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Ruminant Rasyonlarında Doğrudan Yedirilen Mikroorganizmaların Önemi ve Etki Mekanizmaları

Year 2016, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 191 - 197, 30.09.2016


Ruminant yemlerine katılan Doğrudan Yedirilen Mikroorganizmalar (Direct-Fed Microbials) (DFM)
olarak adlandırılan yem katkı maddeleri, sindirim sistemi enfeksiyonlarını önlediği gibi, sindirim kanalının
mikroorganizma içeriğini de optimize etme kabiliyetine sahiptirler. Son yıllarda, AB ülkeleri ile Türkiye’de üretilen
yemlerde antibiyotik kullanımının yasaklanmasından sonra, DFM’lerin yaygın bir şekilde yem katkı maddesi
olarak yemlere ilave edildiği görülmektedir. Söz konusu DFM’lerin yem katkı maddesi olarak tarihsel gelişimi,
DFM olarak kullanılan mikroorganizmalar, DFM’nin etkinliğini ve aktivitesini belirleyen faktörler ile rumen ve
bağırsaklardaki etki mekanizmaları bu çalışmada detaylı olarak ele alınarak incelenmiştir


  • Abu-Tarboush HM, Al-Saiady MY, Keir El-Din AH, 1996. Evaluation of diet containing lactobacilli on performance, fecal coliform, and lactobacilli of young dairy calves. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 57:39–49.
  • Alliance Animal Health, 2009. Direct fed microbial: Application and usage. Technical Bulletin.
  • AllianceAnimalHealth/Tech%20Bulletins/Direct%20Fed%20 Microbials.htm. (Erişim tarihi: 5 Ocak, 2016).
  • Alp M, Kahraman R, 1996. Probiyotiklerin hayvan beslemede kullanılması. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 22:1-8.
  • Anonim, (2016). Tech%20Bulletins/Animal%20Direct%20fed %20microbial. htm (Erişim tarihi: 15 Ocak, 2016).
  • Aydın R, Diler A, Yanar M, Koçyiğit R, Özkılıççı T, 2008. The effect of direct-fed microbials plus enzyme supplement on the growth performance of Holstein Friesian calves. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 7:516-519.
  • Beauchemin KA, Yang WA, Morgavi DP, Ghorbani, GR, Kautz B, 2003. Effects of bacterial direct-fed microbials and yeast on site and extent of digestion, blood chemistry and subclinical ruminal acidosis in feedlot cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 81:1628-1640.
  • Blake KW, Clinton RK, 2012. Direct-fed Microbials and Prebiotics for Animals. Science and Mechanisms of Action. Callaway, TR and Ricke SC (editors). Springer Science Business Media, New York, USA. 148 p.
  • Chaucheyras F, Fonty G, Bertin G, Salmon JM, Gouet P, 1995. Effects of a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Levucell SC), a microbial additive for ruminants, on lactate metabolism in vitro. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 42:927-933.
  • Cotter P D, Hill C, Ross R P, 2005. Bacteriocins: Developing innate immunity for food. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 3:777-788
  • Dicks LMT, Botes, M. 2010. Probiotic lactic acid bacteria in the gastro-intestinal tract: Health benefts, safety and mode of action. Benefcial Microbes, 1:11-29.
  • Diler A, Koçyiğit R, Yanar M, Aydın R, 2015. Effect of feedingdirect-fed microbials plus exogenous feed enzymes on milk yield and milk composition of Holstein Friesian cows. Veterinarija Ir Zootechnika, 65:11-16.
  • Dobrogosz, WJ, Casas IA, Pagano GA, Talarico TL, Sjöberg BM, Karlsson M, 1989. Lactobacillus reuteri and the enteric microbiota. In: The Regulatory and protective role of the normal microflora (Ed. E. Norin). Stockton Press. New York, USA. 283 p.
  • Dutta, TK, Kundu, SS, Kumar, M, 2009. Potential of direct-fedmicrobials on lactation performance in ruminants - A critical review. Livestock Researchfor Rural Development, 21: Article no:160. (Erişim tarihi: 5 Ocak, 2016).
  • Forestier C, Champs C, Vatoux C, Joly B, 2001. Probiotic activities of Lactobacillus casei rhamnosus: in vitro adherence to intestinal cells and antimicrobial properties. Research in Microbiology, 152:167-173.
  • Ghorbani GR, Morgavi DP, Beauchemin KA, Leedle AZ, 2002. Effects of bacterial direct-fed microbials on ruminal fermentation, blood variables and microbial populations of feedlot cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 80:1977-1985.
  • Holzapfel WH, Geisen R, Schillinger U, 1995. Biological preservation of foods with reference to protective cultures, bacteriocins and food-grade enzymes. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 24:343-362.
  • Hutjens MF, 2007. Direct Fed Microbial Products (DFM). http:// pages/11314/direct-fed-microbialproducts-dfm. (Erişim tarihi: 5 Ocak, 2016). Jones GW, Rutter JM, 1972. Role of K88 antigen in the pathogenesis of neonatal diarrhea caused by Escherichia coli in piglets. Infection and Immunity, 6:918-927.
  • Karademir G, Karademir B, 2003. Yem katkı maddesi olarak kullanılan biyoteknolojik ürünler. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 43:61-74.
  • Kocaoğlu B, Kara B, 2009. Ruminant beslemede alternative yem katkı maddelerinin kullanımı:1. Probiyotik, prebiyotik ve enzim. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 6:65- 75.
  • Koçyiğit R, Aydın R, Yanar M, Güler O. Diler A, Tüzemen N, Avcı, M, Özyürek S, Hirik E, Kabakcı D, 2015. Effect of doses of direct-fed microbials plus exogenous fbrolytic enzymes supplementation on growth, feed effciency ratio and fecal consistency index of Brown Swiss and Holstein Friesian calves. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 49:63-69.
  • Krehbiel CR, Rust SR, Zhand G, Gilliand SE, 2003. Bacterial direct-fed microbials in ruminant diets: Performance response and mode of action. Journal of Animal Science (E.Suppl.2):E120-E132.
  • Kung L, Hession AO, 1995. Preventing in vitro lactate accumulation in ruminal fermentations by inoculation with Megasphaera elsdenii. 1995. Journal of Animal Science, 73:250-256.
  • Lee YK, Puong KY, Ouwehand AC, Salminen S, 2003. Displacement of bacterial pathogens from mucus and Caco-2 cell surface by lactobacilli. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 52:925-930.
  • Matsuguchi T, Takagi A, Matsuzaki T, Nagaoka M, Ishikawa K, Yokokura T, 2003. Lipoteichoic acids from Lactobacillus strains elicit strong tumor necrosis factor a-inducing activities in macrophage through toll-like receptor 2. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology, 10:259-266.
  • Newman KE, Jacques KA, 1995. Microbial feed additives for pre-ruminants. Biotechnology in animal feeds and animal feeding. RJ Wallance, A Chesson, (Editor). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Weinheim, Germany. 247 p.
  • Quigley J, 2011. Direct-fed microbials (probiotics) in calf diets. AFIA Publications. health/nahms/dairy/downloads/bamn/BAMN11_Probiotics. pdf (Erişim tarihi: 5 Ocak, 2016).
  • Raeth-Knight ML, Linn JG, Jung HG, 2007. Effect of direct-fed microbials on performance, diet digestibility, and rumen characteristics of Holstein dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 90:1802-1809.
  • Roger, V., G. Fonty, S. Komisarczuk-Bony and P. Gouet. 1990. Effects of physicochemical factors on the adhesion to cellulose avicel of the ruminal bacteria Ruminococcus flavefaciens and Fibrobacter succinogenes subsp. succinogenes. Applied Environmental Microbiology, 56:3081-3087.
  • Salminen S, Isolauri E, Salimen E, 1996. Clinical uses of probiotics for stabilizing the gut mucosal barrier: successful strains and future challenges. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal of Microbiology, 70:347– 358.
  • Seo JK, Kim SW, Kim MH, Upadhaya SD, Kam DK, Ha JK, 2010. Direct-fed microbials for ruminant animals. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Science, 23:1657-1667
  • Swartz DL, Muller LD, Rogers GW, Varga1 GA, 1994. Effect of yeast cultures on performance of lactating dairy cows: A feld study. Journal of Dairy Science, 77: 3073-3080.
  • Weiss WP, Wyatt, DJ, Mc Kelvey TR, 2008. Effect of feeding propionibacteria on milk production by early lactation dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 91:646-652.
  • Yoon IK, Stern MD, 1995. Influence of direct-fed microbials on ruminal microbial fermentation and performance of ruminants: A review. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Science, 8:533–555.

Importance of Direct-Fed Microbials in Ruminant Diets and Modes of Action

Year 2016, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 191 - 197, 30.09.2016


Feed additives which are supplemented into the ruminants’ feed and called Direct-Fed Microbials
inhibit gastrointestinal infections, and have capability for optimizing of microbial content of gastrointestinal track.
In recent years, after the use of antibiotics in the feeds manufactured in EU countries and Turkey has been banned,
DFM are started to added into the feeds on large scale as feed supplement. In this study, historical development of
DFM, microorganisms used as DFM, factors affecting effciency and activity of the DFM as well as action modes
in rumen and intestines were investigated in detail


  • Abu-Tarboush HM, Al-Saiady MY, Keir El-Din AH, 1996. Evaluation of diet containing lactobacilli on performance, fecal coliform, and lactobacilli of young dairy calves. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 57:39–49.
  • Alliance Animal Health, 2009. Direct fed microbial: Application and usage. Technical Bulletin.
  • AllianceAnimalHealth/Tech%20Bulletins/Direct%20Fed%20 Microbials.htm. (Erişim tarihi: 5 Ocak, 2016).
  • Alp M, Kahraman R, 1996. Probiyotiklerin hayvan beslemede kullanılması. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 22:1-8.
  • Anonim, (2016). Tech%20Bulletins/Animal%20Direct%20fed %20microbial. htm (Erişim tarihi: 15 Ocak, 2016).
  • Aydın R, Diler A, Yanar M, Koçyiğit R, Özkılıççı T, 2008. The effect of direct-fed microbials plus enzyme supplement on the growth performance of Holstein Friesian calves. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 7:516-519.
  • Beauchemin KA, Yang WA, Morgavi DP, Ghorbani, GR, Kautz B, 2003. Effects of bacterial direct-fed microbials and yeast on site and extent of digestion, blood chemistry and subclinical ruminal acidosis in feedlot cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 81:1628-1640.
  • Blake KW, Clinton RK, 2012. Direct-fed Microbials and Prebiotics for Animals. Science and Mechanisms of Action. Callaway, TR and Ricke SC (editors). Springer Science Business Media, New York, USA. 148 p.
  • Chaucheyras F, Fonty G, Bertin G, Salmon JM, Gouet P, 1995. Effects of a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Levucell SC), a microbial additive for ruminants, on lactate metabolism in vitro. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 42:927-933.
  • Cotter P D, Hill C, Ross R P, 2005. Bacteriocins: Developing innate immunity for food. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 3:777-788
  • Dicks LMT, Botes, M. 2010. Probiotic lactic acid bacteria in the gastro-intestinal tract: Health benefts, safety and mode of action. Benefcial Microbes, 1:11-29.
  • Diler A, Koçyiğit R, Yanar M, Aydın R, 2015. Effect of feedingdirect-fed microbials plus exogenous feed enzymes on milk yield and milk composition of Holstein Friesian cows. Veterinarija Ir Zootechnika, 65:11-16.
  • Dobrogosz, WJ, Casas IA, Pagano GA, Talarico TL, Sjöberg BM, Karlsson M, 1989. Lactobacillus reuteri and the enteric microbiota. In: The Regulatory and protective role of the normal microflora (Ed. E. Norin). Stockton Press. New York, USA. 283 p.
  • Dutta, TK, Kundu, SS, Kumar, M, 2009. Potential of direct-fedmicrobials on lactation performance in ruminants - A critical review. Livestock Researchfor Rural Development, 21: Article no:160. (Erişim tarihi: 5 Ocak, 2016).
  • Forestier C, Champs C, Vatoux C, Joly B, 2001. Probiotic activities of Lactobacillus casei rhamnosus: in vitro adherence to intestinal cells and antimicrobial properties. Research in Microbiology, 152:167-173.
  • Ghorbani GR, Morgavi DP, Beauchemin KA, Leedle AZ, 2002. Effects of bacterial direct-fed microbials on ruminal fermentation, blood variables and microbial populations of feedlot cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 80:1977-1985.
  • Holzapfel WH, Geisen R, Schillinger U, 1995. Biological preservation of foods with reference to protective cultures, bacteriocins and food-grade enzymes. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 24:343-362.
  • Hutjens MF, 2007. Direct Fed Microbial Products (DFM). http:// pages/11314/direct-fed-microbialproducts-dfm. (Erişim tarihi: 5 Ocak, 2016). Jones GW, Rutter JM, 1972. Role of K88 antigen in the pathogenesis of neonatal diarrhea caused by Escherichia coli in piglets. Infection and Immunity, 6:918-927.
  • Karademir G, Karademir B, 2003. Yem katkı maddesi olarak kullanılan biyoteknolojik ürünler. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 43:61-74.
  • Kocaoğlu B, Kara B, 2009. Ruminant beslemede alternative yem katkı maddelerinin kullanımı:1. Probiyotik, prebiyotik ve enzim. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 6:65- 75.
  • Koçyiğit R, Aydın R, Yanar M, Güler O. Diler A, Tüzemen N, Avcı, M, Özyürek S, Hirik E, Kabakcı D, 2015. Effect of doses of direct-fed microbials plus exogenous fbrolytic enzymes supplementation on growth, feed effciency ratio and fecal consistency index of Brown Swiss and Holstein Friesian calves. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 49:63-69.
  • Krehbiel CR, Rust SR, Zhand G, Gilliand SE, 2003. Bacterial direct-fed microbials in ruminant diets: Performance response and mode of action. Journal of Animal Science (E.Suppl.2):E120-E132.
  • Kung L, Hession AO, 1995. Preventing in vitro lactate accumulation in ruminal fermentations by inoculation with Megasphaera elsdenii. 1995. Journal of Animal Science, 73:250-256.
  • Lee YK, Puong KY, Ouwehand AC, Salminen S, 2003. Displacement of bacterial pathogens from mucus and Caco-2 cell surface by lactobacilli. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 52:925-930.
  • Matsuguchi T, Takagi A, Matsuzaki T, Nagaoka M, Ishikawa K, Yokokura T, 2003. Lipoteichoic acids from Lactobacillus strains elicit strong tumor necrosis factor a-inducing activities in macrophage through toll-like receptor 2. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology, 10:259-266.
  • Newman KE, Jacques KA, 1995. Microbial feed additives for pre-ruminants. Biotechnology in animal feeds and animal feeding. RJ Wallance, A Chesson, (Editor). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Weinheim, Germany. 247 p.
  • Quigley J, 2011. Direct-fed microbials (probiotics) in calf diets. AFIA Publications. health/nahms/dairy/downloads/bamn/BAMN11_Probiotics. pdf (Erişim tarihi: 5 Ocak, 2016).
  • Raeth-Knight ML, Linn JG, Jung HG, 2007. Effect of direct-fed microbials on performance, diet digestibility, and rumen characteristics of Holstein dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 90:1802-1809.
  • Roger, V., G. Fonty, S. Komisarczuk-Bony and P. Gouet. 1990. Effects of physicochemical factors on the adhesion to cellulose avicel of the ruminal bacteria Ruminococcus flavefaciens and Fibrobacter succinogenes subsp. succinogenes. Applied Environmental Microbiology, 56:3081-3087.
  • Salminen S, Isolauri E, Salimen E, 1996. Clinical uses of probiotics for stabilizing the gut mucosal barrier: successful strains and future challenges. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal of Microbiology, 70:347– 358.
  • Seo JK, Kim SW, Kim MH, Upadhaya SD, Kam DK, Ha JK, 2010. Direct-fed microbials for ruminant animals. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Science, 23:1657-1667
  • Swartz DL, Muller LD, Rogers GW, Varga1 GA, 1994. Effect of yeast cultures on performance of lactating dairy cows: A feld study. Journal of Dairy Science, 77: 3073-3080.
  • Weiss WP, Wyatt, DJ, Mc Kelvey TR, 2008. Effect of feeding propionibacteria on milk production by early lactation dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 91:646-652.
  • Yoon IK, Stern MD, 1995. Influence of direct-fed microbials on ruminal microbial fermentation and performance of ruminants: A review. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Science, 8:533–555.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Zootekni / Animal Science

Mete Yanar

Publication Date September 30, 2016
Submission Date March 17, 2016
Acceptance Date April 10, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 6 Issue: 3


APA Yanar, M. (2016). Ruminant Rasyonlarında Doğrudan Yedirilen Mikroorganizmaların Önemi ve Etki Mekanizmaları. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 6(3), 191-197.
AMA Yanar M. Ruminant Rasyonlarında Doğrudan Yedirilen Mikroorganizmaların Önemi ve Etki Mekanizmaları. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. September 2016;6(3):191-197.
Chicago Yanar, Mete. “Ruminant Rasyonlarında Doğrudan Yedirilen Mikroorganizmaların Önemi Ve Etki Mekanizmaları”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 6, no. 3 (September 2016): 191-97.
EndNote Yanar M (September 1, 2016) Ruminant Rasyonlarında Doğrudan Yedirilen Mikroorganizmaların Önemi ve Etki Mekanizmaları. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 6 3 191–197.
IEEE M. Yanar, “Ruminant Rasyonlarında Doğrudan Yedirilen Mikroorganizmaların Önemi ve Etki Mekanizmaları”, J. Inst. Sci. and Tech., vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 191–197, 2016.
ISNAD Yanar, Mete. “Ruminant Rasyonlarında Doğrudan Yedirilen Mikroorganizmaların Önemi Ve Etki Mekanizmaları”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 6/3 (September 2016), 191-197.
JAMA Yanar M. Ruminant Rasyonlarında Doğrudan Yedirilen Mikroorganizmaların Önemi ve Etki Mekanizmaları. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2016;6:191–197.
MLA Yanar, Mete. “Ruminant Rasyonlarında Doğrudan Yedirilen Mikroorganizmaların Önemi Ve Etki Mekanizmaları”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, vol. 6, no. 3, 2016, pp. 191-7.
Vancouver Yanar M. Ruminant Rasyonlarında Doğrudan Yedirilen Mikroorganizmaların Önemi ve Etki Mekanizmaları. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2016;6(3):191-7.