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Dizel Motorda Kullanılan Biodizel/Motorin Karışımlı Yakıtların Yanma, Performans ve Emisyon Parametrelerinin Deneysel ve Sayısal Araştırılması

Year 2020, , 489 - 498, 01.03.2020


Bu çalışma, ayçiçek yağı metil ester ve dizel karışımlarının motor karakteristiklerini ve yanma analizlerini içermektedir. Deneysel çalışmalar tek silindirli dizel bir motorda yapılmıştır. Sayısal çalışma ise AVL-FIRE yazılımının ESE-Diesel kısmında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler incelendiğinde, karışımlı yakıtlar içerisinde en yüksek motor torku %10 ayçiçek yağı metil ester-%90 motorin (AYME10) çalışmasında elde edilmiştir. Bütün test yakıtları içerisinde en yüksek silindir içi basınç, %30 ayçiçek yağı metil ester-%70 motorin (AYME30) karışımlı çalışmada elde edilmiştir. Karışım içerisindeki biodizel oranın artmasıyla birlikte NOx emsiyonları artarken, CO ve HC emisyonları ise azalmıştır.

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Bu çalışmayı, TEKNO.020 No’lu proje kapsamında maddi olarak destekleyen CÜBAP’a ve çalışanlarına teşekkürlerimizi sunarız.


  • Aldhaidhawi M, Brabec M, Lucian M, Chiriac R, Bădescu V, 2017. Experimental and numerical assessment of ignition delay period for pure diesel and biodiesel B20, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, (252); 012068.
  • Aldhaidhawi M, Chiriac R, Badescu V, Descombes G, Podevin P, 2017. Investigation on the mixture formation, combustion characteristics and performance of a Diesel engine fueled with Diesel, Biodiesel B20 and hydrogen addition, Internation Journal of Hydrogen Energy, (42);16793-16807.
  • An H, Yang WM, Maghbouli A, Li J, Chou SK, Chua KJ. 2013. Performance, combustion and emission characteristics of biodiesel derived from waste cooking oils. Applied Energy;(112):493–9.
  • Ananthakumar S, Jayabal SP. 2017. Thirumal, Investigation on performance, emission and combustion characteristics of variable compression engine fuelled with diesel, waste plastics oil blends, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, (39);19–28.
  • Attia AM, Hassaneen AE. 2016. Influence of diesel fuel blended with biodiesel produced from waste cooking oil on diesel engine performance. Fuel;(167);316–328.
  • Aydin H, Bayindir H, 2010. Performance and emission analysis of cottonseed oil methyl ester in a diesel engine, Renewable Energy (35);588–592.
  • Büyükkaya E, 2010. Effects of biodiesel on a DI diesel engine performance, emission and combustion characteristics, Fuel 89 3099–3105.
  • Bjorn SS, Sergio C. C, Jewel AC, 2013. Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions of Peanut Oil Biodiesel, Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems,(3), 272-286.
  • Can O. 2014. Combustion characteristics, performance & exhaust emissions of a diesel engine with a waste cooking oil biodiesel mixture. Energy Conversion and Management;(87):676–86.
  • Chiatti G, Chiavola O, Palmieri F, 2016.Vibration and acoustic characteristics of a city-car engine fueled with biodiesel blends. Applied Energy (5):186–192,
  • Chiatti G, Chiavola O, Palmieri F, Albertini S, 2014.Combustion and emissions characterization of biodiesel blends in a city-car engine. Energy Fuels, 28 (8);5076–85.
  • Çetinkaya M, Ulusoy Y, Tekìn Y, Karaosmanoğlu F, 2005. Engine and winter road test performances of used cooking oil originated biodiesel, Energy Conversion and Management , 46, 1279-1291.
  • Dhar A, Agarwal AK, 2014. Performance, emissions and combustion characteristics of Karanja biodiesel in a transportation engine, Fuel,119,70-80.
  • Dhar A, Agarwal AK. 2015.Experimental investigations of the effect of pilot injection on performance, emissions and combustion characteristics of Karanja biodiesel fuelled CRDI engine. Energy Conversion and Management;(93):357–66.
  • Gopal KN, Karupparaj RT, 2015. Effect of Pongamia biodiesel on emission and combustion characteristics of DI compression ignition engine, Ain Shams Engineering Journal (6);297–305.
  • Hassan NMS, Rasul MG, Harch CA, 2015. Modelling and experimental investigation of engine performance and emissions fuelled with biodiesel produced from Australian Beauty Leaf Tree, Fuel (150); 625–635.
  • InWong, K., Wong, P.K., Cheung, C.S.,Vong, C.M., 2013.Modeling and optimization of biodiesel engine performance using advanced machine learning methods, Energy, (55); 519-528,
  • Islam MA, Rahman MM, Heimann K, Nab MN, Ristovski ZD, Dowell A, Thomas G, Feng B, Alvensleben N, Brown RJ, 2015. Combustion analysis of microalgae methyl ester in a common rail direct injection diesel engine, Fuel (143);351–360.
  • Kaplan C, Arslan R, Sürmen A, 2006. Performance Characteristics of Sunflower Methyl Esters as Biodiesel. Energy Sources, Part A, 28:751–755.
  • Kweon CB, Okada S, Stetter JC, Christenson CG, Shafer MM, Schauer JJ, Foster DE. 2003. Effect of fuel composition on combustion and detailed chemical/physical characteristics of diesel exhaust. SAE Technical Paper (1)-1899.
  • Labeckas G, Slavinskas S, Mazeika M, 2014. The effect of ethanoldiesel-biodiesel blends on combustion, performance and emissions of a direct injection diesel engine. Energy Conversion and Management, (79):698-720.
  • Lesnik L, Iljaz J, Hribernik A, Kegl B, 2014. Numerical and experimental study of combustion, performance and emission characteristics of a heavy-duty DI diesel engine running on diesel, biodiesel and their blends. Energy Conversion and Management; (81):534-46.
  • Murillo S, Miguez JL, Porteiro J, Granada E, Moran JC. 2007. Performance and exhaust emissions in the use of biodiesel in outboard diesel engines. Fuel; 86 (12);1765–71.
  • Ozener O, Yuksek L, Ergenc AT, Ozkan M. 2014. Effects of soybean biodiesel on a DI diesel engine performance, emission and combustion characteristics. Fuel;(115):875–83.
  • Patel C, Chandra K, Hwang J, Agarwal RA, Gupta N, Bae C, Gupta T, Agarwal AK, 2019. Comparative compression ignition engine performance, combustion, and emission characteristics, and trace metals in particulates from Waste cooking oil, Jatropha and Karanja oil derived biodiesels, Fuel 236, 1366–1376.
  • Patel RL, Sankhavara CD. 2017. Biodiesel production from Karanja oil and its use in diesel engine: a review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review;(71):464–74.
  • Payri F, Benajes J, Margeo X, Gil A, 2004. CFD modeling of the in-cylinder flow in directinjection diesel engine. Computers & Fluids; (33);995–1021.
  • Qi DH, Chen H, Geng LM, Bian YZH, Ren XCH, 2010. Performance and combustion characteristics of biodiesel–diesel–methanol blend fuelled engine. Appl Energy;(87):1679–86.
  • Sanli H, Canakci M, Alptekin E, Turkcan A, Ozsezen A, 2015. Effects of waste frying oil based methyl and ethyl ester biodiesel fuels on the performance, combustion and emission characteristics of a DI diesel engine. Fuel, (159):179-87.
  • Santos BS, Capareda SC, Capunitan JA, 2013. Sunflower Methyl Ester as an Engine Fuel, Performance Evaluation and Emissions Analysis, ISRN Renewable Energy, 352024,12.
  • SenthilKumar R, Loganathan M, 2016. Combustion characteristics of the direct injection diesel engine fuelled with corn oil methyl ester, International Journal Ambient Energy 37 (2);136–142.
  • Soloiu V, Harp S, Watson C, Butts CL, 2015. Performance of an IDI Engine Fueled with Fatty Acid Methyl Esters Formulated from Cotton Seeds Oils, SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr. 8 (2);277–289.
  • Subhash L, Subramanian K, 2015. Effect of different percentages of biodiesel-diesel blends on injection, spray, combustion, performance, and emission characteristics of a diesel engine. Fuel,(139):537-45.
  • Temizer İ, Yüksel T, Eskici B, İzgi A, 2018.Dizel Motorda Kullanılan Biodizel Yakıtının Sayısal Analizi, International Engineering and Technology Symposium, 03-05 May, 65.
  • Wei L, Cheung CS, Ning Z, 2017. Influence of waste cooking oil biodiesel on combustion, unregulated gaseous emissions and particulate emissions of a direct-injection diesel engine, Energy (127); 175–185.
  • Zvonimir P, Wilfried E, Milan V, Neven D, Peter P, Reinhard T, 2016. CFD modelling of spray and combustion process using avl FIRE // Digital Proceedings of The 36th International Symposium on Combustion COEX, Seoul, Korea,

Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Combustion, Performance and Exhaust Emission Parameters of Biodiesel / Diesel Mixture Fuels Used in a Diesel Engine

Year 2020, , 489 - 498, 01.03.2020


This study is include combustion analyzes and engine characteristics of sunflower oil methyl ester biodiesel and its diesel blends. Experimental studies were performed on a single cylinder diesel engine. Numerical operation was performed in ESE-Diesel part of AVL-FIRE software. When the results are examined, maximum engine torque for mixed fuels has obtained in 10% sunflower oil methyl ester-90% diesel (SOME10) study. Maximum cylinder pressure in all test fuels has obtained at 30% sunflower oil methyl ester-70% diesel (SOME30). With the increase in biodiesel ratio in the mixture, while NOx emissions increased, CO and HC emissions decreased.

Project Number



  • Aldhaidhawi M, Brabec M, Lucian M, Chiriac R, Bădescu V, 2017. Experimental and numerical assessment of ignition delay period for pure diesel and biodiesel B20, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, (252); 012068.
  • Aldhaidhawi M, Chiriac R, Badescu V, Descombes G, Podevin P, 2017. Investigation on the mixture formation, combustion characteristics and performance of a Diesel engine fueled with Diesel, Biodiesel B20 and hydrogen addition, Internation Journal of Hydrogen Energy, (42);16793-16807.
  • An H, Yang WM, Maghbouli A, Li J, Chou SK, Chua KJ. 2013. Performance, combustion and emission characteristics of biodiesel derived from waste cooking oils. Applied Energy;(112):493–9.
  • Ananthakumar S, Jayabal SP. 2017. Thirumal, Investigation on performance, emission and combustion characteristics of variable compression engine fuelled with diesel, waste plastics oil blends, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, (39);19–28.
  • Attia AM, Hassaneen AE. 2016. Influence of diesel fuel blended with biodiesel produced from waste cooking oil on diesel engine performance. Fuel;(167);316–328.
  • Aydin H, Bayindir H, 2010. Performance and emission analysis of cottonseed oil methyl ester in a diesel engine, Renewable Energy (35);588–592.
  • Büyükkaya E, 2010. Effects of biodiesel on a DI diesel engine performance, emission and combustion characteristics, Fuel 89 3099–3105.
  • Bjorn SS, Sergio C. C, Jewel AC, 2013. Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions of Peanut Oil Biodiesel, Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems,(3), 272-286.
  • Can O. 2014. Combustion characteristics, performance & exhaust emissions of a diesel engine with a waste cooking oil biodiesel mixture. Energy Conversion and Management;(87):676–86.
  • Chiatti G, Chiavola O, Palmieri F, 2016.Vibration and acoustic characteristics of a city-car engine fueled with biodiesel blends. Applied Energy (5):186–192,
  • Chiatti G, Chiavola O, Palmieri F, Albertini S, 2014.Combustion and emissions characterization of biodiesel blends in a city-car engine. Energy Fuels, 28 (8);5076–85.
  • Çetinkaya M, Ulusoy Y, Tekìn Y, Karaosmanoğlu F, 2005. Engine and winter road test performances of used cooking oil originated biodiesel, Energy Conversion and Management , 46, 1279-1291.
  • Dhar A, Agarwal AK, 2014. Performance, emissions and combustion characteristics of Karanja biodiesel in a transportation engine, Fuel,119,70-80.
  • Dhar A, Agarwal AK. 2015.Experimental investigations of the effect of pilot injection on performance, emissions and combustion characteristics of Karanja biodiesel fuelled CRDI engine. Energy Conversion and Management;(93):357–66.
  • Gopal KN, Karupparaj RT, 2015. Effect of Pongamia biodiesel on emission and combustion characteristics of DI compression ignition engine, Ain Shams Engineering Journal (6);297–305.
  • Hassan NMS, Rasul MG, Harch CA, 2015. Modelling and experimental investigation of engine performance and emissions fuelled with biodiesel produced from Australian Beauty Leaf Tree, Fuel (150); 625–635.
  • InWong, K., Wong, P.K., Cheung, C.S.,Vong, C.M., 2013.Modeling and optimization of biodiesel engine performance using advanced machine learning methods, Energy, (55); 519-528,
  • Islam MA, Rahman MM, Heimann K, Nab MN, Ristovski ZD, Dowell A, Thomas G, Feng B, Alvensleben N, Brown RJ, 2015. Combustion analysis of microalgae methyl ester in a common rail direct injection diesel engine, Fuel (143);351–360.
  • Kaplan C, Arslan R, Sürmen A, 2006. Performance Characteristics of Sunflower Methyl Esters as Biodiesel. Energy Sources, Part A, 28:751–755.
  • Kweon CB, Okada S, Stetter JC, Christenson CG, Shafer MM, Schauer JJ, Foster DE. 2003. Effect of fuel composition on combustion and detailed chemical/physical characteristics of diesel exhaust. SAE Technical Paper (1)-1899.
  • Labeckas G, Slavinskas S, Mazeika M, 2014. The effect of ethanoldiesel-biodiesel blends on combustion, performance and emissions of a direct injection diesel engine. Energy Conversion and Management, (79):698-720.
  • Lesnik L, Iljaz J, Hribernik A, Kegl B, 2014. Numerical and experimental study of combustion, performance and emission characteristics of a heavy-duty DI diesel engine running on diesel, biodiesel and their blends. Energy Conversion and Management; (81):534-46.
  • Murillo S, Miguez JL, Porteiro J, Granada E, Moran JC. 2007. Performance and exhaust emissions in the use of biodiesel in outboard diesel engines. Fuel; 86 (12);1765–71.
  • Ozener O, Yuksek L, Ergenc AT, Ozkan M. 2014. Effects of soybean biodiesel on a DI diesel engine performance, emission and combustion characteristics. Fuel;(115):875–83.
  • Patel C, Chandra K, Hwang J, Agarwal RA, Gupta N, Bae C, Gupta T, Agarwal AK, 2019. Comparative compression ignition engine performance, combustion, and emission characteristics, and trace metals in particulates from Waste cooking oil, Jatropha and Karanja oil derived biodiesels, Fuel 236, 1366–1376.
  • Patel RL, Sankhavara CD. 2017. Biodiesel production from Karanja oil and its use in diesel engine: a review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review;(71):464–74.
  • Payri F, Benajes J, Margeo X, Gil A, 2004. CFD modeling of the in-cylinder flow in directinjection diesel engine. Computers & Fluids; (33);995–1021.
  • Qi DH, Chen H, Geng LM, Bian YZH, Ren XCH, 2010. Performance and combustion characteristics of biodiesel–diesel–methanol blend fuelled engine. Appl Energy;(87):1679–86.
  • Sanli H, Canakci M, Alptekin E, Turkcan A, Ozsezen A, 2015. Effects of waste frying oil based methyl and ethyl ester biodiesel fuels on the performance, combustion and emission characteristics of a DI diesel engine. Fuel, (159):179-87.
  • Santos BS, Capareda SC, Capunitan JA, 2013. Sunflower Methyl Ester as an Engine Fuel, Performance Evaluation and Emissions Analysis, ISRN Renewable Energy, 352024,12.
  • SenthilKumar R, Loganathan M, 2016. Combustion characteristics of the direct injection diesel engine fuelled with corn oil methyl ester, International Journal Ambient Energy 37 (2);136–142.
  • Soloiu V, Harp S, Watson C, Butts CL, 2015. Performance of an IDI Engine Fueled with Fatty Acid Methyl Esters Formulated from Cotton Seeds Oils, SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr. 8 (2);277–289.
  • Subhash L, Subramanian K, 2015. Effect of different percentages of biodiesel-diesel blends on injection, spray, combustion, performance, and emission characteristics of a diesel engine. Fuel,(139):537-45.
  • Temizer İ, Yüksel T, Eskici B, İzgi A, 2018.Dizel Motorda Kullanılan Biodizel Yakıtının Sayısal Analizi, International Engineering and Technology Symposium, 03-05 May, 65.
  • Wei L, Cheung CS, Ning Z, 2017. Influence of waste cooking oil biodiesel on combustion, unregulated gaseous emissions and particulate emissions of a direct-injection diesel engine, Energy (127); 175–185.
  • Zvonimir P, Wilfried E, Milan V, Neven D, Peter P, Reinhard T, 2016. CFD modelling of spray and combustion process using avl FIRE // Digital Proceedings of The 36th International Symposium on Combustion COEX, Seoul, Korea,
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Mechanical Engineering
Journal Section Makina Mühendisliği / Mechanical Engineering

İlker Temizer 0000-0003-1170-3898

Bünyamin Eskici This is me 0000-0001-5713-0840

Project Number TEKNO.020
Publication Date March 1, 2020
Submission Date May 14, 2019
Acceptance Date September 3, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Temizer, İ., & Eskici, B. (2020). Dizel Motorda Kullanılan Biodizel/Motorin Karışımlı Yakıtların Yanma, Performans ve Emisyon Parametrelerinin Deneysel ve Sayısal Araştırılması. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 10(1), 489-498.
AMA Temizer İ, Eskici B. Dizel Motorda Kullanılan Biodizel/Motorin Karışımlı Yakıtların Yanma, Performans ve Emisyon Parametrelerinin Deneysel ve Sayısal Araştırılması. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. March 2020;10(1):489-498. doi:10.21597/jist.565214
Chicago Temizer, İlker, and Bünyamin Eskici. “Dizel Motorda Kullanılan Biodizel/Motorin Karışımlı Yakıtların Yanma, Performans Ve Emisyon Parametrelerinin Deneysel Ve Sayısal Araştırılması”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10, no. 1 (March 2020): 489-98.
EndNote Temizer İ, Eskici B (March 1, 2020) Dizel Motorda Kullanılan Biodizel/Motorin Karışımlı Yakıtların Yanma, Performans ve Emisyon Parametrelerinin Deneysel ve Sayısal Araştırılması. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10 1 489–498.
IEEE İ. Temizer and B. Eskici, “Dizel Motorda Kullanılan Biodizel/Motorin Karışımlı Yakıtların Yanma, Performans ve Emisyon Parametrelerinin Deneysel ve Sayısal Araştırılması”, Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der., vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 489–498, 2020, doi: 10.21597/jist.565214.
ISNAD Temizer, İlker - Eskici, Bünyamin. “Dizel Motorda Kullanılan Biodizel/Motorin Karışımlı Yakıtların Yanma, Performans Ve Emisyon Parametrelerinin Deneysel Ve Sayısal Araştırılması”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10/1 (March 2020), 489-498.
JAMA Temizer İ, Eskici B. Dizel Motorda Kullanılan Biodizel/Motorin Karışımlı Yakıtların Yanma, Performans ve Emisyon Parametrelerinin Deneysel ve Sayısal Araştırılması. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2020;10:489–498.
MLA Temizer, İlker and Bünyamin Eskici. “Dizel Motorda Kullanılan Biodizel/Motorin Karışımlı Yakıtların Yanma, Performans Ve Emisyon Parametrelerinin Deneysel Ve Sayısal Araştırılması”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, vol. 10, no. 1, 2020, pp. 489-98, doi:10.21597/jist.565214.
Vancouver Temizer İ, Eskici B. Dizel Motorda Kullanılan Biodizel/Motorin Karışımlı Yakıtların Yanma, Performans ve Emisyon Parametrelerinin Deneysel ve Sayısal Araştırılması. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2020;10(1):489-98.