abandoned, to represent the transition from the industrial age to the information age and to be a focal point for hopes. In cities, a work of art designed in harmony with its surroundings creates meanings and memories for people, affects the concept of urban identity in social, cultural and economic terms, and creates a difference in the degree of recall with its distinctive features, and places with character like people are needed.

Ethical Statement

This research does not require ethical committee approval.

Supporting Institution

No funding was used.


The authors contributed equally.


  • Akengin, Ç. (2021). Şehir ve sanat üzerine bir değerlendirme (An evaluation on the city and art). Kalemişi, 19, 210–214. https://doi.org/10.7816/kalemisi-09-19-08
  • Armağan Benek, S, (2023). Açık alan heykelinin toplum ile olan ilişkisinde işlevsellik açısından rolü (The role of outdoor sculpture in terms of functionality in its relationship with society). Ulakbilge, 82, 294–301. https://doi.org/10.7816/ulakbilge-11-82-07
  • Bailey, C., Miles, S., & Stark, P. (2004). Culture‐led urban regeneratıon and the revıtalısatıon of identıtıes in newcastle, gateshead and the north east of england. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 10(1), 47–65. https://doi.org/10.1080/1028663042000212328
  • Bastaban, Ü. (2024). Kolektif farkındalığın geliştirilmesinde sanatın rolü (The role of art in developing collective awareness). International Journal of Communication and Art-Ijcomar, 5(11), 172-192. https://doi.org/10.29228/iletisimvesanat.75942
  • Bulat, S., & Bulat, M. (2021). Tarihsel süreç içerisinde kentsel mekân ve heykel (Urban space and sculpture in the historical process). The Journal of Social Sciences, 55, 29-39. https://doi.org/10.29228/SOBIDER.54887
  • Corbett, N. (2004). Transforming cities, revival in the square. London: RIBA
  • Çakar, N. (2016). Kent, kamusal alan ve anıt heykel ilişkisi (The relationship between city, public space and monumental sculpture). Sanat Dergisi (26), 37-54. https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/ataunigsfd/issue/45081/563074
  • Demir, Ş., & Sesli, M. (2007). Kamusal alan (Türkiye’de kamusal alan kavramlaştırılmasının muhtevası: tektiplilik mi, çoğulculuk mu?). Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(1), 273-292. https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/801774
  • Kaymaz, I. (2013). Urban landscapes and identity. (Peyzaj mimarisindeki gelişmeler), InTech. https://doi.org/10.5772/55754
  • Kurtaslan, B. Ö. (2005). Açık alanlarda heykel-çevre ilişkisi ve tasarımı (Sculpture-environment relationship and design in open spaces). Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 1(18), 193-222. https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/erusosbilder/issue/23751/253055
  • Lesso, R. (2022). Why was the angel of the north built? Retrieved from https://www.thecollector.com/why-was-the-angel-of-the-north-built/
  • Mackenzie, E. (1827). A descriptive and historical account of the town and county of Newcastle Upon Tyne, Including the Borough of Gateshead, Mackenzie and Dent, Volume. I. https://books.google.com.tr/books/about/A_Descriptive_and_Historical_Account_of.html?id=CPsVAAAAYAAJ&redir_esc=y
  • Madanipour, A. (1999). Why are the design and development of public spaces significant for cities? Environment and Planning B, 26(6), 879-891. https://doi.org/10.1068/b260879
  • Meral, F. E., & Çelen Öztürk, A. (2023). Kentin imgelenebilirliğinde kamusal alanda yer alan heykellerin etkisi: Eskişehir örneği (The effect of sculptures in public space on the imaginability of the city: The case of Eskisehir). Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi, 13(1), 308-325. https://doi.org/10.20488/sanattasarim.1313996
  • Neave, N. (2012). Gateshead Through Time. Gloucestershire, UK: Amberley Publishing Nicholson, P.J. (2018). Antony Gormley, The Angel of the North, 1998. Occupational Medicine, 68(6), 352–353, https://doi.org/10.1093/occmed/kqy096
  • Oto, A. (2024). Kamusal alan heykelleri ve izmir kent belleği (Public space sculptures and Izmir urban memory). The Journal of Social Science, 8(15), 60-67. https://doi.org/10.30520/tjsosci.1420060
  • Özkul, D. T. & Küçükşen Öner, F. (2021). Erzurum kentinde heykel ve çevre ilişkisi üzerine bir deneme (An essay on the relationship between sculpture and environment in Erzurum). Türk & İslam Dünyası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8 (31), 119-132. https://doi.org/10.29228/TIDSAD.54756
  • Parlakkalay, H. (2020). Kamusal alanda sanat ve sanat eserleri (Art and artworks in public space). Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 22(4), 1157-1172. https://doi.org/10.32709/akusosbil.803027
  • Perihan, M.& Aşur, F. (2020). Tarihi kentsel peyzaj ve kent kimliği ilişkisi (Relationship between historical urban landscape and urban identity). Kent Akademisi, 13 (1), 163-175. https://doi.org/10.35674/kent.674634
  • Shahhosseini, E. (2015). The role of urban sculpture in shaping the meaning of identity in contemporary urban planning. international journal of science, technology and society. Special Issue: Research and Practice in Architecture and Urban Studies in Developing Countries, 3, (2-1), 24-26. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijsts.s.2015030201.15
  • The Garden Trust. (2023, October 14). The Angel of the North. https://thegardenstrust.blog/2023/10/14/the-angel-of-the-north
  • Yağmur, Ö. (2018). Toplumsal bellek oluşturmada heykel sanatı: kar ve buzdan Erzurum kültür sokağı örneği (Sculpture art in creating social memory: the example of Erzurum culture street made of snow and ice). Kalemişi Dergisi, 6, 139-152. https://doi.org/10.7816/kalemisi-06-12-02
  • Yılmaz, H. (2018). Kent ve heykel ilişkisi bağlamında: hortus conclusus (In the context of the relationship between city and sculpture: hortus conclusus). Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 8(4), 647-659. https://doi.org/10.7456/10804100/005
  • Visual Resources Figure 1,2. http://www.gatesheadhistory.com/construction.html
  • Figure 3,4,5,6,7. https://www.thecollector.com/why-was-the-angel-of-the-north-built/
  • Figure 8. https://thegardenstrust.blog/2023/10/14/the-angel-of-the-north/
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sculpture
Journal Section Sculpture

İlhan Kaya 0000-0002-3627-4818

Muhammet Hanifi Zengin 0000-0001-7417-5485

Early Pub Date March 24, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date November 10, 2024
Acceptance Date February 15, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Kaya, İ., & Zengin, M. H. (2025). Gateshead’s identity, the relationship of the “Angel of The North” sculpture with the region and its impact on regional change. Journal for the Interdisciplinary Art and Education, 6(1), 11-21. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.15074846
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