Research Article
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Decolorization of Textile Dyes in Two Different Medium

Year 2016, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 35 - 40, 30.09.2016


In this study, the decolorization of textile dyes, taken from textile factory, (Doracryl Blue
(DB), Astrozon Red (AR) and Maxillon Red (MR)), were determined by pure bacterial culture which
isolated from waste water. Bioaccumulation rate were determined in two different media (Nutrient
Broth and Molasses medium) as a function of initial pH (5-8), dye concentration (100-500 mgL
-1), and
temperature (25-35ºC). High rates of decolorization at pH 7 and 8 have been found in both nutrient and
molasses medium at incubation period. The bacterial culture decolorized MR and DB colors at high
concentrations and all temperatures almost 95% decolorization yield, besides AR decolorized at 200
-1 dye concentrations and 40% rate and couldn’t be decolorized at higher concentrations. The results
were showed that the bacterium was able to decolorize the DB and MR high ratio in both nutrient and
molasses media at high concentrations and all temperatures, although the AR weren’t decolorized at high
ratio by bacterium. Because of this, although the bacterial culture could be used highly for decolorization
for DB and MR, it has got limited usage for AR


  • Aksu Z, Dönmez, G 2000. “The use of molasses in copper(ıı) containing wastewaters: effect on growth and copper(ıı) bioaccumulation properties of Kluyveromyces marxianus”, Process Biochemistry 36, 451-458.
  • Almeida CAP, Santos A, Jaerger S, Debacher NA, Hankins NP, 2010. “Mineral waste from coal mining for removal of astrazon red dye from aqueous solutions”, Desalination, 264, 181-187.
  • Artan Onat T, Çakırgoz M, Kara R, 2013. “Decolorization of doracryl blue and astrozon red by Chiloscyphus polyanthos”, Current Opinion in Biotechnology 24S S28–S47.
  • Banat IM, Nigam P, Singh D, Marchant R, 1996. “Microbial decolorization of textile dye containing effluents: A review”, Bioresource Technology 56, 217-227.
  • Chen BY, 2002. ”Understanding decolorization characteristies of reactive azo dye by Pseudomonas luteola: Toxicity and kineties”, Process Biochemistry 38(3),437-446.
  • Doğan M, Karaoğlu MH, Alkan M, 2009. “Adsorption kinetics of maxillon yellow 4GL and maxillon red GRL dyes on kaolinite”, Journal of Hazardous Meterials, 165, 1142-1151.
  • Feng C, Fang-yan C, Yu-bin T, 2014. “Isolation, identifcation of a halotolerant acid red B degrading strain and its decolorization performance”, Apcbee Procedia, 9, 131-139.
  • Forgacs E, Serhati T, Oros G, 2004. “Removal of synthetic dyes from wastewaters: a review”, Environment International, 30(7), 953-971.
  • Ghodeke GS, Telke AA, Jadhav JP, Govindwar SP, 2009. “Potential of Brassica juneau in order to treat textile effluent contaminated sites”, İnternational Journal Of Phytoremediation, 11(4).
  • Gönen F, Aksu Z, 2009. ”Singal and binary dye and heavy metal bioaccumulation properties of Candida tropicalis: use of response surface metodology (RSM) for the estimation of removal yields”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 172, 1512- 1519.
  • Dönmez G, 2001. “Bioaccumulation of the reactive textile dyes by Candida tropicalis growing in molasses medium “, Enzym and Microbial Technology, 30, 363-366.
  • Han JL, N I S, Wang Y, Zheng X, Chen WM, Hsueh CC, 2011.” Exploring new strains of dye-decolorizing bacteria.”, Journal of Bioscience And Bioengineering, 113(4),508-514.
  • Kapustka LA, Reporter M, 1999. “Terrestrial primary producers”, Handbook of Exotoxicology,
  • Kestioğlu K, Yalılı M, 2006. “Yüksek KOI içerikli tekstil atık sularının kimyasal çökeltim ve adsorpsiyon yöntemleriyle arıtılabilirliği”, Ekoloji, 59: 27-31.
  • Khehra MS, Saini SH, Sharma DK, Chadha BS, Chimni SS, 2005.” Comparative studies on patential of consortium and constituent pure bacterial, isolates to decolorize azo dyes” Water Research, 39, 5135-5141.
  • Khouni I, Marrot, B, Amar, RB, 2012. “Treatment of reconstituted textile wastewater containing a reactive dye in an aerobic sequencing batch reactor using a novel bacterial consortium”, Separation and Purifcation technology, 87, 110-119.
  • Moosvi S, Kher X, Madamwar D, 2007. “Isolation, characterization and decolorization of textile dyes by a mixed bacterial consortium JW-2”, Dyes and Pigments, 74, 723-729.
  • Pandey A, Singh D, Lyengar L, 2007. “Bacterial decolorization and degradation azo dyes”, International Deterioration and Biodegradation, 59-73.
  • Rai H, Bhattacharya M, Singh J, Bansal TK, Vats P, Banerjee RC, 2005. “Removal of dyes from the effluent of textile and dye stuff manufacturing industry: a review”, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 33(3).
  • Robinson T, Mcmullan G, Marchant R,Nigam P, 2001. “Remediation of dyes in textile effluent a critical review on current treatment Technologies with a proposed alternative”, Bioresource Technology, 77, 247-255.
  • Sedighi M, Karimi A, Vahabzadeh F, 2009. “Involvement of ligninolytic enzymes of Phanerochaete chrysosporium in treating the textile effluent containing astrozon red FBL in a packed-bed bioreactor”, Journal of Hazardous Meterials, 169, 88-93.
  • Silveria E, Marques PP, Silva SS, Lima-Filho, JL, Porto ALF, Tambourgi EB, 2009. “Selection of Pseudomonas for industrial textile dyes decolourization”, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 63, 230-235.
  • Sirianuntapiboon S, Srisornsak P, 2007. “Removal of disperse dyes from textile wastewater using bio-sludge”, Bioresource Technology, 98, 1057-1066.
  • Vandevivere PC, Bianchi R, Verstraete W, 1998. “Treatment and reuse of wastewater from the textile wet-processing industry: Review of Emerging Technologies”, Journal of Chemistry Technology and Biotechnology, 72, 289.
  • Vijayalakshmidevi SR, Muthukumar K, 2015. “Improved biodegradation of textile dye effluent by coculture”, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 114, 23-30.
  • Yabanlı M, 2010.”Deniz yosunlarında arsenik bioakümülasyonu”, Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 3(1).
  • Yesilada O., Cing, S., Asma, D., (2002). “Decolourisation of the textile dye astrazon red FBL by Funalia trogii pellets”, Bioresource Technology, 81, 155-157.

İki Farklı Besiyerinde Tekstil Boyalarının Renk Giderimi

Year 2016, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 35 - 40, 30.09.2016


Bu çalışmada tekstil fabrikasından alınan üç farklı tekstil boyasının (Doracryl Blue (DB),
Astrozon Red (AR) and Maxillon Red (MR)) atık sudan izole edilen bakteriyel kültür ile renk giderimi
tespit edilmiştir. Biyoakümülasyon oranı, iki farklı besiyerinde (Nutrient Broth ve Melaslı Besiyeri)
başlangıç pH (5-8), boya konsantrasyonu (100-500 mgL
-1) ve sıcaklığa (25-35ºC) karşılık tespit
edilmiştir. Her iki besiyerinde de inkübasyon periyodu boyunca pH 7 ve 8’de yüksek oranlarda giderim
tespit edilmiştir. Bakteriyel kültür MR ve DB boyalarını tüm yüksek konsantrasyonlar ve sıcaklıklarda
%95 oranında gidermiştir. Bunun yanında AR ise 200 mgL
-1 konsantrasyonda %40 oranında giderilmiş
ve daha yüksek konsantrasyonlarda giderilememiştir. Çalışmada elde edilen sonuçlar bakteriyel kültürün
MR ve DB boyalarını tüm konsantrasyon ve sıcaklıklarda yüksek oranda gidermesine karşın AR’nin
yüksek oranda dekolorize edilmediğini ortaya koymuştur. Bundan dolayı bakteriyel kültür DB ve MR
boyalarının dekolorizasyonu için kullanılabilecekken AR için sınırlı kullanım alanına sahiptir


  • Aksu Z, Dönmez, G 2000. “The use of molasses in copper(ıı) containing wastewaters: effect on growth and copper(ıı) bioaccumulation properties of Kluyveromyces marxianus”, Process Biochemistry 36, 451-458.
  • Almeida CAP, Santos A, Jaerger S, Debacher NA, Hankins NP, 2010. “Mineral waste from coal mining for removal of astrazon red dye from aqueous solutions”, Desalination, 264, 181-187.
  • Artan Onat T, Çakırgoz M, Kara R, 2013. “Decolorization of doracryl blue and astrozon red by Chiloscyphus polyanthos”, Current Opinion in Biotechnology 24S S28–S47.
  • Banat IM, Nigam P, Singh D, Marchant R, 1996. “Microbial decolorization of textile dye containing effluents: A review”, Bioresource Technology 56, 217-227.
  • Chen BY, 2002. ”Understanding decolorization characteristies of reactive azo dye by Pseudomonas luteola: Toxicity and kineties”, Process Biochemistry 38(3),437-446.
  • Doğan M, Karaoğlu MH, Alkan M, 2009. “Adsorption kinetics of maxillon yellow 4GL and maxillon red GRL dyes on kaolinite”, Journal of Hazardous Meterials, 165, 1142-1151.
  • Feng C, Fang-yan C, Yu-bin T, 2014. “Isolation, identifcation of a halotolerant acid red B degrading strain and its decolorization performance”, Apcbee Procedia, 9, 131-139.
  • Forgacs E, Serhati T, Oros G, 2004. “Removal of synthetic dyes from wastewaters: a review”, Environment International, 30(7), 953-971.
  • Ghodeke GS, Telke AA, Jadhav JP, Govindwar SP, 2009. “Potential of Brassica juneau in order to treat textile effluent contaminated sites”, İnternational Journal Of Phytoremediation, 11(4).
  • Gönen F, Aksu Z, 2009. ”Singal and binary dye and heavy metal bioaccumulation properties of Candida tropicalis: use of response surface metodology (RSM) for the estimation of removal yields”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 172, 1512- 1519.
  • Dönmez G, 2001. “Bioaccumulation of the reactive textile dyes by Candida tropicalis growing in molasses medium “, Enzym and Microbial Technology, 30, 363-366.
  • Han JL, N I S, Wang Y, Zheng X, Chen WM, Hsueh CC, 2011.” Exploring new strains of dye-decolorizing bacteria.”, Journal of Bioscience And Bioengineering, 113(4),508-514.
  • Kapustka LA, Reporter M, 1999. “Terrestrial primary producers”, Handbook of Exotoxicology,
  • Kestioğlu K, Yalılı M, 2006. “Yüksek KOI içerikli tekstil atık sularının kimyasal çökeltim ve adsorpsiyon yöntemleriyle arıtılabilirliği”, Ekoloji, 59: 27-31.
  • Khehra MS, Saini SH, Sharma DK, Chadha BS, Chimni SS, 2005.” Comparative studies on patential of consortium and constituent pure bacterial, isolates to decolorize azo dyes” Water Research, 39, 5135-5141.
  • Khouni I, Marrot, B, Amar, RB, 2012. “Treatment of reconstituted textile wastewater containing a reactive dye in an aerobic sequencing batch reactor using a novel bacterial consortium”, Separation and Purifcation technology, 87, 110-119.
  • Moosvi S, Kher X, Madamwar D, 2007. “Isolation, characterization and decolorization of textile dyes by a mixed bacterial consortium JW-2”, Dyes and Pigments, 74, 723-729.
  • Pandey A, Singh D, Lyengar L, 2007. “Bacterial decolorization and degradation azo dyes”, International Deterioration and Biodegradation, 59-73.
  • Rai H, Bhattacharya M, Singh J, Bansal TK, Vats P, Banerjee RC, 2005. “Removal of dyes from the effluent of textile and dye stuff manufacturing industry: a review”, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 33(3).
  • Robinson T, Mcmullan G, Marchant R,Nigam P, 2001. “Remediation of dyes in textile effluent a critical review on current treatment Technologies with a proposed alternative”, Bioresource Technology, 77, 247-255.
  • Sedighi M, Karimi A, Vahabzadeh F, 2009. “Involvement of ligninolytic enzymes of Phanerochaete chrysosporium in treating the textile effluent containing astrozon red FBL in a packed-bed bioreactor”, Journal of Hazardous Meterials, 169, 88-93.
  • Silveria E, Marques PP, Silva SS, Lima-Filho, JL, Porto ALF, Tambourgi EB, 2009. “Selection of Pseudomonas for industrial textile dyes decolourization”, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 63, 230-235.
  • Sirianuntapiboon S, Srisornsak P, 2007. “Removal of disperse dyes from textile wastewater using bio-sludge”, Bioresource Technology, 98, 1057-1066.
  • Vandevivere PC, Bianchi R, Verstraete W, 1998. “Treatment and reuse of wastewater from the textile wet-processing industry: Review of Emerging Technologies”, Journal of Chemistry Technology and Biotechnology, 72, 289.
  • Vijayalakshmidevi SR, Muthukumar K, 2015. “Improved biodegradation of textile dye effluent by coculture”, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 114, 23-30.
  • Yabanlı M, 2010.”Deniz yosunlarında arsenik bioakümülasyonu”, Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 3(1).
  • Yesilada O., Cing, S., Asma, D., (2002). “Decolourisation of the textile dye astrazon red FBL by Funalia trogii pellets”, Bioresource Technology, 81, 155-157.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Biyosistem Mühendisliği / Biosystem Engineering

Kübra Metin Tatlıgün This is me

Tuba Artan Onat This is me

Publication Date September 30, 2016
Submission Date January 28, 2016
Acceptance Date May 16, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 6 Issue: 3


APA Tatlıgün, K. M., & Artan Onat, T. (2016). İki Farklı Besiyerinde Tekstil Boyalarının Renk Giderimi. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 6(3), 35-40.
AMA Tatlıgün KM, Artan Onat T. İki Farklı Besiyerinde Tekstil Boyalarının Renk Giderimi. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. September 2016;6(3):35-40.
Chicago Tatlıgün, Kübra Metin, and Tuba Artan Onat. “İki Farklı Besiyerinde Tekstil Boyalarının Renk Giderimi”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 6, no. 3 (September 2016): 35-40.
EndNote Tatlıgün KM, Artan Onat T (September 1, 2016) İki Farklı Besiyerinde Tekstil Boyalarının Renk Giderimi. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 6 3 35–40.
IEEE K. M. Tatlıgün and T. Artan Onat, “İki Farklı Besiyerinde Tekstil Boyalarının Renk Giderimi”, J. Inst. Sci. and Tech., vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 35–40, 2016.
ISNAD Tatlıgün, Kübra Metin - Artan Onat, Tuba. “İki Farklı Besiyerinde Tekstil Boyalarının Renk Giderimi”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 6/3 (September 2016), 35-40.
JAMA Tatlıgün KM, Artan Onat T. İki Farklı Besiyerinde Tekstil Boyalarının Renk Giderimi. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2016;6:35–40.
MLA Tatlıgün, Kübra Metin and Tuba Artan Onat. “İki Farklı Besiyerinde Tekstil Boyalarının Renk Giderimi”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, vol. 6, no. 3, 2016, pp. 35-40.
Vancouver Tatlıgün KM, Artan Onat T. İki Farklı Besiyerinde Tekstil Boyalarının Renk Giderimi. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2016;6(3):35-40.