Kırsallık, Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma ve Kırsal Turizm
Year 2012,
Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 113 - 124, 01.12.2012
Zekayi Kaya
Murat Sayılı
Tufan Bal
Kırsal turizm, günümüzde hem gelişmiş hem de gelişmekte olan ülkelerde yürütülen alternatif turizmin popüler bir şeklidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı kırsal alanların sürdürülebilir kalkınmasında kırsal turizmin rolünü sunmaktır. Ayrıca çalışmada, sürdürülebilirlik için yatırım çeşitleri ve sürdürülebilirliğin ekolojik, ekonomik ve sosyo-kültürel boyutları açıklanmıştır.
- Aikaterini, G., Ioannis, S., Thanasis, K. (2001). Is agrotourism “agro” or “tourism”? evidence from agrotourist holdings in Lesvos, Greece. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 12(1): 6-22.
- Akca, H., Sayili, M., Esengun, K., Akay, M. (2000).An evaluation on the socio—cultural, economic and environmental effects of rural tourism. Proceedings of the 70th EAAE Seminar on Problems and Prospects of Balkan Agriculture in a Restructuring Environment, 9-11 June 2000, Thessaloniki, pp: 29-32.
- Barke, M. (2004).Rural tourism in Spain. International Journal of Tourism Research, 6: 137-149.
- Baum, T., Conlin, M.V. (1994). Comprehensive human resource planning: an essential key to sustainable tourism in island settings. In Progress in Tourism, Recreation and Hospitality Management, Vol.6, Cooper CP, Lockwood A (eds). Wiley: Chichester, p: 259-270.
- Blaine, T., Golan, M. (1993). Demand for rural tourism: an exploratory study. Annals of Tourism Research, 20: 770-773.
- Bramwell, B., Lane, B. (1993). Sustainable tourism: an evolving global approach. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1(1): 1-5.
- Campanhola, C., Graziano da Silva, J. (1999).Tourism in the rural area as a new opportunity for small farmers.Textoparadiscusao.IE/UNICAMP n.72.
- Cavaco, C. (1995). Rural tourism: the creation of new tourist spaces. In European Tourism: Regions, Spaces and Restructuring, Montanari A, Williams A (eds). Wiley: Chichester, p: 129-149.
- CEC (1992).Farm Household Adjustment in Western Europe 1987-1991. OfŞce for OfŞcial Publications of the European Communities: Luxembourg.
- Chhabra, D., Sills, E., Cubbage, F.W. (2003). The significance of festivals to rural economies: estimating the economic impacts of Scottish highland games in North Carolina. Journal of Travel Research, 41(4): 421-427.
- Coccossis, H. (1996). Tourism and sustainability: perspectives and implications. In Sustainable Tourism: European Experiences, Priestley GK, Edwards JA, Coccossis H (eds). CAB: Wallingford, p: 1-21.
- Colman, D. (1993). Environmental economics and agricultural policy. In Current Issues in Agricultural Economics, Rayner AJ , Colman D (eds). The Macmillan Press Ltd: London, p: 205-223.
- Demoi, L.A. (1991). About rural and farm tourism. Tourism Research, 16 (1): 3-6.
- Du Plessis, V., Beshiri, R., Bollman, R. (2002). DeŞnitionsof rural. Agriculture and Working Paper Series, Working Paper 61, Statistics Canada : Ottawa, Ontario.
- Edmunds, M. (1999). Rural tourism in Europe. Travel and Tourism Analyst, 6: 37-50.
- Elena, C.(2012). The Importance of Rural Tourism Development in Rural Communities. Analele UniversitXEii din Oradea Fascucula: Ecotoxicologie, Zootehnieşi Tehnologii de Industrie Alimentark. Romania.
- Eligh, J., Welford, R., Ytterhus, B. (2002). The production of sustainable tourism: concepts and examples from Norway. Sustainable Development, 10: 223-234.
- Eraktan, G., Yildirak, N. (1989). Turkiye’de Kırsal Kalkınma Stratejileri ve Politikalari. Friedrich Ebert Vakfı: Istanbul.
- Flora, J., Spears, L., Flora, L., Weinberg, M. (1992). Rural Communities: Legacy and Change. Westview Press: Boulder, CO.
- Gannon, A. (1994). Rural tourism as a factor in rural community economic development for economies in transition. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2(1+2): 51-60.
- Gartner, W.C. (2004). Rural tourism development in the USA. International Journal of Tourism Research, 6: 151-164.
- Gilmore, D.D. (1980). The people of the plain. In Class and community in lower Andalusia. Colombia University Press: New York.
- Gosar, L. (1990). Celoviti Razvoj Ruralnih Obmocij. Urbanisticni Institut, Ljubljana.
- Hall, D. (1999). Central and Eastern Europe. In Women as Producers and Consumers of Tourism in Developing Regions, Apostolopoulos Y, Sonmez SF (eds). Westport CT: Greenwood Publishing.
- Hjalager, A.M. (2004). Sustainable leisure life modes and rural welfare economy — the case of the Randers Fjord area, Denmark. International Journal of Tourism Research 6: 177-188.
- Hoggart, K., Buller, H., Black, R. (1995). Rural Europe: Identity and Change. Arnold: London.
- Iakovidou, O. (1997). Agro-tourism in Greece: The Case of Women Agro- Tourism Cooperatives of Ambelakia. In MEDIT 8(1). Edagricole: Bologna.
- Irshad, H. (2010). Rural Tourism-An Overview. Government of Alberta. Agriculture and Rural Development. Canada.
- Jithendran, K.J., Baum, T. (2000). Human resources development and sustainability - the case of Indian tourism. International journal of Tourism Research, 2: 403-421.
- Kinnaird, V., Hall, D. (1996). Understanding tourism processes: a gender- aware framework. Tourism Management, 19(2): 95-102.
- Koscak, M. (1998).Integral development of rural areas, tourism and village renovation, Trebnje, Slovenia. Tourism Management, 19(1): 81-96.
- Kottke, M. (1988).Estimating economic impacts of tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 15(1): 122-133.
- Ladki, S.M. (1993). An evaluation of tourists’s experiences in rural Northern West Virginia. Proceedings of the Society of Travel and Tourism Educators Conference, 5: 90—102.
- Lane, B. (1994). What is rural tourism? Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2(1+2): 7-21.
- Leitch, J.A., Leistritz, F.L. (1985). Techniques for assessing the secondary impact of recreation and tourism. In Assessing the Economic Impact of Recreation & Tourism, Propst DB (ed). US Department of Agriculture Forest Service South-Eastern Forest Experiment Station: Asheville, p: 15-32.
- Maciejewska, W. (2001).Development of agrotourism in the region of Great Poland and expected effects. Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering, 46(2): 34-38.
- MacLellan, LR. (1997). The tourism and the environment debate: from idealism to cynicism. In Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Management, Foley M, Lennon J, Maxwell G (eds). Cassell: London, p: 177-194.
- Meier, G.M. (1995). Leading Issues in Economic Development. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
- Mountrakis, G., AVRuskin, G. (2005). Modelling rurality using spatial indicators.http://i gre. geocomputation2005/ abstract_list/ 1 3 00 077Ruraliy.pdf
- Oakley, P., Garforth, C. (1985). Guide to Extension Training. FAO Training Series 11: Rome.
- OECD (1994).Tourism Strategies and Rural Development. OECD Report: Paris.
- Oppermann, M. (1996)Rural tourism in Southern Germany. Annals of Tourism Research, 23(1): 86-102.
- Owens, P.L. (1984). Rural leisure and recreation research. Progress in Human Geography, 8: 157-188.
- Page, S.J., Getz, D. (1997). The Business of Rural Tourism: International Perspectives. International Thomson Business Press: London.
- Pearce, P. (1990). Farm tourism in New Zealand: a social situation analysis. Annals of Tourism Research, 17(3): 117-125.
- Pearce, D.W., Markandya, A., Barbier, EB. (1989). Blueprint for a Green Economy.Eartscan: London.
- Perales, R.M.Y. (2002). Rural tourism in Spain. Annals of Tourism Research 29(4): 1101-1110.
- Ratz, T., Puczko, L. (1998).Rural tourism and sustainable development. International Conference on “Rural Tourism Management: Sustainable Options”. SACAuchincruive: Scotland.
- Rickard, R.C. (1983). The role of farm tourism in the less favoured areas of England and Wales. Report No: 218. University of Exeter Agricultural Economics Unit: Exeter.
- Roberts, L., Hall, D. (2001). Rural Tourism and Recreation: Principles to Practice. CABI Publishing: Oxon.
- Robinson, G.M. (1990). Conflict and Change in the Countryside. Belhaven Press: London.
- Sharpley, R. (2002). Rural tourism and the challenge of tourism diversiŞcation: the case of Cyprus. Tourism Management, 23(3): 233- 244.
- Solow, R.M. (2000). Sustainability: an economist’s perspective. In Economics of the Environment: Selected Readings, Stavin RN (ed). Norton: New York, p: 131-138.
- Swarbrooke, J. (1996). Towards the development of sustainable rural tourism in Eastern Europe. In Tourism in Central and Eastern Europe: Educating for Quality, Richards G (ed). ATLAS: Tilburg, p: 137-163.
- Swinnerton, G.S. (1982). Recreation on the Agricultural Land in Alberta. Environment Council of Alberta: Edmonton.
- Taylor, D.T., Fletcher, R.R., Clabaugh, T. (1993). A comparison of characteristics, regional expenditures and economics: impact of visitors to historical sites with other recreational visitors. Journal of Travel Research, 32(l): 30-35.
- Turkdogan, O. (1977). Koy Sosyolojisinin Temel Sorunlari. Sebil Matbaacilik: Istanbul.
- Venkatachalam, S., McDowell, S.D. (2002). What is broadband? where is “rural”? Government Information Quarterly, 20: 151-166.
- Vernon, J., Essex, S., Pinder, D., Curry, K. (2003). The “greening” of tourism micro-businesses: outcomes of focus group investigations in South East Cornwall. Business Strategy and the Environment, 12: 49- 69.
- Wall, G. (1997). Sustainable tourism — unsastainable development. In Tourism Development and Growth: the Challenge of Sustainability, Pigram J, Wahab S (eds). Routledge: London, p: 33-49.
- Williams, A., Shaw, G. (1998). Tourism and Economic Development: European Experiences, Chichester: Wiley.
- World Commission on Environment and Development (1987).Our Common Future. Oxford University Press: New York.
- WTO (1993). Sustainable Tourism Development: A Guide for Local Planners. World Tourism Organisation: Madrid.
- WTTC, WTO, Earth Council (1995). Agenda 21 for the Travel and Tourism Industry: Towards Environmentally Sustainable Development. World Travel and Tourism Council - World Tourism Organisation - Earth Council: London.
Rurality, Sustainable Development and Rural Tourism
Year 2012,
Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 113 - 124, 01.12.2012
Zekayi Kaya
Murat Sayılı
Tufan Bal
Nowadays rural tourism is a popular form of alternative tourism carried out in both developed and less-developed countries. The aim of this study is to present the role of rural tourism in sustainable development of rural areas. In addition, ecological, economical and socio-cultural dimensions of sustainability and investment types for sustainability were explained.
- Aikaterini, G., Ioannis, S., Thanasis, K. (2001). Is agrotourism “agro” or “tourism”? evidence from agrotourist holdings in Lesvos, Greece. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 12(1): 6-22.
- Akca, H., Sayili, M., Esengun, K., Akay, M. (2000).An evaluation on the socio—cultural, economic and environmental effects of rural tourism. Proceedings of the 70th EAAE Seminar on Problems and Prospects of Balkan Agriculture in a Restructuring Environment, 9-11 June 2000, Thessaloniki, pp: 29-32.
- Barke, M. (2004).Rural tourism in Spain. International Journal of Tourism Research, 6: 137-149.
- Baum, T., Conlin, M.V. (1994). Comprehensive human resource planning: an essential key to sustainable tourism in island settings. In Progress in Tourism, Recreation and Hospitality Management, Vol.6, Cooper CP, Lockwood A (eds). Wiley: Chichester, p: 259-270.
- Blaine, T., Golan, M. (1993). Demand for rural tourism: an exploratory study. Annals of Tourism Research, 20: 770-773.
- Bramwell, B., Lane, B. (1993). Sustainable tourism: an evolving global approach. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1(1): 1-5.
- Campanhola, C., Graziano da Silva, J. (1999).Tourism in the rural area as a new opportunity for small farmers.Textoparadiscusao.IE/UNICAMP n.72.
- Cavaco, C. (1995). Rural tourism: the creation of new tourist spaces. In European Tourism: Regions, Spaces and Restructuring, Montanari A, Williams A (eds). Wiley: Chichester, p: 129-149.
- CEC (1992).Farm Household Adjustment in Western Europe 1987-1991. OfŞce for OfŞcial Publications of the European Communities: Luxembourg.
- Chhabra, D., Sills, E., Cubbage, F.W. (2003). The significance of festivals to rural economies: estimating the economic impacts of Scottish highland games in North Carolina. Journal of Travel Research, 41(4): 421-427.
- Coccossis, H. (1996). Tourism and sustainability: perspectives and implications. In Sustainable Tourism: European Experiences, Priestley GK, Edwards JA, Coccossis H (eds). CAB: Wallingford, p: 1-21.
- Colman, D. (1993). Environmental economics and agricultural policy. In Current Issues in Agricultural Economics, Rayner AJ , Colman D (eds). The Macmillan Press Ltd: London, p: 205-223.
- Demoi, L.A. (1991). About rural and farm tourism. Tourism Research, 16 (1): 3-6.
- Du Plessis, V., Beshiri, R., Bollman, R. (2002). DeŞnitionsof rural. Agriculture and Working Paper Series, Working Paper 61, Statistics Canada : Ottawa, Ontario.
- Edmunds, M. (1999). Rural tourism in Europe. Travel and Tourism Analyst, 6: 37-50.
- Elena, C.(2012). The Importance of Rural Tourism Development in Rural Communities. Analele UniversitXEii din Oradea Fascucula: Ecotoxicologie, Zootehnieşi Tehnologii de Industrie Alimentark. Romania.
- Eligh, J., Welford, R., Ytterhus, B. (2002). The production of sustainable tourism: concepts and examples from Norway. Sustainable Development, 10: 223-234.
- Eraktan, G., Yildirak, N. (1989). Turkiye’de Kırsal Kalkınma Stratejileri ve Politikalari. Friedrich Ebert Vakfı: Istanbul.
- Flora, J., Spears, L., Flora, L., Weinberg, M. (1992). Rural Communities: Legacy and Change. Westview Press: Boulder, CO.
- Gannon, A. (1994). Rural tourism as a factor in rural community economic development for economies in transition. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2(1+2): 51-60.
- Gartner, W.C. (2004). Rural tourism development in the USA. International Journal of Tourism Research, 6: 151-164.
- Gilmore, D.D. (1980). The people of the plain. In Class and community in lower Andalusia. Colombia University Press: New York.
- Gosar, L. (1990). Celoviti Razvoj Ruralnih Obmocij. Urbanisticni Institut, Ljubljana.
- Hall, D. (1999). Central and Eastern Europe. In Women as Producers and Consumers of Tourism in Developing Regions, Apostolopoulos Y, Sonmez SF (eds). Westport CT: Greenwood Publishing.
- Hjalager, A.M. (2004). Sustainable leisure life modes and rural welfare economy — the case of the Randers Fjord area, Denmark. International Journal of Tourism Research 6: 177-188.
- Hoggart, K., Buller, H., Black, R. (1995). Rural Europe: Identity and Change. Arnold: London.
- Iakovidou, O. (1997). Agro-tourism in Greece: The Case of Women Agro- Tourism Cooperatives of Ambelakia. In MEDIT 8(1). Edagricole: Bologna.
- Irshad, H. (2010). Rural Tourism-An Overview. Government of Alberta. Agriculture and Rural Development. Canada.
- Jithendran, K.J., Baum, T. (2000). Human resources development and sustainability - the case of Indian tourism. International journal of Tourism Research, 2: 403-421.
- Kinnaird, V., Hall, D. (1996). Understanding tourism processes: a gender- aware framework. Tourism Management, 19(2): 95-102.
- Koscak, M. (1998).Integral development of rural areas, tourism and village renovation, Trebnje, Slovenia. Tourism Management, 19(1): 81-96.
- Kottke, M. (1988).Estimating economic impacts of tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 15(1): 122-133.
- Ladki, S.M. (1993). An evaluation of tourists’s experiences in rural Northern West Virginia. Proceedings of the Society of Travel and Tourism Educators Conference, 5: 90—102.
- Lane, B. (1994). What is rural tourism? Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2(1+2): 7-21.
- Leitch, J.A., Leistritz, F.L. (1985). Techniques for assessing the secondary impact of recreation and tourism. In Assessing the Economic Impact of Recreation & Tourism, Propst DB (ed). US Department of Agriculture Forest Service South-Eastern Forest Experiment Station: Asheville, p: 15-32.
- Maciejewska, W. (2001).Development of agrotourism in the region of Great Poland and expected effects. Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering, 46(2): 34-38.
- MacLellan, LR. (1997). The tourism and the environment debate: from idealism to cynicism. In Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Management, Foley M, Lennon J, Maxwell G (eds). Cassell: London, p: 177-194.
- Meier, G.M. (1995). Leading Issues in Economic Development. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
- Mountrakis, G., AVRuskin, G. (2005). Modelling rurality using spatial indicators.http://i gre. geocomputation2005/ abstract_list/ 1 3 00 077Ruraliy.pdf
- Oakley, P., Garforth, C. (1985). Guide to Extension Training. FAO Training Series 11: Rome.
- OECD (1994).Tourism Strategies and Rural Development. OECD Report: Paris.
- Oppermann, M. (1996)Rural tourism in Southern Germany. Annals of Tourism Research, 23(1): 86-102.
- Owens, P.L. (1984). Rural leisure and recreation research. Progress in Human Geography, 8: 157-188.
- Page, S.J., Getz, D. (1997). The Business of Rural Tourism: International Perspectives. International Thomson Business Press: London.
- Pearce, P. (1990). Farm tourism in New Zealand: a social situation analysis. Annals of Tourism Research, 17(3): 117-125.
- Pearce, D.W., Markandya, A., Barbier, EB. (1989). Blueprint for a Green Economy.Eartscan: London.
- Perales, R.M.Y. (2002). Rural tourism in Spain. Annals of Tourism Research 29(4): 1101-1110.
- Ratz, T., Puczko, L. (1998).Rural tourism and sustainable development. International Conference on “Rural Tourism Management: Sustainable Options”. SACAuchincruive: Scotland.
- Rickard, R.C. (1983). The role of farm tourism in the less favoured areas of England and Wales. Report No: 218. University of Exeter Agricultural Economics Unit: Exeter.
- Roberts, L., Hall, D. (2001). Rural Tourism and Recreation: Principles to Practice. CABI Publishing: Oxon.
- Robinson, G.M. (1990). Conflict and Change in the Countryside. Belhaven Press: London.
- Sharpley, R. (2002). Rural tourism and the challenge of tourism diversiŞcation: the case of Cyprus. Tourism Management, 23(3): 233- 244.
- Solow, R.M. (2000). Sustainability: an economist’s perspective. In Economics of the Environment: Selected Readings, Stavin RN (ed). Norton: New York, p: 131-138.
- Swarbrooke, J. (1996). Towards the development of sustainable rural tourism in Eastern Europe. In Tourism in Central and Eastern Europe: Educating for Quality, Richards G (ed). ATLAS: Tilburg, p: 137-163.
- Swinnerton, G.S. (1982). Recreation on the Agricultural Land in Alberta. Environment Council of Alberta: Edmonton.
- Taylor, D.T., Fletcher, R.R., Clabaugh, T. (1993). A comparison of characteristics, regional expenditures and economics: impact of visitors to historical sites with other recreational visitors. Journal of Travel Research, 32(l): 30-35.
- Turkdogan, O. (1977). Koy Sosyolojisinin Temel Sorunlari. Sebil Matbaacilik: Istanbul.
- Venkatachalam, S., McDowell, S.D. (2002). What is broadband? where is “rural”? Government Information Quarterly, 20: 151-166.
- Vernon, J., Essex, S., Pinder, D., Curry, K. (2003). The “greening” of tourism micro-businesses: outcomes of focus group investigations in South East Cornwall. Business Strategy and the Environment, 12: 49- 69.
- Wall, G. (1997). Sustainable tourism — unsastainable development. In Tourism Development and Growth: the Challenge of Sustainability, Pigram J, Wahab S (eds). Routledge: London, p: 33-49.
- Williams, A., Shaw, G. (1998). Tourism and Economic Development: European Experiences, Chichester: Wiley.
- World Commission on Environment and Development (1987).Our Common Future. Oxford University Press: New York.
- WTO (1993). Sustainable Tourism Development: A Guide for Local Planners. World Tourism Organisation: Madrid.
- WTTC, WTO, Earth Council (1995). Agenda 21 for the Travel and Tourism Industry: Towards Environmentally Sustainable Development. World Travel and Tourism Council - World Tourism Organisation - Earth Council: London.