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David Hume’un Siyasal Ekonomisi ve İnsan Doğası

Year 2016, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 947 - 968, 01.12.2016


Hume başta din, ahlak ve siyaset olmak üzere; doğa, bilim, tarih, felsefe, metafizik, epistemoloji/mantık, iktisat, sosyoloji, psikoloji, etik ve estetik vb. alanlarda eserler üretmiş bir filozoftur. Hume’un entelektüel ilgisine giren konuların zenginliğine rağmen, Türkiye’de yapılan çalışmaların çoğunlukla din ve epistemoloji alanında yoğunlaşıldığı görülür. Son dönemlerde kısmen de olsa ahlak felsefesi üzerine çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Filozofun siyaset ve iktisat çalışmaları üzerinde yeterince durulmamış ve ilgi gösterilmemiştir. Oysa ticaret yüzyılında İngiltere’de yaşamış ve A. Smith’le münasebet içerisinde bulunmuş bir filozofun iktisat üzerine düşünce geliştirmemesi düşünülemezdi.Bu makalede ilk modern iktisatçı diyebileceğimiz Hume’un ahlak ve siyasetle ilişkili olan siyasî iktisat anlayışı; insan zihninin çalışmasıyla, insan doğası ve tutkularıyla ilişkili olarak ele alınmıştır. Siyasal ekonomisi eserleri bağlamında ele alınmış ve ahlak felsefesinin merkezi ve siyasî iktisat anlayışının en önemli kavramları olan fayda-değer, çıkar, tutumlar ve söz verme kavramlarıyla siyasal iktisat anlayışı ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Hume’un, antroposantrik (insan merkezli) ahlak anlayışı inşa ederek günümüzün seküler, akılcı, dünyevi, immoral ve kapitalist maddeci bir dünyanın oluşmasına katkısının bulunduğu tespitinde bulunulmuştur.


  • Akbay, O. S. (2009). “Hume’un Uluslararası Ticarette Otomatik Akım Mekanizması Yaklaşımının Toplumsal ve Felsefi Temelleri”, RG_/23/1-6.pdf, (Erişim: 25.02.2015).
  • Berry, C.L. (2008). “Humeand Superfluous Value (orthe Problem with Epictetus’ Slippers)”, Carl Wennerlind ve Margaret Schabas, (ed.)., David Hume’s Political Economy. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Boyd, R. (2008). “Mannersand Morals: David Hume on Civility, Commerce, and the Social Construction of Difference”, Carl Wennerlind ve Margaret Schabas, (ed.)., David Hume’s Political Economy. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Caffentzis, C.G. (2008). “Fiction or Counterfeit? David Hume’s Interpretations of Paperand Metallic Money”, Carl Wennerlind ve Margaret Schabas, (ed.)., David Hume’s Political Economy. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Chacón, J.P. (2014).“Economy of the Flesh: Nature and Economy in Davıd Hume and Adam Smith”,Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Chicago: The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.
  • Clarke, C. A. (2010). “Wealth of Notions: Interpreting Economy and Morality Early America”, Early American Studies, C. 8, S. 3, ss. 672- 683.
  • Cohen, S. (2011). "Modern Political Economy and the Spirit of David Hume: Two Presences",, (25 Aralık 2012). ss. 1-13.
  • Dağ, A. (2011). Ölümcül Şiddet-Baudrillard’ın Düşüncesi, İstanbul: Külliyat Yayınları.
  • Dow, S. C. (2009). “David Humeand Modern Economics”, Capitalismand Society, C. 4, S.1, ss. 1-29.
  • Emerson, R. L. (2008). “The Scottish Contexts for David Hume’s Political- Economic Thinking”, Carl Wennerlind ve Margaret Schabas, (ed.)., David Hume’s Political Economy. New York and London: Routledge.
  • -----------------. (2009). Essays on David Hume, Medical Men, and the Scottish Enlightenment: Industry, Knowledge, and Humanity, England: Ashgate Publishing.
  • Forbes, D. (1985). Hume's Philosophical Politics. USA: Cup Archive.
  • Geiser, N. (2013). “David Hume, Justice, and Moral Obligation: InterpretivePossibilities”, ume_Justice_and_Moral_Obligation_Interpretive_Possibilities, (Erişim: 22.05.2015).
  • Hardin, R. (2007). David Hume: Moral and Political Theorist, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hont, I. (2008). The ‘‘Rich Country–Poor Country’’ Debate Revisited The Irish Originsand French Reception of the Hume Paradox, Carl Wennerlind ve Margaret Schabas, (ed.)., David Hume’s Political Economy. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Hume, D. (1985). A Treatise of Human Nature, Ernest C. Mossner (ed). USA: PenguinBooks.
  • Hume, D. (1994). Political Essays, (ed.). K. Haakonssen, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hume, D. (2004). The History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesarto the Revolution in 1688 (1778)- I-VI, Indianapolis: Liberty Fund.
  • Hume, D. (2009). İnsan Doğası Üzerine Bir İnceleme, çev. Ergün Baylan. İstanbul: Bilgesu Yayıncılık.
  • Hume, D. (2010). Ahlak, çev. Nil Şimşek, İstanbul: Dergah Yayınları.
  • Mandeville, B. (1998). The Fable of the Bees: Or Private Vices, Publick Benefits, USA: Liberty Fund.
  • McArthur, N. (2007). David Hume's Political Theory: Law, Commerce, and the Constitution of Government, Canada: University of Toronto Press.
  • McGee, R.W. (1989). “The Economic Thought of David Hume: A Pioneer in the Field of Law & Economics”, Hume Studies, C.15, S. 1, ss. 184- 204.
  • Merril, K. F. (2008). Historical Dictionaries of Hume, USA: Scarecrow Press.
  • Monk, I. H. (2005). Modern Siyasal Düşünce Tarihi (Hobbes' tan Marx' a Büyük Siyasal Düşünürler, Necla Arat, (der.), İstanbul: Say Yayınları.
  • Mosco, V. (2009). The Political Economy of Communication, Canada: Sage Publications.
  • Norton, D. F. ve Taylor, J. (2009). The Cambridge Companion to Hume, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Norton, D.F. ve Kuehn, M. (2006). “The Foundations of Morality”, Knud Haakonssen (ed.), The Cambridge History of Eighteenth-Century Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Patterson, C. H. (1968). Cliffs Notes on Concerning the Principles of Morals. Nebraska: Cliffs Notes.
  • Rand, A. (1986). Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, USA: Penguin Books.
  • Ross, I. S. (2008). “The Emergence of David Hume as a Political Economist: A Biographical Sketch”, Carl Wennerlind ve Margaret Schabas, (ed.)., David Hume’s Political Economy. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Rostow, W. W. (1990). Theorists of Economic Growthfrom David Hume to the Present, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Rotwein, E. (2007). Writings on Economics, London: Transsaction Publishing.
  • Sakamoto, T. ve Tanaka, H. (ed.). (2005). The Rise of Political Economy in the Scottish Enlightenment. New York and London: Routledge.
  • ---------, (2008), “Hume’s Economic Theory”, Elizabeth S. Radcliffe (ed.)., A Companion to Hume. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Schabas, M. (2005). The Natural Origins of Economics, Chicago: Chicago University Press.
  • Schmidt, C. M. (2003). David Hume: Reason in History, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press.
  • Soule, E. “Hume on Economic Policyand Human Nature”, Hume Studies, C. XXVI, S. 1, ss. 143-157.
  • Taylor, C. ve Buckle, S. (2011). Hume and the Enlightenment. London: Pickering & Chatto.
  • Wennerlind, C. (2002). “David Hume’s Political Philosophy: A Theory of Commercial Modernization”, Hume Studies, C. XXVIII, S. 2, ss. 247- 270.
  • ----------------, (2008). An Artificial Virtue and the Oil of Commerce: A Synthetic View of Hume’s Theory of Money, Carl Wennerlind ve Margaret Schabas, (ed.)., David Hume’s Political Economy. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Wennerlind, C. ve Schabas, M. (ed.). (2008). David Hume’s Political Economy, New York and London: Routledge.
  • Yanoof, T.G. ve Edward, F.M. (2008). “Hume’s Framework for a Natural History of the Passions”, Carl Wennerlind ve Margaret Schabas, (ed.)., David Hume’s Political Economy. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Yürüşen, M. M. (2013). İnsan Doğası Sosyal Düzen ve Değişim (David Hume’un Sosyal ve Siyasal Felsefesi), Ankara: Liberte Yayınları.
  • Zanardi, P. (2011). “Philosophyand Economics. Some Recent Books on Hume’s Political Economy”,, (Erişim: 22.02.2015).

David Hume’s Political Economy and Human Nature

Year 2016, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 947 - 968, 01.12.2016


Hume is a philosopher who did research on especially the areas of religion, morals and politics besides the nature, science, history, philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology/logic, economics, sociology, psychology, ethics and aesthetics and so on. Despite the wide range of his study areas, when looking at the studies on Hume in general, it can be seen that the studies in our country are mostly on religion and epistemology, and partly on morals. The philosopher’s studies on politics and economics haven't been laid enough stress on and haven't received real interest. However, it can’t have been thought that a philosopher living in England in the century of trade and having a relationship with A. Smith didn’t improve notions on economics. In this article, Hume’s understanding of political economics related with morals and politics, who can be called the first modern economist, is dealt with in relation to study of human understanding, his nature and desires. His political economics is discussed in the context of his works and his understanding of political economics is tried to be presented by means of the concepts of benefit-value, interest, attitutes and promise. It has been determined that he contributed to form today’s profane, rationalistic, secular, immoral and capitalist mechanical world by establishing anthropocentric moral sentiment.


  • Akbay, O. S. (2009). “Hume’un Uluslararası Ticarette Otomatik Akım Mekanizması Yaklaşımının Toplumsal ve Felsefi Temelleri”, RG_/23/1-6.pdf, (Erişim: 25.02.2015).
  • Berry, C.L. (2008). “Humeand Superfluous Value (orthe Problem with Epictetus’ Slippers)”, Carl Wennerlind ve Margaret Schabas, (ed.)., David Hume’s Political Economy. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Boyd, R. (2008). “Mannersand Morals: David Hume on Civility, Commerce, and the Social Construction of Difference”, Carl Wennerlind ve Margaret Schabas, (ed.)., David Hume’s Political Economy. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Caffentzis, C.G. (2008). “Fiction or Counterfeit? David Hume’s Interpretations of Paperand Metallic Money”, Carl Wennerlind ve Margaret Schabas, (ed.)., David Hume’s Political Economy. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Chacón, J.P. (2014).“Economy of the Flesh: Nature and Economy in Davıd Hume and Adam Smith”,Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Chicago: The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.
  • Clarke, C. A. (2010). “Wealth of Notions: Interpreting Economy and Morality Early America”, Early American Studies, C. 8, S. 3, ss. 672- 683.
  • Cohen, S. (2011). "Modern Political Economy and the Spirit of David Hume: Two Presences",, (25 Aralık 2012). ss. 1-13.
  • Dağ, A. (2011). Ölümcül Şiddet-Baudrillard’ın Düşüncesi, İstanbul: Külliyat Yayınları.
  • Dow, S. C. (2009). “David Humeand Modern Economics”, Capitalismand Society, C. 4, S.1, ss. 1-29.
  • Emerson, R. L. (2008). “The Scottish Contexts for David Hume’s Political- Economic Thinking”, Carl Wennerlind ve Margaret Schabas, (ed.)., David Hume’s Political Economy. New York and London: Routledge.
  • -----------------. (2009). Essays on David Hume, Medical Men, and the Scottish Enlightenment: Industry, Knowledge, and Humanity, England: Ashgate Publishing.
  • Forbes, D. (1985). Hume's Philosophical Politics. USA: Cup Archive.
  • Geiser, N. (2013). “David Hume, Justice, and Moral Obligation: InterpretivePossibilities”, ume_Justice_and_Moral_Obligation_Interpretive_Possibilities, (Erişim: 22.05.2015).
  • Hardin, R. (2007). David Hume: Moral and Political Theorist, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hont, I. (2008). The ‘‘Rich Country–Poor Country’’ Debate Revisited The Irish Originsand French Reception of the Hume Paradox, Carl Wennerlind ve Margaret Schabas, (ed.)., David Hume’s Political Economy. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Hume, D. (1985). A Treatise of Human Nature, Ernest C. Mossner (ed). USA: PenguinBooks.
  • Hume, D. (1994). Political Essays, (ed.). K. Haakonssen, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hume, D. (2004). The History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesarto the Revolution in 1688 (1778)- I-VI, Indianapolis: Liberty Fund.
  • Hume, D. (2009). İnsan Doğası Üzerine Bir İnceleme, çev. Ergün Baylan. İstanbul: Bilgesu Yayıncılık.
  • Hume, D. (2010). Ahlak, çev. Nil Şimşek, İstanbul: Dergah Yayınları.
  • Mandeville, B. (1998). The Fable of the Bees: Or Private Vices, Publick Benefits, USA: Liberty Fund.
  • McArthur, N. (2007). David Hume's Political Theory: Law, Commerce, and the Constitution of Government, Canada: University of Toronto Press.
  • McGee, R.W. (1989). “The Economic Thought of David Hume: A Pioneer in the Field of Law & Economics”, Hume Studies, C.15, S. 1, ss. 184- 204.
  • Merril, K. F. (2008). Historical Dictionaries of Hume, USA: Scarecrow Press.
  • Monk, I. H. (2005). Modern Siyasal Düşünce Tarihi (Hobbes' tan Marx' a Büyük Siyasal Düşünürler, Necla Arat, (der.), İstanbul: Say Yayınları.
  • Mosco, V. (2009). The Political Economy of Communication, Canada: Sage Publications.
  • Norton, D. F. ve Taylor, J. (2009). The Cambridge Companion to Hume, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Norton, D.F. ve Kuehn, M. (2006). “The Foundations of Morality”, Knud Haakonssen (ed.), The Cambridge History of Eighteenth-Century Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Patterson, C. H. (1968). Cliffs Notes on Concerning the Principles of Morals. Nebraska: Cliffs Notes.
  • Rand, A. (1986). Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, USA: Penguin Books.
  • Ross, I. S. (2008). “The Emergence of David Hume as a Political Economist: A Biographical Sketch”, Carl Wennerlind ve Margaret Schabas, (ed.)., David Hume’s Political Economy. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Rostow, W. W. (1990). Theorists of Economic Growthfrom David Hume to the Present, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Rotwein, E. (2007). Writings on Economics, London: Transsaction Publishing.
  • Sakamoto, T. ve Tanaka, H. (ed.). (2005). The Rise of Political Economy in the Scottish Enlightenment. New York and London: Routledge.
  • ---------, (2008), “Hume’s Economic Theory”, Elizabeth S. Radcliffe (ed.)., A Companion to Hume. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Schabas, M. (2005). The Natural Origins of Economics, Chicago: Chicago University Press.
  • Schmidt, C. M. (2003). David Hume: Reason in History, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press.
  • Soule, E. “Hume on Economic Policyand Human Nature”, Hume Studies, C. XXVI, S. 1, ss. 143-157.
  • Taylor, C. ve Buckle, S. (2011). Hume and the Enlightenment. London: Pickering & Chatto.
  • Wennerlind, C. (2002). “David Hume’s Political Philosophy: A Theory of Commercial Modernization”, Hume Studies, C. XXVIII, S. 2, ss. 247- 270.
  • ----------------, (2008). An Artificial Virtue and the Oil of Commerce: A Synthetic View of Hume’s Theory of Money, Carl Wennerlind ve Margaret Schabas, (ed.)., David Hume’s Political Economy. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Wennerlind, C. ve Schabas, M. (ed.). (2008). David Hume’s Political Economy, New York and London: Routledge.
  • Yanoof, T.G. ve Edward, F.M. (2008). “Hume’s Framework for a Natural History of the Passions”, Carl Wennerlind ve Margaret Schabas, (ed.)., David Hume’s Political Economy. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Yürüşen, M. M. (2013). İnsan Doğası Sosyal Düzen ve Değişim (David Hume’un Sosyal ve Siyasal Felsefesi), Ankara: Liberte Yayınları.
  • Zanardi, P. (2011). “Philosophyand Economics. Some Recent Books on Hume’s Political Economy”,, (Erişim: 22.02.2015).
There are 45 citations in total.


Other ID JA34YB77ZE
Journal Section Articles

Ahmet Dağ This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2016
Submission Date December 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Dağ, A. (2016). David Hume’un Siyasal Ekonomisi ve İnsan Doğası. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(1), 947-968.