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Emeklilik Sistemlerinde Yaşanan Paradigma Değişimi Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme

Year 2023, , 333 - 364, 27.11.2023


Amaç: Emeklilik sistemlerinde yaşanan özelleştirme deneyimi bağlamında, yeniden kamu emeklilik sistemlerine geçiş sürecinin bütüncül olarak değerlendirmektir.
Yöntem: Çalışma, literatüre dayalı bilgilerin sentezlenerek değerlendirildiği, nitel araştırma yöntemleri arasında yer alan doküman analizi doğrultusunda oluşturulmuştur.
Bulgular: 1980’li yıllarda başlayan ve 2000'li yıllarda Latin Amerika ve Orta ve Doğu Avrupa’da devam eden emeklilik sistemlerinin kısmen veya tamamen özelleştirilmesi, emeklilik sisteminin yeniden yapılandırılmasının uluslararası döngüsünün ilk aşamasını temsil etmektedir. İkinci aşamada ise emeklilik sistemleri özelleştirme uygulamalarının tersine çevrilmesi bulunmaktadır. Bu kapsamda 18 ülke (Latin Amerika’dan 5 ülke; Orta ve Doğu Avrupa’dan 13 ülke) özelleştirme uygulamasını tersine çevirmiştir. Bununla birlikte şimdiye kadar hiçbir gelişmiş kapitalist ülke emeklilik sistemini özelleştirmemiştir.
Sonuç: Emeklilik sistemlerinde yaşanan paradigma değişimi iki aşamada değerlendirilmiştir. İlk olarak, emeklilik sistemlerinde yaşanan özelleştirme uygulaması bağlamında gelişen varsayımların ve sonuçların geçerliliği açığa çıkarılmıştır. İkinci olarak emeklilik sistemini özelleştiren çoğu ülkenin özelleştirme uygulamasını neden tersine çevirdiği ve bu anlamda kamu tarafından yönetilen emeklilik sistemlerinin neden yeniden devreye koyulduğu tartışılmıştır.
Özgünlük: 1981-2014 yılları arasında küresel düzeyde emeklilik sistemlerinde bir paradigma kayması yaşanmıştır. Yaşanan paradigma kayması sonucunda ortaya çıkan eğilimlerin varlığı ise tartışmaya açık hale gelmiştir. Bu bakımdan çalışmanın, bütüncül bir perspektif doğrultusunda emeklilik sistemlerinde yaşanan eğilimlerin nedenleri ve sonuçlarına yer vererek alan yazına katkı sunması beklenmektedir.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Emeklilik reformu, emeklilik özelleştirmesi, sosyal güvenlik reformu.


  • Altiparmakov, N. ve Nedeljkovic, M. (2018). Does pension privatization increase economic growth? Evidence from Latin America and Eastern Europe. Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 17(1): 46–84.
  • Altiparmakov, N. ve Nedeljkovic, M. (2022). 25 Years of averting the old age crisis in Eastern Europe. Global Social Policy, 22(1), 84-102. doi: 10.1177/1866802X221107147.
  • Betranou, F., Cetranglo, O., Grushka, C. ve Casanova, L. (2018). Case studies, Argentina. Ortiz, I., Duran-Valverde, F., Urban, S. ve Wodsak, V. (Ed.), Reversing pension privatization: rebuilding public pension systems in Eastern European and Latin American Countries içinde (s.89-112). Geneva: International Labor Organization.
  • Carone, G., Eckefeldt, P., Giamboni, L., Laine, V., ve Pamies, S. (2016). Pension reforms in the EU since the early 2000's: Achievements and challenges ahead. In European Economy, Discussion Paper 042. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
  • Clark, G. L. ve Whiteside, N. (2005). Pension security in the 21st Century: Redrawing the public-private debate. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Diop, A. (2008). Pension reforms in Central and Eastern Europe in a global perspective: Lessons learned. Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium “Internationale Entwicklungen in der Rentenpolitik. Erişim adresi:
  • Drahokoupil, J. ve Domonkos, S. (2012). Averting the funding-gap crisis: East European Pension Reforms since 2008. Global Social Policy, 12(3): 283–299.
  • Ebbinghaus, B. (2011). The varieties of pension governance. pension privatization in Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Ebbinghaus, B. ve Möhring, K. (2022). Studying the politics of pension reforms and their social consequences. K. Nelson, R. Nieuwenhuis ve M. Yerkes (Ed.), Social policy in changing European Societies içinde (s. 85-100). UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Ervik, R. (2005). The battle of future pensions. Global Social Policy, 5 (1): 29–54.
  • Fultz, E. (2004). Pension reform in the EU accession countries: Challenges, achievements and pitfalls. International Social Security Review, Vol.57(2): 3-24.
  • Fultz, E. (2012). The retrenchment of second-tier pensions in Hungary and Poland: A precautionary tale. International Social Security Review, 65(3): 3–25.
  • Gökbayrak, Ş. (2010). Refah Devletinin Dönüşümü ve Özel Emeklilik Programları. Siyasal Kitapevi. Ankara.
  • Grishchenko, N. (2015). Pensions after pension reforms: A comparative analysis of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia. Procedia Economics and Finance, (36):3-9.
  • Guardiancich, I. (2011). The survival and return of institutions: Examples from pension reforms in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. West European Politics, 34(5): 976–996.
  • Hinrichs, K. (2021). Recent pension reforms in Europe: More challenges, new directions. An overview. Social Policy & Administration, Vol.55(3): 409-422.
  • Hirose, K. (2011). Pension reform in Central and Eastern Europe, in times of crisis, austerity and beyond. Geneva: International Labor Office.
  • Holzmann, R. ve Palmer, E. (2006). Pension reform: ıssues and prospects for non-financial defined contribution (ndc) schemes. Proceedings of the NDC Conference in Sandhamn, Sweden, September 28–30, 2003. Washington DC: World Bank.
  • Hujo, K. (2014). Reforming pensions in developing and transition countries: trends, debates and impacts. K. Hujo (Ed.), Reforming pensions in developing and transition countries içinde (s. 3-39). Geneva: Palgrave Macmillan. Hujo, K., ve Kulli, M. (2014). The political economy of pension re-reform in Chile and Argentina. UNRISD, Working Paper 2014-1:1-35.
  • International Labour Office. (2014). World Social Protection Report 2014/15: Building economic recovery, inclusive development and social justice. Erişim adresi:
  • Kay, S. J. ve Sinha, T. (2007). Lessons from Pension Reform in the Americas. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Kohli, M. ve Arza, C. (2011). The political economy of pension reform in Europe. R. H. Binstock ve L. K. George (Ed.), Handbook of aging and the social sciences içinde (s. 251-264). London: Elsevier.
  • Mesa-Lago, C. (2014). Reversing pension privatization: The experience of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Hungary. Extension of Social Security (ESS) Working Paper, No. 44. Geneva, International Labour Office.
  • Mesa-Lago, C. ve Bertanou, F. (2016). Pension reforms in Chile and social security principles, 1981–2015. International Social Security Review, Vol. 69:25-45.
  • Mesa-Lago, C. ve Müller, K. (2002). The politics of pension reform in Latin America. Journal of Latin American Studies, 34: 687–715.
  • Müller, K. (2003). Privatising old-age security: Latin America and Eastern Europe compared. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Naczyk, M. ve Domonkos, S. (2016). The financial crisis and varieties of pension privatization reversals in Eastern Europe. Governance, 29: 167–184.
  • Natali, D. (2017). The new pension mix in Europe: Recent reforms, their distributional effects and political dynamics. Brussels: Peter Lang.
  • Natali, Rhodes, M. (2004). Trade-offs and veto players: Reforming pensions in France and Italy. French Politics, 2, 1–23.
  • Orenstein, M. A. (2008). Privatizing Pensions: The Transnational Campaign for Social Security Reform. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Orenstein, M. A. (2013). Pension privatization: evolution of a paradigm. Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions, Vol.26(2): 259-281.
  • Orszag, P. ve Stiglitz, J. E. (2001). Rethinking pension reform: Ten myths about social security systems. Holman, R. ve Stiglitz, J. E. (Ed.), New ideas about old age security: toward sustainable pension systems in the Twenty-First Century içinde (s.17-56). Washington, DC: World Bank.
  • Ortiz, I., Duran-Valverde, F., Urban, S. ve Wodsak, V. (2018). Reversing pension privatization: rebuilding public pension systems in Eastern European and Latin American Countries. Geneva: International Labor Organization.
  • Palier, B. (2010). A long goodbye to bismarck? the politics of welfare reform in Western Europe. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Press.
  • Polakowski, M. ve Hagemejer, K. (2018). Reversing pension privatization: The case of Polish pension reform and re-reforms. Extension of Social Security (ESS) Working Paper, No. 68. Geneva, International Labour Office.
  • Solimano, A. (2021). The rise and fall of the privatized pension system in Chile. UK and USA: Anthem Press.
  • Szikra, D. (2018). Reversing privatization and re-nationalizing pensions in Hungary. Extension of Social Security (ESS) Paper No. 66. Geneva, International Labour Office.
  • Vlachantoni, A. (2022). Pension. Greve. B. (Ed.), De Gruyter Handbook of Contemporary Welfare States içinde (s. 225-269). Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter.
  • World Bank. (1994). Averting the old-age crisis: policies to protect the old and promote growth. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Year 2023, , 333 - 364, 27.11.2023



  • Altiparmakov, N. ve Nedeljkovic, M. (2018). Does pension privatization increase economic growth? Evidence from Latin America and Eastern Europe. Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 17(1): 46–84.
  • Altiparmakov, N. ve Nedeljkovic, M. (2022). 25 Years of averting the old age crisis in Eastern Europe. Global Social Policy, 22(1), 84-102. doi: 10.1177/1866802X221107147.
  • Betranou, F., Cetranglo, O., Grushka, C. ve Casanova, L. (2018). Case studies, Argentina. Ortiz, I., Duran-Valverde, F., Urban, S. ve Wodsak, V. (Ed.), Reversing pension privatization: rebuilding public pension systems in Eastern European and Latin American Countries içinde (s.89-112). Geneva: International Labor Organization.
  • Carone, G., Eckefeldt, P., Giamboni, L., Laine, V., ve Pamies, S. (2016). Pension reforms in the EU since the early 2000's: Achievements and challenges ahead. In European Economy, Discussion Paper 042. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
  • Clark, G. L. ve Whiteside, N. (2005). Pension security in the 21st Century: Redrawing the public-private debate. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Diop, A. (2008). Pension reforms in Central and Eastern Europe in a global perspective: Lessons learned. Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium “Internationale Entwicklungen in der Rentenpolitik. Erişim adresi:
  • Drahokoupil, J. ve Domonkos, S. (2012). Averting the funding-gap crisis: East European Pension Reforms since 2008. Global Social Policy, 12(3): 283–299.
  • Ebbinghaus, B. (2011). The varieties of pension governance. pension privatization in Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Ebbinghaus, B. ve Möhring, K. (2022). Studying the politics of pension reforms and their social consequences. K. Nelson, R. Nieuwenhuis ve M. Yerkes (Ed.), Social policy in changing European Societies içinde (s. 85-100). UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Ervik, R. (2005). The battle of future pensions. Global Social Policy, 5 (1): 29–54.
  • Fultz, E. (2004). Pension reform in the EU accession countries: Challenges, achievements and pitfalls. International Social Security Review, Vol.57(2): 3-24.
  • Fultz, E. (2012). The retrenchment of second-tier pensions in Hungary and Poland: A precautionary tale. International Social Security Review, 65(3): 3–25.
  • Gökbayrak, Ş. (2010). Refah Devletinin Dönüşümü ve Özel Emeklilik Programları. Siyasal Kitapevi. Ankara.
  • Grishchenko, N. (2015). Pensions after pension reforms: A comparative analysis of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia. Procedia Economics and Finance, (36):3-9.
  • Guardiancich, I. (2011). The survival and return of institutions: Examples from pension reforms in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. West European Politics, 34(5): 976–996.
  • Hinrichs, K. (2021). Recent pension reforms in Europe: More challenges, new directions. An overview. Social Policy & Administration, Vol.55(3): 409-422.
  • Hirose, K. (2011). Pension reform in Central and Eastern Europe, in times of crisis, austerity and beyond. Geneva: International Labor Office.
  • Holzmann, R. ve Palmer, E. (2006). Pension reform: ıssues and prospects for non-financial defined contribution (ndc) schemes. Proceedings of the NDC Conference in Sandhamn, Sweden, September 28–30, 2003. Washington DC: World Bank.
  • Hujo, K. (2014). Reforming pensions in developing and transition countries: trends, debates and impacts. K. Hujo (Ed.), Reforming pensions in developing and transition countries içinde (s. 3-39). Geneva: Palgrave Macmillan. Hujo, K., ve Kulli, M. (2014). The political economy of pension re-reform in Chile and Argentina. UNRISD, Working Paper 2014-1:1-35.
  • International Labour Office. (2014). World Social Protection Report 2014/15: Building economic recovery, inclusive development and social justice. Erişim adresi:
  • Kay, S. J. ve Sinha, T. (2007). Lessons from Pension Reform in the Americas. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Kohli, M. ve Arza, C. (2011). The political economy of pension reform in Europe. R. H. Binstock ve L. K. George (Ed.), Handbook of aging and the social sciences içinde (s. 251-264). London: Elsevier.
  • Mesa-Lago, C. (2014). Reversing pension privatization: The experience of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Hungary. Extension of Social Security (ESS) Working Paper, No. 44. Geneva, International Labour Office.
  • Mesa-Lago, C. ve Bertanou, F. (2016). Pension reforms in Chile and social security principles, 1981–2015. International Social Security Review, Vol. 69:25-45.
  • Mesa-Lago, C. ve Müller, K. (2002). The politics of pension reform in Latin America. Journal of Latin American Studies, 34: 687–715.
  • Müller, K. (2003). Privatising old-age security: Latin America and Eastern Europe compared. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Naczyk, M. ve Domonkos, S. (2016). The financial crisis and varieties of pension privatization reversals in Eastern Europe. Governance, 29: 167–184.
  • Natali, D. (2017). The new pension mix in Europe: Recent reforms, their distributional effects and political dynamics. Brussels: Peter Lang.
  • Natali, Rhodes, M. (2004). Trade-offs and veto players: Reforming pensions in France and Italy. French Politics, 2, 1–23.
  • Orenstein, M. A. (2008). Privatizing Pensions: The Transnational Campaign for Social Security Reform. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Orenstein, M. A. (2013). Pension privatization: evolution of a paradigm. Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions, Vol.26(2): 259-281.
  • Orszag, P. ve Stiglitz, J. E. (2001). Rethinking pension reform: Ten myths about social security systems. Holman, R. ve Stiglitz, J. E. (Ed.), New ideas about old age security: toward sustainable pension systems in the Twenty-First Century içinde (s.17-56). Washington, DC: World Bank.
  • Ortiz, I., Duran-Valverde, F., Urban, S. ve Wodsak, V. (2018). Reversing pension privatization: rebuilding public pension systems in Eastern European and Latin American Countries. Geneva: International Labor Organization.
  • Palier, B. (2010). A long goodbye to bismarck? the politics of welfare reform in Western Europe. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Press.
  • Polakowski, M. ve Hagemejer, K. (2018). Reversing pension privatization: The case of Polish pension reform and re-reforms. Extension of Social Security (ESS) Working Paper, No. 68. Geneva, International Labour Office.
  • Solimano, A. (2021). The rise and fall of the privatized pension system in Chile. UK and USA: Anthem Press.
  • Szikra, D. (2018). Reversing privatization and re-nationalizing pensions in Hungary. Extension of Social Security (ESS) Paper No. 66. Geneva, International Labour Office.
  • Vlachantoni, A. (2022). Pension. Greve. B. (Ed.), De Gruyter Handbook of Contemporary Welfare States içinde (s. 225-269). Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter.
  • World Bank. (1994). Averting the old-age crisis: policies to protect the old and promote growth. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Social Security
Journal Section Research

Yusuf Can Çalışır 0000-0001-5715-7269

Publication Date November 27, 2023
Submission Date July 19, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Çalışır, Y. C. (2023). Emeklilik Sistemlerinde Yaşanan Paradigma Değişimi Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 14(2), 333-364.