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Türk Tarımında Yeniden Yapılanma Çalışmaları, Kaynakların Kullanılabilirliği ve Kırsal Kesimdeki Gelişmeler: 2001’den 2016’ya Kadar Kapsamlı Bir Analiz

Year 2020, , 636 - 647, 01.03.2020


Bu çalışmada, tarımda yeniden yapılanma sürecinde tarım kesiminde görülen tüm gelişmeler ana hatlarıyla ele alınmıştır. Yeniden yapılanmaya geçiş nedeniyle, 2001 yılı çalışmada baz olarak alınmıştır. Geçişin nedenleri, çiftçi kayıt sisteminin oluşturulması, tarımın sübvanse edilmesi ve tarımın ekonomideki ağırlığının korunmasıdır. Çalışmada, 2001-2016 dönemi incelenmiş ve 16 yılda kırsal kesimde önemli gelişmelerin olduğu görülmüştür. Tarım yapılabilir alanlar azalmış, tarla tarımı gerilemiş, kırsal kesimden kentlere göç hareketliliği hızlanmış ve kırsal nüfus ile tarımsal işletme sayısında önemli ölçüde düşüş yaşanmıştır. Tarım arazileri yeterince kullanılmadığından, bazı bitkisel ürünlerin üretim potansiyeli azalmıştır. Hayvansal üretimde artış görülse de, bu artış iç talebi karşılamak ve dışsatım yapmak için yeterli olmamıştır. Böylece, pek çok tarım ürününün ithal edildiği belirlenmiştir. Regresyon analizi ile gelecekte tarım alanı miktarı tahmin edilmiş ve tarım alanlarındaki düşüşün önümüzdeki yıllarda da devam edeceği görülmüştür. Çalışmada, ayrıca, tarım ve kırsal alanların iyileştirilmesine ilişkin bazı yapıcı öneriler de sunulmuştur.


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  • Arıkan R, 1999. Economy. Saray Publishing, p251, Ankara.
  • Cengiz S, Baydur CM, 2010. Migration towards Urban from Rural and Agricultural Productivity: Case of Turkey. Ç.Ü. Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, 19(2): 85-98, Adana.
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  • Doğan Z, Arslan S, Ayberk NB, 2015. Development and Problems of Agricultural Sector in Turkey: A Historical Outlook. Niğde University Academic Review of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 8(1): 29-41, Niğde.
  • Erol E, 2014. Structural Analysis of Agricultural Trade of Turkey and Effects of the EU Process. C5%9ELER/Uzmanlik%20Tez%20may%C4% B1s%202015/Erdal% 20Erol.pdf (Date of access: 05.03.2018).
  • Gürsakal N, 2000. ABC of the Statistics. Marmara Issues, p: 187, Bursa.
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  • Rehber E, Çetin B, 1998. Agricultural Economics, Uludag University Empowerment Foundation, No.: 134, Vipas, Bursa.
  • Şimşek Ş, 2002. Introduction to Business Administrations. Renewed 9th Printing, Günay Ofset, Konya.
  • Tımmer P, 1988. The Agricultural Transformation. https://www.dl.icdst. org/ pdfs/ files/42113e9198211f481089e7bef9849bc7.pdf (Date of access: 14.12.2018).
  • Uzun AM, 2009. Agricultural Productivity and Situation in Turkey: An Study on Measures for Increasing of Agricultural Productivity. http://sbad. gop. ler/1975179771_2.pdf (Date of access: 15.03.2018).
  • Ünlüönen K, Tayfun A, 2005. Economy. Nobel Publishing, p295, Ankara.
  • Vasile AJ, Mihai M, Mirela P, 2017. Transformations of the Romanian agricultural paradigm under domestic economic policy reforms: An analysis during 1960–2011. ed0103bdf783a2fb8319f (Date of access: 11.02.2018).
  • Yılmaz M, 2015. Change of Rural Population and Its Strata According to Provinces in Turkey (1980-2012). (Date of access: 13.05.2018).
  • Yılmaz H, Demircan V, Dernek Z, 2006. Agricultural Structure, Production and Development Potential of Isparta Province. Journal of The Faculty of Agriculture Süleyman Demirel University, 1(2):1-16, Isparta.

Restructuring Efforts in the Turkish Agriculture, Availability of Resources and Developments in Rural: An Overall Analysis from 2001 to 2016

Year 2020, , 636 - 647, 01.03.2020


In this research, since transition to its restructuring, developments in agricultural sector were analysed with outlines. Because of the fact that this transition was in 2001, 2001 year was regarded as year of start. The reasons for the transition have been to increase the farmer registration system, subsidize the agricultural sector, and sustain the importance of the agriculture for economy. In the study, 2001-2016 period were examined, and it was observed that there were important developments in rural in 16 years. These were decrease of the agricultural areas, decline of the field farming, too much migration mobility from rural towards urban, and significantly diminishing of the rural population and the number of agricultural enterprises. Because agricultural lands were not sufficiently utilized, some crops’ production potential dropped off. Even if animal products’ production increased, that was not enough to satisfy the domestic demand and to export. Thus, it was determined that most of agricultural products was imported. By regression analysis, agricultural area size was estimated and it was seen that decrease of the agricultural areas could continue in the following years. In the study, some constructive proposals were also brought forward regarding improvement the agriculture and the rurals.


  • Açıl AF, 1984. Economy I (Genel Economy). Department of Agricultural Economics Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture No.: 898, p352, Ankara.
  • Açıl AF, Demirci R, 1984. Agricultural Economics Courses. Department of Agricultural Economics Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture No.: 880, p372, Ankara.
  • Anonymous, 2012. (Date of access: 15.09.2019).
  • Anonymous, 2018a,b,c,d,h,ı,k,j,m,n,o,s. (Date of access: 08.03.2018).
  • Anonymous, 2018e. (Date of access: 12.07.2018).
  • Anonymous, 2018f. (Date of access: 13.03.2018).
  • Anonymous, 2018g. (Date of access: 23.06.2018).
  • Anonymous, 2018k,j. (Date of access: 12.03.2018).
  • Anonymous, 2018l. (Date of access: 13.07.2018).
  • Anonymous, 2018ö. Red Meat Sector 2018 Evaluation Report. media/raporlar/K%C4%B1rm%C4%B1z%C4%B1%20Et%20Sekt%C3%B6r%C3%BC%202018%20Y%C4%B1l%C4%B1%20De%C4%9Ferlendirme%20Raporu%20-18.% 2012.2018.pdf (Date of access:13.09.2019).
  • Anonymous, 2018p. disIliskiler /ulkeler /ulke-detay/Hollanda/ html-viewer-ulkeler? (Date of access: 26.08.2018).
  • Anonymous, 2018r. (Date of access: 26.08.2018).
  • Arıkan R, 1999. Economy. Saray Publishing, p251, Ankara.
  • Cengiz S, Baydur CM, 2010. Migration towards Urban from Rural and Agricultural Productivity: Case of Turkey. Ç.Ü. Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, 19(2): 85-98, Adana.
  • Çelik K, 2015. Introduction to Macroeconomics. 6th Edition, Celepler Publishing, p282, Trabzon.
  • Doğan Z, Arslan S, Ayberk NB, 2015. Development and Problems of Agricultural Sector in Turkey: A Historical Outlook. Niğde University Academic Review of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 8(1): 29-41, Niğde.
  • Erol E, 2014. Structural Analysis of Agricultural Trade of Turkey and Effects of the EU Process. C5%9ELER/Uzmanlik%20Tez%20may%C4% B1s%202015/Erdal% 20Erol.pdf (Date of access: 05.03.2018).
  • Gürsakal N, 2000. ABC of the Statistics. Marmara Issues, p: 187, Bursa.
  • Meijerink G, Roza P, 2007. The role of agriculture in economic development. http:// (Date of access:16.12.2018).
  • Rehber E, Çetin B, 1998. Agricultural Economics, Uludag University Empowerment Foundation, No.: 134, Vipas, Bursa.
  • Şimşek Ş, 2002. Introduction to Business Administrations. Renewed 9th Printing, Günay Ofset, Konya.
  • Tımmer P, 1988. The Agricultural Transformation. https://www.dl.icdst. org/ pdfs/ files/42113e9198211f481089e7bef9849bc7.pdf (Date of access: 14.12.2018).
  • Uzun AM, 2009. Agricultural Productivity and Situation in Turkey: An Study on Measures for Increasing of Agricultural Productivity. http://sbad. gop. ler/1975179771_2.pdf (Date of access: 15.03.2018).
  • Ünlüönen K, Tayfun A, 2005. Economy. Nobel Publishing, p295, Ankara.
  • Vasile AJ, Mihai M, Mirela P, 2017. Transformations of the Romanian agricultural paradigm under domestic economic policy reforms: An analysis during 1960–2011. ed0103bdf783a2fb8319f (Date of access: 11.02.2018).
  • Yılmaz M, 2015. Change of Rural Population and Its Strata According to Provinces in Turkey (1980-2012). (Date of access: 13.05.2018).
  • Yılmaz H, Demircan V, Dernek Z, 2006. Agricultural Structure, Production and Development Potential of Isparta Province. Journal of The Faculty of Agriculture Süleyman Demirel University, 1(2):1-16, Isparta.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Policy
Journal Section Tarım Ekonomisi / Agricultural Economy

Nizamettin Erbaş 0000-0002-6379-3023

Publication Date March 1, 2020
Submission Date June 21, 2019
Acceptance Date October 15, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Erbaş, N. (2020). Restructuring Efforts in the Turkish Agriculture, Availability of Resources and Developments in Rural: An Overall Analysis from 2001 to 2016. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 10(1), 636-647.
AMA Erbaş N. Restructuring Efforts in the Turkish Agriculture, Availability of Resources and Developments in Rural: An Overall Analysis from 2001 to 2016. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. March 2020;10(1):636-647. doi:10.21597/jist.580763
Chicago Erbaş, Nizamettin. “Restructuring Efforts in the Turkish Agriculture, Availability of Resources and Developments in Rural: An Overall Analysis from 2001 to 2016”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10, no. 1 (March 2020): 636-47.
EndNote Erbaş N (March 1, 2020) Restructuring Efforts in the Turkish Agriculture, Availability of Resources and Developments in Rural: An Overall Analysis from 2001 to 2016. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10 1 636–647.
IEEE N. Erbaş, “Restructuring Efforts in the Turkish Agriculture, Availability of Resources and Developments in Rural: An Overall Analysis from 2001 to 2016”, Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der., vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 636–647, 2020, doi: 10.21597/jist.580763.
ISNAD Erbaş, Nizamettin. “Restructuring Efforts in the Turkish Agriculture, Availability of Resources and Developments in Rural: An Overall Analysis from 2001 to 2016”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10/1 (March 2020), 636-647.
JAMA Erbaş N. Restructuring Efforts in the Turkish Agriculture, Availability of Resources and Developments in Rural: An Overall Analysis from 2001 to 2016. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2020;10:636–647.
MLA Erbaş, Nizamettin. “Restructuring Efforts in the Turkish Agriculture, Availability of Resources and Developments in Rural: An Overall Analysis from 2001 to 2016”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, vol. 10, no. 1, 2020, pp. 636-47, doi:10.21597/jist.580763.
Vancouver Erbaş N. Restructuring Efforts in the Turkish Agriculture, Availability of Resources and Developments in Rural: An Overall Analysis from 2001 to 2016. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2020;10(1):636-47.