Conference Paper
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Year 2021, , 1 - 9, 31.10.2021


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  • Ahmed, W., Vidal-Alaball, J., Downing, J., & Seguí, F. L. (2020). COVID-19 and the 5G conspiracy theory: social network analysis of Twitter data. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(5), e19458.
  • Altena, E., Baglioni, C., Espie, C. A., Ellis, J., Gavriloff, D., Holzinger, B., Schlarb, A., Frase, L., Jernelöv, S., & Riemann, D. (2020). Dealing with sleep problems during home confinement due to the COVID‐19 outbreak: Practical recommendations from a task force of the European CBT‐I Academy. Journal of Sleep Research, e13052.
  • Aman, F., & Masood, S. (2020). How Nutrition can help to fight against COVID-19 Pandemic. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 36(COVID19-S4).
  • Anderson, R. M., Heesterbeek, H., Klinkenberg, D., & Hollingsworth, T. D. (2020). How will country-based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic? The Lancet, 395(10228), 931-934.
  • Arora, T., & Grey, I. (2020). Health behaviour changes during COVID-19 and the potential consequences: A mini-review. Auwaerter, P. M. D. (2020). Coronavirus COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2).
  • Balachandar, V., Mahalaxmi, I., Kaavya, J., Vivekanandhan, G., Ajithkumar, S., Arul, N., Singaravelu, G., Kumar, N. S., & Devi, S. M. (2020). COVID-19: emerging protective measures. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci, 24(6), 3422-3425.
  • Bavel, J. J. V., Baicker, K., Boggio, P. S., Capraro, V., Cichocka, A., Cikara, M., ... & Drury, J. (2020). Using social and behavioural science to support COVID-19 pandemic response. Nature Human Behaviour, 1-12.
  • Bommele, J., Hopman, P., Walters, B. H., Geboers, C., Croes, E., Fong, G. T., Quah, A. C., & Willemsen, M. (2020). The double-edged relationship between COVID-19 stress and smoking: Implications for smoking cessation. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 18.
  • Budak, F., & Korkmaz, Ş. (2020). Covid-19 Pandemi Sürecine Yönelik Genel Bir Değerlendirme: Türkiye Örneği. Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Yönetim Dergisi(1), 62-79.
  • Cellini, N., Canale, N., Mioni, G., & Costa, S. (2020). Changes in sleep pattern, sense of time and digital media use during COVID‐19 lockdown in Italy. Journal of Sleep Research, e13074.
  • Chan, E. Y. Y., Huang, Z., Lo, E. S. K., Hung, K. K. C., Wong, E. L. Y., & Wong, S. Y. S. (2020). Sociodemographic Predictors of Health Risk Perception, Attitude and Behavior Practices Associated with Health-Emergency Disaster Risk Management for Biological Hazards: The Case of COVID-19 Pandemic in Hong Kong, SAR China. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(11), 3869.
  • Chen, T., Wu, D., Chen, H., Yan, W., Yang, D., Chen, G., Ma, K., Xu, D., Yu, H., & Wang, H. (2020). Clinical characteristics of 113 deceased patients with coronavirus disease 2019: retrospective study. Bmj, 368.
  • Cirakoglu, O. C. (2011). Domuz Gribi (H1N1) Salgınıyla İlişkili Algıların, Kaygı ve Kaçınma Düzeyi Değişkenleri Bağlamında İncelenmesi. Turk Psikoloji Dergisi, 26(67).
  • Conticini, E., Frediani, B., & Caro, D. (2020). Can atmospheric pollution be considered a co-factor in extremely high level of SARS-CoV-2 lethality in Northern Italy? Environmental pollution, 114465.
  • Damgacı F, Aydın H. Akademisyenlerin Çokkültürlü Eğitime İlişkin Tutumları. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences. 2013;12(45).
  • Demiray, E. K. D., & Çeviker, S. A. (2020). Aşı ve Toplumsal Korunma. Journal of Biotechnology and Strategic Health Research, 4, 37-44.
  • Di Renzo, L., Gualtieri, P., Pivari, F., Soldati, L., Attinà, A., Cinelli, G., Leggeri, C., Caparello, G., Barrea, L., & Scerbo, F. (2020). Eating habits and lifestyle changes during COVID-19 lockdown: an Italian survey. Journal of Translational Medicine, 18(1), 1-15.
  • Dong, Y., Mo, X., Hu, Y., Qi, X., Jiang, F., Jiang, Z., & Tong, S. (2020). Epidemiological characteristics of 2143 pediatric patients with 2019 coronavirus disease in China. Pediatrics.
  • Ferguson, N. M., Laydon, D., Nedjati-Gilani, G., Imai, N., Ainslie, K., Baguelin, M., Bhatia, S., Boonyasiri, A., Cucunubá, Z., & Cuomo-Dannenburg, G. (2020). Report 9: Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand. Https://
  • Ficetola, G. F., & Rubolini, D. (2020). Climate affects global patterns of COVID-19 early outbreak dynamics. medRxiv.
  • Frontera, A., Martin, C., Vlachos, K., & Sgubin, G. (2020). Regional air pollution persistence links to covid19 infection zoning. The Journal of Infection.
  • Fu, W., Wang, C., Zou, L., Guo, Y., Lu, Z., Yan, S., & Mao, J. (2020). Psychological health, sleep quality, and coping styles to stress facing the COVID-19 in Wuhan, China. Translational psychiatry, 10(1), 1-9.
  • Imhoff, R., & Lamberty, P. (2020). A bioweapon or a hoax? The link between distinct conspiracy beliefs about the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak and pandemic behavior.
  • Ioannidis, J. P. A. (2020). Coronavirus disease 2019: The harms of exaggerated information and non-evidence-based measures. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 50(4), e13222.
  • Isphording, I. E., & Pestel, N. (2020). Pandemic Meets Pollution: Poor Air Quality Increases Deaths by COVID-19.
  • Jarynowski, A., Wójta-Kempa, M., Płatek, D., & Czopek, K. (2020). Attempt to understand public health relevant social dimensions of COVID-19 outbreak in Poland. Available at SSRN 3570609.
  • Kaparounaki, C. K., Patsali, M. E., Mousa, D.-P. V., Papadopoulou, E. V. K., Papadopoulou, K. K. K., & Fountoulakis, K. N. (2020). University students' mental health amidst the COVID-19 quarantine in Greece. Psychiatry research, 290, 113111-113111.
  • Khan, Y. H., Mallhi, T. H., Alotaibi, N. H., Alzarea, A. I., Alanazi, A. S., Tanveer, N., & Hashmi, F. K. (2020). Threat of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Pakistan: The Need for Measures to Neutralize Misleading Narratives. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, tpmd200654.
  • Kwok, K. O., Li, K. K., Chan, H. H., Yi, Y. Y., Tang, A., Wei, W. I., & Wong, S. Y. S. (2020). Community responses during early phase of covid-19 epidemic, Hong Kong. Emerg Infect Dis, 26(7), 10.3201.
  • Lau, L. L., Hung, N., Go, D. J., Ferma, J., Choi, M., Dodd, W., & Wei, X. (2020). Knowledge, attitudes and practices of COVID-19 among income-poor households in the Philippines: A cross-sectional study. Journal of global health, 10(1).
  • Li, W., Shi, Z., Yu, M., Ren, W., Smith, C., Epstein, J. H., Wang, H., Crameri, G., Hu, Z., & Zhang, H. (2005). Bats are natural reservoirs of SARS-like coronaviruses. Science, 310(5748), 676-679.
  • Mattioli, A. V., Sciomer, S., Cocchi, C., Maffei, S., & Gallina, S. (2020). Quarantine during COVID-19 outbreak: changes in Diet and physical activity increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases.
  • Miller, J. M. (2020). Psychological, Political, and Situational Factors Combine to Boost COVID-19 Conspiracy Theory Beliefs. Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique, 1-8.
  • Özdin, S., & Bayrak Özdin, Ş. (2020). Levels and predictors of anxiety, depression and health anxiety during COVID-19 pandemic in Turkish society: The importance of gender. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 0020764020927051.
  • Patsali, M. E., Mousa, D.-P. V., Papadopoulou, E. V. K., Papadopoulou, K. K. K., Kaparounaki, C. K., Diakogiannis, I., & Fountoulakis, K. N. (2020). University students’ changes in mental health status and determinants of behavior during the COVID-19 lockdown in Greece. Psychiatry research, 292, 113298.
  • Peçanha, T., Goessler, K. F., Roschel, H., & Gualano, B. (2020). Social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic can increase physical inactivity and the global burden of cardiovascular disease. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 318(6), H1441-H1446.
  • Reuben, R. C., Danladi, M. M., Saleh, D. A., & Ejembi, P. E. (2020). Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Towards COVID-19: An Epidemiological Survey in North-Central Nigeria. Journal of community health, 1-14.
  • Reyes-Olavarría, D., Latorre-Román, P. Á., Guzmán-Guzmán, I. P., Jerez-Mayorga, D., Caamaño-Navarrete, F., & Delgado-Floody, P. (2020). Positive and Negative Changes in Food Habits, Physical Activity Patterns, and Weight Status during COVID-19 Confinement: Associated Factors in the Chilean Population. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(15), 5431.
  • Saadat, S., Rawtani, D., & Hussain, C. M. (2020). Environmental perspective of COVID-19. Science of The Total Environment, 138870.
  • Sidor, A., & Rzymski, P. (2020). Dietary Choices and Habits during COVID-19 Lockdown: Experience from Poland. Nutrients, 12(6), 1657.
  • Straif-Bourgeois, S., & Robinson, W. (2020). About Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Journal of Health Care Finance.
  • Wassenaar, T. M., & Zou, Y. (2020). 2019_nCoV/SARS‐CoV‐2: rapid classification of betacoronaviruses and identification of Traditional Chinese Medicine as potential origin of zoonotic coronaviruses. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 70(5), 342-348.
  • WHO. (2020). COVID-19, Questions and answers.
  • Yang, P., & Wang, X. (2020). COVID-19: a new challenge for human beings. Cellular & Molecular Immunology, 17(5), 555-557.
  • Yang, Y., Peng, F., Wang, R., Guan, K., Jiang, T., Xu, G., Sun, J., & Chang, C. (2020). The deadly coronaviruses: The 2003 SARS pandemic and the 2020 novel coronavirus epidemic in China. Journal of autoimmunity, 102434.
  • Yılmaz, S. (2020). COVID-19’u kim üretti? Aşısı ne zaman bulunacak?.. 25 Mart 2020 Giriş. Policy.
  • Ziemba E, editor Information Technology for Management: Current Research and Future Directions. 17th Conference on Advanced Information Technologies for Management; 2020: Springer.

Investigation of Individual Perception and Health Behavior towards Covid-19 Pandemic

Year 2021, , 1 - 9, 31.10.2021


This study was conducted to determine the individual perceptions and health behaviors’ during the COVID-19 pandemic. Study was designed as a cross-sectional and descriptive study. A total of 396 individuals living in different cities of Turkey participated in the study. Due to pandemic conditions, the online survey method created via Google Forms was used to collect data. The mean age of the participants in the study was 27.14 ± 9.17. The statement “Healthcare professionals have exaggerated the extent of the coronavirus” had the lowest mean (x̄=1.30), whereas “Everyone can be infected with the coronavirus” had the highest mean (x̄=4.73). According to the findings, during the pandemic, it was shown that 50.9% of the participants consumed foods that strengthen their immunity (fruits and vegetables), 35.8% of smokers declined smoking, 53.3% did not change their bedtime habits and 50.1% of them were engaged in physical activity by doing housework (cleaning, etc.) more. Also, 47.7% of the individuals stated that they followed the news and current information about the outbreak on TV. As a result of this study, the participants’ perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors towards the disease were identified for the initial stage of the epidemic. In addition, it was determined how health behaviors changed during the epidemic. Behaviors and perceptions about the epidemic can contribute to measures to be taken. Also, giving correct information about the disease to people can have positive effects.

Project Number



  • Ahmed, W., Vidal-Alaball, J., Downing, J., & Seguí, F. L. (2020). COVID-19 and the 5G conspiracy theory: social network analysis of Twitter data. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(5), e19458.
  • Altena, E., Baglioni, C., Espie, C. A., Ellis, J., Gavriloff, D., Holzinger, B., Schlarb, A., Frase, L., Jernelöv, S., & Riemann, D. (2020). Dealing with sleep problems during home confinement due to the COVID‐19 outbreak: Practical recommendations from a task force of the European CBT‐I Academy. Journal of Sleep Research, e13052.
  • Aman, F., & Masood, S. (2020). How Nutrition can help to fight against COVID-19 Pandemic. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 36(COVID19-S4).
  • Anderson, R. M., Heesterbeek, H., Klinkenberg, D., & Hollingsworth, T. D. (2020). How will country-based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic? The Lancet, 395(10228), 931-934.
  • Arora, T., & Grey, I. (2020). Health behaviour changes during COVID-19 and the potential consequences: A mini-review. Auwaerter, P. M. D. (2020). Coronavirus COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2).
  • Balachandar, V., Mahalaxmi, I., Kaavya, J., Vivekanandhan, G., Ajithkumar, S., Arul, N., Singaravelu, G., Kumar, N. S., & Devi, S. M. (2020). COVID-19: emerging protective measures. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci, 24(6), 3422-3425.
  • Bavel, J. J. V., Baicker, K., Boggio, P. S., Capraro, V., Cichocka, A., Cikara, M., ... & Drury, J. (2020). Using social and behavioural science to support COVID-19 pandemic response. Nature Human Behaviour, 1-12.
  • Bommele, J., Hopman, P., Walters, B. H., Geboers, C., Croes, E., Fong, G. T., Quah, A. C., & Willemsen, M. (2020). The double-edged relationship between COVID-19 stress and smoking: Implications for smoking cessation. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 18.
  • Budak, F., & Korkmaz, Ş. (2020). Covid-19 Pandemi Sürecine Yönelik Genel Bir Değerlendirme: Türkiye Örneği. Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Yönetim Dergisi(1), 62-79.
  • Cellini, N., Canale, N., Mioni, G., & Costa, S. (2020). Changes in sleep pattern, sense of time and digital media use during COVID‐19 lockdown in Italy. Journal of Sleep Research, e13074.
  • Chan, E. Y. Y., Huang, Z., Lo, E. S. K., Hung, K. K. C., Wong, E. L. Y., & Wong, S. Y. S. (2020). Sociodemographic Predictors of Health Risk Perception, Attitude and Behavior Practices Associated with Health-Emergency Disaster Risk Management for Biological Hazards: The Case of COVID-19 Pandemic in Hong Kong, SAR China. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(11), 3869.
  • Chen, T., Wu, D., Chen, H., Yan, W., Yang, D., Chen, G., Ma, K., Xu, D., Yu, H., & Wang, H. (2020). Clinical characteristics of 113 deceased patients with coronavirus disease 2019: retrospective study. Bmj, 368.
  • Cirakoglu, O. C. (2011). Domuz Gribi (H1N1) Salgınıyla İlişkili Algıların, Kaygı ve Kaçınma Düzeyi Değişkenleri Bağlamında İncelenmesi. Turk Psikoloji Dergisi, 26(67).
  • Conticini, E., Frediani, B., & Caro, D. (2020). Can atmospheric pollution be considered a co-factor in extremely high level of SARS-CoV-2 lethality in Northern Italy? Environmental pollution, 114465.
  • Damgacı F, Aydın H. Akademisyenlerin Çokkültürlü Eğitime İlişkin Tutumları. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences. 2013;12(45).
  • Demiray, E. K. D., & Çeviker, S. A. (2020). Aşı ve Toplumsal Korunma. Journal of Biotechnology and Strategic Health Research, 4, 37-44.
  • Di Renzo, L., Gualtieri, P., Pivari, F., Soldati, L., Attinà, A., Cinelli, G., Leggeri, C., Caparello, G., Barrea, L., & Scerbo, F. (2020). Eating habits and lifestyle changes during COVID-19 lockdown: an Italian survey. Journal of Translational Medicine, 18(1), 1-15.
  • Dong, Y., Mo, X., Hu, Y., Qi, X., Jiang, F., Jiang, Z., & Tong, S. (2020). Epidemiological characteristics of 2143 pediatric patients with 2019 coronavirus disease in China. Pediatrics.
  • Ferguson, N. M., Laydon, D., Nedjati-Gilani, G., Imai, N., Ainslie, K., Baguelin, M., Bhatia, S., Boonyasiri, A., Cucunubá, Z., & Cuomo-Dannenburg, G. (2020). Report 9: Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand. Https://
  • Ficetola, G. F., & Rubolini, D. (2020). Climate affects global patterns of COVID-19 early outbreak dynamics. medRxiv.
  • Frontera, A., Martin, C., Vlachos, K., & Sgubin, G. (2020). Regional air pollution persistence links to covid19 infection zoning. The Journal of Infection.
  • Fu, W., Wang, C., Zou, L., Guo, Y., Lu, Z., Yan, S., & Mao, J. (2020). Psychological health, sleep quality, and coping styles to stress facing the COVID-19 in Wuhan, China. Translational psychiatry, 10(1), 1-9.
  • Imhoff, R., & Lamberty, P. (2020). A bioweapon or a hoax? The link between distinct conspiracy beliefs about the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak and pandemic behavior.
  • Ioannidis, J. P. A. (2020). Coronavirus disease 2019: The harms of exaggerated information and non-evidence-based measures. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 50(4), e13222.
  • Isphording, I. E., & Pestel, N. (2020). Pandemic Meets Pollution: Poor Air Quality Increases Deaths by COVID-19.
  • Jarynowski, A., Wójta-Kempa, M., Płatek, D., & Czopek, K. (2020). Attempt to understand public health relevant social dimensions of COVID-19 outbreak in Poland. Available at SSRN 3570609.
  • Kaparounaki, C. K., Patsali, M. E., Mousa, D.-P. V., Papadopoulou, E. V. K., Papadopoulou, K. K. K., & Fountoulakis, K. N. (2020). University students' mental health amidst the COVID-19 quarantine in Greece. Psychiatry research, 290, 113111-113111.
  • Khan, Y. H., Mallhi, T. H., Alotaibi, N. H., Alzarea, A. I., Alanazi, A. S., Tanveer, N., & Hashmi, F. K. (2020). Threat of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Pakistan: The Need for Measures to Neutralize Misleading Narratives. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, tpmd200654.
  • Kwok, K. O., Li, K. K., Chan, H. H., Yi, Y. Y., Tang, A., Wei, W. I., & Wong, S. Y. S. (2020). Community responses during early phase of covid-19 epidemic, Hong Kong. Emerg Infect Dis, 26(7), 10.3201.
  • Lau, L. L., Hung, N., Go, D. J., Ferma, J., Choi, M., Dodd, W., & Wei, X. (2020). Knowledge, attitudes and practices of COVID-19 among income-poor households in the Philippines: A cross-sectional study. Journal of global health, 10(1).
  • Li, W., Shi, Z., Yu, M., Ren, W., Smith, C., Epstein, J. H., Wang, H., Crameri, G., Hu, Z., & Zhang, H. (2005). Bats are natural reservoirs of SARS-like coronaviruses. Science, 310(5748), 676-679.
  • Mattioli, A. V., Sciomer, S., Cocchi, C., Maffei, S., & Gallina, S. (2020). Quarantine during COVID-19 outbreak: changes in Diet and physical activity increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases.
  • Miller, J. M. (2020). Psychological, Political, and Situational Factors Combine to Boost COVID-19 Conspiracy Theory Beliefs. Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique, 1-8.
  • Özdin, S., & Bayrak Özdin, Ş. (2020). Levels and predictors of anxiety, depression and health anxiety during COVID-19 pandemic in Turkish society: The importance of gender. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 0020764020927051.
  • Patsali, M. E., Mousa, D.-P. V., Papadopoulou, E. V. K., Papadopoulou, K. K. K., Kaparounaki, C. K., Diakogiannis, I., & Fountoulakis, K. N. (2020). University students’ changes in mental health status and determinants of behavior during the COVID-19 lockdown in Greece. Psychiatry research, 292, 113298.
  • Peçanha, T., Goessler, K. F., Roschel, H., & Gualano, B. (2020). Social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic can increase physical inactivity and the global burden of cardiovascular disease. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 318(6), H1441-H1446.
  • Reuben, R. C., Danladi, M. M., Saleh, D. A., & Ejembi, P. E. (2020). Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Towards COVID-19: An Epidemiological Survey in North-Central Nigeria. Journal of community health, 1-14.
  • Reyes-Olavarría, D., Latorre-Román, P. Á., Guzmán-Guzmán, I. P., Jerez-Mayorga, D., Caamaño-Navarrete, F., & Delgado-Floody, P. (2020). Positive and Negative Changes in Food Habits, Physical Activity Patterns, and Weight Status during COVID-19 Confinement: Associated Factors in the Chilean Population. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(15), 5431.
  • Saadat, S., Rawtani, D., & Hussain, C. M. (2020). Environmental perspective of COVID-19. Science of The Total Environment, 138870.
  • Sidor, A., & Rzymski, P. (2020). Dietary Choices and Habits during COVID-19 Lockdown: Experience from Poland. Nutrients, 12(6), 1657.
  • Straif-Bourgeois, S., & Robinson, W. (2020). About Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Journal of Health Care Finance.
  • Wassenaar, T. M., & Zou, Y. (2020). 2019_nCoV/SARS‐CoV‐2: rapid classification of betacoronaviruses and identification of Traditional Chinese Medicine as potential origin of zoonotic coronaviruses. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 70(5), 342-348.
  • WHO. (2020). COVID-19, Questions and answers.
  • Yang, P., & Wang, X. (2020). COVID-19: a new challenge for human beings. Cellular & Molecular Immunology, 17(5), 555-557.
  • Yang, Y., Peng, F., Wang, R., Guan, K., Jiang, T., Xu, G., Sun, J., & Chang, C. (2020). The deadly coronaviruses: The 2003 SARS pandemic and the 2020 novel coronavirus epidemic in China. Journal of autoimmunity, 102434.
  • Yılmaz, S. (2020). COVID-19’u kim üretti? Aşısı ne zaman bulunacak?.. 25 Mart 2020 Giriş. Policy.
  • Ziemba E, editor Information Technology for Management: Current Research and Future Directions. 17th Conference on Advanced Information Technologies for Management; 2020: Springer.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Primary Health Care
Journal Section Orginal Research

İsa Gül 0000-0002-9419-4816

Yunus Emre Kundakcı 0000-0002-2006-9940

Project Number yok
Publication Date October 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Gül, İ., & Kundakcı, Y. E. (2021). Investigation of Individual Perception and Health Behavior towards Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management, 7(14), 1-9.
AMA Gül İ, Kundakcı YE. Investigation of Individual Perception and Health Behavior towards Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management. October 2021;7(14):1-9. doi:10.48121/jihsam.823422
Chicago Gül, İsa, and Yunus Emre Kundakcı. “Investigation of Individual Perception and Health Behavior towards Covid-19 Pandemic”. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management 7, no. 14 (October 2021): 1-9.
EndNote Gül İ, Kundakcı YE (October 1, 2021) Investigation of Individual Perception and Health Behavior towards Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management 7 14 1–9.
IEEE İ. Gül and Y. E. Kundakcı, “Investigation of Individual Perception and Health Behavior towards Covid-19 Pandemic”, Journal of International Health Sciences and Management, vol. 7, no. 14, pp. 1–9, 2021, doi: 10.48121/jihsam.823422.
ISNAD Gül, İsa - Kundakcı, Yunus Emre. “Investigation of Individual Perception and Health Behavior towards Covid-19 Pandemic”. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management 7/14 (October 2021), 1-9.
JAMA Gül İ, Kundakcı YE. Investigation of Individual Perception and Health Behavior towards Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management. 2021;7:1–9.
MLA Gül, İsa and Yunus Emre Kundakcı. “Investigation of Individual Perception and Health Behavior towards Covid-19 Pandemic”. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management, vol. 7, no. 14, 2021, pp. 1-9, doi:10.48121/jihsam.823422.
Vancouver Gül İ, Kundakcı YE. Investigation of Individual Perception and Health Behavior towards Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management. 2021;7(14):1-9.