Research Article
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Dormancy and Germination Requirements of Five Species From Brassicaceae

Year 2017, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 21 - 29, 30.06.2017


The germination requirements of fve plant species from Brassicaceae; Thlaspi papillosum Boiss.
& Huet
, Thlaspi lilacinum Boiss., Draba brunifolia ssp. olympica Sibth. ex DC., Aubrieta olympica Boiss., Iberis
Jord., from alpine site on Uludağ Mountain, Turkey, were investigated. The effects of moist chilling (+4 °C)
for 15 and 30 days, and gibberellic acid (GA
3; 250, 500 and 1000 ppm), and combined GA3 and moist chilling
treatments were studied under darkness (20°C) and light (20/10 °C; 12/12 h, light/dark).
T.papillosum seeds were
found as non dormant, but the other four Brassicaceae seeds were found to have physiological dormancy which
can be broken by moist chilling and GA
3 combinations. T. lilacinum and D. bruniifolia seeds, were resulted highest
germination percentage at 1000 ppm GA
3 at darkness with 30 days of moist chilling and GA3 combinations. A.
seeds germinated best at 15 days moist chilling and GA3 combinations at darkness. I. spruneri seed
germination increased at 15 days moist chilling and GA
3 combinations at both darkness and photoperiod conditions.
Interactions among moist chilling and GA
3 were signifcant in I. spruneri and A. olympica seeds, but signifcant
only at darkness in
T. lilacinum, and non-signifcant in D. bruniifolia seeds. Thus, prolonged moist chilling of seeds
combined by GA
3 under photoperiod conditions required to change the dormant status in these species. Our results
suggest that these fve Brassicaceae species, three of them are endemic, have different germination requirements to
escape unfavorable habitat conditions.


  • Arslan H, Güleryüz G, Gökçeoğlu M, Rehder H, 1999. Vegetation mosaic around the Second Center of Tourism Development in the Uludağ Mountain, Bursa, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany, 23: 233-239.
  • Arslan H, Kırmızı S, Güleryüz G,Sakar FS, 2011. Germination requirements of Androsace villosa L. (Primulaceae). Acta Biologica Cracovensia Series Botanica, 53: 32-36.
  • Baskin CC, Baskin JM, 1998. Seeds. Academic Press, London.
  • Baskin CC, Baskin JM, 1989. Role of temperature in regulating timing of germination in soil seed reserves of Thlaspi arvense L. Weed Research 29: 317-326.
  • Baskin CC, Baskin JM, 1986. Temperature requirements for after ripening in seeds of nine winter annuals. Weed Research, 26: 375-380.
  • Baskin JM, Baskin CC, 2004. A classification system for seed dormancy. Seed Science Research, 14: 1-16.
  • Baskin JM, Baskin CC, 1979. Effects of relative humidity on after ripening and viability in seeds of the winter annual Draba verna. Botanical Gazette, 140: 284–287.
  • Baskin JM, Baskin CC, 1970. Germination eco-physiology of Draba verna. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 97: 209–216.
  • Benech-Arnold RL, Enciso S, Sanchez RA, Rodrigues MV, 2002. On the hormonal nature of the stimulatory effect of high incubation temperatures on germination of dormant sorghum (S. bicolor) caryopses. New Phytologist, 160: 371-377.
  • Billings WD, Bliss JM, 1959. An alpine snow bank environment and its effects on vegetation, plant development and productivity. Ecology, 40: 388-397.
  • Bu H, Du G, Chen X, Xu X, Liu K, Wen S, 2008. Community wide germination strategies in alpine meadow on the eastern Qinghai-Tibet plateau: phylogenetic and life history correlates. Plant Ecology, 1: 87-98.
  • Copete MA´, Herranz JM, Ferrandis P, 2009. Seed germination ecology of the endemic Iberian winter annuals Iberis pectinata and Ziziphora aragonensis. Seed Science Research, 19:155–169. Cummings RP, Miller GR, 2000. The role of chilling in the germination of some Scottissh montane species. Botanical Journal of Scotland, 52: 171-185.
  • Dar AR, Reshi Z, Dar GH, 2009. Germination studies on three critically endangered endemic angiosperm species of the Kashmir Himalaya, India. Plant Ecology, 200: 105-115.
  • Davis PH, 1965. Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands. Vol. I., Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. Dorph-Peterson K, 1924. Examinations of the occurrence and vitality of various weed species under different conditions, made at the Danish State Testing Station during the years 1896-1923, 4th International Seed Testing Congress, 124-138.
  • Finch-SavageW, Leubner-Metzger G, 2006. Seed dormancy and the control of germination, New Phytologist, 171: 501–523.
  • Finkhelstein R, Reeves W, Arizumi T, Steber C, 2008. Molecular aspects of seeds dormancy. Annual Reviews of Plant Biology, 59: 387-415.
  • Golmohammadzadeh S, Zaefarian F, Rezvani M, 2015. Effects of some chemical factors prechilling treatments and interactions on the seed dormancy breaking of two Papaver species. Weed Biology and Management, 15:11-19.
  • Grabherr G, Gottfried M, Gruber A, Pauli H, 1995. Pattern and current changes in alpine plant diversity, In: Chapin FS, Körner C, (eds), Arctic and Alpine biodiversity: patterns, causes and ecosystem consequences, Ecological Studies, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer, 167-81.
  • Grime JP, Mason G, Curtis AV, Rodman J, Band SR, Mowforth MAG, Neal AM, Shaw S, 1981. A comparative study of germination characteristics in a local flora. Journal of Ecology, 69: 1017-1059.
  • Grubb PJ, 1977. The maintenance of species-richness in plant communities: the importance of the regeneration niche. Biological Reviews, 52: 107-145. Güleryüz G, 1999. Aubrieta olympica Boiss. (Obrizya) Brassicaceae/Cruciferae (Lahanagiller). The Karaca Arboretum Magazine, 1: 45–48.
  • Güleryüz G, Arslan H, Gökçeoğlu M, Rehder H. 1998. Vegetation mosaic around the first center of tourism development in the Uludağ Mountain, Bursa, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany, 22: 317-326. Güleryüz G, Kırmızı S, Arslan H, Sakar FS, 2011. Dormancy and germination in Stachys germanica L. subsp. bithynica (Boiss.) Bhattacharjee seeds: effects of short-time moist chilling and plant growth regulators. Flora, 206:943-948.
  • Güleryüz G, Malyer H, Kaynak G, Özhatay N, 2005. Uludağ A2 (A) Bursa. In: Özhatay N., Bayfield A, Atay S, (eds), Important Plant Areas in Turkey. WWF Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Harper JL, 1977. Population Biology of Plants, Academic Press, London,
  • Hazerbroek JP, Metzger JD, 1990. Environmental control of seed germination in Thlaspi arvense (Cruciferae). American Journal of Botany, 77: 945-953.
  • Holten JI, 1990. Predicted floristic change and shift of vegetation zones in a coast-inland transect in central Norway. In: Holten JI(ed), Effects of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems NINA Notat, 4: 61-76.
  • Iucn, 2010. Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: Version 8.1. Standards and Petitions Subcommittee of the IUCN Species Survival Commission.
  • Jaganathan GK, Dalrymple S, 2015. Towards an understanding of factors controlling seed bank composition and longevity in the alpine environment. Botanical Reviews, 81:70-103.
  • Karlsson LM, Tamado T, Milberg P, 2008. Inter-species comparison of seed dormancy and germination of six annual Asteraceae weeds in an ecological context. Seed Science Research, 18: 35-45.
  • Kırmızı S, Güleryüz G, Arslan H, 2011. Germination responses to GA3 and short-time chilling of three endemic species: Tripleurospermum pichleri, Cirsium leucopsis and Senecio olympicus (Asteraceae). Plant Species Biology, 26: 51-57.
  • Kırmızı S, Güleryüz G, Arslan H, Sakar FS, 2010. Effects of moist chilling, gibberellic acid, and scarification on seed dormancy in the rare endemic Pedicularis olympica (Scrophulariaceae). Turkish Journal of Botany, 34:225-232.
  • Kjaer A, 1940. Germination of buried and dry stored seeds. Proceedings of the International Seed Testing Association, 12: 167-190.
  • Körner C, 1999. Alpine Plant Life. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 2nd Ed.
  • Maselli S, Pérez-García F, Aguinagalde I, 1999. Evaluation of seed storage conditions and genetic diversity of four crucifers endemic to Spain. Annual Botany, 88: 207-212.
  • Pelton J, 1956. A study of seed dormancy in eighteen species of high altitude Colorado plants. Butler University Botanical Studies, 13: 74-84.
  • Schutz W, Milberg P Lamont BB, 2002. Seed dormancy, after-ripening and light requirements of four annual Asteraceae in south-western Australia. Annual Botany, 90: 707-714.
  • Urbanska KM, 1997. Safe sites interface of plant population ecology and restoration ecology. In: Urbanska KM, Webb NR, Edwards PJ, (eds) Ecology and Sustainable Development, Restoration. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 81-110.
  • Urbanska KM, Schütz M, 1986.Reproduction by seed in alpine plants and vegetation research above timberline. Botanica Helvetica, 96: 43-60.
  • Washitani I, Masuda M, 1990. A comparative study of the germination characteristics of seeds from a moist tall grassland community. Functional Ecology, 4: 543-557.
  • Yamauchi Y, Ogawa N, Kuwahara A, Hanada A, Kamiya Y, Yamaguchi S, 2004. Activation of gibberellin biosynthesis and response pathways by low temperature during imbibitions of Arabidopsis thaliana seeds. Plant Cell, 16: 367-378.

Brassicaceae Familyasından Beş Türde Dormansi ve Çimlenme Gereksinimleri

Year 2017, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 21 - 29, 30.06.2017


Bu çalışmada Uludağ alpin bölgede yetişen Brassicaceae familyasına ait Thlaspi papillosum Boiss. & Huet,
Thlaspi lilacinum
Boiss., Draba brunifolia ssp. olympica Sibth. ex DC., Aubrieta olympica Boiss., Iberis spruneri
Jord. türlerinin çimlenme gereksinimleri araştırıldı. Karanlık (20°C) ve fotoperiyot (20/10 °C; 12/12 h, ışık/
karanlık) koşullarında, nemli soğuklama (15 ve 30 gün, +4 °C) ve gibberellik asit (GA
3; 250, 500 and 1000 ppm) ile
nemli soğuklama ve GA
3 kombinasyonlarının etkileri araştırıldı. T.papillosum tohumlarının dormant olmadığı fakat
diğer dört Brassicaceae
türünün tohumlarının nemli soğuklama ve GA3 kombinasyonları ile kırılabilen fzyolojik
dormansiye sahip oldukları tespit edildi.
T. lilacinum ve D. bruniifolia türlerinde en yüksek çimlenme başarısı
karanlıkta ve
30 gün nemli soğuklama ile 1000 ppm GA3 kombinasyonlarında bulundu. A. olympica tohumları en
yüksek karanlıkta ve 15 gün gün nemli soğuklama ile GA
3 kombinasyonlarında çimlendi. I. spruneri çimlenmesi
karanlık ve fotoperitotta 15 gün gün nemli soğuklama ile GA
3 kombinasyonlarında arttı. I. spruneri ve A. olympica
türlerinde nemli soğuklama ve
GA3 interaksiyonu anlamlı, T. lilacinum türünde sadece karanlıkta anlamlı ve D.
türünde ise anlamsız bulundu. Sonuç olarak üçü endemik olan beş Brassicaceae türünde dormansinin
kırılması için daha uzun süre nemli soğuklamaya veya GA3kombinasyonlarına gerek duyulduğu, bu farklı çimlenme
davranışlarının türlerin
uygun olmayan çevre koşullarından kaçınabilmek için gerekli olduğu belirlenmiştir.


  • Arslan H, Güleryüz G, Gökçeoğlu M, Rehder H, 1999. Vegetation mosaic around the Second Center of Tourism Development in the Uludağ Mountain, Bursa, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany, 23: 233-239.
  • Arslan H, Kırmızı S, Güleryüz G,Sakar FS, 2011. Germination requirements of Androsace villosa L. (Primulaceae). Acta Biologica Cracovensia Series Botanica, 53: 32-36.
  • Baskin CC, Baskin JM, 1998. Seeds. Academic Press, London.
  • Baskin CC, Baskin JM, 1989. Role of temperature in regulating timing of germination in soil seed reserves of Thlaspi arvense L. Weed Research 29: 317-326.
  • Baskin CC, Baskin JM, 1986. Temperature requirements for after ripening in seeds of nine winter annuals. Weed Research, 26: 375-380.
  • Baskin JM, Baskin CC, 2004. A classification system for seed dormancy. Seed Science Research, 14: 1-16.
  • Baskin JM, Baskin CC, 1979. Effects of relative humidity on after ripening and viability in seeds of the winter annual Draba verna. Botanical Gazette, 140: 284–287.
  • Baskin JM, Baskin CC, 1970. Germination eco-physiology of Draba verna. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 97: 209–216.
  • Benech-Arnold RL, Enciso S, Sanchez RA, Rodrigues MV, 2002. On the hormonal nature of the stimulatory effect of high incubation temperatures on germination of dormant sorghum (S. bicolor) caryopses. New Phytologist, 160: 371-377.
  • Billings WD, Bliss JM, 1959. An alpine snow bank environment and its effects on vegetation, plant development and productivity. Ecology, 40: 388-397.
  • Bu H, Du G, Chen X, Xu X, Liu K, Wen S, 2008. Community wide germination strategies in alpine meadow on the eastern Qinghai-Tibet plateau: phylogenetic and life history correlates. Plant Ecology, 1: 87-98.
  • Copete MA´, Herranz JM, Ferrandis P, 2009. Seed germination ecology of the endemic Iberian winter annuals Iberis pectinata and Ziziphora aragonensis. Seed Science Research, 19:155–169. Cummings RP, Miller GR, 2000. The role of chilling in the germination of some Scottissh montane species. Botanical Journal of Scotland, 52: 171-185.
  • Dar AR, Reshi Z, Dar GH, 2009. Germination studies on three critically endangered endemic angiosperm species of the Kashmir Himalaya, India. Plant Ecology, 200: 105-115.
  • Davis PH, 1965. Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands. Vol. I., Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. Dorph-Peterson K, 1924. Examinations of the occurrence and vitality of various weed species under different conditions, made at the Danish State Testing Station during the years 1896-1923, 4th International Seed Testing Congress, 124-138.
  • Finch-SavageW, Leubner-Metzger G, 2006. Seed dormancy and the control of germination, New Phytologist, 171: 501–523.
  • Finkhelstein R, Reeves W, Arizumi T, Steber C, 2008. Molecular aspects of seeds dormancy. Annual Reviews of Plant Biology, 59: 387-415.
  • Golmohammadzadeh S, Zaefarian F, Rezvani M, 2015. Effects of some chemical factors prechilling treatments and interactions on the seed dormancy breaking of two Papaver species. Weed Biology and Management, 15:11-19.
  • Grabherr G, Gottfried M, Gruber A, Pauli H, 1995. Pattern and current changes in alpine plant diversity, In: Chapin FS, Körner C, (eds), Arctic and Alpine biodiversity: patterns, causes and ecosystem consequences, Ecological Studies, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer, 167-81.
  • Grime JP, Mason G, Curtis AV, Rodman J, Band SR, Mowforth MAG, Neal AM, Shaw S, 1981. A comparative study of germination characteristics in a local flora. Journal of Ecology, 69: 1017-1059.
  • Grubb PJ, 1977. The maintenance of species-richness in plant communities: the importance of the regeneration niche. Biological Reviews, 52: 107-145. Güleryüz G, 1999. Aubrieta olympica Boiss. (Obrizya) Brassicaceae/Cruciferae (Lahanagiller). The Karaca Arboretum Magazine, 1: 45–48.
  • Güleryüz G, Arslan H, Gökçeoğlu M, Rehder H. 1998. Vegetation mosaic around the first center of tourism development in the Uludağ Mountain, Bursa, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany, 22: 317-326. Güleryüz G, Kırmızı S, Arslan H, Sakar FS, 2011. Dormancy and germination in Stachys germanica L. subsp. bithynica (Boiss.) Bhattacharjee seeds: effects of short-time moist chilling and plant growth regulators. Flora, 206:943-948.
  • Güleryüz G, Malyer H, Kaynak G, Özhatay N, 2005. Uludağ A2 (A) Bursa. In: Özhatay N., Bayfield A, Atay S, (eds), Important Plant Areas in Turkey. WWF Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Harper JL, 1977. Population Biology of Plants, Academic Press, London,
  • Hazerbroek JP, Metzger JD, 1990. Environmental control of seed germination in Thlaspi arvense (Cruciferae). American Journal of Botany, 77: 945-953.
  • Holten JI, 1990. Predicted floristic change and shift of vegetation zones in a coast-inland transect in central Norway. In: Holten JI(ed), Effects of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems NINA Notat, 4: 61-76.
  • Iucn, 2010. Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: Version 8.1. Standards and Petitions Subcommittee of the IUCN Species Survival Commission.
  • Jaganathan GK, Dalrymple S, 2015. Towards an understanding of factors controlling seed bank composition and longevity in the alpine environment. Botanical Reviews, 81:70-103.
  • Karlsson LM, Tamado T, Milberg P, 2008. Inter-species comparison of seed dormancy and germination of six annual Asteraceae weeds in an ecological context. Seed Science Research, 18: 35-45.
  • Kırmızı S, Güleryüz G, Arslan H, 2011. Germination responses to GA3 and short-time chilling of three endemic species: Tripleurospermum pichleri, Cirsium leucopsis and Senecio olympicus (Asteraceae). Plant Species Biology, 26: 51-57.
  • Kırmızı S, Güleryüz G, Arslan H, Sakar FS, 2010. Effects of moist chilling, gibberellic acid, and scarification on seed dormancy in the rare endemic Pedicularis olympica (Scrophulariaceae). Turkish Journal of Botany, 34:225-232.
  • Kjaer A, 1940. Germination of buried and dry stored seeds. Proceedings of the International Seed Testing Association, 12: 167-190.
  • Körner C, 1999. Alpine Plant Life. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 2nd Ed.
  • Maselli S, Pérez-García F, Aguinagalde I, 1999. Evaluation of seed storage conditions and genetic diversity of four crucifers endemic to Spain. Annual Botany, 88: 207-212.
  • Pelton J, 1956. A study of seed dormancy in eighteen species of high altitude Colorado plants. Butler University Botanical Studies, 13: 74-84.
  • Schutz W, Milberg P Lamont BB, 2002. Seed dormancy, after-ripening and light requirements of four annual Asteraceae in south-western Australia. Annual Botany, 90: 707-714.
  • Urbanska KM, 1997. Safe sites interface of plant population ecology and restoration ecology. In: Urbanska KM, Webb NR, Edwards PJ, (eds) Ecology and Sustainable Development, Restoration. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 81-110.
  • Urbanska KM, Schütz M, 1986.Reproduction by seed in alpine plants and vegetation research above timberline. Botanica Helvetica, 96: 43-60.
  • Washitani I, Masuda M, 1990. A comparative study of the germination characteristics of seeds from a moist tall grassland community. Functional Ecology, 4: 543-557.
  • Yamauchi Y, Ogawa N, Kuwahara A, Hanada A, Kamiya Y, Yamaguchi S, 2004. Activation of gibberellin biosynthesis and response pathways by low temperature during imbibitions of Arabidopsis thaliana seeds. Plant Cell, 16: 367-378.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Bahçe Bitkileri / Horticulture

Serap Kırmızı

Publication Date June 30, 2017
Submission Date August 29, 2016
Acceptance Date May 22, 2008
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Kırmızı, S. (2017). Dormancy and Germination Requirements of Five Species From Brassicaceae. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 7(2), 21-29.
AMA Kırmızı S. Dormancy and Germination Requirements of Five Species From Brassicaceae. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. June 2017;7(2):21-29.
Chicago Kırmızı, Serap. “Dormancy and Germination Requirements of Five Species From Brassicaceae”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 7, no. 2 (June 2017): 21-29.
EndNote Kırmızı S (June 1, 2017) Dormancy and Germination Requirements of Five Species From Brassicaceae. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 7 2 21–29.
IEEE S. Kırmızı, “Dormancy and Germination Requirements of Five Species From Brassicaceae”, J. Inst. Sci. and Tech., vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 21–29, 2017.
ISNAD Kırmızı, Serap. “Dormancy and Germination Requirements of Five Species From Brassicaceae”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 7/2 (June 2017), 21-29.
JAMA Kırmızı S. Dormancy and Germination Requirements of Five Species From Brassicaceae. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2017;7:21–29.
MLA Kırmızı, Serap. “Dormancy and Germination Requirements of Five Species From Brassicaceae”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, vol. 7, no. 2, 2017, pp. 21-29.
Vancouver Kırmızı S. Dormancy and Germination Requirements of Five Species From Brassicaceae. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2017;7(2):21-9.