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Anticorrosive Behavior of ZnFe/Poly(N-methylpyrrole-co-o-anisidine) Coated Carbon Steel Electrode

Year 2020, , 399 - 405, 01.03.2020


In this study, ZnFe alloy was deposited on carbon steel electrode (KC) by chronopotentiometry technique. The poly (N-methylpyrrole-co-o-anisidine) (PNMP-co-POA) copolymer film was synthesized on ZnFe coated carbon steel electrode (KC/ZnFe) surface by using cyclic voltammetry technique in 0.30 M oxalic acid solution. PNMP-co-POA coated KC/ZnFe electrode (KC/ZnFe/PNMP-co-POA) is characterized by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, linear sweep voltammetry and anodic polarization techniques. The Nyquist diagrams showed that the polarization resistance of the KC/ZnF /PNMP-co-POA electrode was significantly higher than that of the KC and KC/ZnFe electrodes, thus demonstrating that the synthesized PNMA-co-POA copolymer film had good anticorrosive properties.


  • Akdag A, Ozyilmaz AT, 2017. Poly(N-methylpyrrole) Film On ZnNi Plated Carbon Steel Electrode. Acta Chimica Slovenica, 64, 312-318.
  • Akdag A, Ozyilmaz G, Ozyilmaz AT, 2018. Poly(2-chloroaniline) and poly(aniline-co-2-chloroaniline) films on ZnFe alloy plating. Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, 65 (6), 580-586.
  • Bajat JB, Stankovic S, Joki, BM, 2009. Electrochemical deposition and corrosion stability of Zn–Co alloys. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 13, 755–762.
  • Borole DD, Kapadi UR, Mahulikar PP, Hundivale DG, 2004. Electrochemical behaviour of polianiline, poly(o-toluidine) and their copolymer in organic sulphonic acids. Materials Letters, 58, 3816-3822.
  • Campbell TE, Hodgson AJ, Wallace G, 1999. Incorporation of erythrocytes into polypyrrole to form the basis of a biosensor to screen for rhesus (D) blood groups and rhesus (D) antibodies. Electroanalysis, 11, 215–222.
  • Deepak JR, Raja VKB, Kaliaraj GS, Mechanical and corrosion behavior of Cu, Cr, Ni and Zn electroplating on corten A588 steel for scope for betterment in ambient construction applications, Results in Physics, 2019. 14-102437.
  • Lee JW, Park BR, Oh SY, Yun, DW, Hwang JK, Oh MS, Kim SJ, 2019. Mechanistic study on the cut-edge corrosion behaviors of Zn-Al-Mg alloy coated steel sheets in chloride containing environments, Corrosion Science. 160-108170
  • Duran B, Bereket G, Turhan MC, Virtanen S, 2011. Poly (N-ethyl aniline) thin films on copper: synthesis, characterization and corrosion protection, Thin Solid Films, 51 (18), 5868-5874.
  • Heinze J, 1991. Electrochemistry of conducting polymers. Synthetic Metals, 41–43, 2805–2823.
  • Hung HM, Linh DK, Chinh NT, Duc LM, Trung VQ, 2019. Improvement of the corrosion protection of polypyrrole coating for CT3mild steel with 10-camphorsulfonic acid and molybdate as inhibitor dopants. Progress in organic Coatings, 131, 407-416
  • Karahan IH, 2007. A study on electrodeposited Zn1− x Fe x alloys. Journal of Materials Science, 42 (24), 10160–10163.
  • Li XG, Huang MR, Duan W, Yang YL, 2002. Novel multifunctional polymers from aromatic diamines by oxidative polymerizations. Chemical Reviews, 102, 2925–3030.
  • Ordine AP, Diaz SL, Margarit ICP, Mattos OR, 2004. Zn–Ni and Zn–Fe alloy deposits modified by P incorporation: anticorrosion properties Electrochimica Acta, 49, 2815–2823.
  • Martins JI, Reis TC, Bazzaoui M, Bazzaoui EA, Martins L, 2004. Polypyrrole coatings as a treatment for zinc-coated steel surfaces against corrosion. Corrosion Science, 46, 2361–2381.
  • Martyak NM, Mcandrew P, Mccaskie JE, Dijon J, 2002. Electrochemical polymerization of aniline from an oxalic acid medium. Progress in Organic Coatings, 45, 23-32.
  • Mert BD, Solmaz R, Kardas G, Yazıcı B, 2011. Copper/polypyrrole multilayer coating for 7075 aluminum alloy protection. Progress in Organic Coatings, 72 (4), 748-754.
  • Ozyilmaz AT, Akdag A, 2013. Corrosion protection provided by homo- and copolymer films synthesised in various oxalic and sulphamic acid electrolyte mixtures. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing, 91 (1), 44–51.
  • Ozyilmaz AT, Aydin AE, Akdag A, 2014. Anticorrosive properties with catalytic behaviour of primer PANI film and top PPy coating synthesised in presence of novel norephedrine based amino alcohol compound. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing, 92, 1, 34-40.
  • Ozyilmaz AT, Ozyilmaz G, Karahan IH, 2016. The Formation of Passive Layers on Zinc Based Platings. Acta Chimica Slovenica, 2016, 63, 809–821 809.
  • Rajakopalan R, Iroh JO, 2003. Characterization of polyaniline-polypyrrole composite coatings on low carbon steel: a XPS and infrared spectroscopy study. Applied Surface Science, 218, 58-69.
  • Su W, Iroh JO, 2000. Electrodeposition mechanism, adhesion and corrosion performance of polypyrrole and poly(N-methylpyrrole) coatings on steel substrates. Synthetic Metals, 114, 225-234.
  • Tan CK, Blackwood DJ, 2003. Corrosion protection by multilayered conducting polymer coatings. Corrosion Science, 45, 545–557.
  • Tuken T, Tansug G, Yazici B, Erbil M, 2007. Poly(N-methyl pyrrole) and its copolymer with pyrrole for mild steel protection. Surface and Coatings Technology, 202, 146-154.
  • Yan O, Pan W, Zhong S, Zhu R, Li G, 2019. Effect of solvents on the preparation and corrosion protection of polypyrrole. Progress in organic Coatings, 132, 298-304.

ZnFe/Poly(N-metilpirol-co-o-anisidin) Kaplı Karbon Çelik Elektrodun Antikorozif Davranışı

Year 2020, , 399 - 405, 01.03.2020


Bu çalışmada ZnFe alaşımı karbon çelik elektrot (KÇ) yüzeyine kronopotansiyometri tekniği ile kaplanmıştır. Poly(N-metilpirol-co-o-anisidin) (PNMP-co-POA) kopolimer filmi ZnFe kaplı karbon çelik elektrot (KÇ/ZnFe) yüzeyine dönüşümlü voltametri tekniği kullanılarak 0.30 M okzalik asit çözeltisinde sentezlenmiştir. Yüzeyine PNMP-co-POA kaplanmış KÇ/ZnFe elektrot (KÇ/ZnFe/PNMP-co-POA) elektrokimyasal empedans spektroskopisi, doğrusal taramalı voltametri ve anodik polarizasyon teknikleriyle karakterize edilerek KÇ ve KÇ/ZnFe elektrotlarıyla karşılaştırılmıştır. Nyquist diyagramları KÇ/ZnFe/PNMP-co-POA elektrodun polarizasyon direncinin KÇ ve KÇ/ZnFe elektrotlarına göre oldukça yüksek olduğunu dolayısıyla sentezlenen PNMA-co-POA kopolimer filmin antikorozif özelliğinin iyi olduğunu göstermiştir.


  • Akdag A, Ozyilmaz AT, 2017. Poly(N-methylpyrrole) Film On ZnNi Plated Carbon Steel Electrode. Acta Chimica Slovenica, 64, 312-318.
  • Akdag A, Ozyilmaz G, Ozyilmaz AT, 2018. Poly(2-chloroaniline) and poly(aniline-co-2-chloroaniline) films on ZnFe alloy plating. Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, 65 (6), 580-586.
  • Bajat JB, Stankovic S, Joki, BM, 2009. Electrochemical deposition and corrosion stability of Zn–Co alloys. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 13, 755–762.
  • Borole DD, Kapadi UR, Mahulikar PP, Hundivale DG, 2004. Electrochemical behaviour of polianiline, poly(o-toluidine) and their copolymer in organic sulphonic acids. Materials Letters, 58, 3816-3822.
  • Campbell TE, Hodgson AJ, Wallace G, 1999. Incorporation of erythrocytes into polypyrrole to form the basis of a biosensor to screen for rhesus (D) blood groups and rhesus (D) antibodies. Electroanalysis, 11, 215–222.
  • Deepak JR, Raja VKB, Kaliaraj GS, Mechanical and corrosion behavior of Cu, Cr, Ni and Zn electroplating on corten A588 steel for scope for betterment in ambient construction applications, Results in Physics, 2019. 14-102437.
  • Lee JW, Park BR, Oh SY, Yun, DW, Hwang JK, Oh MS, Kim SJ, 2019. Mechanistic study on the cut-edge corrosion behaviors of Zn-Al-Mg alloy coated steel sheets in chloride containing environments, Corrosion Science. 160-108170
  • Duran B, Bereket G, Turhan MC, Virtanen S, 2011. Poly (N-ethyl aniline) thin films on copper: synthesis, characterization and corrosion protection, Thin Solid Films, 51 (18), 5868-5874.
  • Heinze J, 1991. Electrochemistry of conducting polymers. Synthetic Metals, 41–43, 2805–2823.
  • Hung HM, Linh DK, Chinh NT, Duc LM, Trung VQ, 2019. Improvement of the corrosion protection of polypyrrole coating for CT3mild steel with 10-camphorsulfonic acid and molybdate as inhibitor dopants. Progress in organic Coatings, 131, 407-416
  • Karahan IH, 2007. A study on electrodeposited Zn1− x Fe x alloys. Journal of Materials Science, 42 (24), 10160–10163.
  • Li XG, Huang MR, Duan W, Yang YL, 2002. Novel multifunctional polymers from aromatic diamines by oxidative polymerizations. Chemical Reviews, 102, 2925–3030.
  • Ordine AP, Diaz SL, Margarit ICP, Mattos OR, 2004. Zn–Ni and Zn–Fe alloy deposits modified by P incorporation: anticorrosion properties Electrochimica Acta, 49, 2815–2823.
  • Martins JI, Reis TC, Bazzaoui M, Bazzaoui EA, Martins L, 2004. Polypyrrole coatings as a treatment for zinc-coated steel surfaces against corrosion. Corrosion Science, 46, 2361–2381.
  • Martyak NM, Mcandrew P, Mccaskie JE, Dijon J, 2002. Electrochemical polymerization of aniline from an oxalic acid medium. Progress in Organic Coatings, 45, 23-32.
  • Mert BD, Solmaz R, Kardas G, Yazıcı B, 2011. Copper/polypyrrole multilayer coating for 7075 aluminum alloy protection. Progress in Organic Coatings, 72 (4), 748-754.
  • Ozyilmaz AT, Akdag A, 2013. Corrosion protection provided by homo- and copolymer films synthesised in various oxalic and sulphamic acid electrolyte mixtures. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing, 91 (1), 44–51.
  • Ozyilmaz AT, Aydin AE, Akdag A, 2014. Anticorrosive properties with catalytic behaviour of primer PANI film and top PPy coating synthesised in presence of novel norephedrine based amino alcohol compound. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing, 92, 1, 34-40.
  • Ozyilmaz AT, Ozyilmaz G, Karahan IH, 2016. The Formation of Passive Layers on Zinc Based Platings. Acta Chimica Slovenica, 2016, 63, 809–821 809.
  • Rajakopalan R, Iroh JO, 2003. Characterization of polyaniline-polypyrrole composite coatings on low carbon steel: a XPS and infrared spectroscopy study. Applied Surface Science, 218, 58-69.
  • Su W, Iroh JO, 2000. Electrodeposition mechanism, adhesion and corrosion performance of polypyrrole and poly(N-methylpyrrole) coatings on steel substrates. Synthetic Metals, 114, 225-234.
  • Tan CK, Blackwood DJ, 2003. Corrosion protection by multilayered conducting polymer coatings. Corrosion Science, 45, 545–557.
  • Tuken T, Tansug G, Yazici B, Erbil M, 2007. Poly(N-methyl pyrrole) and its copolymer with pyrrole for mild steel protection. Surface and Coatings Technology, 202, 146-154.
  • Yan O, Pan W, Zhong S, Zhu R, Li G, 2019. Effect of solvents on the preparation and corrosion protection of polypyrrole. Progress in organic Coatings, 132, 298-304.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Chemical Engineering
Journal Section Kimya / Chemistry

Abdurrahman Akdag 0000-0001-5292-8001

Publication Date March 1, 2020
Submission Date August 1, 2019
Acceptance Date November 4, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Akdag, A. (2020). ZnFe/Poly(N-metilpirol-co-o-anisidin) Kaplı Karbon Çelik Elektrodun Antikorozif Davranışı. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 10(1), 399-405.
AMA Akdag A. ZnFe/Poly(N-metilpirol-co-o-anisidin) Kaplı Karbon Çelik Elektrodun Antikorozif Davranışı. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. March 2020;10(1):399-405. doi:10.21597/jist.600254
Chicago Akdag, Abdurrahman. “ZnFe/Poly(N-Metilpirol-Co-O-Anisidin) Kaplı Karbon Çelik Elektrodun Antikorozif Davranışı”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10, no. 1 (March 2020): 399-405.
EndNote Akdag A (March 1, 2020) ZnFe/Poly(N-metilpirol-co-o-anisidin) Kaplı Karbon Çelik Elektrodun Antikorozif Davranışı. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10 1 399–405.
IEEE A. Akdag, “ZnFe/Poly(N-metilpirol-co-o-anisidin) Kaplı Karbon Çelik Elektrodun Antikorozif Davranışı”, Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der., vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 399–405, 2020, doi: 10.21597/jist.600254.
ISNAD Akdag, Abdurrahman. “ZnFe/Poly(N-Metilpirol-Co-O-Anisidin) Kaplı Karbon Çelik Elektrodun Antikorozif Davranışı”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10/1 (March 2020), 399-405.
JAMA Akdag A. ZnFe/Poly(N-metilpirol-co-o-anisidin) Kaplı Karbon Çelik Elektrodun Antikorozif Davranışı. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2020;10:399–405.
MLA Akdag, Abdurrahman. “ZnFe/Poly(N-Metilpirol-Co-O-Anisidin) Kaplı Karbon Çelik Elektrodun Antikorozif Davranışı”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, vol. 10, no. 1, 2020, pp. 399-05, doi:10.21597/jist.600254.
Vancouver Akdag A. ZnFe/Poly(N-metilpirol-co-o-anisidin) Kaplı Karbon Çelik Elektrodun Antikorozif Davranışı. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2020;10(1):399-405.