Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 12/31/23

Year: 2023

The main aim of "The Journal of International Lingual, Social and Educational Sciences (JILSES)" is to contribute to the scientific development in the fields of social studies, linguistics and educational sciences by making on-line open-access publications in Turkish, English, French and Arabic languages.

Focus and Scope

In accordance with the basic aim of the journal, the focus and scopes of the JILSES:

Original scientific studies in the fields of Social Sciences, Linguistics and Educational Sciences,

A wide range of studies offering a collective perspective on national and international scientific studies,

Studies that create a bridge between different languages ​​and geographies, especially in Turkish, English, French and Arabic languages,

Studies on national and international problems are included.

Style and Format of Submissions

The first page of the study contains only the title of the publication, abstracts and keywords.

The second page starts with the Introduction main title.

Document format: * .docx or * .doc (Microsoft Word)

Paper Size: A4 (21 cm * 29.7 cm)

Margins: all sides 2.5 cm

Font: Times New Roman

Font Size: 10 pt

Abstracts, keywords: Times New Roman, 9 pt, italic, justified, left and right 1 cm indent, 150-250 words should be written. Abstracts should be in both Turkish and English or French.

Inter-paragraph spacing: Only the previous paragraph 6nk

Sub-paragraphs before and after headings and tables 6nk

Tables and Figures: APA6 Standard

In-text reference: APA6 Standard

Bibliography: Hanging paragraph, APA6, book, journal, conference and thesis name are written in italics.



Where is Social Studies Textbooks Going?

The title of the study should be inclusive and appropriate for the content. The initials of each word should be capitalized except the conjunctions. 12 pt and spacing should be “6nk first“. If the study has been submitted from the thesis or before the conference, a “*” sign should be written at the end of the title and the footnote should be written in 9 pt.



“Abstract” should be 12 pt and abstract text should be 9 pt.  

Abstract should include the purpose, original value, method, results and recommendations of the study clearly and briefly. Turkish and English abstracts should not exceed 250 words.

Keywords: There should be at least 3 and at most 5 keywords that reflect the integrity of the study.


Title of the Study, Introduction, Method, Findings and Comments, Discussion and Conclusion, Suggestions, Bibliography, Appendices

Times New Roman, 12 pt, Bold, 6nk before and only the first letters should be capitalized.


The research topic should contain sufficient information about its importance, problem and purpose.


Under the heading of the method, the research type, model, data collection tools and methods, validity, reliability, and, if applicable, the ethics committee approval should be explained in this section.

Findings and Comments

Findings obtained as a result of the study should be presented with tables, figures, graphics or pictures, if any, for the study problem. Tables should be positioned as much as possible without dividing them on a single page.

Discussion and Conclusion

The findings should be supported and discussed with reference to the literature. The results obtained should be included.


Recommendations should be made based on the results obtained within the scope of the study.


If any, people, institutions and organizations that contribute to the study should be thanked.


Bibliography APA 6 should be prepared in accordance with the principles of citation. In-text references and citations should be given in the language of the full text. Procedures and principles of Turkish references for the full text in Turkish, and procedures and principles of English references for the full text in Turkish should be considered.

Extended Abstract

Extended Abstract, which consists of at least 500 words in English, should be written at the end of the articles written in Turkish.


The appendices should be given on the new page after the references and the appendices numbered “Appendix 1, Appendix 2,” and includes title. 

Article Template

Publication Ethics
The fact that all the stakeholders, editors, referees and readers who are involved in the publication of original scientific studies, in accordance with academic and scientific ethical principles, is of great importance in terms of the emergence and sharing of scientific knowledge and contributing to the development of humanity.
In this context, JILSES adopts guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as open access and expects all stakeholders to comply with these policies.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
Submitting original works to JILSES
Accuracy and completeness of citations in the study content
The reports of the ethics committee, if any, related to the study should be submitted to the editors of the journal when data collection permissions are requested.
Data analysis should be submitted to the editorial board of the journal if requested.
Do not apply to more than one journal at the same time
Journal editors should be notified of any errors detected in the work as soon as possible.


Pre-Evaluation Requirements
In order for the studies to be evaluated within the scope of the publication:
The study must be the original work that has not been previously published and submitted for publication.
The study must have been conducted in the fields of Social Sciences, Linguistics and Educational Sciences.
The type of the study should be stated as “research article, book review, translation work or critical review article.
All authors should log into the journal system and provide the necessary information “contact, institution and ORCID ID”.
The study should be prepared in accordance with JILSES writing rules and uploaded to the journal system.

Publication Frequency
JILSES is published twice a year, June and December. The frequency of publication may be increased by announcing at least one year in advance.

Publication Language
JILSES accepts publications in Turkish, English, French and Arabic.
Manuscript written in Turkish should include “Abstract in Turkish and English, and “Extended Abstract” at least 500 words.
Manuscript written in English, French and Arabic should also include a Turkish abstract.
Accepted manuscript are checked by the language editors. If necessary, the language editor may request that the article be edited.

Privacy Statement
The information (name and e-mail, title) entered into the JILSES journal system through the DergiPark will be used only for the scientific purposes of this journal. This information will not be used for any other purpose or section and will not be shared with third parties.

Metadata and full text of all articles published in JILSES are stored in PDF format. In addition, articles published in the journal are archived in the LOCKSS system.

Sponsorship and Advertising
JILSES does not accept sponsorship or advertisement, announcements about the journal are published on the journal page.

Copyright and Open Access
Authors retain the copyright in the Article and grant the JILSES right of first publication under the CC-BY-NC-SA License.
JILSES has been releasing its materials — journal content — under a CC BY-NC-SA license since 2014.
JILSES provide following permission to the readers from all around World:
The articles published by JILSES; may be shared, copied and redistributed in any medium or format May be adapted, remixed, transformed and built upon material as long as following terms.
Under the following terms:
• Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
• NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
• ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

Creative Commons License
The articles that are published in this journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

DOI Number
The works accepted for publication are given the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number.

Authenticity (Screening for Plagiarism)
JILSES accepts original works only.
Articles that have passed the referee review process are scanned with www.intihal.net software before the last edit.

Articles containing plagiarism are rejected. Article authors containing plagiarism are not allowed to post to JILSES again.

Language Editing, Layout and Typesetting
“Language Redaction, Layout and Typesetting” required for the publication of the articles in JILSES is carried out by the editorial board. If it is deemed necessary as a result of increasing density, it may be requested that the language editor, layout and typesetting procedures be performed by a company approved by the editorial board with the decision of the editorial board and to announce at least 6 months in advance.

Review Process
The Journal of International Lingual, Social and Educational Sciences (JILSES); It is an international peer reviewed journal that publish scientific research accepted at the end of double-blind peer-review process.
After submitting to JILSES, the work pre-reviewed by editor or section editor and two reviewer assigned were experts in their fields. The works are sent to the reviewers anonymously in electronic environment. The reviewers' information is kept confidential. If requested, the reviewers who contribute as a reviewer are given a written document.

Pre-review Process
The works submitted to JILSES are first checked by the journal editors or section editors. At this stage, compliance with the purpose and scope of the journal is evaluated in terms of originality, language and expression. Any studies that are not suitable at this stage are rejected. The author should follow the rejection or acceptance of the study through the system.

Review Process
At least two reviewers are selected by the editors or field editors who pre-reviewed the work, and the names of the authors are removed and the work sent to the reviewers. The reviewers upload the work and evaluation reports to the system. Reviewers are expected to evaluate within 2 months. Corrections from reviewers and editors should be submitted by the authors within 2 weeks.
After the review process, plagiarism detection is done and the studies that are found suitable are published in the next issue.
Authors may withdraw their work during the evaluation process. They can write the reason for withdrawal and send it to the journal e-mail, signed and scanned by each of the authors.
The investigation regarding the early appearance and plagiarism detected during the publication phase is initiated by the journal management.

Jilses dergisi ücretsiz bir dergidir, gönderim, süreç ve yayın için ücret talep edilmemektedir.