Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 8 Issue: 16, 16 - 25, 27.10.2022


Objectives: This research was conducted to determine the opinions of nurses working in the field of pediatrics in Turkey about the importance of child hospices and its establishment in Turkey.
Methods: The research population consisted of 365 individuals who actively served as pediatric nurses in Turkey. A descriptive questionnaire on children’s hospices/palliative care at the end of life and a scale form for determining the opinions of the nurses working in pediatrics at children’s hospices were used to obtain the data.
Result: Of the nurses who participated in the study; 60.82% were female and 39.18% were male.43.01% thought the country does not need any more children’s hospice services, 42.47% considered that developing them in Turkey would not happen due to a lack of information and training about hospices of these services and 95.92% stated that the country needs more children’s hospices.
Conclusion: The fact that nurses who could take an active role in the establishment of pediatric hospices and palliative care applications, lack of basic training in hospice care and experience in advanced care practices will affect the perspective of children’s hospices. In Turkey, pediatric nurses do not have enough knowledge about hospices. The fact that nurses and their families do not have sufficient knowledge on this subject is an obstacle to the further establishment in children’s hospices in Turkey.


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  • Referans 2: Aldridge M.D, Hasselaar J, Garralda E, Van der Eerden M, Stevenson D, McKendrick K, Meier D.E. (2016). Education, practice and policy barriers to further integration of palliative care: A literature review. Palliative. Medicine. 30(3): 224-239.
  • Referans 3: Andersson E, Salickiene Z, Rosengren K. (2016). To be İnvolved: A qualitative study of nurses' experience of caring for dying patients. Nurse Education Today38: 144-149.
  • Referans 4: Azzizadeh Forouzi M.A, Banazadeh M, Ahmadi J.S, Razban F. (2017). Barriers to palliative care in Neonatal Intensive Care Units: Attitudes of neonatal nurses in southeastern Iran. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. 2017; 34(3): 205-211.
  • Referans 5: Balboni M.J, Sullivan A, Enzinger A.C, Epstein-Peterson Z.D, Tseng Y.D, Mitchell C, Balboni T.A. (2014). Nurse and physician barriers to spiritual care provision at the end of life. Journal of Pain Symptom Management. 2014; 48(3): 400-410.
  • Referans 6: Çarkoğlu A, Kalaycıoğlu E. (2012). Health in Turkey: A sociological evaluation, Health in Turkey: A sociological review. Health Journal. 6(2): 35-37.
  • Referans 7: Chen C.H, Huang L.C, Liu H.L, Lee H.Y, Wu S.Y, Chang Y.C, Peng N.H.(2013). To investigate the beliefs and attitudes of neonatal nurses towards the care of dying newborns in Taiwan. Journal of Maternal Child Health17 (10): 1793-1801.
  • Referans 8: Çolak D, Özyılkan Ö. (2006). Palliatives in cancer patients [Paliative therapy in cancer patients]. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences. 2(10): 1-9.
  • Referans 9: Demir M. (2017). Ethics of palliative care [Ethics of palliative care]. Journal of Intensive Care. 7: 2-66. http://doi:10.5152/dcbybd.2016.1202.
  • Referans 10: Elçigil A. (2014). Palliative care nursing [Palliative care nursing]. Gulhane Medical Journal. 2014; 54: 324-334. http://doi:10.5455/gulhane.30582.
  • Referans 11: Filiz NY, Dikmen Y. (2017). Patient advocacy in end-of-life care practices [Patient advocacy in end-of-life care practices]. Journal of Human Rhythm; 3(2): 95-100.
  • Referans 12: Garner K.K, Goodwin J.A, McSweeney J.C, Kirchner, J.E. (2013). Executives' perceptions of end-of-life care provided in hospitals. Journal of Pain Symptom Management. 45(2): 235-243.
  • Referans 13: International Children's Hospice (CHO) (2011). [online database]. International Hospice About CHI. Retrieved from
  • Referans 14: Işıkhan V. (2008). Death site preferences of terminal cancer patients [Death site preferences in terminal stage cancer patients]. Turkish Journal of Oncology 23(1): 34-44.
  • Referans 15: Jeong J. (2004). Analysis of the factors and roles of HRD in organizational learning styles identified by key information sources in selected companies in the Republic of Korea (PhD thesis). Retrieved from
  • Referans 16: Kain V, Gardner G, Yates P. (2009). Neonatal palliative care attitude scale: Developing a tool to measure the barriers and facilitators of palliative care in neonatal nursing. Journal of Pediatrics. 2009; 123(2): 07-209.
  • Referans 17: Kalaycı S. (2009). SPSS applied multivariate strategy strategy, 4 editions [Book of SPSS applied multivariate statistical techniques, 4th edition].; Ankara, Turkey: Pegem Publications.
  • Referans 18: Karan M.A.(2005). Terminal patient and his problems [Terminal patient and his problems]. 7th National Internal Medicine Congress. Book 8 April Antalya, p: 18.
  • Referans 19: Kavalieratos D, Mitchell E.M, Carey T.S, Dev S, Biddle A.K, Reeve B.B, Weinberger, M. (2014). "Not the 'grim reaper service'": An assessment of provider knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions regarding palliative care referral barriers in heart failure. Journal of the American Heart Association. 3(1): 1-11.
  • Referans 20: Köse B. (2015). Situation and planning within the scope of palliative care services [current status and planning of palliative care services directive]. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, Turkey Public Hospitals Agency Report City, Turkey: Name of publisher. pp: 12-32.
  • Referans 21: Kostak, Akan M.M. (2011). Palliative Care of the Child in the Terminal Period [Paliative Care of the Child in the Terminal Period]. Turkish Journal of Oncology. 26: 182-192.
  • Referans 22: Öz F, Bahardır Yılmaz E. (2009). An important concept in the protection of mental health: Psychological resilience [An important concept in the protection of mental health: Psychological stability]. Faculty of Health Sciences Nursing Journal. 16(3): 82-89.
  • Referans 23: Sumerian N. (2000). Structural models models:. Basic concepts and examples [Structural equation models: Basic concepts and examples]. Journal of Turkish Psychology Writings. 3(6): 49-74.
  • Referans 24: Tezbaşaran A. (1997). Likert type scale application guide, 2 editions [Likert type scale development guide, 2nd edition]. Ankara, Turkey: Turkish Psychological Association Publication
  • Referans 25: Tutku E.Ş. (2016). Palliative care [Palliative care]. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, Turkish Public Health Institution Cancer Department Report City; Ankara, Turkey: Name of publisher. p: 12-36.
  • Referans 26: Valiee S, Negarandeh R, Nayeri N.D. (2012). Investigation of end-of-life care experiences of Iranian intensive care nurses: A qualitative study. Nurse Intensive Care. 17(6): 309-315.
  • Referans 27: Worldwide Palliative Care Association (WPCA) (2014). [online database]. The global atlas of palliative care at the end of life. Retrieved from; (2014);
  • Referans 28: Yolcuoğlu İ. (2010). Risk factors for family and children in child exploitation and service intervention. Journal of Society and Social Work. 21:74-76.
Year 2022, Volume: 8 Issue: 16, 16 - 25, 27.10.2022



  • Referans 1: Akbulut G., Akçiçek F., Çiftçi A. (2015). Support center workshop report [Support center workshop report]. Journal of Health Research Development and Education Association. 1:33-35
  • Referans 2: Aldridge M.D, Hasselaar J, Garralda E, Van der Eerden M, Stevenson D, McKendrick K, Meier D.E. (2016). Education, practice and policy barriers to further integration of palliative care: A literature review. Palliative. Medicine. 30(3): 224-239.
  • Referans 3: Andersson E, Salickiene Z, Rosengren K. (2016). To be İnvolved: A qualitative study of nurses' experience of caring for dying patients. Nurse Education Today38: 144-149.
  • Referans 4: Azzizadeh Forouzi M.A, Banazadeh M, Ahmadi J.S, Razban F. (2017). Barriers to palliative care in Neonatal Intensive Care Units: Attitudes of neonatal nurses in southeastern Iran. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. 2017; 34(3): 205-211.
  • Referans 5: Balboni M.J, Sullivan A, Enzinger A.C, Epstein-Peterson Z.D, Tseng Y.D, Mitchell C, Balboni T.A. (2014). Nurse and physician barriers to spiritual care provision at the end of life. Journal of Pain Symptom Management. 2014; 48(3): 400-410.
  • Referans 6: Çarkoğlu A, Kalaycıoğlu E. (2012). Health in Turkey: A sociological evaluation, Health in Turkey: A sociological review. Health Journal. 6(2): 35-37.
  • Referans 7: Chen C.H, Huang L.C, Liu H.L, Lee H.Y, Wu S.Y, Chang Y.C, Peng N.H.(2013). To investigate the beliefs and attitudes of neonatal nurses towards the care of dying newborns in Taiwan. Journal of Maternal Child Health17 (10): 1793-1801.
  • Referans 8: Çolak D, Özyılkan Ö. (2006). Palliatives in cancer patients [Paliative therapy in cancer patients]. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences. 2(10): 1-9.
  • Referans 9: Demir M. (2017). Ethics of palliative care [Ethics of palliative care]. Journal of Intensive Care. 7: 2-66. http://doi:10.5152/dcbybd.2016.1202.
  • Referans 10: Elçigil A. (2014). Palliative care nursing [Palliative care nursing]. Gulhane Medical Journal. 2014; 54: 324-334. http://doi:10.5455/gulhane.30582.
  • Referans 11: Filiz NY, Dikmen Y. (2017). Patient advocacy in end-of-life care practices [Patient advocacy in end-of-life care practices]. Journal of Human Rhythm; 3(2): 95-100.
  • Referans 12: Garner K.K, Goodwin J.A, McSweeney J.C, Kirchner, J.E. (2013). Executives' perceptions of end-of-life care provided in hospitals. Journal of Pain Symptom Management. 45(2): 235-243.
  • Referans 13: International Children's Hospice (CHO) (2011). [online database]. International Hospice About CHI. Retrieved from
  • Referans 14: Işıkhan V. (2008). Death site preferences of terminal cancer patients [Death site preferences in terminal stage cancer patients]. Turkish Journal of Oncology 23(1): 34-44.
  • Referans 15: Jeong J. (2004). Analysis of the factors and roles of HRD in organizational learning styles identified by key information sources in selected companies in the Republic of Korea (PhD thesis). Retrieved from
  • Referans 16: Kain V, Gardner G, Yates P. (2009). Neonatal palliative care attitude scale: Developing a tool to measure the barriers and facilitators of palliative care in neonatal nursing. Journal of Pediatrics. 2009; 123(2): 07-209.
  • Referans 17: Kalaycı S. (2009). SPSS applied multivariate strategy strategy, 4 editions [Book of SPSS applied multivariate statistical techniques, 4th edition].; Ankara, Turkey: Pegem Publications.
  • Referans 18: Karan M.A.(2005). Terminal patient and his problems [Terminal patient and his problems]. 7th National Internal Medicine Congress. Book 8 April Antalya, p: 18.
  • Referans 19: Kavalieratos D, Mitchell E.M, Carey T.S, Dev S, Biddle A.K, Reeve B.B, Weinberger, M. (2014). "Not the 'grim reaper service'": An assessment of provider knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions regarding palliative care referral barriers in heart failure. Journal of the American Heart Association. 3(1): 1-11.
  • Referans 20: Köse B. (2015). Situation and planning within the scope of palliative care services [current status and planning of palliative care services directive]. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, Turkey Public Hospitals Agency Report City, Turkey: Name of publisher. pp: 12-32.
  • Referans 21: Kostak, Akan M.M. (2011). Palliative Care of the Child in the Terminal Period [Paliative Care of the Child in the Terminal Period]. Turkish Journal of Oncology. 26: 182-192.
  • Referans 22: Öz F, Bahardır Yılmaz E. (2009). An important concept in the protection of mental health: Psychological resilience [An important concept in the protection of mental health: Psychological stability]. Faculty of Health Sciences Nursing Journal. 16(3): 82-89.
  • Referans 23: Sumerian N. (2000). Structural models models:. Basic concepts and examples [Structural equation models: Basic concepts and examples]. Journal of Turkish Psychology Writings. 3(6): 49-74.
  • Referans 24: Tezbaşaran A. (1997). Likert type scale application guide, 2 editions [Likert type scale development guide, 2nd edition]. Ankara, Turkey: Turkish Psychological Association Publication
  • Referans 25: Tutku E.Ş. (2016). Palliative care [Palliative care]. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, Turkish Public Health Institution Cancer Department Report City; Ankara, Turkey: Name of publisher. p: 12-36.
  • Referans 26: Valiee S, Negarandeh R, Nayeri N.D. (2012). Investigation of end-of-life care experiences of Iranian intensive care nurses: A qualitative study. Nurse Intensive Care. 17(6): 309-315.
  • Referans 27: Worldwide Palliative Care Association (WPCA) (2014). [online database]. The global atlas of palliative care at the end of life. Retrieved from; (2014);
  • Referans 28: Yolcuoğlu İ. (2010). Risk factors for family and children in child exploitation and service intervention. Journal of Society and Social Work. 21:74-76.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Orginal Research

Çiğdem Müge Haylı 0000-0001-7630-9619

Nazım Beratlı 0000-0002-4064-6055

Mira Gökdoğan 0000-0002-5075-9192

Publication Date October 27, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 8 Issue: 16


APA Haylı, Ç. M., Beratlı, N., & Gökdoğan, M. (2022). DETERMINING the VIEWS of PEDIATRIC NURSES on the IMPORTANCE of CHILDREN’S HOSPICES and THEIR ESTABLISHMENT IN TURKEY. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management, 8(16), 16-25.
AMA Haylı ÇM, Beratlı N, Gökdoğan M. DETERMINING the VIEWS of PEDIATRIC NURSES on the IMPORTANCE of CHILDREN’S HOSPICES and THEIR ESTABLISHMENT IN TURKEY. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management. October 2022;8(16):16-25. doi:10.48121/jihsam.1120739
Chicago Haylı, Çiğdem Müge, Nazım Beratlı, and Mira Gökdoğan. “DETERMINING the VIEWS of PEDIATRIC NURSES on the IMPORTANCE of CHILDREN’S HOSPICES and THEIR ESTABLISHMENT IN TURKEY”. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management 8, no. 16 (October 2022): 16-25.
EndNote Haylı ÇM, Beratlı N, Gökdoğan M (October 1, 2022) DETERMINING the VIEWS of PEDIATRIC NURSES on the IMPORTANCE of CHILDREN’S HOSPICES and THEIR ESTABLISHMENT IN TURKEY. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management 8 16 16–25.
IEEE Ç. M. Haylı, N. Beratlı, and M. Gökdoğan, “DETERMINING the VIEWS of PEDIATRIC NURSES on the IMPORTANCE of CHILDREN’S HOSPICES and THEIR ESTABLISHMENT IN TURKEY”, Journal of International Health Sciences and Management, vol. 8, no. 16, pp. 16–25, 2022, doi: 10.48121/jihsam.1120739.
ISNAD Haylı, Çiğdem Müge et al. “DETERMINING the VIEWS of PEDIATRIC NURSES on the IMPORTANCE of CHILDREN’S HOSPICES and THEIR ESTABLISHMENT IN TURKEY”. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management 8/16 (October 2022), 16-25.
JAMA Haylı ÇM, Beratlı N, Gökdoğan M. DETERMINING the VIEWS of PEDIATRIC NURSES on the IMPORTANCE of CHILDREN’S HOSPICES and THEIR ESTABLISHMENT IN TURKEY. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management. 2022;8:16–25.
MLA Haylı, Çiğdem Müge et al. “DETERMINING the VIEWS of PEDIATRIC NURSES on the IMPORTANCE of CHILDREN’S HOSPICES and THEIR ESTABLISHMENT IN TURKEY”. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management, vol. 8, no. 16, 2022, pp. 16-25, doi:10.48121/jihsam.1120739.
Vancouver Haylı ÇM, Beratlı N, Gökdoğan M. DETERMINING the VIEWS of PEDIATRIC NURSES on the IMPORTANCE of CHILDREN’S HOSPICES and THEIR ESTABLISHMENT IN TURKEY. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management. 2022;8(16):16-25.